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Crests were used as marks of honour long before the introduction of Heraldry. The helmets and
crests of the Greek and Trojan warriors are beautifully described by Homer. The German heralds
pay great attention to crests, and depict them as towering to a great height above the helmet.
Knights who were desirous of concealing their rank, or wished particularly to distinguish
themselves either in the battle field or tourney, frequently decorated their helmets with plants or
flowers, chimerical figures, animals, &c.; these badges were also assumed by their descendants. The
difference between crests and badges as heraldic ornaments is, that the former are always placed on
a wreath, in the latter they are attached to the helmet. The scroll is a label or ribbon containing the
motto: it is usually placed beneath the shield and supporters;
Not only were natural and artificial figures used, but the lack of information on Zoology and other
branches of Natural History led to the introduction of fabulous animals, such as dragons, griffins,
harpies, wiverns, &c. A great number of charges, indeed most of them that require explanation, will
be found in the Dictionary of Heraldic Terms, which will prevent the necessity of describing them
more at large in this part of the book.

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