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Part 3: Description Describe a friend that you spend a lot of time with.
I spend a lot of time with my best friend John. I have known him since secondary school,
we were in the same class. We only meet during term breaks because we do not study in the
same city. My university is in London, but he lives in Liverpool. When we are together we
always play a lot of sports like football and tennis. John loves Manchester United and he is a
very good footballer. I prefer tennis, but I'm not as good as my friend. We all love to play
computer games. Our favorite is probably World of Warcraft, which many of my friends also
play. Since we live in a small town, there aren't many places to go, so we usually hang out at the
sports center or the big park near my house. We are both movie fans, so we often go to the
cinema for student discounts. I really like spending time with John, he’s such a nice person and
very friendly. I always have a good time when we are together and he never fails to make me
laugh. In fact, I think he’s the funniest person I know.

Part 4: Discussion Students should not do part-time jobs. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
From my point of view, students should take a part-time job. First of all, working part-
time helps students earn more money to cover everyday needs. They won't have to depend on
their family. This is very good, especially for students have difficult circumstances. Secondly,
working part-time is useful for students' study. It assists them to widen their knowledge and have
good communications skills. For example, students who are studying English should take a part-
time job in some famous places where have many foreigners. Therefore, they can practice
English by being a tour guide. Finally, working part-time helps students have a good preparation
for their future. However, I can't deny that taking a part-time job also has many bad effects such
as studying becomes worse or being tired of working too much... In conclusion, I think students
should take a part-time job but not too much.


Part 3: Description Describe an activity such as a hobby or sport you like doing.

If I get the chance and nothing weird happens, I want to start playing basketball as soon
as possible. It's a sport I really like, and in -5 months, when I finish school, I'll start playing it
regularly. In fact, some of my neighbors already play this game every night at the nearby
basketball court, and I just have to start playing with them. They are close to me and would
certainly welcome me to their team. I will have to buy pants and sneakers and spend some
money to start playing. In fact, the fees are so low that I have no problem starting an event.
Although I often see this game on TV or at our local stadium, I have never played it myself.
Maybe I'm a bit nervous about my performance or technique in this game, that's why I haven't
started the game yet. I was going to start playing in ninth grade, but I couldn't because my family
was moving to a new city. is a game I like because I see it a lot on TV and I'm really excited
about it. My previous two attempts to start playing the game failed, which I think only increased
my interest in the game. I need to get my body in shape and I think it will be a great game. This
is the main reason why I want to start as soon as possible.

Part 4: Discussion Young people should not use Facebook too often. Do you agree or disagree?


Part 3: Description Describe a TV programme that you like

One TV show I found interesting was an American show called How I Met Your Mother
that aired every Sunday last summer. This is a comic series of 9 series, each series contains about
2 episodes. I watched all the episodes and found them entertaining. The series follows
protagonist Ted as he tells his son and daughter about the moment he met and married their
mother. What is special is that all the events that Ted went through with his best friends before
he met his wife are told in a very funny way. For example, in one episode, Ted described his date
with a friend whose name he had forgotten, so Ted and the other characters had to keep calling
her “Blah-blah”. This show made me laugh a lot because of the weird humor and natural acting
of the characters. For now, when I get nervous, I restart the series so I can stop and have a good

Part 4: Discussion People should not do shopping online. Do you agree or disagree? Why?


Part 3: Description Describe one of your favourite places to visit.

My country Vietnam is a tropical country and there is a lot to see. There are many
beautiful and fresh beaches. Previously, I had time to work in Danang, which according to
Forbes magazine is one of the most luxurious beaches in the world. Danang is among the twenty
cleanest cities in the world. the most lively city in Vietnam. I like to go there in the summer, it
makes me relax and happy after work. Amazing white sand beach and pristine nature view with
transparent sea, you can swim early in the morning. a wonderful beach with white sand and
untouched natural landscape with a transparent sea, I can swim early in the morning. The street
has special delicious seafood and traditional Vietnamese food; it was a wonderful day with my
colleagues over lunch and exploring the limestone caves and Buddhist caves of the Marble
Mountains. In the evening, Danang at night is also a must, I can see many beautiful bridges with
many colorful flashing lights turning the river in the dark.

Part 4: Discussion Students should have their own email address. Do you agree or disagree?


Part 3: Description Describe a subject at university that you like most
English is my favourite subject, because I have never faced any problem to achieve good
marks. My teacher Mrs. Thuy helps me a lot to improve my grammar. Earlier, English subject
was not my favourite, but once I failed in this subject. I got depressed, but my mother as well as
my teacher boost my confidence and help me a lot. Today I feel English is such a wonderful
subject, if you can speak and understand English then you can sustain in any part of the
countries. I feel like lady, whenever I speak in English. One way you can improve your
vocabulary, by reading hell lot of good books. I help my friends when they stuck to any
difficulty. Nowadays I search for good English Novel to read and improve my language. Really
English subject is an easy subject, if you have interest in reading and improving.
Part 4: Discussion Students should not use mobile phones at school. Do you agree or disagree?

People have different opinions about the use of cell phones in school. I completely agree
that it should be banned for several reasons. One of the most obvious reasons is that cell phones
can distract students. Many modern smartphones can integrate various entertainment and social
networking applications. When mobile phones are allowed in schools, students are encouraged to
play online games, chat and use social platforms such as Insta, Face and Twitter in class. As a
result, they become passively addicted to mobile phones, which leads to their worst performance
in school. In addition, the use of cell phones in school creates peer pressure among students. In
the long run, they may lose self-esteem and become isolated in the classroom. Another problem
with the use of cell phones is that they allow students to cheat in exams. In fact, due to the
proliferation of cell phones in schools, many students are lazy and rely on the support of these
devices. For example, in the 2020 Vietnam university entrance exam, it was found that many
candidates asked for help on their smartphones or searched for an answer on Google. As such, it
can harm students' careers and equity in key exams. All in all, I think the use of mobile phones in
schools should be banned, as it will probably raise difficult questions.


Part 3: Description Describe a memorable holiday that you had.
In the summer of 2016 I visited Indonesia. At first I traveled with my friends, but then I
went on a sailing trip on my own. The ship sailed from Lombok to a place called Komodo
National Park, famous for being home to the Komodo dragon, an amazing type of lizard. We
sailed for four days and four nights in rough seas, but it was a wonderful trip. During the day
you can relax and watch the islands go by, and at night you can see an incredible number of
stars. Sometimes the boat stops and we can swim or snorkel. I swam with manta rays, dolphins,
giant moray eels and many other fish. Sometimes you can hike to remote islands and climb to the
top to enjoy the breathtaking views. It was an unforgettable experience for me because of the
exotic wildlife, the great views and the feeling of being at sea at night under the stars.

Part 4: Discussion Students should not spend much time on playing game. Do you agree or
disagree? Why?
Nowadays, computers game is famous by every teenagers in the world. It is believed that
students had not better waste time playing computer games. There are tons of undeniable reasons
for this, especially, games online. Many people think that games online damages teenager but the
others think it helps them to develop. First of all, playing computer games have negative effects
on our health, looking at the PC's screen many hours may hurt our eyes a lot. Moreover, staying
at home make us sick and tired because of not having enough oxygen for breathing. In addition,
spending too much time on these things, game-players can't do sports activities which is very
important, especially for students who at puberty. So we should not play the computer any more.


Part 3: Description Describe your favourite means of transport.
There are many means of transportation in my country. City dwellers usually have their
own car or use public transport, while in the countryside they move around with bicycles and
tractors. People in this world use the means of transportation that suits them. The mentioned
means of transport are used to travel in the country, and from one country to another by plane.
My favorite means of transport is a car. I got this car when I was 19 years old. At first I took the
bus, but after I got a car, my life became easier and I felt that a car was more of a necessity than
a luxury. First I took the bus and never reached my destination on time. There was a day when I
missed the bus and because of that I also missed the exam, so I got zero in the exam. I believe
that using a car allows a person to arrive on time and it also protects a person from bad weather.
There are also disadvantages to using a car, because maintaining a car is very expensive, and in
addition, a person has to pay maintenance costs. Cars also cause pollution and traffic
congestion. I still feel that the advantages of owning a car outweigh the disadvantages and more
and more people in this world are trying to get their own car.

Part 4: Discussion Students should be required to wear uniforms. Do you agree or disagree?

I strongly agree that children should wear school uniforms because school uniforms are
very important for all children to be equal in school, children should also learn to dress smartly
and be disciplined. The main reason why I agree with this statement is that school uniform
means equality for all school children, all children wear the same, so there is no difference
between rich and poor. For example, if there was no school uniform, some children may come
to school in new or fancy clothes and others in old clothes, this has a bad effect on children with
old clothes, causing low self-esteem. respect and they may refuse to come to school. The school
uniform is also very important in the school uniform and it gives children a sense of
responsibility to the school. In addition, children learn to dress smartly, and when dressed with
the school logo, it is very easy to understand which child belongs to which school. School
uniform is also very important for parents financially, they save money. For example, instead of
buying several clothes for school during the year, a uniform is bought and stuck to. In
conclusion, I completely agree that children should wear school uniforms, it is very important for
children's equality and behavior in school and financially for parents.


Part 3: Description Describe your hometown.
Victoria is my hometown. It is a province located in the western part of our country. This
is a small county with a population of just over a million people. It offers breathtaking panoramic
views of rolling mountains and green lakes. However, due to economic growth, some
companies, especially in the sugarcane industry, are investing in my hometown, which makes it
very promising. I lived there for about 15 years before my family moved to the santa City. It's
been more than ten years since I left my hometown. Yes, I love my hometown! I love the
hospitality of the people in my hometown. Everyone is willing to lend a helping hand to others
when they need it. Personally, I find it a bit boring because as a small town, there are no
shopping malls or other forms of entertainment. The streets are not very lively either. However,
I think it will improve day by day and become a potential hot spot with more tourists every year.
Honestly, I would like to be able to visit my family and friends there, but settling down is not
part of my plan. Now I am learning about city life because there are more job opportunities here.
in fact yes It has changed a lot. About 20 years ago, you could hardly find tall buildings in my
area, but now you can easily see skyscrapers and towers. I want to improve the infrastructure to
avoid rush hour traffic jams

Part 4: Discussion Homework isn’t necessary for students. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Nowadays there are many changes and improvements in teaching methods. Some say that
homework should be eliminated, while others say that it is important to assign homework to
students. In my opinion, there are different opinions about the importance of homework in
teaching. These depend on the type of subjects at the center and the students' learning situation.
First, there are many subjects in which homework is very important, such as mathematics or
literature. These subjects require students to have better writing skills. Therefore, by giving
students more homework, teachers can train them effectively. They have to spend more time
studying, so they remember their lessons better because people think that "practice makes
perfect". Students also have changes to improve their skills and enrich their knowledge. Also,
students become more responsible when they try to complete assignments on time. They can
make their own plans and follow their own discipline. On the other hand, too much homework
can stress students out and make them feel stressed. They take a lot of time to exercise and have
little free time to relax. If this narrative continues, it can affect the physical and mental health of
students as they do not recover from long hours at school. In addition, students are encouraged to
develop their study skills, and many schools are improving their curricula to make them more
practical and practical. For this reason, some argue that the value of the curriculum is reduced. In
conclusion, I think we need to find a solution that balances the workload and decides which
topics require homework. If we can have better teaching methods, students will reach their full


Part 3: Description Describe a teacher whom you impressed most.

I met Mr. John Markus, a great teacher and mentor, in my high school when I studied in
Binh Han School. With his support and suggestions, I have overcome many obstacles in my life -
both academic and personal. So I am very grateful to him. Without his guidance, I would not
have achieved this task today. John Markus was a general science teacher at our school. He was
an excellent teacher and had unusual but effective teaching methods. He hardly used books or
other teaching materials to teach in the classroom, but he explained the lessons so beautifully and
simply that we all understood. Interestingly, he knew all our names, which was a great mystery
to me. He was special because he knew how to teach students in such a way that they
understood the subject and could relate the lesson to real events and examples. Markus also
supported his students in personal matters and guided them as his own children. In addition, he
maintained contact with the children's parents. As a result, he became a popular figure in the
parent community as well.

This teacher greatly influenced my education. He inspired me to study hard and taught
me the importance of education not only for career but also for life enlightenment. When I faced
him in trouble, he guided me to find a way out. So I always admired him and still do.

Part 4: Discussion Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Do you agree or disagree?


Part 3: Description Describe a famous person you like or admire.

Well, for this assignment, I want to talk about Bill Gates. He was a prominent computer
programmer who created Microsoft and Windows operating systems. The first time I saw Bill
Gates on TV was in 2001. He was talking about Windows XP, which was released that year. I
remember thinking he was the richest man in the world, but you'd never know it by looking at
him. He is like a typical computer programmer. I like Bill Gates because he is responsible for
bringing computers to millions of homes around the world with his Windows operating system.
This makes computers more affordable and affordable for many families. I also love him because
he was the youngest billionaire in the world at the time. If he can do this, I think I can do it too.
In the end I like him because he is very generous and uses his money to help people. He gave a
lot of money to charity and I think he plans to give most of it away eventually. I think it's a great
idea and I hope it shows other rich and powerful people that they should help others too.

Part 4: Discussion Fastfood is bad for your health. Do you agree or disagree? Why?(10+20)
Fast food all over the world has become a part of human life, interfering with our daily
life and appetite. For the same reason, I also believe that the next few paragraphs will illustrate
my point with relevant examples. First of all, the younger generation is mostly fascinated by the
consumption of packaged foods. Also, people are so intoxicated by the taste of pizza and
hamburgers that they are not aware of the negative health effects. Thus, it can be seen that
individuals are now exposed to harmful diseases like cancer, blood pressure, diabetes, etc. For
example, according to recent research, many people are at risk of developing diabetes or vitamin
deficiencies from an early age due to the consumption of processed foods. A sedentary lifestyle
and lack of physical activity fuel the fires when we eat junk food. Most of the time, due to busy
schedules and lack of time, the masses resorted to takeaways, which made them gain weight.
Because a person who works more than 9 hours a day does not have time to exercise. As a result,
they become lethargic and stagnant, and tend to develop obesity in the long term. For example,
teenagers are prone to these diseases due to the consumption of these junk foods. In short,
excessive intake of packaged foods has significant adverse effects that will undoubtedly prevent
the average person from leading a happy and healthy life.

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