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Looh at the pictures tarefully und write a compvsit:zon of at least 100

words. Thu may make use of the following poims:

ffi Where the girl was going

ffi How she realised that a dog was approaching her
ffi What happened when she started to run
ffi What happened to her when the dog finally caught up with her

Before you begin, construct a mind map to help you plan your story.

0 - :rimary 3 English Compositions

It was late afternoon when Jaime was dismisse j from her band
practice. Exhausted from the day's activities, Jaime tr ed to walk home
quickly, but somehow, her feet were heavy and she V1 alked slowly like
a snail.

"Perhaps I should take the shortcut. I'll be able to re ch home earlier,"

Jaime thought. Jaime's mother had warned her abOL the shortcut as
the lane was deserted. However, Jaime was too tire ~ to think of any
potential danger ahead.

Suddenly, she heard a bell ringing behind her. St e turned around

and came face to face with a dog. It was running tow rds her! Jaime's
face turned as white as a sheet. She picked up he feet and ran as
fast as she could, but the dog was close behind.

In her panic, Jaime did not watch her way and enc~ed up in a dead
end. Panting breathlessly, she shut her eyes and pray ~d for help as the
running dog approached her. To her surprise, instead of sinking its
teeth into her feet, Jaime found the dog sniffing at t:ler. She realised
that the dog was trying to be friend ly! Jaime gave it a ood pat and was
pleasantly surprised when it followed her home.

Back home, Jaime recounted her encounter to her mother. Her

mother allowed her to keep the dog as her pet but m de her promise
to avoid the shortcut next time.

A Frighte g Experien~

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