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To investigate the factors that contribute to mathematical ability in elementary school

students, researchers selected participants with varying ability levels (very capable,
capable, average, and less capable). Can you explain the main goal of this research and
how the researchers ensured the participants represented this range of mathematical

Untuk menyelidiki faktor-faktor apa yang berkontribusi pada kemampuan matematika

siswa sekolah dasar, peneliti memilih peserta dengan berbagai tingkat kemampuan
(sangat berbakat, berbakat, rata-rata, dan kurang berbakat). Dapatkah Anda menjelaskan
tujuan utama penelitian ini dan bagaimana peneliti memastikan para peserta tersebut
mewakili tingkat kemampuan yang beragam?

Question: What is the main goal of the research described in the passage?

Answer: The research aims to understand the structure of mathematical abilities in

schoolchildren. This involves identifying the psychological characteristics that
differentiate students with varying levels of mathematical ability (very capable, capable,
average, and less capable).

Researchers carefully selected participants to represent a wide range of

mathematical abilities. They used a two-step process:

1. Teacher Recommendations: Teachers identified students based on their success (or

lack thereof) in mathematics.

2. Researcher Assessment: Researchers further evaluated students to confirm relative

inability despite effort. Additionally, a group of very capable students who excelled only
in mathematics was included.

This selection process ensured that the participants represented the full
spectrum of mathematical abilities, from very capable to less capable.

By studying these students, researchers hope to gain insights into the

psychological factors that underlie mathematical ability. This information could
then be used to develop more effective teaching methods and interventions to
help all students reach their full mathematical potential.

That's all from me, perhaps there are additional points from other friends.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami struktur kemampuan matematika pada anak
sekolah. Ini melibatkan mengidentifikasi karakteristik psikologis yang membedakan
siswa dengan berbagai tingkat kemampuan matematika (sangat mampu, mampu, rata-
rata, dan kurang mampu) (very capable, capable, average, and less capable).

. Peneliti dengan hati-hati memilih partisipan untuk mewakili berbagai tingkat

kemampuan matematika. Mereka menggunakan proses dua langkah:

1. Rekomendasi Guru/ Teacher Recommendations: Teachers identified students

based on their success (or lack thereof) in mathematics.

Guru mengidentifikasi siswa berdasarkan keberhasilan (atau kegagalan) mereka dalam

2. Evaluasi Peneliti/ Researcher Assessment: Peneliti kemudian mengevaluasi lebih lanjut
siswa untuk mengonfirmasi ketidakmampuan relatif meskipun telah berusaha. Selain itu,
sebuah kelompok siswa yang sangat mampu dan unggul hanya dalam matematika juga
Proses seleksi ini memastikan bahwa partisipan mewakili spektrum penuh kemampuan
matematika, dari sangat mampu hingga kurang mampu. Dengan mempelajari siswa-
siswa ini, para peneliti berharap dapat memperoleh wawasan tentang faktor-faktor
psikologis yang mendasari kemampuan matematika. Informasi ini kemudian dapat
digunakan untuk mengembangkan metode pengajaran dan intervensi yang lebih efektif
untuk membantu semua siswa mencapai potensi matematika penuh mereka
"Alright, I will try to add Mr. Sabil's answer."

To reveal the thinking process of students, researchers utilized several techniques designed to
gain deeper insights into how students solve mathematical problems. Here are some of the
techniques used:

1. Thinking Aloud: Students were asked to verbally articulate their thoughts and strategies as they
worked through mathematical problems. By sharing their thoughts verbally, researchers could
gain direct insight into the students' thinking process.
2. Careful Instructions: Researchers provided clear instructions to students about what was
expected of them when they were thinking aloud. This included asking them to explain each step
or decision they made while solving problems.
3. Direct Observation: In addition to asking students to talk about their thinking, researchers also
directly observed the behaviors and physical actions of students as they worked on problems.
These observations could provide additional insights into students' thinking processes.
4. Avoiding Leading Questions: Researchers were careful not to use leading questions that could
influence students' thinking processes. They ensured that the instructions and questions they
provided were neutral and did not lead to specific answers.

By using a combination of these techniques, researchers were able to gain a deep understanding
of students' thinking processes as they solved mathematical problems. This allowed them to
identify common patterns in students' approaches to problems and understand how students
creatively tackled mathematical tasks.

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