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"Decoding Signs and Symbols" activity based on

Umberto Eco's "The Name of the Rose"

Name: Vargas González Itzel

Date: 17/03/24

Instructions: Please answer the following questions based on your understanding of the concepts of semiotics, symbols, and
codes in "The Name of the Rose" by Umberto Eco.

1.Semiotics Understanding: Define what a "sign" is and provide an example from "The Name of
the Rose."

A sign is something that represents or communicates something to someone in a particular

context. "The sign" can be an object or phenomenon that directly represents something else. In
the movie, a sign could be a Latin inscription indicating the location of a secret passage in the

2.Symbolism in the Movie: Identify one symbol from the movie and explain its significance. How
does Eco use this symbol to convey deeper meaning?

An important symbol in the movie is the library maze, representing the search for knowledge and
truth. This symbol reflects the complexity and danger associated with discovering hidden
wisdom. Another example would be the mirror used as a symbol of reflection and self-awareness.
It represents the characters' ability to look at themselves and their own weaknesses and fears.

3.Sign vs. Symbol: Differentiate between a "sign" and a "symbol" using examples from the story.

A "sign" is an object or phenomenon that directly represents something else, while a "symbol" is
an object or phenomenon that represents something beyond itself and has a conventionally
accepted meaning. For example, in the movie, a closed door can be a sign of exclusion, or an
inscription in Latin indicating the location of a secret passage, while a labyrinth can be a symbol
of the complexity of knowledge.

4.Analysis of a Passage: Describe a passage from "The Name of the Rose" where Eco uses signs
or symbols to convey a message. What is the message, and how does the does the use of signs or
symbols enhance the meaning?

In a relevant scene from "The Name of the Rose," Eco describes the library as a maze of
knowledge, where monks get lost in search of truth. The message is that knowledge can be both
liberating and dangerous, and the use of symbols like the maze helps emphasize this duality and
deepen the meaning.

5.The Importance of Codes: Discuss the role of codes in the movie. How do they contribute to
the plot and themes?

Codes play a crucial role in the movie's plot, as the characters try to decipher the riddles left by
the ancient monks. Guillermo carefully examines the old manuscripts present in the abbey,
interpreting both the written texts and the details of the visuals like drawings and calligraphy as
signs that can reveal hidden clues about the crimes and their motivations. In addition to analyzing
texts and physical objects, Guillermo also uses semiotics to interpret the behavior of the people
he encounters in the abbey. He observes gestures, facial expressions, tone of voice, and other
non-verbal signals to understand the emotions and motivations of the characters, providing him
valuable information about their potential involvement in the crimes. Guillermo understands that
signs and symbols must be interpreted within their historical and cultural context to be fully

6.Creating Your Code: Explain the process of creating your own coded message or symbol
system. What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?

The process of creating your own code involves selecting symbols and assigning them specific
meanings. It also involves developing rules for its use, such as separating each word with a plus
sign (+). In this case, it can be deciphered since each letter of the alphabet will be a multiple of
three starting with z = 0, y = 3… a = 75.

Encoded message 6336+6342+363339722463+6663+4275+24332175

Challenges may include ensuring that the code is complex enough to be secure, but simple
enough to be understood by recipients.

7.Decoding Challenge:Describe the coded message you received from another group. How did
you approach decoding it? What strategies did you use? r

Runic symbols

ᛋᚢᚾ ᛗᚨᚾ ᛏᚱᛁ:

"Sun man tree.”

When deciphering a coded message, it's important to look for patterns and clues that can reveal
its meaning. Common strategies include frequency analysis, searching for keywords, and
comparing with known codes. In this case, there are runic symbols that are very similar to our
alphabet, even identical. By recognizing these similarities and translating the runic symbols into
their corresponding letters, I was able to decipher the message.
8.Connections to Eco's Theories: How do Umberto Eco's theories of semiotics help in
understanding the signs, symbols, and codes in "The Name of the Rose"? Provide examples to
support your answer.

By providing us with a conceptual framework to analyze how meanings are communicated

through different forms and mediums, semiotics allows us to interpret the visual, linguistic, and
cultural elements present in the novel as signs that convey deeper messages.

For example, Eco uses semiotics to analyze the use of religious symbols in the work. The
presence of religious images, such as crucifixes and statues of saints, not only serves as
decoration but also communicates ideas about faith, morality, and power within the abbey. These
symbols have specific meanings within the context of the Catholic Church and can be interpreted
as visual representations of abstract concepts such as sin, redemption, and salvation.

9.Real-world Applications: Think of examples of signs, symbols, or codes in your daily life (e.g.,
advertisements, logos, social media). How do they influence your understanding or actions?

Signs, symbols, and codes in our daily lives have a significant impact on our understanding of the
world around us and on our decisions and actions. By recognizing and understanding how these
elements work, we can be more aware of how they affect us and make more informed decisions.

Social media is filled with signs and symbols that affect our understanding and actions. For
example, "likes" on social media posts act as symbols of social approval. Seeing a high number
of "likes" on a post can influence our perception of its popularity and relevance, and it can
motivate us to engage with that post in a similar way.

10.Reflection: Reflect on how this activity deepened your understanding of semiotics and its
applications in literature and beyond. What insights did you gain from analyzing signs and
symbols in "The Name of the Rose"?

This activity allowed me to have a deeper understanding of semiotics and its application in
literature and other artistic works. It made me aware of the power of signs and symbols to
convey meaning in a subtle and complex way, and it taught me to analyze more closely how they
are used in artistic works like "The Name of the Rose."

Eco uses a variety of signs and symbols, such as the architectural elements of the abbey, the
ancient manuscripts, and the gestures and expressions of the characters, to construct a plot full
of mystery. Through semiotic analysis, I have been able to identify how these signs and symbols
not only contribute to the development of the plot but also offer clues about deeper themes,
such as the nature of knowledge, power, corruption, etc.

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