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Practice Set – 6

All Questions Based on UGEE Exam 2021

(If you encounter any errors or typos in these questions, use your understanding of the
concepts to interpret them correctly.)

1. Source: Questions and chapters/topics in this PDF are based on the UGEE 2021 exam, provided by
friends who appeared in the exam and are currently at IIIT-H. It's not guaranteed to be 100% accurate, but
most questions likely come from these topics.
2. Learning Strategy:
• Active Learning: Write down every concept in a notebook.
• Revision: Revise all concepts for the next 2-3 days.
• Self-Assessment: Identify your weaknesses in each topic/chapter.

3. Practice: Attempt all questions in the PDF and ensure you understand every concept.
Don't ignore any questions.

4. Appreciation: Acknowledge the effort put into making this practice set.

➢ Telegram Group: Consider joining the Telegram group mentioned (optional).

➢ Practice Set Schedule: Be aware that you might not receive daily practice sets for the next 21
days due to the creator's academic workload and family reasons. However, they'll try their best to
share practice sets based on previous years' question papers whenever possible.

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1. 🔬 The Curious Case of the Triple-Nozzle Nitrogen Machine 🔬
Imagine you’re in a lab with Professor N. Ventor, who’s just unveiled his latest
creation: a machine with three mysterious nozzles. 🧪
• Nozzle 1: Sucks in nitrogen from the air.
• Nozzle 2: Blows out chilly nitrogen, cold enough to make an ice cube jealous.
• Nozzle 3: Releases nitrogen that’s hotter than a summer day in the desert.
Now, the question is: Can this fantastical machine really exist according to the laws
of thermodynamics?
Let’s think about it. Thermodynamics is like the rulebook of energy and temperature.
It tells us what we can and cannot do when playing with heat.
Here are your options:
1. Yes, because energy can be created from nothing.
2. Yes, if the machine adds or removes energy to change the temperature.
3. No, because nitrogen can’t be hot or cold.
4. No, because the machine would break the law of conservation of energy.
5. Yes, if it’s powered by magic.

2. 🔍 The Electron’s Cosmic Dance in Hydrogen! 🔬

Let’s embark on a quantum adventure to the heart of a hydrogen atom! 🌌
Picture this: In the mystical atom, an electron pirouettes around the nucleus like a
cosmic ballet dancer. 🌟
Now, how many times does this tiny dancer complete her twirls in just one second?
🕺💫 Our options await:
(a) 1: Nah, that’s too slow. Our electron is a speedster!
(b) 1000: Getting warmer, but still not quite there.
(c) 10^17: Bingo! The electron waltzes around 10^17 times per second! 🎶
(d) 109: Not quite the right rhythm. e) None of the above: Sorry, the cosmic dance
floor disagrees.

3. 🌟 The Noble Gas Quest: Atomic Numbers Unveiled! 🌟

Let’s embark on a cosmic journey through the periodic galaxy! Our mission: to
discover the atomic numbers of the first three noble gases. 🚀
Noble gases, those celestial elements that shimmer with elegance, include:
1. Helium (He): The lightest noble gas, like a cosmic balloon. 🎈
2. Neon (Ne): Neon signs in the cosmic cityscape. 🌆
3. Argon (Ar): The mysterious gas that guards the noble realm. 🔮
Now, let’s unveil their atomic numbers:
• Helium (He): Atomic number 2—the cosmic duo! 🌠
• Neon (Ne): Atomic number 10—the neon lights of the periodic street. ✨
• Argon (Ar): Atomic number 18—the guardian of the noble castle. 🏰
• So, which option holds the key to our noble quest?
(a.) 3, 15, 27 (b.) 4, 16, 27 (c.) 3, 15, 36
(d.) 4, 15, 27 (e.) None of the above
4. 🌟 The Quantum Quest: Energy Levels and Cosmic Connections! 🌌
In the cosmic dance of atoms, we encounter a mysterious ionized traveler. 🚀 This
lone wanderer seeks an energy level that mirrors the very heartbeat of a hydrogen
atom—the ground state energy. Let’s decode this celestial riddle!
Our contenders:
(a.) Energy Level 2: The cosmic elevator to the second floor.
(b.) Energy Level 3: The trinity of quantum steps.
(c.) Energy Level 4: The mystical gateway to deeper realms.
(d.) No such energy level: A cosmic dead end.
(e.) None of the above: The elusive whisper of the void.

5. 🏰 The Tale of Metal Might and Stone Strength 🏰

In the land of Materialia, there’s a long-standing debate: Why are the mighty metal
armors of the knights stronger than the ancient stone walls of the castle?
Let’s explore the theories:
(a.) The Bond of Brotherhood: Just like knights who are stronger when they stand
together, bonds in metals are mightier than in stones.
(b.) The Atom Arena: Imagine atoms as warriors. Some say metal atoms are the
strongest fighters, stronger than those in rocks.
(c.) The Closely-Knit Clan: In metals, atoms are like a tight-knit family, huddled close
and supporting each other, making them stronger than the loosely connected stone
(d.) The Creator’s Wish: A mystical belief that the creator of Materialia simply
wished metals to be the champions of strength.
(e.) The Whisper of the Unknown: Some believe none of these tales tell the true

6. In the vibrant world of Chemistryland, there’s a magical creature known as

the pHoenix Indicator. This feathery friend changes colors from red to blue,
depending on the acidity of its environment.
Now, the pHoenix Indicator has a secret number called Kin, which in this case is 3 x
10^5. This number helps it decide when to switch colors.
Here’s the puzzle:
• The pHoenix wants to go from being 90% red to 90% blue.
• But to do so, the land of Chemistryland must undergo a change in pH.

So, by how much does the pH need to change for our pHoenix to complete its
colorful transformation?
7. Why does a balloon filled with hydrogen gas float up when you let go, while a
solid ball drops to the ground? Think of it like a dance: one partner floats gracefully
upwards, and the other takes a quick dive. What’s the secret move that makes them
behave so differently?
(a) The hydrogen balloon twirls and wobbles in the air, but the solid ball doesn’t
dance at all
(b) The ball is heavier in the dance of density compared to the light-footed balloon
(c) The balloon feels an upward push, while the ball is pulled down by an invisible
(d) Actually, this dance move is just a myth; it doesn’t really happen
(e) None of these explanations fit the dance steps

Which one do you think explains their unique dance in the sky? 🎈🏀

Some Important Topic/Chapters for REAP

➢ Must Read NCERT Basic Concept of Chemical Kinetic & Equilibrium.

➢ Easy Concept Based Question from Electronic Configuration so Just Clear Basic.
➢ Direct Concept Based from NCERT - Chemical Kinetic & Equilibrium**
1. 🏭 Welcome to Profitville Factory! 🏭
In Profitville, we produce two special gadgets: X-Gadget and Y-Gadget. The X-
Gadget is a bit more complex and sells for ₹7, while the Y-Gadget is simpler and
goes for ₹4.
Here’s what it takes to make them:
• X-Gadget: Needs 3 hours on both the Cutting Machine (A) and the Welding
Machine (B).
• Y-Gadget: Takes 2 hours on the Cutting Machine (A) and 1 hour on the
Welding Machine (B).
But there’s a catch! The Cutting Machine (A) can only be used for 12 hours a day,
and the Welding Machine (B) for 8 hours.
As the boss, your mission is to make as much money as possible by deciding how
many of each gadget to produce. Let’s call the number of X-Gadgets 𝜶 and Y-
Gadgets ẞ.

2. 🏭 Welcome to Profitville Factory! 🏭

In Profitville, we’re all about making cool gadgets. 🛠️ Today, we’ve got a special one:
the Super Gizmo! It’s sleek, shiny, and everyone wants one. 😎
Here’s the deal:
• The market value of each Super Gizmo is ₹110.
• But wait, there’s a twist! Making these gizmos isn’t free. Our production cost
follows a funky function: f(x) = x² + 60x, where x is the number of Super
Gizmos we produce.
Now, let’s crunch some numbers! Our factory can churn out a maximum of 30
units per day. But how many should we make to maximize our profit? 💰

3. The Tale of Mr. Wise and the Investment Puzzle

Once upon a time in the land of Financeville, there lived a shrewd gentleman named Mr.
Wise. He had just secured a treasure chest of ₹5 lakhs from the Royal Bank, at a modest
interest rate of 5%.
Now, Mr. Wise had two choices to grow his treasure:
• Company A, a daring sea venture promising a return of 12%.
• Company B, a steady caravan trade with a return of 8%.
Mr. Wise’s goal was to earn an additional ₹25,000 from his investments while navigating the
seas of risk with the skill of a seasoned captain.
Here’s how Mr. Wise thought about his dilemma:
• If he invested ₹x in Company A, his profit would be 0.12x.
• The rest, ₹(5,00,000 - x), would go to Company B, yielding a profit of 0.08(5,00,000 -
To find the treasure map to success, he penned down the following formula:
After some calculations with his trusty abacus, Mr. Wise discovered that investing ₹3,75,000
in Company A would lead him to his desired profit with the least amount of risk.
Now, dear friend, if you were to choose from the options below, which would be the correct
amount to invest in Company A?
1. ₹2,50,000
2. ₹3,00,000
3. ₹3,75,000 (The Correct Treasure)
4. ₹4,00,000
5. ₹4,50,000
Choose wisely, for the seas of investment are both bountiful and treacherous!

4. 🔍 The Mysterious Animal Disease Equation! 🔍

In the mystical forest of Zooville, there exists a rare breed of animals. These
creatures are afflicted with a peculiar disease—one that spreads like wildfire when
they huddle together. 🦠
Let’s break it down:
1. Initial Scenario:
o We start with 20 animals in a cozy shed.
o Among them, some are already affected by the disease, while others
remain healthy.
2. The Disease Spreads:
o When an affected animal comes into contact with a healthy one, the
disease transfers.
o The number of newly affected animals is the product of the previously
affected and the newly affected animals.
3. Our Quest:
o We want to find a relationship that tells us how many animals will be
affected over time t.
Now, let’s unveil the magical equation:
• Number of Affected Animals (y):
o As time passes, the number of affected animals grows.
o We’ll express it as a function of time:
▪ y = 20(1 + ae^(-bt))
But wait, what do these mysterious symbols mean?
• a and b:
o These are our secret parameters.
o a controls the initial rate of spread.
o b determines how quickly the disease slows down.
And now, the moment of truth! Which option holds the key to our equation?
(a.) y = 20(1 + ae^(-bt)) (b.) y = 20/(ae^(-bt))
(c.) y = 20/(1 + ae^(-bt)) (d.) y = 20(1 - ae^(-bt))
(e.) None of the above
5. 🎲 The Function Fiesta: One-One vs. Onto! 🎉
Welcome to the grand carnival of functions, where numbers dance from one set to
another! 🎠
Our mission: To spot the function that’s not a picky partner (one-one) but still dances
with everyone at the party (onto). 🕺💃
Let’s meet our contestants:
(a.) y = x: The perfect pair, each number has its unique dance partner.
(b.) y = x^2: The shy twin, where two different numbers can square off to the same
(c.) y = x - 1 if x is odd, y = x + 1 if x is even: The switcheroo, where numbers swap
places in a fancy step.
(d.) y = [sqrt(x)], where [.] is the greatest integer less than or equal to x: The floor
move, where numbers drop down to the nearest whole number.

6. The Card Shuffle Mystery!

Gather 'round, card enthusiasts! We’re diving into a deck of 52 cards, where two friends—
let’s call them Ace and Jack—play a curious game.
Here’s the deal:
1. Ace picks a card.
2. Jack picks a card (without peeking at Ace’s choice).
3. They put the cards back, reshuffle, and repeat the process.
Now, let’s unravel the probability dance:
• First Round:
o Ace has 52 choices.
o Jack also has 52 choices (since Ace’s card is back in the deck).
• Second Round:
o Ace wants a different card this time.
o How many cards are different from Ace’s first pick? There are 51 left.
o Jack, too, wants a fresh card. He has 51 options.
So, the probability for each individual to get a different card the second time is:
• Ace: 51/52 (because Ace’s first card is already out)
• Jack: 51/52 (same reason)
Multiply these probabilities together:
Total Probability=51/52 × 51/52 = 2601/2704
The answer is approximately 5/12.

7. Welcome to Matrix University, where the enrollment list is a puzzle waiting to be

Imagine a grand ledger, ‘P’, filled with the names of “m” students and “n” courses.
Each page of ‘P’ tells us which student is taking which course. Now, flip the ledger
(transpose it) and multiply it by itself, and you get a new magical book, (PTx P).
But what secrets does this new tome hold? Let’s decipher:
• (PTx P)kl: This mystical incantation reveals the number of students who are
enrolled in both courses ‘k’ and ‘l’. It’s like finding the common friends in two
separate friend circles.
So, which of the following does it represent?
(a.) ‘k’ is the student whereas ‘l’ is not the student in the college
(b.) ‘k’ and ‘l’ are the courses in the college (Correct Answer)
(c.) either ‘k’ or ‘l’ are the students of the college
(d.) ‘l’ is a student of the college and ‘k’ is a course in the college
(e.) ‘l’ is a course in the college whereas ‘k’ is not the student of the college

8. Welcome to the town of Mathville, where a peculiar wall stretches from x = 0 to x = 100.
This isn’t just any wall—it’s a wall whose height changes as you walk along it!
Here’s the magical formula for the wall’s height:
Now, our local painter has a treasure chest of ₹1,00,000 to paint this wonder. Each square
unit of the wall demands ₹20 for a splash of color.
Let’s unravel the mystery of how much wall can be painted with this bounty:
1. Total Cost for Painting:
o The cost to paint the entire wall is the area under the curve of the height
function times the cost per unit area.
o So, we integrate the height function over the length of the wall and multiply
by the cost per unit.
2. The Budget Constraint:
o Our painter can’t spend more than his treasure of ₹1,00,000.
3. The Area Calculation:
o We set up the equation:
∫0100 h(x)dx × 20=1,00,000

4. Solving the Equation:

o We find the integral of the height function:
∫0100 ae−abxdx

o This gives us the area that can be painted with the budget.

Now, let’s match our findings with the options:

(a.) 10ahe-ab (b.) 320ahe-ab (c.) 125ahe-ab
(d.) 145ahe -ab (e.) None of the above

9. Picture a wall with 5 cozy pigeonholes and 17 eager pigeons ready to roost.
How would you arrange them so that each pigeon has a spot, and the holes are
filled just right?
(a) Each bustling hole has 3 or more feathery friends
(b) Each hole has 2 to 4 birds, making sure none are too crowded
(c) Each hole has at least a pair of pigeons cooing
(d) All these options work out perfectly
(e) Each hole is a party with at least 4 pigeons
10. A majestic flock of eagles is soaring in a perfect circle high above the ground.
Below them, a circle of people is gathered, gazing up in awe. If the eagles are flying at a
height equal to the radius of their circle, and the people are watching from an angle,
how far apart are the people standing in their own circle?

(a) The radius of the people’s circle is the eagle’s radius plus the eagle’s radius times the
cotangent of the angle (R+R⋅cotθ)
(b) The radius of the people’s circle is the eagle’s radius plus the eagle’s radius times the
tangent of the angle (R+R⋅tanθ)
(c) The radius of the people’s circle is the eagle’s radius times the cotangent of the angle
(d) The radius of the people’s circle is the eagle’s radius times the tangent of the angle

Which one do you think is the right distance for the best view of the eagles?

11. Imagine a clever crow gliding through the air, high above the ground at a height
‘R’. Below, a group of friends forms a circle, each person standing at just the right
spot so that the crow is the same distance from all of them. If the crow swoops
down but keeps its distance equal from everyone, can you figure out how big their
circle is?
Think about it like a game of ‘keep away’ where the crow is the ball. What’s your
guess for the size of their play area? 🐦👥

Some Important Topic/Chapters for REAP

➢ Graphical Questions From Probability.

➢ Direct Formula Based Probability of Events.
➢ Graphical Questions From Algebra
1. In the vast emptiness of space, two lonely atoms embark on a journey towards
each other. As they drift closer, a mysterious force pulls them together until they
reach a special point, r = r₀. This is where the magic happens: they attract with a
force that grows stronger as they get closer, proportional to r^m.
But as they get too cozy, they begin to push each other away with a force that’s
proportional to r^n. It’s like two dancers who come together for a tango and then
suddenly switch to a push dance!
Now, let’s answer the cosmic questions:
Q.1. What should be the relation between m and n?
For the atoms to switch from attraction to repulsion, the repulsive force must grow
faster than the attractive force as they get closer. This means:
(a.) m = n: No, they can’t be equal; the dance would never change.
(b.) m > n: The attraction would always win, and they’d never repel.
(c.) m < n: Yes, this is it! The repulsion needs to outpace the attraction.
(d.) m = 2n: This is too specific; we need a general rule.
(e.) None of the above: Not an option; we’ve found our answer in c.
Q.2. What should be the nature of charges?
In the world of atoms, like charges repel and opposites attract. Since our atoms first
attract and then repel, what could their charges be?
(a.) One atom is positively charged whereas the other one is negatively charged:
This would mean they’d always attract, not repel.
(b.) Both the atoms are positively charged: This could be true; they’d repel after a
certain point.
(c.) Both the atoms are negatively charged: Just like b, this could also be true.
(d.) Data Insufficient: We have enough data to guess.
(e.) None of the above: Not an option; b or c could be true.

2. In the electrifying world of Atomville, two curious atoms, Positivo and Negativo,
are pondering over the nature of their charges. They wonder, “What makes us come
together and then push apart?”
Let’s explore the possibilities:
(a.) Positivo & Negativo: One is positively charged, and the other is negatively
charged. They attract each other like best friends from opposite sides of a magnet.
(b.) The Positive Pair: Both atoms are positively charged. They might enjoy a brief
moment of friendship, but soon they’ll push each other away like two north poles of a
(c.) The Negative Duo: Both atoms are negatively charged. Just like the positive pair,
they can’t stay close for too long without repelling each other.
(d.) Data Insufficient: Do we have enough information to solve this mystery?
(e.) None of the above: Or is there another twist to this electrifying tale?
3. When two atoms A and B approach each other, what happens to their potential
energy as they get closer?
(a.) It becomes minimum. (b.) It becomes maximum.
(c.) It remains constant. (d.) It is none of the above.

4. Imagine you have a horseshoe magnet—yes, just like the one that looks like a
‘U’. Now, if you were a tiny iron filing, where do you think you’d feel the strongest
pull from the magnet?
(a.) Hanging out between the two ends
(b.) Snuggling close to the inside curves
(c.) Chilling near the outside curves
(d.) Relaxing along the sides
(e.) Everywhere, because the strength is totally the same

Choose wisely and may the magnetic force be with you! 🧲✨

5. Why do you think the wings of a Boeing 787 are designed to tilt upwards? It’s
not just for style! There are four forces at play when a plane flies: drag, lift,
buoyancy, and gravity. One of these is the key to why the wings have that cool
upward angle. Can you guess which one?
(a) To cut through the air better and reduce drag
(b) To boost the plane forward with more thrust
(c) Just a quirky design choice by the engineers
(d) A combination of all these reasons
(e) To lift the plane up into the sky

Some Important Topic/Chapters for REAP

➢ Read Basic Concept from NCERT**

➢ Moden Physics*
1. Alright, let’s turn this into a mini-mystery game! 🕵️‍♂️
The Case of the Elusive Robin Hood 🏹
In the quiet town of Sherwood, there’s a bit of a stir. The Sheriff is on the hunt for the
notorious Robin Hood, and three suspects are under the spotlight: Mr. Red, Mrs.
Green, and Mr. White. Each lives in their own colored house, and they’ve all made
some interesting statements.
Here’s what they say:
• Mr. Red insists, “Robin Hood is hiding in my red house!”
• Mrs. Green declares, “He’s definitely not in my green house!”
• Mr. White claims, “Mr. Red is fibbing!”

But here’s the twist:

• If Mr. Red is lying, then Mrs. Green is also not telling the truth.
• And if either Mr. Red or Mrs. Green is lying, then Mr. White is also a liar.
So, where is Robin Hood really hiding? 🤔
Let’s lay out the options:
1. Mr. Red’s House
2. Mrs. Green’s House
3. Mr. White’s House
4. Nowhere to be found
5. All are telling the truth

2. Find the missing term: 20, 86, 27, 72, 48, ..?.., 83

3. Which of the following alternatives will fit in place of 'M'?

255, 3610, 4915, Μ, 8125

4. Which of the following alternatives will fit in place of 'M'?

L6, 08, R11, M, X25, A42, D75

5. 🎓 The College Conundrum: Ari, Biju, and Charu 🎓

Welcome to the grand puzzle of Academia Avenue, where three friends, Ari, Biju, and
Charu, are embarking on their college journey. Each friend is destined for a different
college—‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’—and each college offers unique
courses: Electronics, Computer Science, and Mechanical Engineering.
Here’s the twist: no two friends can study the same course. 🚫📚
Let’s lay out the clues:
• Ari is banned from college ‘A’, and Biju can’t set foot in college ‘B’. 🚷
• The tech whiz at college ‘B’ is all about Electronics. 🔌
• College ‘A’ has a no-go zone for Computer Science majors. 🖥️
• Biju is steering clear of Mechanical Engineering. 🛠️
Now, the big question: Where is Charu, and what is she studying?
Let’s deduce:
• If Biju can’t be at ‘B’ and isn’t doing Mechanical, he must be at ‘C’
doing Electronics.
• Ari can’t be at ‘A’, so he must be at ‘B’ doing Mechanical Engineering because
‘B’ can’t offer Computer Science.
• That leaves Charu at ‘A’, and since ‘A’ doesn’t offer Computer Science, she
must be doing Mechanical Engineering.
So, where does that leave our friend Charu…?
(a.) At A, doing Mechanical (b.) At A, doing Electronics
(c.) At B, doing Mechanical
(d.) At C, doing Computer science e) At C, doing Electronics

6. If the word FRUIT is coded as 58281, then the word GRAPES is coded as :

7. If the word HOCKEY is coded as NGJBXD, then the word TENNIS is coded as :

8. In some code language if the word FRAGRANCE can be coded as SBHSBODFG, then
the word IMPOSING can be coded as

9. In the sunny cricket grounds of Puzzleville, three players—A, B, and C—are

chasing the elusive titles of captain, wicket keeper, and all-rounder. Let’s unravel
their roles:
1. A: The mysterious contender who isn’t the wicket keeper.
2. B: The enigma who isn’t an all-rounder.
3. C: The wildcard who claims the all-rounder badge.
Now, let’s decode the cosmic cricket code:
• If only one statement is true, which one holds the key?

(a.) A: Captain, B: Wicket keeper, C: All-rounder

(b.) A: Captain, B: All-rounder, C: Wicket keeper
(c.) A: All-rounder, B: Wicket keeper, C: All-rounder
(d.) A: Wicket keeper, B: Captain, C: All-rounder
(e.) Data Insufficient: The cosmic scoreboard remains blank.

10. The missing number in the given sequence is: 9, 12, 11, 14, 13, .........., 15
11. Take the given statements as true and decide which of the following conclusions follow
logically from these
a. All mobiles are laptops.
b. No laptop is a tablet.
c. All laptops are supercomputers.
I. : No mobile is a tablet.
II. No supercomputer is a tablet
III. Some supercomputers are tablets
IV. All laptops are mobiles

(1) Only conclusion II follows along with

(2) Only conclusion IV follows along with
(3) Only conclusions II or III follows along with I
(4) Only conclusion IV follows along with II.

12. You know how kids grow like weeds, but adults don’t get any taller? What’s the
deal with that? Why do we stop growing after a certain point?
(a) Is it because older folks might not munch on enough snacks, missing out on the
good stuff that makes you grow?
(b) Could it be that our bodies have an internal clock that slows down the growth
magic as we age?
(c) Maybe the minds of the elderly are too busy with life’s puzzles to bother with
(d) Or do you think it’s because they can’t keep their thoughts straight anymore?
(e) Or is none of these reasons the real secret behind why we stop growing?

(Q : 13 & 14) In each questions given below a statement is given, followed by

two conclusions. Assume the given statement to be true and decide which of
the given conclusions logically follow from the statement:
13. Statement: If you are focussed and disciplined, then only you will become successful.
Conclusions: (I) One who is focussed and has a disciplined mind can achieve success.
(II) Without discipline there is a possibility of achieving success.
(1)Both conclusions I and II follow (2)Only conclusion I follows
(3)Only conclusion II follows (4)Neither conclusion I nor II follows

14. Statement: '' High IQ (Intelligence Quotient) is mandatory to become a scientist "
Conclusions: (I) All students with high IQ become scientists.
(II) A student with an average I.Q. may also become a scientist.
(1) Only conclusion I follows (2) Only conclusion II follows
(3) Both conclusions I and II follow (4) Neither conclusion I nor II follows
(Q : 15-17)

(1) p q x m c (2) x q p m c (3) x p q m c (4) x q p c m

(1) n b k d q c b (2) p b d k q c b (3) n x k d c b q (4) n b d k c q b

(1) n l m d b f l q (2) n l m b d f q l (3) n l m k b f l q (4) l m n b d q l f

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