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Q1 Complete the following word equations:

al lron + sulphur -+
b) lron + oxullen ,
c) Maqnesiurn + oxugen -+
d) Sulphur + oxugen --)
e) Hudrooen + oxuEen -+
f) Maqnesium + sulphur )
o) Alurniniurn + chlorine -+
h) Hudroqen + iodine -+
il Carbon + oxugen -+
il lron + bromine -,
kl Poiassium + chlorine ,
ll lron + sulphur -+
ml Lead + oxugen -+
n) Calcium + oxglien -)

Q2 Write out the following symbol equations in words (they are not balanced).
a) CaCO" -+ CaO + co,
b) Mgo + -+ MgCl, +
HCI(,q) HrO
c) SO, + 02 -+ SO.
d) NarCO. + HNOrr,o, -> NaNO. + HrO + CO,
e) N, +H2 -> NH.
Q3 Write out the symbol equations below the word equations:
a) Carbon + oxggen -> carbon dioxide

b) Zinc * sulphuric acid -+ zinc sulphale + hgdrogen

c) Copper * chlorine -+ coPper chloride

d) Hgdrogen + coPPer oxide --) coPPer * water

e) Maglnesium * sulPhuric acid -+ maglnesium sulPhate + hgdrogen

f) Magnesium * coPPer sulPhate -+ "copPer + magnesium sulPhale

gl Copper carbonale -+ coPper oxide * carbon dioxide

h) Polassiurn hgdroxide + hgdrochloric acid -> potassium chloride * waler

i) Sodium hgdroxide + hgdrochloric acid -) sodium chloride * water

j) Calcium carbonale * sulphuric acid -+ calcium sulphate * waier * carbon dioxide

S"rSion Thsse Reactions and Equations


Q4 Look at the following equation:

+ _____> + @@
a) What do the terms (g), (aq) and (s) mean? What other similar symbol might be used?
b) What does the 2 before HCI mean?

c) Why is it MgCl, and not MgCl?

d) Why is it H, and not just H?

e) write out the symbol equations below the picture equations, and balance them:

@ @@ +oo
ii) @ +
@ @@

iii) @ + @@

iv) @ + H,l{

@ ++
Qs Write out the equations below and balance them.

a) CaCO" --) CaO + CO,

b) Mgo + HCt -) MgCl, + HrO

c) SO, + o2 So"
d) NarCO, + HNOs NaNO. HrO + CO,
e) N, + H2 NH"

once you've checked each element, go back and check them all again. Keep
doing this till nothing needs changing you'll know you've got it right. But whatev"r-yo, do, don't
change the numbers inside the formulae
- then
that would completely

lvlore Equations
Q1 il''ti;ri-'.q'the following equations by purtting the correct numbers
before the formulae.
a) N2 +HZ J NH,
b) CaCO" + H2SO4 J CaSOo + HrO + CO,
c) H2 +02 ) Hro gNu
d) Mg +02 -) MgO
H .,,-

e) Ca+02 --) CaO

0 H2 +lQ -) Hl

There's more...

g) Mg + H2SO4 -) MgSOo + H2
- HH
a{H h) H2SO4 + NaOH --) NarSOo + HrO
i)Ca+ H2SO4 -+ CaSOo + HQ
j) H2so4 + KOH -) K2SO4 + HrO
k) HCr + MgO r MgCl, + HrO
l) cHo +02 -) CO, + HrO
m) H2 +NO --) HrO + N2

And more...
n) HCI .+ Ca(oH), --) CaCl, + HrO

o) FerO" + CO -_> Fe + CO,

p) C.H,,O. + 02 J CO, .+ HrO
q) COr+HrOrC.H,,O.+02
r) CoH,o + Oe _+ CO, + HrO
s) CrHo + 02 _+ CO, + HrO
r) C.H, + Oe _) CO, + HrO
u) CuH,r+02JCO,
v) CrH.+02rCO,
w) CrH.+02JCO,
Q2 f!e'k the following equations if they are balanced. lf they
are not balanced, {r*rr*i-t ih+n:.

l-l a) 4NHser + 50, -) No*, + Hro,,,

l-l ur HCI
+ NrOHr,or -) N'clr"or + Hro(,ot
l-_lc) N',", + HrO,,, -) 2NaOH. (aq,
+ Hr*,
l--lar KI (aqJ + cl, *, -) 2Kcl(,q) + l
J--l e) Al,o + clr,r, -+ 2AlCl3
Ett CaCOr,, + HClr.o, -+
CaCloor, + Hro,,, + cor,r,
l-_l el ZnO,", + c,., -) 2n,., + Co, *,
l-_ltrt CrCO.r", --) CrO,", + Cor*,
[-_lil CrO,", + cHo*, --) Cu(s) + Cor*', Hro,',
AQA Sy/labus
Section. Three Rea
Page 27 e) Higher pressure brings the reactants closer together so the molecules
collide much more fiequently and react more often. The yield is increased
l) 3) Because the impurities might
because the fouard reaction, which trbs to reduce the pressure, is
be electrolysed instead of the
favoured. Thus increased pressure increases the yield.
l) Without the catalyst the rate is far too slow. Also enables reaction to take
s) Lowering tbe melting point
place at a lower temperature.
@ brings the required
temperahle down to about Page 33
@E@ 900 "C, which is cheaper and
l) Calcium carbonate. l3) Plants sensitive to changes in pH.
7) a) Cathode 3) Chalk, marble. Most prefer neutral or slightly alkaline
b) Anode. soil.
5) Remains ofsea creatures which
e) oxygen + carbon --> carbon dioxide formed layers on the sea bottom ls) Base.

7) Cheap and easily available. t7) Acid rain attacks the limestone in
Pqge 28 buildings and statues, dissolving them.
9) Cement.
1) -ve cathode; +ve mode. broue; covering domes on mosques,
cooking pans. 11) It fixes bricks together.
3) Electrons.
5) Cu -+ Cu2* + 2e ll) Transition metals Page 34
7) Because it's less reactive.
l3) High melting point good themal 1) Reduction is the loss ofoxygen. Oxidation is the gain ofoxygen.
9) Gas and water pipes, non- 3) Reduction is the gain ofelectrons. Oxidation is the loss ofelectrons
corroding alloys like brass and ls) No. lt is more dense than water.
Pages 35.36
Pages 29.30 l) a) iron sulphide l) magnesium sulphide k) potassium chloride
l) a) Yes f) Mild steel or ceramic b) iron oxide g) aluminium chloride l) iron sulphide
b) Ceramic g) Yes c) magnesium oxide h) hydrogen iodide m) lead oxide
c) No h) Ceramic d) sulphur dioxide i) carbon dioxide n) ealcium oxide
d) Titanium or ceramic i) No e) water j) iron bromide
e) Preferably j) Ceramic 3) a)C+Or-+CO, f) Mg + CuSO, -+ Cu + MgSOo
k) Titanium. Titanium is strong and hard, with a low reactivity although it is b) Zn + H,SO4 -+ ZnSO4 + H2 g) CuCO, -+ CuO + CO,
very dense and very expensive. Mild steel is strong, hard and cheap but has -+ KCI + H,O
c) Cu + 2Cl -+ CuCI, h) KOH + HCI
a high reactivity and a high density. Cerarnic is strong, hard, cheap, has a
low reactivity and a low density but it is brittle. d) H, + CUO -+ Cu + HrO i) NaOH + HCI -+ NaCl + H.O
e) Mg + H,SO, -+ MgSO4 + H, j) CaCO, + H2SO4 -+ CaSOo + HrO + CO,
5) a) CaCO, -+ CaO + CO2
b) MgO + 2HCl -+ MgCt, +H,O
c) 2SO, + O, -+ 2SO,
d) Na,CO, + 2HNOr -+ 2NaNO, + HrO + CO2 e) \ + 3H? -+ 2NH3

Page 37 l) CH. + 20, J CO, + 2HrO

l) a)N,+3H2 -+ 2NHr m) 2H, + 2NO
2HrO + N, +
b) CaCO. + H2SO. -+ CaSO{ + H,O + CO, n) 2HCl + Ca(OH). --> CaCl, + 2HrO
c) 2H, + O, -+ 2H,O o) FerO, + 3CO -+ 2Fe + 3CO:
d) 2Mg +O, -+ 2MgO p) CrH,rOu + 602 -, 6CO, + 6H,O
e)2Ca+ O, -+ 2CaO q) 6CO, + 6I{,0 -+ C6Hr2O6 + 6C)2
I)H,+I, --) 2HI r) 2CoH,o 13O, -+ SCO, + l0HrO
g) Mg + HrSOo -+ MgSO4 + H, s) CrHo+3O, -+ 2CO.+2H,O
h) HrSO4+ 2NaOH -+ Na,SOo+ 2HrO t) C3H8 + 50, -+ 3CO, + 4HrO
i) Ca + HrSOo -, CaSO4 + H2 u) C5Hr, + 8O2 + 5CO, + 6HrO
i) H,SO4 + 2KOH -+ K2SO4 + 2H2O v) 2CrHu + 90, -+ 6CO, + 6HrO
Pqges 31.32 k) 2HCl + MgO --+ MgCl,+ H,O w)2CrHu+ 7O2 + 4CO, + 6HrO
1) It produces ammonia, which is needed to make fertilisers, explosives and plastics.
3) a) To give a large surface area for the reactants to be in contact. Page 38
b) Speeds it up Elements 7) I ls) 197

c) Tums ammonia gas into a liquid to be decanted off. 1) 40 e) 39 t7) t84

d) These conditions favou the reaction, making ammonia. 3) s6 11) 80 t9) 201
e) Molecules collide with less energy less effective collisions and this would s) t4 13) 48
slow the rate of reaction.
- Molecules: 2l) 2 23) 7t 25) 160 27) 38

f) i)Nr+3Hr142Yg, (Note: no gram symbols)

ii) equilibrium or reversible reaction
Page 39
g) Despite the catalyst and favourable conditions the equilibrium still leaves
much ofthe raw materials uffeacted. This is compensated by recycling these
gases for another pass around the chamber. l) 80 11) 160 2t) 64 31) 100 41) 3s

s) Ammonia; Haber Process; fertilisers; nitrogen; hydrogen; 450; pressure; 200; 3) 166 13) 18 23) 136 33) 78 43) 132
unreacted; recycled; atoms, hydrogen; atom; nitrogen. s) 36.5 ls) 17 23) 233 3t 1s8 45\ 74
7) a) Gives out heat 7) 119 r7) 28 27) 461 37) 1s4 4A 188
b) Increases the yield by moving the reaction equilibrium to the right hand side 9) 103 l9) 133.s 29) 102 39) 60 49) 164
c) Since the forward reaction is exothermic, increasing the temperatwe will
stimulate the reverse reaction to try to remove this excess heat. So the yield is Page 40
lowered, but the rate is increased (poor yield produced fast). l) 27.21% 5) 80% 9) 60% 13\ 360/o t7) 38610/0
d) At higher temperature the rate ofreaction is greater. The lower yield is more 3) s2.3s% 7) 50% tt) 8235% t5) sl.6r% t9) 3s%
than compensated by the much greater reaction rate. .16yocarbon=
21) a) M. of CHo: ft xrcO:75%

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