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Lesson Plan in Mathematics 5

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
a. Derive a formula in finding the area of a circle.
b. Appreciate the importance of formula in finding the area of a circle; and
c. Solve routine and non-routine problems involving the area of the circle.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Finding the area of a circle
References: 21st Century Mathematics pp. 302-308
Materials: Pictures/ Visual Aids, Laptop

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

Preliminary Activities:

A. Prayer
Everyone please stand and we will have our
(one of the pupils will volunteer to lead the

B. Greetings
Good morning Grade 5!
Today I am your teacher,
I am Teacher Grace!
Good morning teacher Grace!
Good morning classmates. It’s nice to see
you today!

Before you take your seat, kindly pick up

the pieces of papers and plastic under your
chairs and throw into the garbage can. You
may now take your seat.

C. Checking of Attendance

Who is absent today?

(Students will tell who is absent today)
Very good! Everyone is present

How are you today?

Well, that’s good to hear. It’s great teacher!

D. Setting of Classroom Rules

Now, I will present to you our

classroom rules.
1. Listen when someone is
2. Raise your hand if you want to
speak or stand.
3. Follow directions quickly.
4. Work together as a team.
5. Always do your best work.

Is that clear?

E. Energizer Yes teacher!

Before we proceed, let us have first an

energizer. I want everyone to please stand
up. I have here a video presentation and
you have to follow the action.

(Everybody will stand and participate)

F. Review

Last time we learn how to solve for the

circumference of a circle. Yes teacher!


(One pupil will volunteer to answer the

Again what is the formula in finding the
circumference of a circle? question)
The formula in finding the circumference of a
circle is:
C = лd if the diameter is given and C = 2лr if
the radius is given.


(Post a picture of a fish cage)

I will give you 5 mins to observe the picture

and read the problem silently.

Let us read the problem about these


Tatay Berto has a 3 circular plot of fish

cage. After fishing he visit his fish cage. He
plans to put Milkfish on it to raise to make it
bigger and sell in the market. The three fish
cages have different sizes, from the center,
it measures 10m, 12m, 15m to any border of
the plot. What does Tatay Berto wants to

a. What do you see in the
That is a fish cage,

b. What do you call a person who

works in the fish cage? What A fisherman
kind of fisherman is Tatay Persevering,

c. What does Tatay Berto want to

find? To find the area of a circle or a circular cage.

d. Class what do you think our It about finding the area of the circle.
topic today?


Now class, our topic this morning is all

about finding the area of the circle and
our learning objectives are the

Everybody read:
(Pupils will read in chorus)

At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be

able to:
a. Find the area of a given circle,
b. Recognize the value of hard work
at all times, and
c. Solve routine and non-routine
problems involving the area of the
Today, we are going to learn about the
area of a circle.

In finding the area of the circle, we need

a formula. In getting the formula, it is
derive from the formula of the
parallelogram, because ½ of the
circumference of the circle is equal to
the base of the parallelogram and the
radius of the circle is equal to the height
of the parallelogram.

Since the formula of the area of the

The circumference of the circle is:
The area parallelogram is :
A= b x h
So, as for the circle, which is made into
parallelogram, the length of the base
correspond to the 𝜋r and the height is r.

A = 𝜋r x r
A = 𝜋r2

In finding the area of a circle, we have to

use this formula:

“A” stands for the area of the circle. π is

the pi. Its value is 3.14. “r” stands for the
radius of the circle. The exponent “2”
means that you have to multiply the radius
to itself.

Now let’s go back to tatay Berto and help to

find the area of his three circular cages.

(The three fish cages have different sizes,

from the center, it measures 10m, 12m, 15m
to any border of the plot.)

Let us solve the problem:

1. The radius is 10m, find the area of the

fish cage?

𝐴= 𝜋 (100m)2
𝐴=3.14 x 100m2

2. The radius is 12m,

𝐴= 𝜋 (144m)2
𝐴=3.14 x 144m2

How about number 3, who can help Tatay

Berto? (One pupil will volunteer to
3. The radius is 15
𝐴= 𝜋 (225m)2
𝐴=3.14 x 1225m2

Very good!
Let give him/her a 3 claps


Group Activity
Let’s have a group activity.

I will group you into three. Each group will

choose your leader.
I will give you the activity cards. Read
the directions carefully and solve the
given problem. After this the leader will
write the answer on the board for (The pupils will choose their
checking. You have 5 minutes to do this leaders.)

This is the rubrics for your activity:

(The pupils will do the


Group 1:
Maria bake a pizza for the family. Its 𝐴=𝜋r2
radius is 11 centimeters. Find the area. 𝐴=𝜋(11cm)2
𝐴= 𝜋 (121cm)2
𝐴=3.14 x 121cm2

Group 2:
The playground’s radius measures 17
meters. How large the area of the
𝐴= 𝜋 (289m)2
𝐴=3.14 x 289m2
Group 3: 𝐴=907.46m2
Tatay Ben made a circular fence for his
chickens. From the center of the land, it
radius measures 13km to the border.
What is the area?
𝐴= 𝜋 (169km)2
𝐴=3.14 x 169m2

K. Generalization
What is the formula in finding the area of a

A = 𝜋r2
Very good!

Why do you think, it is important to know

the area of the circle? To determine it size and measurement
of the circle.
Very good!

Again, the formula of the rea of the

circle is A = 𝜋r2 and if the diameter is
given we have to divide by to find its
radius. We need to know the important of
the area of the circle to determine the size
and its measurement.

L. Evaluation

Direction: Find the area of the circles.

Show your solution.

1. The radius of a circle is 9

centimeters. What is the area of the
2. The diameter of a circle is 12 meters. 1. 254.34 cm2
What is the area of the circle?
3. The radius of a circular rug is 4 feet. 2. 113.04 m2
What is the area of the rug?
4. The area of a coin is 3.14 square 3. 50.24 f 2
centimeters. What is the radius of the
coin? 4. 1 cm2
5. The diameter of a bicycle wheel is 20
decimeters. What is the area of the 5. 314 dc2

M. Assignment

Solve for the area of the circles.

1. A race-track is in the form of a

circular ring. The radius is 63 meters.
Find the area of the race-track.
2. A circular mirror has a radius of
21 cm. What is the area?
3. A circular clock has a radius of 35
cm. What is the area?
4. The radius of a circle is 10 meters.
Find the area.
5. The radius of a race-track is 1.5
kilometers. What is the area?

That’s all for today class.


Goodbye and thank you teacher Grace!

Prepared by:
Grace T. Golen
Teacher I Applicant
Name: ________________________________ Grade:________________

Direction: Find the area of the circles. Show your solution.

1. The radius of a circle is 9 centimeters. What is the area of the circle?

2. The diameter of a circle is 12 meters. What is the area of the circle?

3. The radius of a circular rug is 4 feet. What is the area of the rug?
Name: ________________________________ Grade: ________________

Direction: Find the area of the circles. Show your solution.

1. The radius of a circle is 9 centimeters. What is the area of the circle?

2. The diameter of a circle is 12 meters. What is the area of the circle?

3. The radius of a circular rug is 4 feet. What is the area of the rug?
4. The area of a coin is 3.14 square centimeters. What is the radius of the coin?

5. The diameter of a bicycle wheel is 20 decimeters. What is the area of the wheel?

5. The diameter of a bicycle wheel is 20 decimeters. What is the area of the wheel?

4. The area of a coin is 3.14 square centimeters. What is the radius of the coin?

5. The diameter of a bicycle wheel is 20 decimeters. What is the area of the wheel?

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