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Design Thinking

Design Thinking is a methodology for problem-solving and innovation that emphasizes empathy,
creativity, and experimentation. This approach is particularly useful in tackling complex issues
that are ill-defined or unknown. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the stages typically covered in a
course on Design Thinking:

Empathize: Understand the users' needs and experiences by engaging with them directly. This
stage helps to gain insights into the problems they face, which is crucial for the subsequent
Define: Articulate the problem by synthesizing the information gathered during the empathy
stage. It’s about framing the right question to address.
Ideate: Generate a range of ideas through brainstorming sessions. This stage encourages thinking
outside the box and considering multiple perspectives.
Prototype: Develop scaled-down versions of the product or specific features found within the
product to investigate the ideas generated.
Test: Use prototypes to seek feedback from users and refine the approach. This stage is iterative,
with insights leading back to previous stages for further refinement.

Personal Reflection:
Design Thinking has reshaped how I approach problem-solving. It forces a deeper level of
empathy and user-centric thinking that is often overlooked in more traditional methods. The
iterative nature of testing and refining ideas has taught me the importance of ongoing adaptation
and learning.

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