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3rd Quarter
Week 1


Division of Surigao del Sur
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Competency: The learner should be able to perform scientific
experiment (SSP_RS7-IPS-III-m-n-15).

Objectives: At the end of the week, you shall have:

● defined what protocol is;
● identified the components of experimental protocol; and
● written own experimental protocol.
● appreciated the importance of writing an experimental protocol
prior to the experimentation proper

Learner’s Tasks

Lesson Overview

Conducting an experiment needs thorough preparation prior to the actual

experimentation. Things to be used, methods to be followed and other things
needed should be taken into consideration. Another to thing to be prepared prior to
actual experimentation is writing a protocol.


Once you have designed your experiment you need to formally present it in
a protocol.

A protocol is simply a recipe, or written design, for performing the experiment.

You must write a protocol to ensure that you have both a clear idea of how you will
do the experiment and that you will have all the materials that are needed. A scientist
usually writes his/her protocol in a laboratory notebook. Following the completion of
the protocol, the next step in the scientific process is to perform the experiment. As
the investigation takes place, observations are made, and results are recorded.

Components of an Experimental Protocol

1. Purpose: This is a formal statement which encompasses your hypothesis. It is a

statement of what question you are trying to answer and what hypothesis you wish
to test.

2. Materials: List all major items needed to carry out your experiment. This list need
not be lengthy if the materials are already published, but it should include the

3. Methods: How will you set up your experiment? How many experimental groups
will you have? How will you measure the effect you wish to study? How long will the
experiment last? These and any other methods should be explicitly stated or
referenced so that a reader has all the information they need to know to be able to
repeat your experiment and verify your results.
Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides released by DepEd
Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and constitutes
fair use. All Rights Reserved.
4. Controls: Identify the relevant control(s) treatment. Think about the variable(s) you
and your group are manipulating. Your control needs to be held under natural, or
unmanipulated conditions, not affected by the tested variable.

5. Data Interpretation: What will be done with the data once it is collected? Data
must be organized and summarized so that the scientist himself, and other
researchers can determine if the hypothesis has been supported or negated. Results
are usually shown in tables and graphs (figures). Statistic analyses are often made to
compare experimented and controlled populations.

6. References: Any published works (journals, books, websites) that you cite in your
protocol should be listed in the reference section so that anyone reading your
protocol can look that work up if they desire.

Putting this all together, the scientist will be able to write a scientific paper once his/
her data is collected. For these laboratories it should be possible to write a good
protocol in less than a page. A sample protocol format has been written for your
reference. Remember do not write "fluff," i.e., extraneous information and/or overly
descriptive text that is not relevant to the experiment. The reader of a protocol is
interested in being informed concisely and accurately!!



Dr. Jacqueline McLaughlin, PhD.
Biology 110 section 001
September 6, 1996


We have saw that not all coffee bean plants mature identically. We have come up
with the following hypothesis: Nutrient resources in fertilizers are essential to coffee
bean growth, lack of fertilizer retards growth.


20 coffee bean seeds, soil from a constant source, fertilizer with a known amount of
nitrogen and phosphorus, pots to plant the seeds, a constant UV light source.


1. There will be two groups of seeds with 10 plants each: a) the seeds which have
fertilizer (independent variable); and b) the seeds which do not have fertilizer
(control treatment).
2. Plant all seeds in 30 cm diameter pots with soil. The fertilizer treatment will receive
10 grams of fertilizer.
3. At the end of the growing season, the number of beans, dependent variable, of
each plant will be recorded.

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides released by DepEd
Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and constitutes
fair use. All Rights Reserved.
Control Treatment:

The plants which have natural (no fertilizer) soil conditions.

Data Interpretation:

A histogram will be used to plot the results. The average number of beans for each
group of plants will be plotted on the Y axis (ordinate) and the treatment group will
be plotted on the X axis (abscissa). A t-test will be performed to determine if the
treatment group differs from the control group. If the treatment group produces
more seeds than the control, we can then conclude that the treatment of fertilizer
had an effect and the resource in question is limited to plants.


Morgan, I.G. and Brown Carter, M.E., Investigating Biology: A Laboratory Manual for
Biology. California: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Inc. 1993.

Let’s Do It!

Activity 1
Direction: Fill in the grid below with the definition of the word found inside the first


Activity 2
Direction: Identify what component of experimental protocol is being described
below. Write your answer in your answer sheet.

____________ 1. This refers to list of things needed to carry out an experiment.

____________ 2. This refers to the steps and processes to be followed in the conduct
of an experiment.

____________ 3. This refers to the problem you are trying to answer.

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides released by DepEd
Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and constitutes
fair use. All Rights Reserved.
____________ 4. This refers to the variables used in the experiment.

____________ 5. These are any published works used in the experimental protocol.

____________ 6. This refers to statistical analyses used in an experiment.

Activity 3.

Directions: Make your own experimental protocol by filling in the components listed
below. Write your answer in your answer sheet.





Methods: (Just add lines if you have more steps to follow)


Control Treatment:


Data Interpretation:


Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides released by DepEd
Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and constitutes
fair use. All Rights Reserved.


Activity 4.
Directions: Answer the question below briefly. Write your answer in your answer

● What is the importance of writing an experimental protocol prior to the

experimentation proper? (5 points)

Formative Test

Multiple Choice.
Directions: Read each item carefully and select your best answer. Write it on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. 20 small flowerpots with identification tags, potting soil, seeds for three varieties of
the same vegetable, meter stick, planting trowel, 1/4-cup measure, and a bucket
of water. What component of experimental protocol is being illustrated above?

a. materials b. purpose c. controls d. methods

2. The study was conducted to examine and estimate the effects of seed type and
amount of water on the growth of a particular type of plants. What component of
experimental protocol is being illustrated above?

a. materials b. purpose c. controls d. methods

3. List the dependent and independent variables in the experiment. In the butterfly
experiment, the dependent variable is the appearance of the butterflies
pupated at different temperatures, and the independent variable is the
temperatures at which the pupae are kept. The control may be keeping both
pupae in the same position and location and feeding the same amount of
milkweed to both specimens. What component of experimental protocol is being
illustrated above?

a. materials b. purpose c. controls d. methods

Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides released by DepEd
Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and constitutes
fair use. All Rights Reserved.
4. There will be two groups of 250 plants. The first 250 plants, or the experimental group
would be given the plant food. The presence of this plant food is the independent
variable I am manipulating. The other 250 plants are the control group. They will
not receive any plant food. What component of experimental protocol is being
illustrated above?

a. references b. purpose c. controls d. methods

5. Exploring Data. Landwehr, J. M., & Watkins, A. E. (1994). Palo Alto, CA: Dale Seymour
Publications. Introductory Science Skills. Gabel, D. (1993). Prospect Heights, IL:
Waveland Press, Inc.

a. references b. purpose c. controls d. methods

Answer Key

Activity 1.

Protocol is simply a recipe, or written design, for performing the experiment.

Activity 2.

1. Materials
2. Methods
3. Purpose
4. Control Treatment
5. References
6. Data Interpretation

Activity 3. (Answers Vary)

Activity 4. (Answers Vary)


Disclaimer: This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) is based from the Learner’s Materials, Textbooks and Teaching Guides released by DepEd
Central Office. Furthermore, utilization of duly acknowledged external resources is purely of non-profit, for educational use and constitutes
fair use. All Rights Reserved.

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