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BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others

Task 3 Project: Assess, establish and monitor

critical thinking practices for Bounce Fitness

Assessment Instructions
Assessment context and In the role of Centre Manager of Bounce Fitness Cairns, you are
overview responsible for leading two teams: Team Amazing and Team Brilliant. You
will assist the teams and individuals to improve work performance,
develop and coach team members to use critical thinking skills, and make
recommendations for future learning opportunities.
Your trainer will provide you with clear instructions.

Student Instructions You must:

Complete all sections of the project using the Task 3 Assessment
There are 4 parts to Assessment Task 3.
 Part 1: Assess individual and team critical and creative thinking
skills – Observation assessment
 Part 2: Establish an environment that supports critical and creative
 Part 3: Apply critical and creative thinking to common workplace
 Part 4: Monitor and improve thinking practices.
All work in this project is individual work.

Templates and Resources Use the following templates and resources.

required  Task 3 – Project Assessment Templates (in Moodle)
 Required Assessment Resources:
o Bounce Fitness documents: (see login username and
password in Moodle)
 Marketing policies and procedures
 WHS and emergency
 Bounce Fitness BSBCRT511 forms and templates
 Student book and any additional learning resources

Privacy Declaration: The college receives your assessment for marking and moderation only. It
will be treated confidentially, and only authorised college officers will have
access to it. No access will be provided to any other person without your
consent, or unless authorised by law.

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Scenario introduction
As the centre manager for Bounce Fitness Cairns, you are responsible for managing the
performance of the centre and its employees. You have two teams of fitness trainers that
directly report to you: Team Amazing and Team Brilliant. There are two members in each team.
The fitness trainers of Team Amazing are responsible for:
 One-on-one classes with clients, catered to each individual’s needs and capabilities.
 Creating training plans that are appropriate for each client.
 Tracking clients’ fitness records and adjusting training plans depending on progress.
Fitness trainers of Team Brilliant are responsible for:
 Group fitness classes. Each class has an attendance of 10 to 25 clients.
 Educating clients, when required, on proper exercise and nutrition.

Project Activities and directions

This project is divided into four parts:
 Part 1: Assess individual and team critical and creative thinking skills - Observation
 Part 2: Establish an environment that supports critical and creative thinking
 Part 3: Applying critical and creative thinking to common workplace issues
 Part 4: Monitor and improve thinking practices

Part 1: Assess individual and team critical and creative

thinking skills
In Part 1, you will identify the knowledge gaps of fitness trainer teams and individuals, and
facilitate learning opportunities to support trainer growth and the effectiveness of the centre.

Scenario 1:
To help improve your employees’ performance, you decide to check how well members of
each team know their tasks. Based on your findings, you intend to organise learning
opportunities to help fitness trainers perform better. You will develop a critical and creative
thinking question log and learning plan to help you do this.

1. Access and review the document below using the link. Use the Bounce Fitness
username and password on Moodle.
 Fitness Trainer Tasks Guidelines
Each Bounce Fitness team has a task with guidelines found in the following sections of
the document:

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a) Team Amazing's task is based on Developing a Personal Fitness Plan
b) Team Brilliant’s task is based on Giving Advice on Proper Nutrition

2. Research models of critical and creative thinking. Choose two (2) suitable models for
Team Amazing and Team Brilliant to adopt when dealing with workplace problems. You
will discuss these models with team members in an upcoming knowledge gap
assessment meeting.

3. Use the Question Log in Assessment Templates. Write questions to identify the
knowledge gaps of each team related to their tasks. Then complete the benchmark
answer section for each team. Leave the right two columns clear to be completed later.
a. Create at least five (5) questions for each team based on the tasks outlined in the
Fitness Trainer Tasks Guidelines. Questions should ask about how, what, why, when,
and where (e.g., When are pre-screening tests done? What can be tracked using the
records from a fitness test?).
b. Write a model answer next to each question created.
Note: You must develop your questions and benchmark answers before conducting
the meeting in the next step.

4. Conduct a meeting to identify knowledge gaps. This is your observation assessment.

Your performance will be assessed by your trainer according to the observation
criteria. See the separate instructions and observation criteria for Task 4 –
Observation in Moodle.

 Before the meeting:

o Ensure you have prepared your questions and benchmark answers for Team
Amazing and Team Brilliant.
o Choose at least two other class members to play the part of fitness trainers and
assign each one to Team Amazing and Team Brilliant.
o Review the character briefs (A & B) via the link below and make sure your
chosen class members are clear on their roles.
 Meeting with Team A(mazing) Character Brief
 Meeting with Team B(rilliant) Character Brief
o Refer to the meeting agenda in Moodle and address all the items during the

 During the meeting:

o Explain to the fitness trainers why you are assessing their knowledge gaps.
o Explain the importance of improving knowledge and skills for the success of
Bounce Fitness.
o Ask members from each team the questions you developed in the Question
Log, alternating questions between team members.
o If a team member can answer the question correctly, check the box in the
Answered Correctly column. If not, leave it blank.

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o Write specific comments in the comments/remarks column for questions that
team members were unable to answer correctly.
o Ask team members to share their ideas on ways they could improve their
knowledge and training skills.
o Ask team members for feedback on the ways they could improve critical and
creative thinking opportunities at Bounce Fitness.
o Your trainer will be looking to see that you:
 communicate the importance of improving knowledge and skills for the
success of the trainer job role
 ask team members the questions you have prepared
 discuss ideas on improving trainer’s performance
 suggest models of critical and creative thinking your staff could use during
their role at Bounce Fitness
 listen to feedback and the ideas from team members.
 establish connections with team members and create a genuine
understanding of trainers knowledge gaps.

 After the meeting:

o Collate the feedback and responses to questions you collected during the
meeting. This will inform the learning plan you will develop next.

5. Create a Learning Plan. Now that you have identified individual learning gaps, develop
a formal and an informal learning plan for each team using the template in the
Assessment Templates. Your learning plan must provide learning opportunities for
each team.

IMPORTANT: Check you have completed the following for Part 1:

 Question Log
 Knowledge Gap Assessment meeting – observation assessment
 Learning Plan

Question Log:
Team Question Benchmark Answer Answered Comments/
Correctly Remarks
Team When should pre- Pre-screening should be Yes -
Amazing screening be conducted before beginning the
conducted for new fitness program to account for
clients? medical issues and risk factors.
What information Information such as medical
should be gathered conditions and injuries should be
during pre-screening? gathered to tailor the fitness plan
Why is it important to Tailoring plans ensures client
tailor fitness plans engagement and helps achieve
based on client goals desired outcomes.
and motivations?
How can fitness Fitness testing, including
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trainers assess a cardiovascular endurance and
client's fitness level? strength tests, can be conducted
to assess fitness level.
What are the Components include general
components of a health evaluation, body
typical fitness test? composition testing,
cardiovascular endurance,
strength, endurance, and
flexibility tests.
Team What topics can fitness Fitness trainers can discuss the
Brilliant trainers discuss with five food groups, portion control,
clients regarding and healthy eating practices.
What topics are Trainers should not conduct
beyond the scope of detailed nutritional assessments
fitness trainers or provide personalized meal
regarding nutrition? plans.
Why is it important for Adherence ensures client safety,
fitness trainers to avoids legal issues, and maintains
adhere to their scope professionalism.
of practice?
How can fitness Trainers can help clients identify
trainers assist clients in areas for improvement and
making dietary provide guidance based on
changes? dietary guidelines.
What are the potential Consequences may include health
consequences of risks for clients and legal
providing improper consequences for trainers.
nutrition advice?

Knowledge Gap Assessment Meeting - Observation Assessment:

Aspect of Description
Purpose To evaluate the critical and creative thinking skills of individual fitness trainers and their
respective teams at Bounce Fitness.
Performance 1. Clearly communicate the significance of enhancing knowledge and skills to excel in the
Criteria role of a fitness trainer.
2. Pose questions derived from the prepared question log to team members to assess
their understanding of key concepts.
3. Engage in a dialogue with team members to brainstorm ideas for enhancing trainer
performance based on identified knowledge gaps.
4. Introduce and discuss suitable models of critical and creative thinking for adoption
within the teams.
5. Actively listen to feedback and suggestions from team members regarding potential
6. Establish rapport with team members to gain insights into their specific knowledge
gaps effectively.
Before the - Prepare a list of questions and benchmark answers based on the fitness trainer tasks
Meeting guidelines for Team Amazing and Team Brilliant.
- Select class members to portray fitness trainers for each team and ensure they

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understand their respective roles using provided character briefs.
- Familiarize yourself with the character briefs to facilitate smooth role-playing during
the meeting.
During the - Begin the meeting by emphasizing the importance of continuous learning and skill
Meeting improvement for the success of Bounce Fitness.
- Pose questions to team members, alternating between Team Amazing and Team
Brilliant, to assess their understanding of tasks outlined in the fitness trainer tasks
- Record responses and provide specific comments for incorrect answers to guide future
learning initiatives.
- Encourage team members to share their thoughts on how to enhance their knowledge
and training skills to better serve clients.
- Introduce models of critical and creative thinking, such as the RED Model and SCAMPER
technique, for consideration and adoption within the teams.
- Actively listen to feedback and suggestions from team members regarding potential
improvements in critical and creative thinking opportunities at Bounce Fitness.
After the - Collate feedback and responses to questions collected during the meeting to identify
Meeting common knowledge gaps and areas for improvement.
- Use the collected information to inform the development of a comprehensive learning
plan tailored to address the identified knowledge gaps for each team.
Key Skills - Communication: Effectively communicating the importance of continuous learning and
Assessed skill improvement.
- Critical Thinking: Evaluating responses to questions and identifying areas requiring
further understanding or clarification.
- Creative Thinking: Introducing innovative models of critical and creative thinking for
consideration within the teams.
- Listening: Actively listening to feedback and suggestions from team members to gain
insights into their specific knowledge gaps.
Assessment - Identified individual and team knowledge gaps related to tasks outlined in the fitness
Outcome trainer tasks guidelines.
- Gathered insights on areas for improvement in critical and creative thinking skills
among fitness trainers.
- Established a foundation for developing a targeted learning plan to address the
identified knowledge gaps and enhance trainer performance at Bounce Fitness.

Learning Plan:
Team Formal Learning Opportunities Informal Learning Opportunities
Team 1. Conduct workshops on fitness testing 1. Encourage peer-to-peer knowledge sharing
Amazing techniques and interpretation. during team meetings.
2. Provide access to online courses on 2. Assign case studies for real-life application
personalized fitness planning. of personal fitness planning.
3. Schedule guest lectures from industry 3. Foster a supportive environment for
experts on client motivation. experimentation and innovation.
Team 1. Offer seminars on nutrition basics and its 1. Host group discussions on interpreting
Brilliant importance in fitness. dietary guidelines effectively.
2. Organize cooking demonstrations 2. Facilitate shadowing opportunities with
showcasing healthy meal preparation. experienced nutritionists.
3. Invite registered dietitians for Q&A sessions 3. Encourage self-directed learning through
on nutrition misconceptions. reading nutrition literature.
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Part 2: Establish an environment that supports critical and
creative thinking
In Part 2, you will analyse current organisational systems to identify gaps and barriers to critical
thinking. You will develop processes that create a safe environment for critical and creative
thinking approaches.

Scenario 2:
You become aware that most of Bounce Fitness’s systems have not been reviewed or updated
for a while. You decide that now would be a good time to look over the systems, check for
necessary changes to improve processes, and provide an opportunity for employees to practice
their critical and creative thinking skills.
You choose two systems to review that would apply to both teams:
The first system is the ‘Performance Management System’. Bounce Fitness’ performance
management system conducts an annual review for all employees. The organisation uses a
‘forced ranking system’ for its employees. In this system, there is a set percentage that
indicates how many employees can be classified into each group.
Each employee’s performance is reviewed against their key performance indicators (KPIs).
These KPIs differ between employees, depending on their role and responsibilities.
The second system is the ‘Customer Relations Management System’. This system contains a
process to handle client complaints. Clients are encouraged to fill out a complaint form for
documentation. These forms are then forwarded to the relevant department to be resolved. If
during the process clients become angry and frustrated, disrupting others, employees may
offer the client a $10.00 gift card to Bounce Fitness services as an apology for the
Bounce Fitness employees are also encouraged to recommend the product or service of the
month to their clients. This is to introduce clients to new products and services that they might
be interested in.

1. Access and review the following documents using the links below.
 Business Objectives and KPIs
 Performance Management System
 Customer Relations Management System

2. Develop an Organisational Systems Analysis Report in the Assessment Templates. To

complete the report, you must:
a. Identify at least one (1) relevant business objective for each of the following Bounce
Fitness Systems:
 Performance Management System
 Customer Relations Management System

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b. Briefly explain how the business objectives you have identified are relevant to each
c. Identify either barriers or gaps in each system. Barriers are anything that blocks
employees from exercising critical or creative thinking skills. Gaps refer to something
that is missing that prevents employees from fully practicing critical or creative thinking
Critical thinking methods focus on analysing options and ideas, synthesising existing
information, and making judgements on the value of something. Creative thinking
methods focus on generating ideas, considering alternative options of actions and
assessing actions.
 If you identify barriers, identify at least two (2) barriers for each system
- At least one (1) barrier to critical thinking methods.
- At least one (1) barrier to creative thinking methods.
 If you identify gaps, identify at least two (2) gaps for each system analysed:
- At least one (1) gap in critical thinking methods.
- At least one (1) gap in creative thinking methods.
d. Identify at least two (2) resources used to implement each Bounce Fitness system.

3. Open the Critical and Creative Thinking Processes template in the

Assessment Templates. Then:
a. Access your completed ‘Organisational Systems Analysis Report’ and review your
responses. Decide what kind of process would encourage critical and creative
thinking in the workplace.
b. In the Critical and Creative Thinking Processes template, outline processes for
creating a safe environment to practice critical and creative thinking approaches at
Bounce Fitness.
 At least one (1) process must be relevant to critical thinking approaches
 At least one (1) process must be relevant to creative thinking approaches

IMPORTANT: Check you have completed the following for Part 2:

 Organisational Systems Analysis Report
 Critical and Creative Thinking Processes

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Organisational Systems Analysis Report:
System Relevant Business Explanation Barriers/Gaps Resources Used
Performance Enhance employee The performance  Barrier to Critical Thinking: Performance
Managemen productivity and management Limited flexibility in the evaluation
t System performance system aims to forced ranking system. software, HR
assess employee personnel
 Barrier to Creative
Thinking: Lack of
against KPIs to
opportunities for
innovative performance
productivity and
evaluation methods.
achieve business
objectives.  Gap in Critical Thinking:
Absence of mechanisms
for open-ended feedback
and discussion.
 Gap in Creative Thinking:
Insufficient platforms for
employees to propose new
evaluation criteria.

Customer Enhance customer The CRM system Barrier to Critical Thinking: CRM software,
Relations satisfaction and aims to effectively Strict adherence to protocol complaint
Managemen retention manage client may limit problem-solving forms, training
t System complaints and flexibility. materials
Barrier to Creative Thinking:
Lack of encouragement for
resolutions to
employees to propose
improve customer
unconventional solutions.
loyalty and
retention. Gap in Critical Thinking:
Inadequate mechanisms for
analyzing root causes of
recurring complaints.
Gap in Creative Thinking:
Limited avenues for
brainstorming and
implementing innovative

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Critical and Creative Thinking Processes:
Process Description
Critical Implement regular feedback sessions where employees are encouraged to critically
Thinking evaluate the effectiveness of the forced ranking system. Encourage open discussions on
Approach potential improvements to the evaluation criteria and explore alternative methods for
assessing performance.
Create a platform for anonymous feedback to allow employees to express concerns and
suggestions without fear of repercussions. This will facilitate open communication and the
exchange of diverse perspectives, fostering critical analysis and constructive criticism.
Creative Establish a suggestion box system where employees can submit creative ideas and
Thinking suggestions for enhancing the performance management system. Encourage a culture of
Approach innovation by recognizing and rewarding innovative suggestions that lead to tangible
Organize brainstorming sessions focused on exploring unconventional approaches to
performance evaluation. Encourage participation from cross-functional teams to leverage
diverse perspectives and generate innovative solutions to address existing challenges in the
performance management system.

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Part 3: Apply critical and creative thinking to common
workplace issues
In Part 3, you will apply critical and creative thinking to common workplace problems at
Bounce Fitness, with the aim of creating a safe environment that encourages the practice of
critical and creative thinking skills. You will facilitate opportunities for team members to apply
critical thinking skills to workplace problems.

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Scenario 3:
As the centre manager, you have become aware of the following workplace problems occurring
in your branch at Bounce Fitness, Cairns, over the past few days.
Impatient clients – Team Amazing
One of your personal fitness trainer’s clients has lost interest in the current exercises they are
performing because they are not seeing immediate weight loss results. They have requested
that their personal fitness trainer change some of the exercises that are currently part of their
training plan. The fitness trainer has approached you and the other member of Team Amazing
for help, as this is the third time the client has asked for a change to their training plan. The
other fitness trainer in Team Amazing has also experienced clients who become impatient
when they do not see immediate results.
Small class sizes – Team Brilliant
There have been fewer clients attending the different in-house group classes offered by
Bounce Fitness. The classes currently offered are aerobic classes, circuit classes, and dance
classes. These classes have been running for more than a year now. When asked about the
situation, clients suggested that perhaps the classes were not ‘trendy’ enough. You realise that
now would be a good time to introduce a new class to your clients.
To find solutions to the problems you will need to create a safe environment that supports
critical and creative thinking.

1. Study the scenario problems above carefully. Prepare to develop an action plan using
the template in Assessment Templates for two items, one each for Team Amazing and
Team Brilliant. Before completing the action plan, you will discuss the problems with
team members to find the best solutions.

2. Share problems with team members

 Form a group with other class members (at least two others) who represent Team
Amazing and Team Brilliant. Create the team in MS Teams to share problems with team
members and send and receive messages. If you need help using MS Teams, access the
link for set-up instructions.
 To start the conversation, give your discussion a topic and provide team members with
an outline of the associated problem. Ask each person to contribute their ideas for a
solution using a critical thinking approach that could include analysis, evaluation, or
synthesis of ideas and a creative thinking approach for new ideas.
 Once members have contributed suggestions, and the discussions are finished, provide
constructive written feedback to each team member. For example, your feedback
could be about the member’s ability to use critical or creative thinking skills, and how
their ideas will contribute to a solution.
 Take a screenshot of the conversation in Teams and add the image to the
Assessment Templates.
Your assessor will be checking that you:

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 Provide an opportunity for team members to contribute solutions to workplace
 Provide feedback to team members on how they have applied critical and creative
thinking skills to work tasks.

3. Complete an Action Plan for two different items. Use a critical thinking approach to
respond to one item, and a creative thinking approach to respond to the other.

IMPORTANT: Check you have completed the following for Part 3:

 MS Teams discussion
 Action Plan

MS Teams Discussion:
Discussion Topic: Addressing Workplace Problems at Bounce Fitness
Outline of Associated Problems:
1. Impatient Clients (Team Amazing):
 Clients losing interest due to lack of immediate weight loss results.
 Personal trainer seeking assistance after repeated requests for changes to training plans.
2. Small Class Sizes (Team Brilliant):
 Decreased attendance in group classes.
 Clients suggesting classes may not be trendy enough.
 Please contribute your ideas for solutions to the identified problems using both critical and
creative thinking approaches.
 Critical thinking approaches may involve analysis, evaluation, or synthesis of ideas, while creative
thinking approaches should focus on generating new and innovative ideas.
 After contributing suggestions, we will provide constructive written feedback to each team
Team Contributions:
1. Member 1 (Team Amazing):
 Critical Thinking: Analyze client feedback to identify common issues and trends.
 Creative Thinking: Introduce themed workout sessions to add variety and excitement.
 Feedback: Well done on applying both critical and creative thinking approaches. Your
suggestions offer practical solutions while also considering the need for novelty and
2. Member 2 (Team Amazing):
 Critical Thinking: Evaluate the effectiveness of current training plans based on scientific
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 Creative Thinking: Implement gamification elements to make workouts more enjoyable.
 Feedback: Your critical analysis provides a solid foundation for decision-making, and your
creative suggestions add an innovative touch to addressing client concerns.
3. Member 3 (Team Brilliant):
 Critical Thinking: Conduct market research to understand client preferences and trends.
 Creative Thinking: Introduce unique class formats inspired by popular fitness trends.
 Feedback: Your suggestions demonstrate a thorough understanding of the problem and
show creativity in proposing new solutions. Your commitment to research and innovation
is commendable.
Feedback: Overall, the team demonstrated strong critical and creative thinking skills in addressing the
workplace problems at Bounce Fitness. Each member provided valuable insights and innovative ideas,
contributing to the development of effective solutions. Keep up the excellent work!

Action Plan: Team Amazing

Item Problem Description Critical Thinking Approach Creative Thinking Approach
Impatient Clients are losing interest - Analyze client feedback and - Brainstorm alternative exercise
Clients in their training plans due review their current training routines that focus on different
to a lack of immediate plans to identify areas for fitness goals such as strength
weight loss results. improvement. building, flexibility, or

Action Plan: Team Brilliant

Item Problem Description Critical Thinking Approach Creative Thinking Approach
Small Attendance in group classes - Evaluate client feedback - Organize a brainstorming session
Class has decreased, possibly due and conduct market with team members to generate
Sizes to clients perceiving the research to identify trends ideas for new class concepts that
classes as not trendy and preferences in fitness align with current trends and client
enough. classes. preferences.

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Part 4: Monitor and improve thinking practices
In Part 4, you will develop recommendations for future learning arrangements.

Scenario 4:
After discussing the workplace problems with team members, you implemented two action
items. Then you developed a survey to identify areas for improvement in future opportunities,
as well as the resources and processes you might need. You have asked members of Team
Amazing and Team Brilliant to complete the survey and the results are in. You will need to
analyse the survey results, write a brief report and complete the Recommendations Log. Note
that in the survey results below, numbers refer to the number of responses in each case.

Survey results
Team feedback

Strongly Strongly
Aspect of facilitation Agree Disagree N/A
agree disagree

1. Facilitator knowledge
1. Facilitator communicated
2 2
information clearly
2. Facilitator was approachable for
1 3
questions or clarifications
3. Facilitator was well-prepared
and provided an outline of the 2 2
2. Information presentation
4. Information was communicated
1 3
5. All information needed to
1 3
consider a solution was available
3. Physical resources
6. The forum was an effective way
to communicate discuss workplace 2 2
7. The forum was easy to use 3 1
Team member comments
• Facilitator seemed a little unprepared. The problem was not clear to me. Having an outline of
the problem beforehand would have allowed me time to think about solutions.
• Would be good if there is a series for training on critical and creative thinking. I don’t feel
confident to contribute my ideas.
• I would prefer to discuss the problems face to face. I couldn’t express myself using the typing
tool in the forum.

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• I feel because I’m new to the team, others have more to offer than me.
• Facilitator didn’t lead the conversation. I wasn’t sure when to join in.

1. Analyse the above survey results from Team Amazing and Team Brilliant and consider
areas for improvement. You do not have to write anything in this step.

2. Feedback Analysis:
a. Complete the Facilitators Own Performance template in the
Assessment Templates and, considering the survey results:
• Describe how you facilitated the action items for both teams
• Identify two (2) areas you feel you could improve on.
b. Identify at least three (3) areas for improvement in future opportunities based on
your analysis of the responses from the three sections. Use the Areas for
Improvement template to record your responses.
c. Continuing in the Areas for Improvement template, add additional support for
teams and individuals:
 Identify at least one (1) additional support that each team can use to help
improve each other’s performance
 Identify at least one (1) additional support that each team member can use
during their own time to improve on performance.

3. Complete the Recommendation Log in the Assessment Templates and develop

recommendations for future learning arrangements.
a. Identify the following for each of your areas for improvement:
 At least one (1) relevant piece of legislation.
You must identify legislation that is applicable to the state or territory you are
located in. This can include, but is not limited to, the following:
o Fair Work Act 2009
o Work Health and Safety Act 2011
 At least one (1) relevant Bounce Fitness policy and procedure.

b. Briefly explain how each identified piece of legislation or policy and procedure is
relevant to your areas for improvement.

IMPORTANT: Check that you have completed the following for Part 4:
 Facilitator’s Own Performance template
 Areas for Improvement template
 Recommendation Log

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Facilitator's Own Performance:
Action Items Description
Team Amazing: Facilitated the discussion by providing clear instructions and objectives. Encouraged
active participation and ensured all team members had the opportunity to contribute.
Team Brilliant: Similarly facilitated the discussion by setting clear objectives and encouraging
participation. Ensured topics were discussed comprehensively and provided guidance
where necessary.

Areas for Improvement in Future Opportunities:

Aspect Improvement
Facilitator Enhance facilitator knowledge through continuous professional development, including
Knowledge: training on effective facilitation techniques and problem-solving strategies.
Information Improve the clarity and accessibility of information presented during discussions to
Presentation: ensure all relevant details are readily available. This could involve using visual aids,
providing clear summaries, and ensuring sufficient context is provided.
Physical Provide training and support for using online forums effectively, including tutorials on
Resources: platform functionality and troubleshooting common issues. Additionally, explore
alternative communication methods to accommodate different preferences and ensure
all team members can actively participate.

Additional Support:
Support Team Amazing Team Brilliant
Peer-to-peer Experienced team members can mentor Implement regular team meetings or
Mentoring: newer members, offering guidance on brainstorming sessions to facilitate face-
effective problem-solving approaches and to-face discussions and encourage
fostering a supportive learning environment. collaboration.
Online Provide access to online courses or workshops Offer individual coaching sessions tailored
Training focused on critical thinking, communication to each team member's specific learning
Resources: skills, and effective problem-solving needs and goals, providing personalized
strategies. support for skill development.

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Recommendation Log:
Area for Relevant Relevant Bounce Explanation
Improvement Legislation Fitness
Preparation: Fair Work Bounce Fitness The Fair Work Act 2009 outlines provisions related
Act 2009 Training and to employee training and development,
Development Policy emphasizing the employer's responsibility to
provide adequate training opportunities. The
Bounce Fitness Training and Development Policy
aligns with this legislation by outlining the
organization's commitment to supporting employee
learning and growth through structured training
programs and resources. By adhering to both the
legislation and company policy, Bounce Fitness can
ensure that facilitators receive the necessary
preparation and support to effectively lead
discussions and problem-solving sessions.
Facilitation Work Health Bounce Fitness Code The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 promotes a
Skills: and Safety of Conduct safe working environment by requiring employers
Act 2011 to ensure the health and safety of their employees.
Effective facilitation involves creating a supportive
and inclusive atmosphere where team members
feel comfortable expressing their ideas and
opinions. The Bounce Fitness Code of Conduct
reinforces this by emphasizing respectful
communication and collaboration among
employees. By upholding both the legislation and
company code of conduct, facilitators can enhance
their skills in leading discussions and promoting a
positive team dynamic, ultimately contributing to a
safer and more productive workplace.

Greystone College Australia: BSBCRT511 Task 3 Assessment Instructions Version 3.0923 Page 19 of 19

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