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Review of PAPER TWO

Section A
Summary Writing

As a reminder:
Techniques of Summary Writing

- Step one
Read and re-read passage

Step Two
- Look for the main points throughout passage.

Step three
List any 5 main points in complete sentences
For example
1. Cassava takes little less than a year to be harvested and is nutritious once preserved early.
(Point taken is fully understood as it is written in a complete sentence)

Step Four
Compose a ONE paragraph summary USING the 5 mains you listed as well as the reminding
points in passage...

Whilst you compose the paragraph

- Avoid illustrations (de nitions, etc)
- Delete statistical data (any in numbers)
- Omit examples (anything after such as, for example, etc)

* Retain writer's intention ( which may be to celebrate/to condemn/to criticize, etc)

* USE OWN WORDS...use synonyms to words in the passage

* Stick to word limit (no more than 120 words)


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