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Batch No-07
Under the esteemed guidance of
Faculty Name

Associate Professor

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College Name

Department Of Electronics And Communication Engineering

(Approved by AICTE, Recognized by the Govt of A.P & permanently affiliated to JNTUK)










Water pollution is a problem of serious environmental issue in India as its 70 percent

surface and groundwater resources contaminated by various pollutants such as biological,
toxic, organic, and inorganic. Among all the largest source of water pollution in India is
untreated sewage. Agricultural runoff and unregulated small-scale industry are the other
sources of pollution. Most of the rivers, lakes and surface water in our country are polluted
due to industries, untreated sewage and solid wastes. The outcome of this mammoth
problem is the rising socio-economic cost of poor water quality. Almost 40 million Liters of
wastewater enters rivers and other water bodies every day with a very small fraction of it
being adequately treated. The most badly hit class due to water pollution is the weaker
sections of the society as these people mostly resides near main water bodies in India.
According to the World Bank report such releases of pollution in the upstream reduces the
economic growth in the downstream areas, which reduces the growth of GDP in these
regions which create a downward impact on the overall GDP of the country. Almost half of
the GDP is lost. Due to the polluted stretches in India the agricultural revenues decreases to
9% and also a 16% fall in agricultural yields downstream areas. Some remedial measures
should be adopted to protect the poor masses of the country. Water pollution near oceans,
rivers, lakes should be controlled. Waste ingredients should not be disposed of in oceans,
rivers, lakes and groundwater. Controlled use of pesticides and fertilizers should be done as
this will prevent runoffs of the material into nearby water sources .Clean water bodies will
result in the sustained development of the country particularly the vulnerable sections of
the society. It is the dire need of the hour to control water pollution to achieve the vision of
the' healthy nation'.


Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment. These harmful
materials are called pollutants. Pollutants can be natural, such as volcanic ash. They can also
be created by human activity, such as trash or runoff produced by factories.Water pollution
is the contamination of water bodies, usually as a result of human activities, so that it
negatively affects its uses. Water bodies include lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers, reservoirs
and groundwater. Water pollution results when contaminants are introduced into these

bodies. A practical definition of water pollution is: "Water pollution is the addition of
substances or energy forms that directly or indirectly alter the nature of the water body in such

a manner that negatively affects its legitimate uses" Therefore, pollution is associated with
concepts attributed to humans, namely the negative alterations and the uses of the water body.
Water is typically referred to as polluted when it is impaired by anthropogenic contaminants.
Due to these contaminants it either does not support a human use, such as drinking water, or
undergoes a marked shift in its ability to support its biotic communities, such as fish.


• Chemical pollution.
• Groundwater pollution.
• Microbiological pollution.
• Surface water pollution.

Water pollution is caused by foreign objects and chemicals entering the aquatic
ecosystem is know as chemical water . when natural chemicals build up in excess amounts.
There are two types of water pollution: Point Source – when pollutants enter the water course
at specific sites, such as a discharge pipe. Metals and solvents from industrial work can
pollute rivers and lakes. These are poisonous to many forms of aquatic life and may slow their
development, make them infertile or even result in death .Pesticides are used in farming to
control weeds, insects and fungi. Run-offs of these pesticides can cause water pollution and
poison aquatic life. Subsequently, birds, humans and other animals may be poisoned if they
eat infected fish .Petroleum is another form of chemical pollutant that usually contaminates
water through oil spills when a ship ruptures. Oil spills usually have only a localised affect on
wildlife but can spread for miles. The oil can cause the death of many fish and stick to the
feathers of seabirds causing them to lose the ability to fly.

The above picture shows the “WATER POLLUTION” due to chemicals. The
factories and industries causes major chemical water pollution.


Groundwater contamination occurs when man-made products such as gasoline, oil,

road salts and chemicals get into the groundwater and cause it to become unsafe and unfit for
human use. Materials from the land's surface can move through the soil and end up in the
groundwater. For example, pesticides and fertilizers can find their way into groundwater
supplies over time. Road salt, toxic substances from mining sites, and used motor oil also
may seep into groundwater.
In addition, it is possible for untreated waste from septic tanks and toxic chemicals
from underground storage tanks and leaky landfills to contaminate groundwater. Groundwater
contamination occurs when man-made products such as gasoline, oil, road salts and
chemicals get into the groundwater and cause it to become unsafe and unfit for human
use. Materials from the land's surface can move through the soil and end up in the


● Naturally Occurring(Geogenic) Chemicals.

● Poor Sanitation Systems.

● Improper Sewage Disposal.

● Excessive Use of Fertilizers and Pesticides.
● Leakage from Industrial Pipes and other industrial releases.
● Over pumping of groundwater.

Uses of Fertilizers and Pesticides,Over pumping causes major

The above pictures shows the “ GROUND WATER POLLUTION” due to chemicals.


Contaminated groundwater has detrimental effects on human health. In areas where

septic tank installation is not set up correctly, human waste may contaminate the water source.
The waste may contain hepatitis-causing bacteria that may lead to irreversible damage to the


Microbial pollution in aquatic environments is one of the crucial issues with regard to
the sanitary state of water bodies used for drinking water supply, recreational activities and
harvesting seafood due to a potential contamination by pathogenic bacteria, protozoa or
viruses. The microbial contamination of water is often of fecal nature related to humans
(water sewage treatment plants, combined sewage overflow (CSO), non-collective sewage
domesticated animals (manure spreading, pit stock overflow), or wildlife.

The above picture shows the “MICRO BIOLOGICAL POLLUTION” due to
Global Warming, Deforestation causes major chemical water pollution.

● Global warming.
● Deforestation.
● Industry, agriculture and livestock farming.
● Rubbish and fecal water dumping.
● Maritime traffic.


The primary harmful effects of microbes upon our existence and civilization is that
they are an important cause of disease in animals and crop plants, and they are agents of
spoilage and decomposition of our foods, textiles and dwellings.


Freshwater is a scarce and valuable resource—one that can easily be contaminated.

Once contaminated to the extent it can be considered “polluted,” freshwater quality is difficult
and expensive to restore. Thus the study of surface water pollution has focused primarily on
streams and lakes, and most of the scientific tools developed by such regulatory agencies as
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have been applied to protecting water quality in this
segment of earth’s surface waters. The water stored in reservoirs and lakes, together with the
water that flows perennially in streams, is subject to heavy stress, and because it is used for
water supplies, agriculture, industry, and recreation, this water can easily be contaminated .
Surface water pollution is almost entirely the result of human activities. Agriculture, mining,
factory effluent, landfills, human/animal waste and localized pollution are just some of the
most common sources of surface water pollution.

The above pictures shows the “ SURFACE WATER POLLUTION” due to
chemicals. Global Warming, Deforestation causes major chemical water pollution.


Actions that disturb wetlands, streams and other water bodies can result in adverse
impacts such as erosion, sedimentation, loss of aquatic and other wildlife habitats, changes to
down or upstream ecosystems, changes in water quality or quantity, and a reduction or loss of
the important functioning of these natural …


1. Global

2. Deforestation.

3. Industry, agriculture and livestock

farming. 4.Rubbish and fecal water


5. Maritime

6. Fuel spilla

What Are the Causes of Water Pollution?

Water is uniquely vulnerable to pollution. Known as a “universal solvent,” water is

able to dissolve more substances than any other liquid on earth. It’s the reason we have
KoolAid and brilliant blue waterfalls. It’s also why water is so easily polluted. Toxic
substances from farms, towns, and factories readily dissolve into and mix with it, causing
water pollution .One of the primary causes of water pollution is the contamination of water
bodies by toxic chemicals. As seen in the example mentioned above, the dumped plastic
bottles, tins, water cans and other wastes pollute the water bodies. These result in water
pollution, which harms not just humans, but the whole ecosystem.

The main causes of water pollution are

• Industrial activities.
• Urbanization.
• Religious and social practices.
• Agricultural runoff.
• Accidents (such as oil spills, nuclear fallouts etc.

How to reduce water pollution?

Preventing water pollution and conserving water are important to assure a continuing
abundance of water that is safe to use for ourselves and future generations. Water pollution

is any human-caused contamination of water that reduces its usefulness to humans and other
organisms in nature.Use the minimum amount of detergent and/or bleach when you are washing
clothes or dishes. Use only phosphate free soaps and detergents. Minimize the use of pesticides,
herbicides, fertilizers. DO NOT dispose of these chemicals, motor oil, or other automotive fluids
into the sanitary sewer or storm sewer systems.
Reduce Water Pollution:-

1. Dispose of Toxic Chemicals Properly: Shop with Water Pollution inMind

2. Do Not Pour Fat and Grease Down the Drain

3. Use Phosphate-Free Detergent and Dish Cleaner

4. Check Your Sump Pump or Cellar Drain:

5. Dispose of Medical Waste Properly:

6. Eat More Organic Food:

Water pollutants may cause disease or act as poisons. Bacteria and parasites in poorly
treated sewage may enter drinking water supplies and cause digestive problems such as
cholera and diarrhea. Hazardous chemicals, pesticides, and herbicides from industries, farms,
homes and golf courses can cause acute toxicity and immediate death, or chronic toxicity that
can lead to neurological problems or cancers. Many water pollutants enter our bodies when
we use water for drinking and food preparation.
The pollutants enter the digestive tract. From there, they can reach other organs in the
body and cause various illnesses. Chemicals come in contact with the skin from washing
clothes, or from swimming in polluted water and may lead to skin irritations. Hazardous
chemicals in water systems can also affect the animals and plants which live there. Sometimes
these organisms will survive with the chemicals in their systems, only to be eaten by humans
who may then become mildly ill or develop stronger toxic symptoms. The animals and plants
themselves may die or not reproduce properly. Long-term health effects from air pollution
include heart disease, lung cancer, and respiratory diseases such as emphysema. Air
pollution can also cause long-term damage to people's nerves, brain, kidneys, liver, and other
organs. Some scientists suspect air pollutants cause birth defects. Water pollution stems
from many sources and causes, only a few of which are discussed here. Rivers and streams
demonstrate some capacity to recover from the effects of certain pollutants, but lakes, bays,
ponds, sluggish rivers, and oceans have little resistance to the effects of water pollution.

Control of Water Pollution:-

The key challenges to better management of the water quality in India comprise of
temporal and spatial variation of rainfall, uneven geographic distribution of surface water
resources, persistent droughts, overuse of ground water and contamination, drainage and
salinisation and water quality problems due to treated, partially treated and untreated
wastewater from urban settlements, industrial establishments and runoff from irrigation sector
besides poor management of municipal solid waste and animal dung in rural areas .

Some of the control measures are given below:

1. The Ganga Action Plan and the National River Action Plan are being implemented for
addressing the task of trapping, diversion and treatment of municipal wastewater.

2. In most parts of the country, waste water from domestic sources is hardly treated,due
to inadequate sanitation facilities. This waste water, containing highly organic ollutant load,
finds its way into surface and groundwater courses near the vicinity of human habitation from
where further water is drawn for use. Considerable investments should be done to install the
treatment systems.

3. With rapid industrialization and urbanization, the water requirement for energy and
industrial use is estimated to rise to about 18 per cent (191 bcm) of the total requirements in
2025 . Poor environmental management systems, especially in industries such as thermal
stations, chemicals, metals and minerals, leather processing and sugar mills have led to
discharge of highly toxic and organic wastewater.This has resulted in pollution of the surface
and groundwater sources from which water is also drawn for irrigation and domestic purpose.
The enforcement of regulations regarding discharge of industrial wastewater and limits to
extraction of groundwater needs to be considerably strengthened, while more incentives are
required for promoting waste water reuse and recycling.

4. For the agricultural sector, water and electricity for irrigation are subsidized forolitical
reasons. This leads to wasteful flood irrigation rather than adoption of more optimal practices
such as sprinkler and drip irrigation. Optimized irrigation, cropping atterns and farming
practices should be encouraged for judicious use of water.
The water quality management in India is accomplished under the provision ofWater
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 that was amended in 1988. The asic
objective of this Act is to maintain and restore the wholesomeness of national aquatic
resources by prevention and control of pollution. The Water (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Cess Ac

1. In this college area where do you think the water is more polluted? A.I think the most
water pollution in this college area occurs just outside of the college. The area outside of the
college looks like a drainage.

2. What do you think the causes of water pollution in that area?

A.There are many causes of water pollution in that area.The main cause is that the students
throws the garbage instead of using dustbins.
3. What are the problems you face because of water pollution here? A.There are many
problems that arises because of the water pollution.It causes ad smell in that area and also
causes diseases due to bacteria and fungus.

4. How can we stop polluting water?

A.1.pick up litter and throw it away in a garbage can.

2.Blow or sweep fertilizer back onto the grass if it gets onto paved areas. 3.Mulch or compost
grass or yard waste.

5. How is the community affected by water pollution?

A. Water pollution causes diarrhea,skin diseases,malnutrition,and even cancer and other

diseases related to water pollution.

6. In your opinion what are the actions should local management to prevent
water pollution?

A. The local management should take strict action against the students who throw the
garbage. Proper dustbins should be provided.
Proper cleaning should be done to avoid water pollution.

7. Do you think water pollution effect the climate?

A. The effect of waterborne pollution however ranges from contamination of drinking water
causing drinking water quality problems to emission of green house gases,resulting in climate
change challenges.


I met 10 members of our college students to create awareness about Water Pollution

and importance of water to protect Earth and Environment 2. I worked for 2-3 days to

complete this activity by taking permission 3. Proofs have been attached to this document.




Water is the most precious resource on our planet and the most vital means for
survival.Thus all living things cannot live without water most especially human beings.
However,water pollution is caused by human activities.

Water pollution stems from many sources and causes, only a few of which are
discussed here. Rivers and streams demonstrate some capacity to recover from the
effects of certain pollutants, but lakes, bays, ponds, sluggish rivers, and oceans have little
resistance to the effects of water pollution. We have a long history of introducing pollutants
into aquatic environments, and have had only partial success at repairing the damage that has
already been done and curbing the activities that result in environmental degradation.
Nonpoint source pollution continues to be a serious threat to receiving waters, as does the
continued release of sewage and industrial effluents throughout the world. As we have seen
with mercury contamination in fishes, environmental pollution can have widespread and
lasting consequences.

We can take individual action to help reduce water pollution, for example, by using
environmentally friendly detergents,reducing pesticides, not pouring paints,
solvents,oil,antifreeze,or other products containing harmful chemicals down the drain or on to
the ground and so on.Most effective way to attain the goal of having clean water is to value
self-discipline in each individual in disposing all kinds of waste .

So water is the live source so we should put some effort to conserve it and prevent it
from pollution .So we should follow the steps to avoid water pollution and save the water for
our better future.

Therefore, water pollution is indeed a very serious concern because it not only has an
impact on health and but also can have negative effects on various industries and
agriculture.It is therefore highly important to devise methods to reduce the level of water
pollution that we are currently facing.

‘Save water from pollution to secure the future.’


We hereby declare that we submitted the “COMMUNITY SERVICE

PROJECT” reported by us with the title “WATER POLLUTION” in the E.C.E
Department as a record of actual project work carried out by us under the guidance of,
we further declare that the work reported in this project has not been submitted and
will not be submitted , either in part or in full , for the award of the degree in this
institute or any other institute or university.


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