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Type C, NBP Reservation, Poblacion, Muntinlupa City

Notes #1

 Literally means to look for again, to explore a new, to investigate again, to study again, etc.
 Generally, research is to produce knowledge through inquiry and discovery. It is a “systematic
investigation designed to extend the knowledge of what is already known of the physical, biological, or
social world.”
 As a process, it is a systematic inquiry that entails collection of data; documentation of critical
information; and analysis and interpretation of that data/information, in accordance with suitable
methodologies set by specific professional fields and academic disciplines.
 As a field of discipline, is an investigation, study, exploration or probe on anything by applying
systematic or scientific methods in gathering data in order to provide answers to some questions or
problems that are aimed to improve the quality of life.
 Is a truth-seeking activity which contributes to knowledge, aimed at describing or explaining the world,
conducted, and governed by those with a high level of proficiency or expertise (Coryn, 2007).

Coryn (2007) extracted her definition into three parts and explained the essence of each part:
1. Research is truth-seeking, which refers to the search, or investigation, of or for a body or real things, events,
facts, or the explanation of them;
2. Research describes, which involves representing or giving an account of and explains which is about giving
reason for or cause of; both of which contribute to knowledge; and
3. Research is conducted and governed by those who have the requisite proficiency or expertise, meaning
research is conducted by one who is an expert in a branch of knowledge derived from training or

Differentiating the Quantitative and Qualitative Research Paradigms

A qualitative research is defined as “an inquiry process of understanding a social or human problem based on
building a complex, holistic picture formed with words, reporting detailed views of informants, and conducted
in a natural setting.”

A quantitative research, on the other hand, is “an inquiry into a social or human problem based on testing a
theory composed of variables, measured with numbers, and analyzed with statistical procedures in order to
determine whether the predictive generalizations of the theory hold true.”

General Types of Research

1. Basic Research. The purpose of this research is to understand and explain, i.e. the research is interested in
formulating and testing theoretical construct and propositions that ideally generalize across time and space.
This type of research takes the form of a theory that explains the phenomenon under investigation to give its
contribution to knowledge. This research is more descriptive in nature, exploring what, why, and how
2. Applied Research. The purpose of this research is to help people understand the nature of human problems
so that human beings can more effectively control their environment. In other words, this type of research
pursues potential solutions to human and societal problems. This research is more prescriptive in nature,
focusing on how questions.
3. Evaluation Research. (summative and formative): Studies the processes and outcomes aimed at attempted
solution. The purpose of formative research is to improve human intervention within specific conditions,
such as activities, time, and groups of people; the purpose of summative evaluation is to judge the
effectiveness of a program, policy, or product.
4. Action Research. This aims at solving specific problems within a program, organization, or community.

Why Research?
Because research…
1. Describes what is happening around us. Through this, we get to know what people think, what people
feel, and what people do.
2. It explains why things happen in certain ways. Through this, we get to understand different situations in
our lives and helps us identify the factors that hinder or facilitate why certain things fail.
3. It predicts what will happen. Through this, we get to caution ourselves in doing or not doing something; it
warns us not to pursue an action, and encourages us to continue a certain act, as well.
4. It evaluates what happened in our lives. It gives you an idea why things are not turning out the way you
wanted. It provides areas that you need to improve on in your program delivery.
5. It helps us solve problems. It provides us relevant data in order to determine why people are against a
certain government program. Through research, we can make necessary recommendations to improve the
government’s program to suit the needs of those who are affected by the program.

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