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Amity University Kolkata




Submitted By: - Rahul Chakraborty

Enrollment No. A90606421017

Under the Guidance of Ms. Manisha Dey


Name: Rahul Chakraborty (A90606421017)

Section: 6B
Subject Code: FIBA316

TOPIC: -Impact of payment method of financing.

 Internal financing and external financing
 Impact on capital structure.
 Impact on controlling structure.
 Impact on the performance of merger and acquisition: - Taxation factor and
signaling factor.

Serial Contents Page

Number Numbers
1. Abstract 3
2. Introduction 3
3. Objectives 3
4. Scope of the study 3
5. Internal financing vs external financing 4
6. Comparison and contrast 4
7. Impact on capital structure 4
8. Impact on controlling structure 5
9. Impact on performance of merger and acquisition 5
10. Integrating findings and recommendations 6
11. Conclusion 7

Title: The Impact of Payment Method of Financing on Corporate
Structures and Mergers & Acquisitions

Abstract: This report examines the influence of payment methods of financing on

corporate structures and the performance of mergers and acquisitions (M&A). It
investigates the effects of internal and external financing on capital and controlling
structures, while also delving into the significance of taxation and signaling factors
in M&A transactions. Through theoretical analysis, empirical evidence, and case
studies, the report provides insights into how payment methods shape financial
decisions and strategic outcomes for companies.

1. Introduction:
1.1 Background: Financing decisions are pivotal for businesses, influencing their
growth, profitability, and strategic direction. Among these decisions, the choice of
payment method—whether internal or external—holds particular importance, as it
affects both corporate structures and the outcomes of M&A transactions.
1.2 Objectives:
This report aims to analyze the impact of payment methods of financing on
corporate structures and M&A performance. Specifically, it seeks to:
 Investigate the effects of internal and external financing on capital and
controlling structures.
 Examine the taxation and signaling factors influencing M&A transactions.
 Provide recommendations for firms to optimize their financing strategies and
M&A activities.
1.3 Scope of the Study:
The report focuses on the comparison between internal and external financing,
exploring their implications for capital structure, controlling structure, and M&A
performance. While it provides a broad overview of the topic, it may not cover
every aspect or industry-specific considerations.

2. Internal Financing vs. External Financing:
2.1 Internal Financing: Internal financing involves utilizing retained earnings or
profits generated from operations to fund investments or projects. It offers
advantages such as avoiding interest costs and preserving ownership control.
However, its limitations include constrained availability and potential opportunity
costs due to foregoing alternative investments.
2.2 External Financing: External financing entails raising capital from sources
outside the company, such as debt or equity issuance. It provides access to larger
funding pools and allows for leveraging but comes with obligations such as interest
payments and dilution of ownership. External financing options include debt
instruments like bonds and loans, as well as equity offerings like common stock
issuance or preferred stock issuance.
Comparison and Contrast: Internal financing strengthens the capital structure by
reducing reliance on external debt and equity, thus enhancing financial stability. In
contrast, external financing can alter the capital structure by introducing debt or
equity components, potentially increasing financial risk. Additionally, external
financing may impact controlling structures through ownership dilution and
changes in voting rights.

3. Impact on Capital Structure:

3.1 Internal Financing and Capital Structure: Internal financing strengthens the
capital structure by reducing leverage and enhancing financial stability. Since it
does not involve external debt or equity, it allows companies to retain control over
their capitalization.
3.2 External Financing and Capital Structure: External financing can alter the
capital structure by introducing debt or equity components. Debt financing
increases leverage, potentially leading to higher financial risk, while equity
financing may dilute ownership and alter the ownership structure.
3.3 Case Studies and Empirical Evidence: Empirical studies have shown that
companies with higher levels of internal financing tend to have more conservative
capital structures, with lower debt-to-equity ratios and greater financial flexibility.
Conversely, companies relying heavily on external financing may face higher
default risks and cost of capital.

4. Impact on Controlling Structure:
4.1 Internal Financing and Controlling Structure: Internal financing allows
companies to retain ownership control and autonomy over decision-making. By
relying on retained earnings, companies can avoid diluting existing shareholders'
ownership stakes and maintain managerial autonomy.
4.2 External Financing and Controlling Structure: External financing, particularly
equity issuance, can dilute ownership and influence controlling structures.
Shareholders may experience ownership dilution, leading to changes in voting
rights and control over strategic decisions.
4.3 Regulatory Implications and Shareholder Activism: Changes in controlling
structures due to external financing may attract regulatory scrutiny or shareholder
activism. Shareholders may seek to influence corporate governance practices to
protect their interests and ensure transparency in decision-making processes.

5. Impact on the Performance of Mergers and Acquisitions:

5.1 Taxation Factor: Different payment methods in M&A transactions can have
varying tax implications. Cash payments may result in immediate tax liabilities,
while stock transactions may offer tax deferral benefits. The choice of payment
method can influence transaction costs and overall tax efficiency.
5.2 Signaling Factor: The payment method chosen in M&A transactions sends
signals to the market about the acquirer's confidence, strategic intent, and future
growth prospects. Cash offers may signal financial strength and certainty, while
stock transactions may indicate a belief in long-term value creation.
5.3 Case Studies and Analysis of M&A Transactions: Case studies of M&A
transactions provide insights into how payment methods impact transaction
outcomes, including shareholder value creation, integration success, and strategic
alignment. Analyzing historical deals can help identify patterns and best practices
for future transactions.

6. Integrating Findings and Recommendations:
6.1 Synthesis of Results: The findings of the report underscore the
interconnectedness of payment methods, corporate structures, and M&A
performance. Internal financing tends to reinforce stability and control, while
external financing introduces complexity and potential risks.
6.2 Strategic Recommendations for Firms: Firms should carefully evaluate their
financing options and consider the long-term implications on capital and
controlling structures. Balancing internal and external financing can help optimize
capital allocation and mitigate risks associated with excessive leverage or dilution.
6.3 Future Research Directions: Future research should explore industry-specific
variations in financing decisions and their impact on corporate performance.
Additionally, longitudinal studies tracking the outcomes of M&A transactions can
provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of different payment methods.

In conclusion, payment methods of financing play a critical role in shaping
corporate structures and influencing the success of M&A transactions. By
understanding the implications of internal and external financing, as well as
taxation and signaling factors, firms can make informed decisions to optimize their
financial strategies and enhance shareholder value.


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