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Evaluation, analysis and presentation of healthcare

data to inform decisions in the management of

health-care organizations
• UNIT-8
• Part-2

Prepared by,
Dr.Arulmozhi P M
PESU Institute of Nursing
Session Over view
• Data Management- Meaning
• What is a data lifecycle?
• What Is Data Modeling & Types?
• Decisions in the management of health-care
• What are data analytics tools?
• The four main tools- Data Analytics Tools
• Data Warehouse /Data Mart- Meaning
• OLAP & Data Mining-Meaning
• Knowledge Discovery in Databases – KDD
• Steps of Data Analytics
• Application of Health Data Analytics
Data management- Meaning
• Data management is the practice of collecting,
organizing, protecting, and storing an
organization's data so it can be analyzed for health
care decisions.
What is a data lifecycle
A data lifecycle is the sequence
of stages that a particular unit
of data goes through from its
initial generation or capture to
its eventual archival and/or
deletion at the end of its useful
What Is Data Modeling?
• Data modeling is the process of creating a visual
representation of an information system to
communicate connections between data points and
1. Relational Model
• The relational model uses a collection of tables to
represent both data and the relationships.
• Tables are also known as relations.
• Each table has multiple columns represent as
attributes, Attributes are the properties which
define a relation.
Relational Model
• Terminologies used in Realation Model:
 Tables: relations are saved in the table format.
A table has two properties rows and columns
 Attribute: columns represent as attributes
 Tuple: A Row represent as Tuple
 Relation Schema: A relation schema
represents the name of the relation with its
 Degree: The total number of attributes which
in the relation is called the degree of the
 Cardinality: Total number of rows present in
the Table.
 Column: The column represents the set of
values for a specific attribute.
 Relation instance: The set of tuples of a
relation at a particular instance of time is
called as relation instance.
2. Semi-structured Data model

• It permits the specification of data where individual data

items of same type may have different sets of
3.Entity-Relationship Model
• An ER model is the logical representation of data as objects and relationships among
them. These objects are known as entities, and relationship is an association among
these entities.

• ER diagram basically having three components:

1. Entities − It is a real-world thing which can be a person, place, or even a concept.

For Example: Department, Admin, Courses, Teachers, Students, Building, etc are some
of the entities of a School Management System.

2. Attributes − An entity which contains a real-world property called an attribute.

For Example: The entity employee has the property like employee id, salary, age, etc.

3. Relationship − Relationship tells how two attributes are related.

For Example: Employee works for a department.

• An entity has a real-world property called attribute and these attributes are defined
by a set of values called domain.
4. Object-Based Data Model
• In Object Oriented Data Model, data and their relationships
are contained in a single structure which is referred as object.
• Basically, it is combination of Object Oriented
programming and Relational Database Model.
Components of Object Oriented Data

• Objects: An object is an abstraction of a real world entity or

we can say it is an instance of class. Objects encapsulates
data and code into a single unit which provide data
abstraction by hiding the implementation details from the
• Attribute: An attribute describes the properties of object.
• Methods: Method represents the behavior of an object, it
represents the real-world action
• Class: A class is a collection of similar objects with shared
structure i.e. attributes and behavior.
• Inheritance: new classes are created from the existing
Decisions in the management
of health-care
What are data analytics tools?
• As a collection of maps, diagrams, and charts
designed to gather, interpret, and visualize
data across diverse applications.
The four main tools- Data Analytics Tools

1.Cloud Computing
2.Data Visualization
3.Machine Learning
4.Database Management System

Database Management Systems (DBMS)

are software systems used to store,
retrieve, and run queries on data.
Data Warehouse /Data Mart- Meaning
• A data warehouse is a large • A data mart is a subset of a data
centralized repository of data that warehouse oriented to a specific health
care line.
contains information from many
sources within an organization. • Data marts contain repositories of
summarized data collected for analysis on
• The collated data is used to guide
a specific section or unit within an
business decisions through analysis, organization, for example, the sales
reporting, and data mining tools. department.
OLAP & Data Mining
Online analytical processing Data mining is the process of
(OLAP) is a database analysis sorting through large data
technology that involves sets to identify patterns and
querying, extracting, and relationships that can help
studying summarized data. solve business problems
through data analysis.
Components of Data Warehouse
Knowledge Discovery in Databases - KDD
Steps of Data Analytics
Application of Health Data Analytics
In health care, decisions often have life-altering
outcomes—both for patients and the population as
a whole.
The ability to quickly gather and analyze complete,
accurate data enables decision-makers to make
choices regarding treatment or surgery, predict the
path of large-scale health events, and plan long-
1. https://studyglance.in/dbms/display.php?tno=7&top
2. Textbook of Health/Nursing Informatics and
Technology by Priyanka Randhir; CBS Publishers
& Distributors Pvt.Ltd.

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