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Constitution of Wofford College Republicans

I. Mission a. Wofford College Republicans seeks to be an active part of the Wofford and Spartanburg communities and desires to be a functioning arm of the Spartanburg Republican Party. To these ends, we will support the causes of freedom, promote the Republican Party Platform, educate voters, and work to elect Republican men and women to offices in Spartanburg, in South Carolina and across the nation. Membership a. Membership in Wofford College Republicans is open to any student at Wofford College who identifies his/herself with the values of the Republican Party. b. To be considered a member in good standing, members must: i. Miss no more than 1 meeting per semester without an excuse; ii. Attend the annual members meeting; iii. Have paid all applicable dues and debts to Wofford College Republicans. c. Membership dues shall be set by the Executive Committee before the annual members meeting; dues shall not exceed $15 per year. Meetings a. Wofford College Republicans will have an Annual members meeting to take place no later than 3 weeks after the South Carolina Federation of College Republicans Convention. b. Wofford College Republicans will have at least one meeting per month; additional meetings can be scheduled at the discretion of the Executive Committee. Executive Committee a. The Executive Committee shall be the leadership body of Wofford College Republicans and shall be composed of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. i. The President shall be responsible for running meetings, recruiting speakers, planning events and handling public relations for College Republicans. ii. The Vice President shall serve as Acting-President in the absence of the President and shall assist the President in discharging the duties of his office. iii. The Secretary shall be responsible for taking minutes at each meeting, keeping an up-to-date roster of members and publicizing events.






iv. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of dues, fees or any other issues arising concerning money and shall be responsible for submitting Allocation Applications to the Campus Union, furthermore, the Treasure is responsible for coordinating fundraising efforts and handling the receipts of the organization. b. Officers shall be elected by a simple majority vote at the annual members meeting and will serve until the election of new officers. Relationships with Other Entities a. Wofford College Republicans is recognized by the Spartanburg Republican Party as an official part of that body. b. At the implementation of this Constitution, Wofford College Republicans will be a full member of the South Carolina Federation of College Republicans and will abide by the rules and by-laws governing the SCFCR. c. At the implementation of this Constitution, Wofford College Republicans will be a full member of the College Republican National Committee and will abide by the rules and by-laws governing all members of the CRNC. d. Wofford College Republicans, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, may partner with any organization, so long as the partnership does not violate this Constitution, or the rules and by-laws of any organization of which Wofford College Republicans is a member. Amendments a. This Constitution may be amended by a three-fourths vote of the Executive Committee and a majority vote of the membership.

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