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Opening speech:

I stand before you today, not as the Lucius Malfoy of the past, but as a man transformed by the light of
truth. In my youth, I fell under the shadow of Lord Voldemort, blinded by arrogance and greed. I made
terrible mistakes and have carried the stigma of my dark past for far too long. But today, in this rebirth of
hope and courage, I am a determined ally in the fight against the darkness that I myself helped create.
Voldemort, once a name we whispered in fear, has resurfaced. But this time we are not victims of their
terror. We who were once on the wrong side have seen the light. I am here to right my wrongs, redeem
myself, and protect our magical world from the evil I helped unleash.

Hoy queridos miembros estamos aqui para encontrar un rayo de Esperanza entre la oscuridad, el que no
debe ser nombrado a vuelto, y el caos se sembrara dentro de toda la comunidad magica,

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