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Estimated schedule plan for Hyderabad, March & April 2023

1. Pre stock of material arrivals

Date Activities or training

22/03/2023 CP Core Meeting—HSPP product pitch & business strategy

meeting with the channel partners as follows;
1. Healer Sealer Retail products
2. Healer Sealer Project products
3. Healer Sealer upcoming products
4. Retail business strategy of the products
5. Project business strategy of the products
6. Channel partner business strategy in the territory & feedback
from CP

23/03/2023 Managing team—Vast discussion & training for Channel partner

process & pipeline as follows;
1. HSPP backend & frontend systems
2. HSPP digital content of the products
3. Team & work ow of Channel partner
4. Sales recruitment & training
5. Warehouse & o ce visit

24/03/2023 Product bene ts & cost savings pitch/presentation for builder,

architect, engineer, contractor, applicator & retailer. Location will
be nalize by channel partner

2. Post materials arrival, estimated date before 10/04/2023

Date Activities or training

11/04/2023-13/04/2023 1. Retail Product sales & marketing training for sales &
marketing team
2. Project product sales & marketing training for project sales
3. Software training for backened & frontend
4. Print/o ine advertising training

1. Once channel partner on board on or before 21st March 2023
2. All the initial training & pitch will be given by Mr Uday Giri (Founder & CEO)
3. Partner must organize the event place where presentation & trying will held

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