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Situational Analysis 1

1. Reflect/rationalize: What contributions can you do as an educator/TLE teacher,

so that Arts and Crafts will not decline?
Answer: As an educator/TLE teacher I will teach my students the value of arts and
crafts in the history, traditions, culture, and economic development of our nation.
Even though this generation is not giving them enough credit, we all know that our
arts and crafts are rich in talented artists who are still thriving in their chosen fields.
To help my students understand and value arts and crafts, I will incorporate them
into my subjects in Cookery 9 and ESP 8 classes. Additionally, I'll exhort them to
purchase goods created locally by our local artists/artisans and reduce the amount
of buying from imported items and sellers. It can be beneficial to our artisans' means
of subsistence and enable them to pursue their passion for the arts and craft.

SWOT Analysis: Problems Faced by Artisans in the Decline of Arts and Crafts


1. Unique and Handcrafted Products: Artisans offer unique and handcrafted products that
have a distinct appeal and value compared to mass-produced goods.
2. Cultural Heritage and Traditional Techniques: Artisans possess traditional techniques
and craftsmanship that are deeply rooted in cultural heritage, adding cultural and historical
significance to their crafts.


1. Limited Market Access: Artisans often face challenges in accessing wider markets and
reaching a larger customer base due to limited resources, networks, and marketing channels.
2. Skills gap and Knowledge Transfer: The declining interest in arts and crafts has resulted
in a lack of skills development and knowledge transfer, leading to a loss of traditional craft
techniques and expertise.

1. Growing Demand for Handmade and Unique Products: There is a niche market of
consumers who appreciate the value of handmade and unique artisanal products, presenting an
opportunity for artisans to cater to this demand.
2. Online Platforms and E-commerce: The rise of online platforms and e-commerce
provides an opportunity for artisans to showcase and sell their crafts to a wider audience,
overcoming geographical limitations.


1. Competition from Mass production: Artisans face intense competition from mass-
produced goods that are often cheaper and more readily available, making it challenging to
compete on price and convenience.
2. Shifting Consumer Preferences: Changing consumer preferences, driven by
convenience and fast-paced lifestyles, poses a threat to the demand for artisanal products, as
consumers may prioritize mass-produced goods.
To address these challenges, artisans can consider the following strategies:

1. Collaborate and Network: Artisans can collaborate with each other, form collectives, and
build networks to collectively promote their crafts and gain access to wider markets.
2. Embrace Digital Platforms: Artisans should leverage online platforms and e-commerce to
showcase and sell their crafts, reaching a broader customer base and overcoming geographical
3. Preserve and Promote Traditional Crafts: Artisans can actively engage in preserving
traditional craft techniques and knowledge by offering training programs, apprenticeships, and
workshops to pass down their skills to the younger generation.
4. Educate and Raise Awareness: Artisans should focus on educating consumers about the
value and significance of handmade crafts, emphasizing their uniqueness, cultural heritage, and
the positive impact of supporting local artisans.
5. Diversify Product Offerings: Artisans can explore diversifying their product offerings by
incorporating modern designs, collaborating with contemporary designers, and adapting their
crafts to meet changing consumer preferences.

By leveraging their strengths, addressing weaknesses, capitalizing on opportunities, and

mitigating threats, artisans can navigate the challenges faced in the decline of arts and crafts
and create a sustainable future for their craft businesses.

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