TTL Midterm Exam

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Katipunan, Placer, Masbate

Dr. Victor V. Lepiten, Sr. Victor Elliot S. Lepiten,III


MIDTERM EXAMINATION IN Technology for teaching and learning 2

Technology in social studies

NAME:____________________________________ DATE: ___________________

YEAR & SECTION: ___________________________ SCORE: __________________

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Read the statement carefully, and write the letter of the correct answer before the number.
__1. 1. What is the purpose of a lesson plan?
A. To eliminate the need for learning objectives
B. To act as a road map for what students need to learn
C. To confuse students during class time
D. To discourage feedback on student learning
__2. Which of the following is NOT a key component of a successful lesson plan?
A. Objectives for student learning
B. Teaching/learning activities
C. Strategies to check student understanding
D. Assessment of the instructor's performance
__3. What is the first step in preparing a lesson plan?
A. Ranking learning objectives by importance
B. Outlining learning objectives
C. Designing teaching and learning activities
D. Checking student understanding
__4. What is the significance of specifying concrete objectives for student learning in lesson planning?
A. To determine teaching and learning activities
B. To discourage student engagement
C. To limit student creativity
D. To increase class duration
__5. Which component helps define how an instructor will check whether the learning objectives have been
A. Objectives for student learning
B. Strategies employed
C. Teaching/learning activities
D. Ranking learning objectives
__6. What is the main purpose of teaching/learning activities in a lesson plan?
A. To help achieve learning objectives
B. To confuse students with complex tasks
C. To waste time during class
D. To avoid student participation
__7. Why is obtaining feedback on student learning considered essential in lesson planning?
A. To improve teaching strategies
B. To ensure students are confused
C. To ignore student progress
D. To discourage student questions
__8. What role do strategies to check student understanding play in a successful lesson plan?
A. To hinder student progress
B. To assess if learning objectives are met
C. To prevent student assessment
D. To avoid student interaction
__9. What is one of the considerations when planning the introduction to a topic according to the provided content?
A. Using a personal anecdote
B. Skipping the introduction entirely
C. Avoiding any questions
D. Not engaging students
__10. What is suggested to be done to engage students with different learning styles?
A. Prepare various ways of explaining the material
B. Avoid using examples
C. Stick to one method of teaching
D. Focus only on extended explanations
__11. What should be considered when planning learning activities according to the content?
A. Estimating time for each activity
B. Avoiding any preparation
C. Ignoring different learning styles
D. Not checking for understanding
__12. What is recommended to be included in the introduction to stimulate interest in the topic?
A. A thought-provoking dilemma
B. No introduction at all
C. A lengthy lecture
D. A boring video clip
__13. How can a teacher shape their introduction based on students' familiarity with the topic?
A. Relying on assumptions
B. Gathering background information
C. Ignoring students' knowledge
D. Avoiding any interaction
__14. What is a suggested method to engage students at the beginning of a lesson?
A. Asking a probing question
B. Reading from a textbook
C. Avoiding any interaction
D. Playing loud music
__15. What should a teacher do to identify strategies that check for understanding during a lesson?
A. Stick to extended explanations only
B. Avoid any form of assessment
C. Be prepared to move on quickly to different applications or problems
D. Ignore students' questions
__16. What can additional information gathered from students prior to class help with?
A. Ignoring students' backgrounds
B. Shaping the introduction, learning activities, etc.
C. Making assumptions about students' knowledge
D. Avoiding any preparation
__17. What is a recommended approach to engage students with a topic?
A. Using a real-world example
B. Not asking any questions
C. Avoiding any practical application
D. Ignoring students' interests
__18. What is a key consideration when designing learning activities according to the provided content?
A. Engaging students in the topic
B. Explaining the topic
C. Checking for understanding
D. Summarizing main points
__19. How can teachers ensure that students are following and understanding the topic?
A. Asking questions to check for understanding
B. Providing real-life examples
C. Summarizing main points
D. Engaging students in the topic
__20. How can teachers ensure that students are actively participating in the learning process?
A. Avoiding real-life examples
B. Asking questions to engage students
C. Summarizing main points only
D. Providing lengthy lectures
__21. How has technology impacted the world of teaching and learning?
A. It has limited access to educational tools
B. It has revolutionized teaching and learning
C. It has made teaching more challenging
D. It has decreased student engagement
__22.What is the current demand in 21st century classrooms?
A. Decreased reliance on technology
B. Increased use of traditional teaching methods
C. Growing need for open-ended tools and productivity software applications
D. Less emphasis on student participation
__23. What is the main focus of using ICT tools in today's classrooms?
A. Enhancing student creativity and critical thinking
B. Reducing student interaction
C. Eliminating the need for teachers
D. Promoting rote memorization
__24. What is the primary purpose of open-ended tools in teaching specific fields of specialization?
A. To make learning concrete, efficient, encouraging, and meaningful
B. To limit student creativity
C. To standardize instruction methods
D. To reduce teacher workload
__25. Which online platform offers features like two-way desktop sync, large file transfer, encryption, and file recovery?
A. Microsoft Office Online
B. Google Docs
C. Zoho
D. OpenOffice
__26. Which online platform offers around 20 free online applications for Word Processing, Slide presentations, and
A. Google Docs
B. Zoho
C. Microsoft Office Online
D. OpenOffice
__27. What is a requirement to use Google Docs?
A. Free Google account
B. Microsoft Office license
C. Paid subscription
D. Zoho account
__28. What is a potential risk associated with using Zoho for document editing?
A. Incompatibility with MS Word
B. Data loss due to various factors
C. Limited collaboration options
D. Lack of encryption features
__29. What should teachers do to respond to the demands of the 21st century teaching and learning?
A. Avoid learning new technologies
B. Create a learner-centered classroom and personalize instruction
C. Ignore student differences
D. Discourage collaboration with other educators
__30. What is one way teachers can facilitate learner's productivity skills?
A. Assigning traditional worksheets only
B. Banning the use of technology in the classroom
C. Helping students produce creative blogs, digital stories, and movies
D. Avoiding personalized instruction
__31. Why is it important for teachers to learn new technologies according to the content?
A. To increase workload
B. To maintain outdated teaching methods
C. Technology keeps on developing
D. To discourage student engagement
__32. Which tool is commonly used for creating documents, presentations, and managing data?
A. Web chats
B. Social media
C. Project Based Learning
D. Microsoft Office
__33. Which of the following software/applications mentioned in the text is primarily used for word processing, creating
documents, and advanced formatting?
a. Slide presentations
b. Spreadsheets
c. Graphic organizers
d. Word applications
__34. What is the purpose of scaffolding in the context of using word applications for teaching and learning?
a. To assist, guide, or facilitate the learning process
b. To create complex charts and tables
c. To format and edit files and documents
d. To compare and contrast different concepts or ideas
__35. What is the purpose of graphic organizers created using word applications?
a. To assist in organizing, clarifying, or simplifying complex information
b. To compare and contrast different cultures or historical events
c. To create timelines or networks of relationships
d. To analyze the distribution of different phenomena or factors
__36. For what purpose can Venn diagrams be effectively used in social studies?
a. To compare and contrast different cultures
b. To analyze historical events
c. To compare different forms of government
d. To study global issues
__37. What type of information can be analyzed using bubble diagrams?
a. Hierarchy of concepts and timelines of events
b. Networks of relationships and comparison of factors
c. Geographical distribution and causal relationships
d. All of the above
__38. What is the main function of the Frayer Model in social studies?
a. To create timelines of historical events
b. To compare and contrast different economic systems
c. To develop a deeper understanding of vocabulary terms or concepts
d. To analyze the root causes of specific historical events or social phenomena
__39. How can T-charts be used in social studies?
a. To create timelines of historical events
b. To compare different perspectives or interpretations
c. To analyze cause and effect relationships
d. To evaluate pros and cons of different courses of action
__40. What is the purpose of using fishbone maps in social studies?
a. To create timelines of historical events
b. To compare different cultural groups or geographic regions
c. To analyze the root causes of specific events or issues
d. To visualize complex information in a structured manner
__41. How do inductive tower charts support inductive thinking in social studies?
a. By visualizing the stages of moving from specifics to overall concepts or principles
b. By creating hierarchical structures for organizing information
c. By supporting critical thinking and questioning
d. By providing a visual representation of cause-and-effect relationships
__42. What is the main role of presentation software in social studies instruction?
a. To assist in organizing and formatting data
b. To develop project outputs and reports
c. To provide a visual representation of complex information
d. To compare and contrast different perspectives or interpretations
__43. What is the main purpose of flowcharts in social studies?
a. To analyze the root causes of specific events or issues
b. To compare and contrast different perspectives or interpretations
c. To organize and illustrate complex information in a clear manner
d. To explore patterns and trends within social studies data
__44. How can story maps be used in social studies education?
a. To analyze the root causes of specific events or issues
b. To organize and visualize data related to cultural or historical phenomena
c. To support inductive thinking and questioning
d. To explore patterns and trends within social studies data
__45. What are the key questions represented by the 5W's in social studies?
a. Who, What, Where, When, and Why
b. Who, Where, When, Why, and How
c. Who, What, Why, When, and How
d. What, Where, Why, When, and How
__46. What is the purpose of using cluster diagrams in social studies?
a. To organize data points into clusters based on similarities or relationships
b. To analyze the root causes of specific events or issues
c. To support inductive thinking and questioning
d. To explore patterns and trends within social studies data
__47. How do presentations benefit both teachers and students in social studies?
a. By developing project outputs and reports
b. By facilitating the sharing of knowledge in digital platforms
c. By improving students' presentation skills
d. All of the above
__48. What is the importance of visual representation in social studies?
a. It helps to format and edit files and documents
b. It assists in organizing and clarifying complex information
c. It compares and contrasts different cultures or historical events
d. It analyzes cause and effect relationships
__49. What is the purpose of using presentation software in teaching social studies?
a. To compare and contrast different perspectives or interpretations
b. To support inductive thinking and questioning
c. To analyze the root causes of specific events or issues
d. To provide a visual representation of complex information
__50. What can be included in a document created using Word Applications?
a. Animations and Transitions
b. Hyperlinks and Videos
c. Audio and Video recordings
d. Tables, pictures, and charts
Did you know?
The HUMAN BRAIN is awesome! It functions 24 hours a day from the day we are born, and only STOPS
when we are TAKING AN EXAMS or when you face your CRUSH!

Prepared by:
Mr. Junriv S. Rivera

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