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Direction: To become a first aider, one must know to respond to the different risky situations.
Now, test your skills in applying first aid by writing down your immediate action to the following


1. While trekking, your friend slipped  If my friend trips and twists their ankle
on a sloppy terrain and twisted his/her while hiking, I would know to look for
ankle. swelling, bruises, and deformity very once
to determine how serious the injury is.
Next, if ice was available, I would apply it
to minimize swelling and pain, elevate the
ankle, and immobilize it with a temporary
splint or bandage. In addition, I would
encourage my friend to get medical
attention as quickly as possible and
gradually relocate to a safer area if needed.
2. While camping, one of the campers  If an insect bites a camper when they are
was bitten by an insect. camping, I would first clean the wound,
removing any stinger or insect pieces if
necessary. In order to avoid infection, I
would next wash the area with soap and
water. I can lessen discomfort and swelling
by applying an ice pack or cold compress.
Administering any essential medication,
such as antihistamines if available, and
seeking emergency medical care are my
recommendations in the event of severe
symptoms or indicators of an allergic
3. Your brother was setting up the tent  If my brother gets a cut on his finger while
when cuts his finger with the pole. setting the tent, I would clean it right away
to get rid of any dirt or debris. Controlling
bleeding can be achieved by applying
pressure using a clean cloth or bandage. To
stop the wound from becoming any worse,
I would next cover it with a sterile bandage
and apply an antibiotic ointment. I would
go to the doctor if the cut was deep or if
there was significant bleeding.
4. Your mother accidentally touches a  In case my mother comes into contact with
hot pan. a hot pan by accident, I would promptly
apply cool water to the injured area and let
it cool down for a minimum of 10 minutes.
Afterwards, in order to prevent infection, I
would cover the burn with a sterile
bandage or clean, dry cloth. Immediately
seek medical attention if the burn is serious
or covers a wide area.
5.Your friend experiences nosebleed.  I would initially advise my friend to sit
down and slant forward slightly to stop
blood from running down the back of their
throat in the event that they get a
nosebleed. To help stop the bleeding, I
would then forcefully but gently pinch the
soft area of their nose for ten to fifteen
minutes. Reducing bleeding and
constricting blood vessels can also be
achieved by applying a cold compress to
the bridge of the nose. I would get medical
help if the nosebleed lasts longer than 20
minutes or if it is followed by other
worrisome symptoms.

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