The Dynamics of Precipitate Evolution Ellastically Stressed Solids-I. Inverse Coarsening

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Acra mafer. Vol. 44, No. 5, pp.

1987-1999, 1996
Elsevier Science Ltd
Pergamon Copyright c 1996Acta Metallurgica Inc.
09%7151(95)00284-7 Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
1359-6454/96 $15.00+ 0.00



Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, U.S.A

(Received 13 February 1995; in revised form 3 July 1995)

Abstract-The effects of elastic stress generated by a misfit between a particle and matrix on the
morphological evolution of a two-phase microstructure have been investigated. The particles were allowed
to evolve by the flow of mass through the matrix with the interfacial concentrations given by the elastic
stress-modified Gibbs-Thompson equation. We find that neither the total elastic nor the total interfacial
energy must decrease with time during the evolution of the particles. Two misfitting particles were never
observed to be stable with respect to coarsening, in contrast to the predictions of energetic calculations
using particles of fixed morphology. However, inverse coarsening, wherein a small particle grows at the
expense of a large particle, was quite common in systems with more than two particles. This inverse
coarsening process can, in some cases, be accompanied by a decrease in the total interfacial energy in the
system. We also find that particles which are aligned along the elastically soft directions of the crystal can
evolve by the flow of mass through the thin regions of matrix separating these particles.

1. INTRODUCTION this two-particle system can be stabilized with respect

to coarsening, as two particles of the same size can
Ostwald ripening or coarsening is a late-stage phase minimize the energy of the system. Similar results were
transformation process which results in a dissolution obtained in dynamical descriptions of the coarsening
of second-phase domains with high interfacial process wherein the particles coarsen by mass flow
curvature at the expense of domains with low inter- and they were constrained to remain spherical [15-171.
facial curvature. In this case, the total energy of the However, the implications of fixing the particle morph-
two-phase system is reduced via the increase in the ology remains unclear. Onuki claimed that such a
size-scale of the second-phase particles which, in constraint can lead to qualitatively and quantitatively
turn, implies that the total interfacial area in the incorrect answers [ 181, whereas the more recent work
system must decrease. This process occurs in many of Abinandanan and Johnson shows quite reasonable
technologically important two-phase mixtures ranging results when the morphology of the particles is
from multiphase liquids to multiphase solids. How- constrained to be spherical [19,20]. Wang et al. have
ever, there is strong experimental evidence to show shown that inverse coarsening is possible in multi-
that elastic stress has a profound influence on the pre- particle systems in elastically anisotropic systems
cipitate evolution process in solids during coarsening where the particle morphology is not fixed [21].
[l-6]. However, in contrast to the energetic calculations,
Much of the theoretical work on the effects of stabilization of the system with respect to coarsening
elastic stress on coarsening processes has been based was not observed. More recently, inverse coarsening,
on calculations of the elastic energy of one or more but not stabilization, has been found in two-particle
particles of a chosen morphology, usually spheres, calculations in which the morphology of the particles
ellipsoids or cuboids [7-141. On the basis of these are not fixed [22,23].
calculations, a number of workers have claimed that It has been clear for some time that, within a fixed
elastic stress can induce inverse coarsening, wherein class of geometric shapes, elastic stress can induce
a small particle will grow at the expense of a large symmetry breaking shape bifurcations in the morph-
particle. For example, a bifurcation analysis due to ology of a particle [24,25]. Recent work, where the
Johnson [9] for the case of two elastically interacting morphology of the particle is not fixed, has shown
spherical particles in an elastically inhomogeneous that shape bifurcations in the equilibrium shape of a
system has shown that if the particles are larger than particle can also occur [26, 271. For example, in an
a critical size, the energy of the system would decrease elastically anisotropic system the equilibrium shape
if the small particle were to grow at the expense of can change from a four-fold to a two-fold symmetric
the large particle. Moreover, his analysis showed that shape at a critical particle size [26]. The implications


of this shape bifurcation on the possibility of inverse that the quasistationary approximation for the diffu-
coarsening, or the nature of the coarsening process sion field in the matrix holds. Thus, the concentration
itself, has not been investigated. field in the matrix is given by a solution to
There are a number of theoretical approaches
v2c = 0, (1)
which can be used to examine the evolution of
arbitrarily shaped particles in elastically stressed solids. where C is the mole fraction of component 2.
One involves the solution of an elastic-stress-modified Equation (1) must be solved subject to the composition
Cahn-Hilliard equation wherein the particle-matrix at the particle-matrix interface as given by the stress-
interface is taken to be diffuse [18,21,24,28]. This modified Gibbs-Thomson equation. By assuming
approach has the advantage of not needing to track local equilibrium, or negligible interfacial kinetics,
the location of the particle-matrix interface during the interfacial compositions are given by [30-321
the evolution process. Ising model-like approaches
C’=Cp+B”{f~T.~n-~T.EEa+a~^), (2)
offer similar advantages [27,29]. Here we will use an
alternate approach where the interface is taken to be where C” is the interfacial concentration in the LY phase,
sharp, and thus the particles are large compared to Cq is the equilibrium concentration in the matrix at
the thickness of the interface. Continuum thermo- a flat interface in the incoherent or stress-free state,
dynamics is used to determine the solute concentration B = 1/[pa2G,/K2(C~ - Cq)] in the designated phase
at the interface [30-321. By invoking the assumption of with the second derivative of the molar free energy,
local equilibrium, these interfacial concentrations can G,, evaluated at the equilibrium incoherent com-
be used as boundary conditions for a solution to the position, p is the molar density of lattice points in
diffusion equation. The local interfacial velocites, and the reference or stress-free state, T is the stress
the evolution of the particles follow from this solution. tensor, E is the elastic strain tensor, E is the total
This approach has been used in the past to examine strain tensor measured with respect to stress-free a,
particle evolution in elastically anisotropic [33] and E = (VU + (VU)T)/2, U is the displacement vector,
elastically isotropic inhomogeneous systems [34]. [d]=+-4” a t t h e interface, cr is the isotropic
Here we shall examine the coarsening process in interfacial energy, X is the interfacial curvature
systems with many misfitting particles in an elastically reckoned positive for a spherical /I particle, and the
anisotropic solid in an effort to determine the mech- superscript T denotes transposition. The final bound-
anisms responsible for inverse coarsening. As past ary condition is the concentration at infinity. We fix
work has established a connection between the field the concentration at infinity by requiring that the
equations and boundary conditions used to describe total volume of the particle phase remain constant,
the evolution process and an energy which decreases
upon solutions to these equations [32], we can exam- VC.ndA’=O, (3)
ine the relative influence of elastic and interfacial
energies on the morphological evolution process of a where Ai is the area of the ith particle-matrix
system of particles. Finally, we will compare our interface.
results to the classical approach where the particles The velocity at a point on the interface is given by
have a fixed morphology. the interfacial mass balance,
[Cjv=DVC.n, (4)
where V is the local normal interfacial velocity,
2.1. The free -boundary problem D is the interdiffusion coefficient in the a phase, and
We consider the evolution of coherent particles (8) n is the normal at a point on the interface pointing
in an infinite matrix (x). We do not constrain the into the matrix phase. We neglect diffusion in fl and
shape of the b particles, but allow them to evolve in a shall also set [[Cl = [CiJ* a very good approximation
manner consistent with the flow of mass in the system. during coarsening.
We take the misfit between particle and matrix to be The stresses in both phases are determined from
purely dilatational. This two-phase binary system is the equations of elastic equilibrium,
assumed to be elastically anisotropic with cubic
V.T=O. (5)
symmetry and elastically homogeneous, i.e. elastic
constants of both phases are identical. The lattice The boundary conditions used to solve equation (5)
parameters of both phases and the elastic constants are continuity of tractions and displacements at the
are assumed to be independent of composition. No interface,
traction is applied to the system at infinity. The total [T]ln = 0, (6)
volume of particles will be constrained to be constant
[Un = 0, (7)
during the evolution process and the interfacial energy
is assumed to be isotropic and independent of the and that the system is traction-free at infinity. The
interfacial strain. constitutive laws for the stress in the matrix and
The particles are assumed to evolve via the iso- precipitate are
thermal diffusion of mass at a sufficiently slow rate T=CE, (8)

where the elastic strain, 8, in the particle is a characteristic elastic constant, C,, where C, is an
element of the cubically symmetric elastic constant
i?=Ep-cl, (9) tensor; a characteristic stress, CC@; and a character-
cl is the transformation strain, and in the matrix is istic length, I, where, for example, in three-dimensions
1 = (3V@/47r)Ii3) VPis the volume of one precipitate.
@ = E”, (10) Here we choose the characteristic length, I, as
C is the elastic constant tensor, 1 is the unit tensor, I = (A&)“*, where A, is the initial area of a particle
and t is the magnitude of the purely dilatational in two-dimensions, usually the largest particle in the
misfit, or transformation, strain. calculation. A dimensionless concentration, c, is
defined as
2.2. System energy c = (C - cq)rjl,, (17)
For a system which is evolving according to the
where 1, is the capillary length in the CIphase, f, = oB*.
above mentioned field equations and boundary con-
A characteristic time is defined as
ditions, it is possible to identify an energy which must
decrease as the system of particles evolve. In the
absence of applied tractions, this energy, E,, is the
sum of the total elastic energy of the system, E,,
The dimensionless total energy of the system, e, is
and the total interfacial energy E, [32],
given by, e, = EJ(al*).
E,=E,+Ei. (11) After introducing these dimensionless variables,
the total energy of the system becomes
The total interfacial energy, E, is simply as(t), where
S(t) is the time dependent interfacial area of all the e,=e,+e,, (19)
particles in the system, and t is time.
The total elastic energy of the system can be written where
as an integral over the interfaces of all the particles [I],
u’.tnda, (20)
(Up--U’).TndA, (12) L = c*C,I/o, and all quantities are dimensionless.
The dimensionless parameter L is the ratio of
where Up and U” are the displacements at the
characteristic elastic and interfacial energies. This
interface with respect to the stress-free reference state
parameter can be changed within a given alloy system
of each phase. Since the interface is coherent,
by changing the size of a particle, 1. The parameter L
Ur=Uz-UuB, (13) also appears in the dimensionless Gibbs-Thompson
where UT is the transformation displacement. Using
equation (13) in (12) yields, C~= L { f I[t .i?j - [t . en} + K, (21)
where c’, t, e, 0 and K are the dimensionless interfacial
UT. Tn dA. (14) concentration, stress, total strain, elastic strain and
curvature, respectively. Thus L establishes the relative
Thus the total elastic energy of the system can be
importance of elastic stress compared to the interfacial
determined by integrating only over the interfaces
of the particles.
The total elastic energy can be decomposed into
For a purely dilatational misfit strain, the trans-
two energies,
formation displacement and misfit strain can be
e,=el+ek, (22)
related as [26],
where e: is the elastic self-energy and e: is the elastic
ET = f(VU’+ (VUr)‘). (15) interaction energy. The elastic self-energy of a single
For a two-dimensional dilatational misfit in the x1 particle is the total elastic energy of an isolated
and x2 directions the transformation displacement particle of a given morphology which is embedded in
along the xi direction takes the form [26], an infinite matrix. The elastic interaction energy of a
multiparticle system is, then, the difference between
UT’EX. (16)
the total elastic energy and the sum of elastic self-
Using equation (16) in (14) yields the total elastic energies of each particle. The elastic interaction
energy of the system via an integration along the energy is a measure of the strength of the elastic
interfaces of the misfitting particles. interaction between particles of a given morphology
and spatial arrangement.
2.3. Nondimensionalization
The formulation will become more general with
the help of nondimensional variables, all denoted
in lowercase. The dimensionless forms of the equa- We solved the above field equations in two-
tions are found by using a characteristic strain, e; dimensions and in plane-strain with no constraints

on particle morphology. We have employed an the single and double-layer potentials were required
explicit time-stepping procedure whereby the elastic to achieve convergence in a reasonable number of
field surrounding the particles is first computed and iterations. The interface shapes were interpolated using
used to determine the interfacial concentrations via cubic splines.
the Gibbs-Thomson equation, equation (21). Once
the interfacial concentrations are established the
diffusion equation is solved and thus the interfacial
concentration gradient can be found. By choosing a We have used the elastic constant anisotropy ratio
small time-step, a point on the interface is displaced of Ni, A, = 2.51, where A, = 2C,/(C,, - C,*), in all
in the direction normal to the interface using the of the calculations. Using the thermophysical data
dimensionless form of equation (4). Since the process for N&Al particles in a Ni-Al matrix we can calculate
must be repeated many times, the numerical algorithm the characteristic length and time scales. A Ni-Al
used to determine the stress and concentration field alloy with Cf = 0.25, Cp = 0.13, cr = 20 ergs cm-*,
must be quite efficient. For both the diffusion and yields a capillary length of 1, = 2 x lo-‘cm [39].
elastic fields, we only place meshpoints along the For such a Ni-Al alloy, C, = 1.25 x lOI*ergs cmT3
interfaces of the particles and thus our resolution of and e = 0.3%, and particle sizes, 1, of 0.07, 0.12 and
the particle morphologies is quite good. As the details 0.18 pm correspond to L = 4, 7 and 10, respectively.
of these algorithms have been presented elsewhere If the evolution process occurs at 9OO”C, D = 5 x
[33], below we only sketch the approach. lo-l2 cm’ s-l and a dimensionless time of t = 1 with
The stress field at the interface was determined by L = 4, 7 and 10 corresponds to dimensional times of
evaluating the following integral for the displacement approximately 1.2, 6.4 and 18 h, respectively. In all
gradient [35], of the figures to follow the sides of the boxes used to
display the particle morphologies are located along
Uj,k(X)= (cilll + Q22) gij,k(X, X’)n; h’, (23) the elastically soft (100) directions.
where the particle is located in the x,-x2 plane. We 4.1. An isolated particle
employed an effectively analytic form of the Green’s In order to provide a basis of comparison when
function using Stroh’s method [36]. To determine considering the morphological evolution of a multi-
the displacement gradient on either side of the inter- particle system, we summarize our past work on the
face, we take the limit x+x’ analytically and use an equilibrium shape of an isolated particle with a purely
alternating point trapezoidal rule to evaluate the prin- dilatational misfit in an elastically anisotropic system.
ciple value integral. This yields a spectrally accurate Figure 1 shows that for L = 0, where there is no
numerical method. Since the system is elastically elastic stress, the equilibrium shape is a circle. This
homogeneous and linearly elastic, the elastic field at is consistent with the assumption of an isotropic
any point can be found via a simple summation of the interfacial energy. As the size of the particle increases,
elastic fields generated by all particles in the system. L increases and the equilibrium shape assumes a
The diffusion field is determined using the same four-fold symmetric morphology, with low interfacial
procedure as was used previously in our work on curvature along the (100) directions and high inter-
Ostwald ripening in the absence of stress [37,38]. facial curvature along the (110) directions. At a
Here we represent the diffusion field in the matrix critical value of L, the four-fold symmetric shapes
using single and double layer potentials distributed
over the interfaces of M particles, 1.0

~(x)=~,+~,,+~dl, (24)
where the single-layer potential is given by

c,,(x) = &
y’“‘(x’)loglx - X’I dr;‘,

and the double-layer potential is given by

“2 0.0
cdl(x) = & p(x’)V log(x, x’) . n’ds. (26)

The constants c,, c, , the single-layer density y(“‘)and

double-layer density p are determined by applying the
Gibbs-Thompson and mass conservation boundary
conditions. Specifically, the single and double-layer
potentials are determined by solving singular integral Fig. 1. Bifurcation diagram showing the supercritical
bifurcation from four-fold symmetric shapes to two-fold
equations. Since the integral equations were solved shapes at L = 5.6, where a; is a parameter which is zero
iteratively, we found that when the elastic interactions for four-fold symmetric shapes and non-zero for two-fold
between particles were strong, good initial guesses for symmetric shapes [26].




Fig. 3. Temporal evolution of an initially misoriented
equilibrium plate-like particle where L = 10. (a) t= 0;
(b) f = 0.0125; (c) t=0.015; (e)t = 0.05;
(d) f=0.035;
(f) c =0.115.

However, if the rotation of the equilibrium shape

from [IOO] is more extreme, then a different morpho-
logical evolution process ensues. Figure 3 shows
the morphological development of a particle with
equilibrium morphology which is rotated 43” from
the [loo]. In contrast to the evolution process shown
in Fig. 2, steps develop along the interfaces which
Fig. 2. Temporal evolution of an initially misoriented are aligned along the elastically soft (100) directions
equilibrium plate-like particle where L = 10. The initial and the originally flat ends of the equilibrium shape
rigid body rotation is 10” with respect to the elastically develop a region of high curvature along (110). The
soft direction, [lOO]. (a) f = 0; (b) t = 1.
evolution of the total, interfacial and elastic energies
are shown in Fig. 4. The evolution process is driven
become an energy maximum and the energy minimiz- by the decrease in elastic energy, since the interfacial
ing shapes are two-fold symmetric shapes located energy increases a number of times during the
along either [loo] or [OlO]. In this case the shape calculation. In particular, when the elastic energy is
bifurcation occurs at a critical value of L = 5.6. As lowered by the development of the steps, the total
L continues to increase the particles become more arc length of the particle, and thus the interfacial
plate-like indicating the increasing importance of energy, increases. However, at later times the inter-
elastic energy as L increases. facial energy tends to reduce the total arc length of the
Figure 1 shows that if L > 5.6 a two-fold symmetric particle. This is attained through reducing the number
particle must be located along (100) for the energy of steps [see the evolution from Fig. 3(c) to Fig. 3(d)].
of the system to be minimized. However, if such a After reducing the number of steps the elastic stress
two-fold symmetric particle is not located along (100) orients these steps along the elastically soft directions,
then there are a number of evolution pathways by see Fig. 3(d) and 3(e). As expected, the total energy of
which the particle will attempt to align itself along the system decreases monotonically during the entire
(100). For example, Fig. 2 shows the temporal evolution process. A nearly time independent particle
evolution of a two-fold symmetric particle with the morphology is shown in Fig. 3(f). This three-stepped
equilibrium morphology which is rotated IO” from shape does not have sharp edges and corners due
the [IOO]. In this case the particle maintains approxi- to the non-zero interfacial energy. It is unclear if this
mately the two-fold symmetric morphology and shape is an equilibrium shape as the evolution process
appears to rotate via a dissolution- reprecipitation becomes sufficiently slow after t = 0.115 that we
process to align itself along [loo]. cannot follow the evolution of the particle shape any

36 ]
I 1 (b)

30 R.

ee 29

28 1
0.00 0.05 0.10


Fig. 4. Energies as a function of time, t, during the particle
evolution shown in Fig. 2. Each 0, from left to right, (e)
corresponds to one of the particle morphologies shown in
Fig. 2 in alphabetical order. (a) Total energy of the system;
(b) total interfacial energy; (c) total elastic energy.

Fig. 5. Temporal evolution of two initially-aligned equi-

librium two-fold symmetric particles where L = 10. The
further. While the nearly horizontal slope of the total initial ratio of the area of the particle on the left to that
energy as a function of time curve is consistent with on the right is 1:0.9. (a) t =O; (b) t =0.18; (c) t =0.22;
the slow kinetics, it does not imply that the system (d) t = 1; (e) t =2.12.
has reached an energy minimum. It may be an un-
stable energy extremum such as an energy maximum
or saddle point. This competition between the elastic in Ref. [42]. Thus, the particles become longer and
energy and the interfacial energy provides a mechan- thinner in order to decrease the shortest distance
ism to explain the “arrowhead” precipitate morph- between the interfaces of the particles, see Fig. S(a)
ology found by Ricks et al. [40] and the dendritic and 5(b). As indicated by the minimum in the total
morphology observed by Yoo and Yoon [41]. The elastic energy, Fig. 6(c), the particles then evolve to
presence of a step-like interfacial morphology such as
that shown in Fig. 3(f) is qualitatively consistent with
the particle shapes shown in their micrographs. Due
16.0 ' (W
to the large variation in curvature along the interface,
a large number of meshpoints, 501, was required for
Q.i 60.5
this calculation, compared with the typical value used
in other cases of 145-181 meshpoints.
,$ 15.5
14.5 I'LL!
4.2. Inverse coarsening in two-particle systems
45.5 -2.2 LI @I
There is no evidence for inverse coarsening in our
two-particle calculations, at least for L < 10. The only
G 46.0 'W
example of transient inverse coarsening we found in -2.6

a two-particle system is shown in Fig. 5. Inverse

coarsening occurs at the beginning of the calculation. -3.2
0 1 2
However, normal coarsening returns before Fig. 5(b)
is reached. As shown in Fig. 6, this rare inverse
coarsening, which causes only a 0.01% reduction of Fig. 6. Energies as a function of time, t, during the particle
the original area of the larger particle, is driven by the evolution shown in Fig. 5. Each 0, from left to right,
corresponds to one of the particle arrangements shown in
decrease in the elastic energy of the system. The initial Fig. 5 in alphabetical order. (a) Total energy of the system;
separation distance of the two particles is larger. (b) total interfacial energy; (c) total elastic energy; (d) elastic
than the nearly time independent distance mentioned interaction enerav.

the most elastically favorable configuration found

during the evolution, Fig. 5(c). Since the particles are 44 7,
(4 1 b\
\ ._ I \
elongated significantly, this particular configuration d
gives nearly an extremum in the interfacial energy.
The distance between the interior interfaces of the
particles decreases until it reaches its lowest value, see L ,.I
I I 0.0 +==f=f=
Fig. 5(d). This is also where the elastic interaction
energy attains its minimum value, see Fig. 6(d). At
the same time the particles become thicker in an effort
to decrease the total interfacial energy, see Fig. 6(b).
Following the particle morphologies shown in
Fig. S(d), normal coarsening ensues and the distance
012345 012 3 4
between interior interfaces increases. This increase
t t
causes the elastic interaction energy to increase. The
total energy of the system, Fig. 6(a), has a nearly zero Fig. 8. Energies as a function of time, t, during the particle
slope at a time of approximately 1. Nevertheless evolution shown in Fig. 7. Each 0, from left to right,
coarsening continues, thus illustrating that the corresponds to one of the particle arrangements shown in
Fig. 7 in alphabetical order. (a) Total energy of the system;
stability of the system cannot be determined simply (b) total interfacial energy; (c) total elastic energy; (d) elastic
from a zero slope of the total energy of the system as interaction energy.
a function of time. It is clear from this calculation
that changes in particle morphology are driven
by a complicated time dependent combination of systems in which an isolated particle has a four-fold
both the interfacial and elastic energies in the symmetric equilibrium shape, L e 5.6.
system. Figure 7 shows the coarsening process of three
particles with four-fold symmetric shapes located
4.3. Inverse coarsening in three-particle systems
along the elastically soft (100) directions of the
4.3.1. Below the bifurcation point. We shall first crystal. The two large particles have the same area
examine the possibility of inverse coarsening in while the smaller particle has one half the area of
either large particle. The evolution of various energies
during the calculation is shown in Fig. 8. The area of
each particle as a function of time is shown in Fig. 9.
(a) Due to the symmetric initial arrangement of the
particles, the temporal evolution of the area of both
large particles is identical. The area of each particle
shown in Fig. 9 is normalized according to the rela-
tion, Ai = a,/d - 1 where ai is the area of particle i,
and d is the average particle area. Thus when di = 0,
the area of this particle equals the average particle
area of the system.



-0.5 J
012 3 4 -0.5 0.0 0.5 10
t dA/dt
Fig. 9. (a) Area of the particles shown in Fig. 7 as a function
of time. (b) Area vs rate of area change. In (b) dA/dt for
all the particles is nearly zero at f = 0 and increases in
Fig. 7. Temporal evolution of three square-like particles magnitude as time proceeds. In both figures the dashed line
which at t = 0 have the equilibrium morphology where corresponds to the two initially large particles and the
L = 4. (a) t = 0; (b) t = 2.8; (c) t = 4.3. solid line to the initially small particle.

Figure 7 shows that during coarsening the center

of mass of the initially small particle moves in the
(110) direction and its .area increases monotonically
with time. In contrast, the initially large particles stay
almost at the same location and their areas decrease
monotonically with time. Therefore, inverse coarsen-
ing was present during the initial stages of the
evolution process, from t = 0 to t = 2.8, see Fig. 7(a)
and 7(b). In particular, in this time interval the total
interfacial energy of the system increased by 0.208,
see Fig. 8(b). This increase in total interfacial energy
was compensated by a decrease in the total elastic d
energy of an amount, 0.4944, such that total energy
of the system decreased monotonically with time. Fig. 10. Elastic interaction energies between two of the
Therefore, consistent with the calculations employ- particles of Fig. 7, in the (110) and (100) directions. Each
0 corresponds to one of the particle arrangements shown
ing fixed particle morphologies, in this case it is in Fig. 7 in alphabetical order.
the elastic energy that drives the inverse coarsening
Although the total elastic energy decreases con- grows at the expense of the two larger particles and
siderably during the coarsening process, the total inverse coarsening takes place. These results can also
elastic self-energy of the system decreases by only a be explained on the basis of interactive configurational
small amount, 0.0236. Therefore, the decrease in total forces [42].
elastic energy is due mainly to a decrease in the elastic In an effort to examine the stability of particle
interaction energy. Thus the changes in morphology doublets in elastically anisotropic systems, we exam-
of the particles are sufficiently small that the elastic ined the evolution of three particles with the same
self-energy is nearly time invariant and it is the elastic shapes and areas as those in Fig. 7 but with a different
interaction energy which in this case is the driving arrangement as shown in Fig. 11. Here a particle
force for inverse coarsening. However, if the particle doublet aligned along [loo] is created by bringing the
morphology were to change significantly, the elastic initially-smaller particle closer to one of the initially-
self energy would change and thus the elastic inter- larger particles. The purpose of this calculation was
action energy may not ,play as important a role in to determine whether the small particle would shrink
the coarsening process. In addition, if the distance with respect to the closer large particle, or if this small
between the particles were increased significantly, the
magnitude of the elastic interaction would be smaller
and thus inverse coarsening would not occur. Finally,
note that for t > 2.8, where a normal coarsening
process is occurring, both the elastic and interfacial
energies decrease, and drive the coarsening process.
Thus, the elastic interaction energy does not always
prevent a normal coarsening process from occurring.
This idea is consistent with previous fixed particle
morphology calculations [15-l 71.
The decrease in the elastic interaction energy with
time can be understood by considering the elastic
interaction energy between selected groups consisting
of two particles. The elastic interaction energy between
the two particles aligned along the (110) direction in
Fig. 7(a) is positive, while the interaction energy be-
tween two particles aligned along the (100) directions
is negative, see Fig. 10. Thus, at a fixed time, the
particles aligned along (110) increase the elastic
energy of the system, while the particles aligned along
(100) decrease the elastic energy of the system. The
elastic interaction energy is also proportional to the
area of the particle. Therefore when the smaller par-
ticle grows the elastic energy of the system decreases,
as it is aligned along (100) with respect to the large
Fig. 11. Temporal evolution of three particles with the same
particles. Conversely, as the larger particles are aligned shapes as those in Fig. 7 but in different relative orientation,
along (110) the elastic energy of the system would L is still 4. (a) t = 0; (b) t = 1.4; (c) I = 1.7; (d) t = 2.2;
increase if they were to grow. Thus, the small particle (e) t = 2.5; (f) t = 2.6.


43.5 ii



d 26.4

0 12 3
Fig. 13. (a) Area of the particles shown in Fig. 11 as a
Fig. 12. Energies as a function of time, 1, during the particle function of time. (b) Area vs rate of area change. At
evolution shown in Fig. 11. Each 0, from left to right, t = 0 dA /dr is nearly zero for all three particles, and for two
corresponds to one of the particle arrangements shown in of the particles dA/dr increases in magnitude as time
Fig. 11 in alphabetical order. (a) Total energy of the system; proceeds. In both figures the dashed line corresponds to the
(b) total interfacial energy; (c) total elastic energy; (d) elastic two initially large particles and the solid line to the initially
interaction energy. small particle.

particle would grow at the expense of the other larger the magnitude of dA/dt in Figs 9 and 13). The mass
particle located farther away from this small particle. flows from this shrinking larger particle to the other
The temporal evolution of the energies, Fig. 12, two particles in the system. It is this influx of mass to
show similar trends as those illustrated in Fig. 8, the two-particle subsystem that causes the initially
except that the interfacial energy reaches its maxi- smaller particle to grow. As soon as the area of the
mum value earlier than in the former case. As the growing larger particle is slightly larger than the total
interfacial energy increases initially, there is clearly an area of the other two particles and the initially small
inverse coarsening process occurring in this system. particle attains its maximum area, a time just before
More importantly, as illustrated in Fig. 13, the small Fig. 11(c), the smaller particle begins to shrink at a
particle does not shrink away initially, as it would if very slow rate and the largest particle in this system
the large particle in the upper right comer of Fig. 11 begins to absorb all the mass flowing from the other
was not present. The shrinking initially-larger particle two particles.
evolves in a way similar to the corresponding one Unlike Fig. 7, the morphology of the particles in
in Fig. 7, but with a faster coarsening rate (compare this case changes dramatically, especially that of the


Fig. 14. Temporal evolution of three aligned unequal-sized particles where L = 10. (a) t = 0; (b) t = 0.14;
(c) t = 0.18; (d) t = 0.53.


64.2 0.2 (4 (b)

0.1 .--._
63.6 u--._-.._
21.6 v A ,
0.0 T

(c) 04
62.5 -6.0 -0.1
‘- u
d QJ
62.0 -6.5 -0.2

61.5 i:-- -7.0 :\--:: -0.3

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.0 I 0.2 0.4 -0.5 0.0 0.5

t r t dA/dt
Fig. 15. Dimensionless energies corresponding to the evolu- Fig. 16. (a) Area of the particles shown in Fig. 14 as a
tion shown in Fig. 14. Each 0 corresponds to one particle function of time. (b) Area vs rate of area change. In (b)
morphology of Fig. 14 in alphabetical order. (a) Total dA/dr for all the particles is nearly zero and increases in
energy of the system; (b) interfacial energy; (c) total elastic magnitude as time proceeds. In both figures the dashed line
energy; and (d) elastic interaction energy. corresponds to the two initially large particles and the
solid line to the initially small particle.

growing particles. Thus, in this case the elastic energy ing process of a group of two-fold symmetric particles
decreases not only due to a change in the elastic inter- located along the elastically soft direction of the
action energy, but also due to a change in the elastic crystal. The value of L exceeds the bifurcation point
self-energy. This change in the elastic self-energy is a for the equilibrium shape of an isolated particle; the
result of the change in the morphology of the particles. equilibrium shape of a particle is two-fold symmetric.
This change in particle morphology is caused by the Such arrangements are found in many systems [l].
strong diffusional and elastic interaction between the The temporal evolution of three aligned plate-like
two particles aligned in the [loo] direction. particles with an initial area ratio of 1: 0.7 : 1 is shown
4.3.2. Above the bifurcation point. Here we are in Fig. 14. The evolution of the various energies is
interested in the mechanisms underlying the coarsen- shown in Fig. 15, and the evolution of the areas of

L=4 L=lO

L = 5.881 L=18

Fig. 17. Total energy surface for an isolated two-circular-particle system. E along R = 0, D = 0.047,
D = 0.447 and D = 2.447 are denoted as darker lines, where E is the total energy, and R = R,.

the particles is shown in Fig. 16. In this case, inverse coarsening. However, it is also evident from Fig. 17
coarsening occurs from the beginning of the calcula- that aZeJaDZ > 0 at R, = 0 over a range of distances.
tion, The interfacial energy increases at early times due The location of the relative energy minimum is
to the elongation in the particle morphology along (R,, D, L) = (0,0.447,5.881) indicating that two
(100) and the reduction in the distances between circular particles of the same size will attract one
the particle interfaces, Fig. 14(b). The elastic energy another and there will be an equilibrium separation
continues to drive this inverse coarsening process by distance between the particle interfaces of magnitude
increasing the width of the particles until reaching its 0.447.
minimum value at t = 0.18, Fig. 14(c). After this time However, for L = 5.881 and at a distance at
the elastic energy in the system increases due to the which the elastic interaction energy is a maximum,
change in particle morphology from plate-like shapes D = 0.447, a2e,pRf = 0. Thus, for L > 5.881 two
to more square-like shapes. This change increases particles of equal size can be stable with respect to
the elastic self-energy of the particles and decreases the coarsening over a certain range of interparticle
total interfacial energy of the system. However, the separation. The relative energy minimum becomes
smaller particle is still growing at the expense of broader and deeper with increasing L indicating that
the two larger particles, see Fig. 16(a), and thus the the propensity of the system to undergo inverse
decrease in interfacial energy and elastic interaction coarsening increases with increasing L. Thus, if the
energy is driving the inverse coarsening process, initial distance between the particles and the radius
Fig. 15(b) and (c). By t = 0.53 the initially smaller ratio is such that the second derivatives of the energy
particle is now the largest particle in the system, and of the system are positive, inverse coarsening will
thus a normal coarsening process is underway. occur and the system will evolve to two equal-sized
particles separated by a certain equilibrium distance.
5. DISCUSSION Finally, two particles of equal size in many cases
are only a relative energy minimum, thus they are
The classical description of the effects of elastic metastable with respect to the formation of one large
stress on coarsening has been in the context of particle.
energetic calculations in systems consisting of par- To compare these results with our time dependent
ticles of a fixed morphology. To compare our results calculations, where we do not constrain the morph-
with this classical approach, we have examined the ology of the particles to be circular, we considered the
total energy of two circular particles in an elastically stability of a two particle system with respect to small
anisotropic system. We follow closely the procedure changes in the area of one particle. We first examined
developed by Johnson [9] and used extensively by the stability of two particles with an initially four-fold
Miyazaki and co-workers [12-141. The total energy of symmetric equilibrium shape, where L is below the
the two-particle system is defined using equation (19) bifurcation point of 5.6, located at the equilibrium
separation distance [42]. Here we decreased the area
e, = e: + eb + ei, (27) of one particle by making the area ratio 1: 0.96 or
R, = 0.02. We found that such particle doublets
where: e, = e,(R,, D, L), ei = ei(R,,), ez = es(&), were always unstable with respect to coarsening. We
e6 = ei(R,, D), R, = (a, - a2)/(a, + az), D is the performed similar calculations above the bifurcation
shortest distance between the interfaces of the par- point, where the equilibrium shape of an isolated
ticles, and ai is the area of particle i. The total energies particle is two-fold symmetric, and found identical
for various values of L are shown in Fig. 17, where results: for L < 10 particle doublets are unstable with
R, ranges from - 1 to + 1, D ranges from 0.047 to respect to coarsening. While small amounts of inverse
2.447, and the total area of both particles has been coarsening were observed, see Fig. 5(a), two particles
fixed at 2n. The energy was calculated numerically with equal areas were never stable with respect to
using the above mentioned procedure. Following coarsening. Therefore, we conclude that the energetic
Johnson’s work, the possibility of inverse coarsening calculations of the stability of two circular particles
can be viewed as bifurcation in the extrema of the with respect to coarsening yielded qualitatively in-
energy of this two-particle system. In the absence correct results. The reason for this error lies in the
of elastic energy, two particles of equal size, R, = 0, constraint that the morphology of the particles
are always an energy maximum. However, if inverse remain circular. When this constraint is relaxed, the
coarsening is a possibility and, in particular, if the number of degrees of freedom in the system increases
system is stable with respect to coarsening R, = 0 beyond two, R, and D, and thus the system is free to
must be an energy minimum. Thus, the stability of explore other morphological evolution paths, which
the system with respect to coarsening can be deter- in this case decrease the energy of the system. This
mined by examining the sign of a’e,/aR; evaluated at is consistent with Onuki’s assertion that changes in
R, = 0 as a function of D and L. the shapes of particles alter dramatically the elastic
For L c 5.881 d’e,/aR: < 0 at R, = 0, for any D, interaction energy between the particles [18].
indicating that two particles of equal size are energy In contrast to previous results, primarily those
maxima and the system is unstable with respect to based upon energetic calculations with particles of

fixed morphology, during the morphological evolution shaped particle which has the energy minimizing
of the three aligned two-fold symmetric particles shape.
shown in Fig. 14, inverse coarsening was observed We found that a doublet consisting of a small and
even though the total elastic energy increased and the large particle can grow at the expense of another large
total interfacial energy decreased. The elastic inter- particle located at some distance from that doublet.
action energy, however, decreases during the entire This result is an illustration of a mechanism for
calculation. Thus, in this case the growth of the particle alignment along the elastically soft directions
smaller particle at the expense of the larger particles, of a crystal. In this case, the smaller particle did not
inverse coarsening, was driven by a decrease in the shrink in size due to the negative elastic interaction
interfacial and elastic interaction energy. The increase energy with the neighboring large particle. This shows
in elastic energy and decrease in interfacial energy that a selective coarsening process, such as that
from t = 0.18 to t = 0.53 are due to changes in the suggested by Ardell and Nicholson [l], can lead to
aspect ratios and detailed morphology of the particles particle alignment in an elastically anisotropic system.
during the evolution process. For example, by
t = 0.53, Fig. 14(d), the small plate-like particle is
thicker than the other two initially larger particles
and the thickness of the initially larger particles varies On the basis of our calculations of the morpho-
with position along (100). The result provides an logical evolution of particles with a dilatational misfit
illustration of the complex morphological evolution in an elastically anisotropic system we find that:
which is possible in stressed systems when the
morphology of the particles is not fixed.’Since two- During coarsening in elastically stressed systems
dimensional, plane strain, conditions are assumed, neither the total interfacial energy nor the total
the particle size in the third direction is assumed to elastic energy must decrease monotonically with
be much larger than in the other two directions. Thus, time. For systems such as those considered herein,
the particle cannot change its size or shape in the only the sum of these two energies must decrease
third direction. While this may overly restrict the with time.
morphological development of a particle in some When the morphology of two particles is fixed
cases, it is very difficult to determine the effects of this as circles, two particles of the same radius can
constraint without performing full three-dimensional be stable with respect to coarsening. However, if
calculations. changes in particle morphology are allowed to
Inverse coarsening was almost never observed in occur which are consistent with mass diffusion
the two-particle calculations. It was very easy, and the conditions for local interfacial equi-
however, to arrange three particles such that inverse librium, two-particle systems were never observed
coarsening will take place. Thus, we expect that to be stable with respect to coarsening.
localized inverse coarsening in multiparticle systems Inverse coarsening is more easily observable in
is quite common; the calculations of Wang et al. multiparticle systems, but stabilization of a multi-
support this conclusion [21]. However, in all of the particle system with respect to coarsening was
three-particle calculations performed; the system never observed.
never coarsened to a state with more than one particle Due to the complex morphological changes
that was stable with respect to coarsening. Thus, induced by interparticle elastic interactions,
although inverse coarsening occurred during a portion inverse coarsening can’ be accompanied by a
of the morphological evolution process, the elastic decrease in the interfacial energy of the system,
stress was never sufficient to stabilize an array of as would be the case in a classical coarsening
particles against coarsening. process.
During coarsening it is not unusual to find plate-like The growth of a group of particles aligned along
particles aligned along the elastically soft directions an elastically soft direction of the crystal at the
of a crystal. An immediate question suggested by this expense of an isolated large particle is one mech-
particle arrangement is the mechanism by which these anism by which the experimentally observed
aligned particles coarsen. It has been shown by a raft-like particle arrangements can form.
number of authors [21,27,29], that these particles Two-fold symmetric, plate-like, particles aligned
can coarsen via a coalescence process, i.e. the physical along the elastically soft direction of the crystal
contact of particle interfaces. Our calculations show can coarsen by mass flow through the thin
that such coalescence is not necessary for the coarsen- interparticle regions of matrix.
ing process to proceed, see Fig. 14. In this case
coarsening occurs by mass flow across the small
regions of matrix which separate the particles. By Acknowledgements-We gratefully acknowledge many help-
focusing on the motion of the thin region of the ful discussions with A. G. Khatchaturyan, W. C. Johnson,
P. H. Leo and Y. Wang and the careful reading of an early
matrix, this process can be viewed as a migration of version of this manuscript by M. Flhnnann. We are also
a thin film of matrix along a certain direction. The very grateful for support of the National Science
end result of this migration is one large two-fold Foundation grant number DMR-9120521.

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