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What is a CASE
Is a detailed study of a specific
subject, such as a person,
group,place, event,
organization, or phenomenon.
Case study is a qualitative
research kind which allows the
researcher to have an intensive
analysis of the phenomenon.
The aim of this study is to
accurately describe the case
through an in-depth examination
of a single person or single
Key features of case study:
When to do a case study?
A case study is an appropriate research
design when you want to gain concrete,
contextual, in-depth knowledge about a
specific real-world subject. It allows
you to explore the key characteristics,
meaning, and implication of the case.
Keep in MIND!
In case study it aims to get an
in-depth understanding or
knowledge about our subject.
For your activity, there are problems indicated.
Choose 1 case and submit a reaction paper for each
case. Follow the instructions below.
NOTE: Follow the guidelines below in each case
study selected.
NOTE: Follow the guidelines below in each case study selected.
1. In 1 word document, indicate the chosen case by writing its
2. Give a short summary of the case in one paragraph.
3. Give your standpoint whether you agree or disagree and
elaborate your points on why so? Write it in one paragraph.
4. Based on the case study, what is your other probable solution
using your own lens and based on your readings. Discuss your
solutions or recommendations. Write in one paragraph.
5. Relate the case study to the Philippines Education setting.
Discuss your points in one paragraph.
Problems for Case Study:

1. Does being financially unstable hinder students from

affording quality education?

2. As an upcoming Grade Senior High School student, is

the K to 12 curriculum effective?

3. Does an open high school program provide available

opportunities for out-of-school students or youth?
Format your Case Study:
Arial - Font
12 - Font size
1.5 - spacing
Short Bondpaper
It should be Printed
It’s either tagalog or english (no taglish)
Thank you !

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