1880 Entrevista A Presidente Depuesto Mariano Ignacio Prado - The Sun - New York - January 7 p1

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= 129
fit that place
Porn will then hnv-
nnmOIII luidtieos anti birthplace wero linked FIRE Hhoit ran ono long block to Eleventh
block dnvvn to thn tIn i mow of Sixty fuiti rt it- PRESIDENT PRADO
avenue and a- OF PERU arrived oundernrmn nt lint plnen about 11000 men with GARCELONS
J LLOYD IIAIGUS FRAUDS was hot to his ccii ho umllud- OTHER VICTIMS OF

tileasantly and
11luN Imiinswernd 1

nlTably and tbosn-

Mi t eel TiE w here I live W lion i I got IIntu my hnuso
I I I which force
poses to reconquer Tnrapncii
till now CommanderlnChlef pro-
Tim Chilians

ngreuablu traits hn exhibited during all thu

tttosi trnojirMiKit ritO3t- TIIV- hurried
I wrapped a slinwl around my face ittitb then
In llm hospital A VICIZSt Tl lHli TOO flCKTK 1CST11U- hold It In force Thnv IIIUB over 11000 nnn In lsurutt JIKFUS- corwjijv- uincnq
tuniiHiiwnri pE1hI Till IT in FU- tlmn hu Klneil In the 1rllol llu VVIIH taken ALL
J Hpeaktng nf the aiisn of tlm ClIlty Lngnn- Of HIE thn district nail nperntlnnx nunlnst titolim will Tiutn cII7IP1Ci JJc8 ixa
the prison latu afternoon and w ir I I i I
BIIHM 101VLACK- I IIn their rn
RiiIIi j tin Till HitmanD- tl
tho first thing hn did was to Inuulrn
IIINJU eald I Hiipprihij I must hnvn doil nnd tlm
have been pumpcd full nud must
cxen 8hely ul IllIcit
Tarapaui may under prenont circum-
it and doubtful
In lteTere his Al

to thu iiuallly unit deserltitlnn tank must A Few Yrnn Ata Iliillnl n > the Nnvlnr of stances bo considered im practically lout In The Governor Hi< rllnlnit es
lttnvrrril In Time lit
InclliiliU Injiirj The lliukVn Hlriunl Unit 01
Hcttiedr the OlliervrUe- thn Ilrlool
tiyiii it

It hu could U
Hn WI Informed
any nrdlnary arlloln
by- The liruol lilt
An uivelixa llon Iteuilti IJ
Aiii iiirniice nf
gas probiblv
I Ito boiler house nnd It mlulit liavn eaught llro
the miumtmmhutle
nloiig thou
lit till top
ground ho- IVru
and NIIU In IlUnritcr Illi Mlxlan-
p rirrnlu MII Iroclulmrd Illclulii-
Peru Tlm bio
port of Ilo Is guarded by n Chilian
kudu In being extended and tho
llnti Kii lutt iimlliliit
house Offli era 2imi Olhe the Hltit IKoinu
Niiiu I nml I
Kllliil r I Mm Hutch Ailmlltril In Unit roster IH thn nmtrnn nt theTuinbs IItu dHilcil fund prepared In Mrs Fosters kltehuti Mrs Hlirlilnil The Cuiiiu of thu Tire thorn likely It Tim Illnnco Encnlnda nnd
Lout nn cruising Inn 6TllO nttompt to Inllu-
toot ttlm turnuce hut I think I
rEProsldeiit Oun Marino I nnclo 1iado I I
lao and ill 0 other day dinned IHIM
tu SiOOO mi llm Chnrgrt f Forneri- to order buttered toast nml tea of Mis 1nster At noon ycstciday 80111118019 lind died cm tight llru from a koroseno lamp which Ittley of Peru arrived by the steamer Andes from north of CutI transport IjImoHn whleh hnd 1000 cnco Mr Aotorof Fiirtnlncton who woe count
ttiipply- In East hit UP outside oppOHltit tho boiler liniisndooi Peruvian
Thobtory In Tun SUN of yesterday of how A troll bowl 01 tea nnd n liberal I I
victims of tho Urn rlrn morning Wllllo- to light him vvlieii ho wheeled imhesbadly out Asplnwnll last evening and took rooms at the soldiers nn board destined to join tlmtransport reserve ed lu ns n inutnbfirof tlin Lfulolnturo to ubnn
Ur J Lloyd Hnlgh had ns alleged in addition
of wurnsoiittn hint and liuiilu nnlllrlnt Fourth street early on Monday
KngnnH laco nnd hands wero burned I I force In Limn Tile Chilian nrmed don his positIon In refusing tile cortlllcnto ol
wills confessed forgorlesboongulltyof passing iilterwnrd hn
until bout plntu IUD
over on his
and 11 ItI
loon Gelb 10 years old was found Insensible
slept and
nnd ho
not seriously
was burned Internally
Whlln Ill was elmsupported
hilt It lu hoped Alhomarlo Hotel
It Is only n few years since Gen Prndo was and Callao and sill Hirer of tthoso vessels early
Amnronns Is also cruising between Panama
mny- election lins urovud n failure Ho refuses la-
Selective wlrn off ou tho trustees of tho Brookl- nuleup¬ Early ynstiirdny hu
fool of Ilia room In which ho
from his houjo to the Hoosnvelt Itospltnl by the Idol of tIn Peruvian people Ho wns recalled bu expected to arrive nt this port nt nn partlclimto In thin procuedlngH of u Loel laturfl
II Oil ordered the mesKencortn bung him cop en- got out of tho mnrrlagntho date when last seen
I I nt-
when tho llrcmcn him by limo Amnzonns Was Mr Sprout o
yn Bridge fur uso In tho great cables cnusnd- nf Tint HUN nnd llrtalil After rending those
25 years
John Otnl ills wns relntlvo lat-
from n prolonged exile In Chill to assume thin Dnllenltn on tIll const of Ecundor looking out to which ho wits not chosen

icltement In Brooklyn It assumed n personal ho nrdureilI nil thn munilng papers ii nil lent burning building Henry Gohwcllor 1 I ter whoso aim
burning sensation Oh
round examination
his waist felt u Presidency
ho of Peru Then In successful for n torpedo InunHi which put Into an Ecu- Venzlo wns Inboied with on Mnndnv but hi ¬

old fell from his window while trying get on i dis- ¬

Interest to every man who expects to Intrust word to Matron Foster that ho wnuld II
thnt Kngnnc clothing wee still on fire battles nualnnt thn Spaniards ho wns haIled ns adorian port oUt of con Tim launch was on still adheres to lila determination to kcei
to tho brldeu when It lla finished Mr
boBfsteak and a cut of coffee for his bimkfnst nn ndjnlnlng roof nnd was killed Theresa covered Mlchnel lllley III Uollevuo Hospital Raid that time savior of his country the victorious lender th way to Cnllno In ehnrco of two Peruvlnn away from the Lcglslnture Thrro other
blmselreceived tho contract to furnish C800 were sent dishes ol fried potatoes A sirloin steak was broiled for I and it It
hll bread and nrliiirdt 21 years old jumped from her window nt thu moment of the XpiOloIloli house
wit hu was standing i officers and It Is atilt probnblo that Opt
about ten feit from tile boiler door half- of Its army the men who had clipped the wings Thomson of the Amarnnns will sink or capture Fusion members nro known positively to re-
nud n bowl nf coffee Hu handed a bunk and was killed Louts Schmidt 30 years old ¬
tins already fuse their cortlflcntes nml one or two are
tons of caststool wire nt eight and seventenths butter notu to tlm woman who took to him thoso things was found dead among tho embers In his room way between thn door and tho furnnce Kagnn of time Spanish eagle and In freeing his country her wherever found Thn launch
cents a pound and It was required to stand n nnd retimed tn accept uf lillY change Alter eat- was sitting nt tho furnace door itIley saId tile from tho despotlo sway of Spain had earned cost the Peruvian Government n larsoramount detained nt liomo by sickness Tliu romnluJot
Lang jumped from her window nnd first hu know hn WitS thrown over backward and her chances ol arrival nt Callao other
test aa to Its strength of 100000 pounds to tho ing his breakfast ho road the IIlrsln1 before nol to bo Ito right to tIm crntltudo of tOo nation But In employment during the remainder of the war are hem on tho° Ground participating In tile

nonn U teellvn FloUt eidlod took she died In Uellovuo Hospital nt 7 oclock on townrd tlm entrance andt Ithe air teemed are very bright
sQuare Inch which was made of forty wires of 11t tilled with lire Hn Htnrtud to run but being the war agaInst Chill ho was successful only In not rlous caucus hilt It Is not known wtiethernll
him to the District Attorneys olllee- Monday evening Anna Bauer jumped from blinded by the blnaie ha tumbled ngnln Hn got tho first few minor engagements and Ito
the size orllorel Tho wire was put up III rings llefnri hu was taken to tile floncrnl Htwdnni wilt take part In the organization Sir Hobson
anil each rlnl was tested before It loft the fac- f Court lie otivrstol with lila counsel Mr Nuw
¬ her window COil suffered Injuries thnt resulted up and run to u Itt Ia building I belonging I tile I
capture of the Huascnr wag succeeded It 2lULLIOX4IIJS SUICIDE hue counted In H imtor from Lincoln says ho
stud with one ot two friends hu In her dnnth in the Now Hospital yesterday railroad whom Roinernllroiid men nt hist cnmo
tory at Red Hook Point by Col W H Paine of collie found In the District Attorneys
whol lie morning Margaret Gelb YOlk to his rescue Ho thinks that tots from tho stilt by a series of disasters so crushing anti over Eccentric Ilnchelor Killing Him
Intends to do what IB irIght Hi should take IllS
the engineer corps Mr Hnlghlnt first cnptl- wis found in her probably aught tIne from tho fiirnnee but that wholmlnanB to bo almost without parallel and Cleveland sent ho saId antI Immedlntoly muko n motion
looked non the worse for his prison expe- ¬ room and she died icsturdny morning In it might have caught flro from tlm lump self wIth Chloroform
rnted thoso with whom he came In contact rience and If hn wholly grnauudtt scoru
al his position or percolved that
the initiiru of
of idlers vuo Hospital Last evening the soon
Hole It Is now said but dented by him hint ho isn- CinvEijAND Jan Case Clovo
to rnlse n committee to investigate
In Lincoln County Whlln hue thought tint tile
election lie
lie eonlnl polite generous respectful
ccmpllmontary nod prepossessing Tho
tract for which there was much competition tOIfact lullllolln
con wore nurrovvly watching every aetlrllDlmo-
he hIs mannori
hnckld up tn thuagainst stove InlollrIY Iw
wero in
an undortnkors
Mr Wlnckol was In l llovuo Hospital yester- ¬ They
rooms In Exsev street AYUTIIkJC
Aik to be KeMwtnvil
lJl fiiKltho from the Indignation nf his people As
heretofore announced In Turn SUN GonNlcoln-
fnim Inilnic Out srierola hits boon proclaImed Dictator of Peru
lends eccentric bachelor mllllonnlro
dead on time floor nf his sleeping room early tiuls drew It Q were for tile same person he waS
wits found votes thrown for Andrmv It O Smith and An ¬
lu wall day nt noon His reason hind returned but
was awarded to him on tho strength of his be- lic office
UotHCtlvu Fluids 10lnol neat him all tin Injuries nro serious HU fnco Is badly
Money Indtgaitnt JIPOOOI Inn Prndo was born nt Iluanoco tOo capital morning having committed suicide byali oven entlffled Hint tue Holwon vits entitled to hid
Ills head was enveloped seat on tlio ground ot fraud intimidation anti
ing a Brooklyn manas other bidders wero wit tlmo Lawyer Nuwtomo was joined by Lawyer his TOo DIrectors uf tho BInio Savings Insti- ¬ of the proUnio of Hunnoco in the yonr 1826 dose of chloroform
i line to mako their prices ns advantageous
his His claim to tho contract was championed tho
Betts who IU an advUor of long aainalntaneeilx
District Attorney riiultm hall
amount nt ilaleha
had lboon ii8kndti l
Hn siint for llu
burned nml his sight wns nt onotlmo
to be lost Later In tho day tho house physi- ¬ tution ot KlteibcthN J

that his sight was not gone

and that Itunyon In Nuwarfcye8tiirdny
npplled to Chancellor anti wn educated nt tIme colloees of Hunnoco- In n blanket which
for nn order nnd of San Curios In Limn from whlun hn sponge satutnted with chloroform which hnd
ago His educatIon was evidently been held close against his mouth
being unfolded disclosed n bribery
Thomns B Swan the Democratic mombir
In tbo Board of Trustees by several Brooklyn S V Whims nnd coufurrqd with him Mr
Ier cian mild
probably testimony prohibiting tho payment of money to the de- ¬ terminated entltely n
nt tlm
uoiiera one
of 17
and for sonic years evening
elect of tho louse from Mluot Jilts written n
members of tho Board so zealously that some upon White brought with thin n llstot HnlghV papers he would bo able to Rive his Ho lund retired nt 12 oclock after nn nt-
baLi loaned 13 to Tire Marshal Sheldon today A17 Fourth positors ROIl for the appointment of n comm- ¬ otter ho deoted insult to general business whlet and appeared to bo In usually good letter to the Clmlnnnn of tho Democratic and I

talk was made to tho cause

At the beginning of the manufacture of the motley papers In tllU shape of notes
whleh tlm Orocrllnn
This list
the sum of the fncn
value uf whleh
tho care ot her friend
from burns
Mrs Stair lay
ute to take charge o tlm assets of tho bunk
TItle action was thu result ot a decision readied tator nnd held thu reins of coxernment
pursuits In 1854 ho began Ills mllltnrv
career and In 18C3 was proclaimed Dic- spirits
years and
He hind
could have survived but a

Greenback cnucuR that he will not particIpate In
been a consumptIve for tile orcnnlzntlonof thclloum until It shnll fully
determine to obey thu mandate of thin court
steel only nbout two por cent of the wire was aceeItllnees
115000 Tho forged paper upon which Jlr- hands and foC
sulorlnl was sufferingabut as nt n nicotine of tho mannciirs on Monday even- ¬ for fourteen montlni nnd tlion by unhoronl- time longer Ills physician had put him to bed Moses Hurrliniin of Kminebiink rimlonlBt also

rejected and thoso In charge of the tests hogan Is WHS oleeteil Pri Hiil nt nnd rn
lIs expected tOol thu Chnncellorwlllglvo
Hnlun Wits arrestej WAS one item In the r- ¬
much from shock as from nnithlng else and ing It timlned In power until 1870 HH was nitnln chosen regularly every night for two years nnnuuucvH tlint lie will not participate in tho
to feet great confidence In the material since Mr Whltudld not leave thu paper today is believed thnt ho action of tho House until tile leKtil members are
much of It exceeded the standard for strength
wlh favored n demand Attorney Tho District Attor her friends luau refrained front telling her of his decision itnd it President in 1B70
returned to Puru to lad Its llnunces
when absent In Europe
nml When Ills father the hate Leonard Case came seated
for very heavy hail Limit thn death of her sister Margaret Oelb- will grnnt thn order nSitcd for The President this was almost a The Oovornoi mild not agree with the Com- ¬
nnd ductility It wns soon seen however that nlv
Informed Hulchs lawyers that ho woulllub- BTuru Hallo presented n desolate appaarancn- of thn bunk Is Mr Jacob Davis who is also tho plorable For nil mo It seemed timid hi mIght Its credit host andjlts condition politically de- to Cleveland about 1810 ¬ wil
upon him today tluit no

derness Case was a roan of small moans and mittee who united

the wire was balnllni to run small and then iniittur to Judge Olldcrsluovo niguoi1 thu vesterday Black uiieul tliubeiD burned doors President of the Elizabeth Horse RaIlroad mriiln prove successtul in regenerating tho a farmer becoming Indebted to him torn yoke prcpnnitlons vveru nudeil m thin capital for
more nt nton was Plid to all of tho contrac-
mi tile tho lawyers wont aud while they nail chnrrod woodwork wnre everywhere pruventlnti dlsturhnmu thero woe no indica- ¬
Juliuhim In undertones Detuctlvn Flout and Water dripped from LImit coIling upon thin floor Company nnd who after the susr nsloii of country hut the hick of finances and changes
the con-
of oxen bo wns compelled reluctantly to accept tion
IIB to vvhnt courju would bo pursued
tors work this nttentlon wns not relaxed Mr Halgh enteiud tho court room quietly and ot Ihl hnllld formed In pools mi Ilie olltloth Amos Clark Jr becofco tOo President of tho stant politicalchnngosuhich rendend A caucus of tint Fusion m mbers of tile
Irom that time out As the small wlro began to took seats among thu Sinntutor patrol down of Ministry cuunlly frequent presented nls- a tonacre lot for the debt That lot Is now In wilts held this evening bolnir presided
nppoar a gauge was made for It and It was lrlonur said Clerk 111 slnnl up
t ii ilL IInsurance
Tho rna1 Ir fnrmnt itt oeounled IIl hlllll
First National I nnkof Kllsuiboth Its Vice tiiklnc nuy stops thnt might ImM proved ovmi thu heart ot tIle city and rondo the Cases mil Sennto

moderately ot over by Senator Patten of Pnnoliseot with Ira H ¬

Lxiiellclal The outbreak the
tinted for strength according to Us slzo to make the
the test equal to thn ntoptpt for the larger
Mr Ilaigh rose and
tuppcd to family were deserted Tho llruhad nutt touched
Lloyd Hnlgh said Clerk Hall renting Was a Christmas lieu still iden with trinkets
them hut smoke f
water lied IIn the parlor W Foote Its treasurer I
Presidents nro SnmualJ Moore and Frederick
Earl Among war of John was the signal
enthusiasm whlcn
for nn outburst lionaires Leonard Case left two sons William
for n time it and Leonard Jr William was formerly Presi-
LIbby us Sivrutiri Tim following ofllcors ivan i
nnmlnntiMl Fm President John D Lawson of
vviudo who wns a memhiirof the Innt douse ¬

wire Tlm engineers hesitate to reject the emJoryemunt upon thn Indictment that wits In another room two canary hints were 111nllll Its thlrtylho nianngnrn ore some of tho most was thoucht haul so completely broken dent of thu Luke Shore llallroad mind afterward from Frueiloin Heeretiiry A O uuilrw n-
wirn which wns nil reedy for delivery and thus found against Mr Hnlgh on Monday thu tlielr cages smothered by smoke In conspicuous citizens of Klbnbeth down nil party feelIng thnt Prndo would Mayor Aucustu Asslntant Secretary Frnuois B Oreer-
threw 1ldl ninny tons of It becnusu It was- Grand Jury has Indicted you for forgery In the above thIn main huh when thn servants slept a IInlJ night courso bo enttblod to hold tin country together of Cleveland Ho died In 18C2 and otNmvjiort s iigur James Devtnenf
strength or ductility Some of third degree In forging a bill of exchange for henpnf hnlfburned corn husks President Davis last that the and prevent Internal revolutIon but the loss ot Leonard tile elder In 18G5 both without leavIng
M Wtilto-
Im wire which was Inferior In ductility and odd cents with Intent to defraud the a bdd hnd boon a luetnl trunk lul hnw1 when stun I tho directors hnd taken was with tho view of the Hunscnr followed by the series of detents n will und Leonard Jr thus came into posses ¬ fluhl Paris
Chaplain i
Messenger L 15 Kerne of
HID limit A Strotitof I I Benin
41 superior in strength while thnt- 13Go Hank Are you guilty or not guilty 1 hnrrcilHiilistanea amid of ashes nOlrln1- protecting the depositors and Insuring to each nf thn combined orioles of lie belligerent ford Tile following nr tho house uoininn
IJIIPIIIS not only to lmo destroyed tIme lucid of sion of n property estimated to bo then worth minnie
i nnleh did not come up to the test for
trength met other requirements To guard
HMItiit tiny trnud the engineers hnd very
Not guilty Mr Halgh answered
I tlndSHld JudgeOlldentleevu
not meet the v low nf cither sldu In rogtrd tIme
that I can-
blnckeued trnoerQ with
vved where
¬ I thu young
Tile janitor off Ithn building William
inun bail
ropes nn equitable share ot the assets of tho bank
eerci Yltz The bink wns orcnnlwd thirteen years ago thin night of his ally President Dnza of Bo- 1805 so that when Leonard Cauo tIled he was D C ChoivetCiiblHof
1radn upon the Peruvians hut tn have let to seven millions This hits nearly doubled slnco SnenUerJohnO Talliotof KnstMnehlnst
of Spring Vnln
Glenjmru Assistant Clerk nnruNi
loud ot wire weighed In the yard of Iho Brook- Question of ball I have reflected however and who lives Ilu Third I Street tODposlte the Third and fnr n tInt wns proupwrnus llvln who with Gen Ilueiidla llrtd hInd tho richest landed proprietor In tlio State Fifty uvere plneod In OhIo Btfito-
¬ I
the de- command of thin Peruvian tro ps D- oxtii men
fought atLeonard
lyn nnchornge so that the amount could not be that by quiring n sum streetentrnncnto thin wild Mr wifit vita posits Two yenis Mr Davis ¬
was born In 1820 was graduated HOUSK thIs morning nt about 1 oclock uud It Is
diminished on the win A record wns carefully
11wayof tho ulnlolsum named on either tide awakened by hearing f crllmAII Iht girls Ill were 11000
W havn liion pitying the depositors
today thy am nbout n7is unity though well equipped
In n Imlfhenrted way during the entIre Cohn
ale studied law In Cincinnati and was ad ¬ soul that 100 more untied men will be placed
I kept of
ni the wire Unit was accepted nod nil I may bo doing exact justice I therefore fIx Ruth slut awoke mo I ran
rejected I so that nt any time the thn ball nt 25000 and 1 have no doubt that It Ut to tlm top floor You Me 111Unlltl- 133000 oil gradually us bent vvuI muld and would i hnvo- pnlgn ant it loader though credited with
mitted to practice in 1842 Ho never followed there tonlsht Ion Clmtnliiirliilii line taken
his profession honever Ho vas one of hue charge of till pollee fore at tint Htntu House
tl 1
eXit ijniotmt
of available wire wns known will secure the prisoners appoarnuco wh1 bo- leading down to the Third street entrance from I
Hueieedd In lIon n g nil dollar for dollar If we great mllltnr genius showed himself Incnpnblo
hnd not been Interturod with by three or four of In lie most trying emergency on tim occasion sides wn a line classical scholar Some one In amid
finest mathemntlelnns in the country nnd be- ¬ thIn guns from the Bangor arsenal have-
as welt ns tlm amount of that which hud been Is called to answer the charge against thu loft I nine loire and i Iled Theru wan been packid nwaj in boxes
toiinrt defectIve- Detective Fluid took Mr Halgh back to tho no answer The placu was smoke I do them who would not wait until wo could of the battle of Dolores At tiuuut battle nocnn- 18511 hnvlnu made the assertion that tho JIMndo- A iluUlli rig VMIS lind baioro tho Governor and
In June 1878 the engineers wore surprised- District Attorneys ofllcu where Mr HnJghs not sen why thu servants did not come out this reillitoupon our Invihtnieiils As these threat- ¬ ling to the reports Gen Diizn concentrated 0 000 Muntliltt would not accept n poem from n Wes- Council this
ninku trouble and perhaps eausn tho men nt tile village of TilllUchc nnd threw liini- nftfinoon on thu petition for tlbtt ¬

at the iltacovury that more wire had been deliv ¬ fatherinlaw Dudley Haley n fish dealer In way Tho door loadlnl into tile drawing room ened appointment of a receiver wu applied tn tlm- Be uimii thin strongly entreneheit position oc- tern source nn matter how meritorious ho ndmlssion of twelve rtiTHopntiitlvia from five
than the quantity of accepted wire then to thu Fulton Fish Market and James A Van from till loft UIIAIlolkIJ- protection wrote nnd sent anonymously Treasure itlts A A fetrotit uppiireil ttur lie Portlftiul-
be delivered amounted to and this Increased Brunt a South street ship chandler were wait On tile outer doors
¬ wero pin Chnueellnr for his HID cniisu of 1eupied bj the Chilians Buundln with his Trove nn hlnorlcnl poem which was nc-
r priS titatit s nnd Inlnid tint they xhould-
ing to sign his ball bond They eutUlled Hull cards announcing that already111 burnedotit
OIIF getting Into our present sham IIs thu depre- ¬
their vigilance Col Paine directed his assist Purii Inn command nsol tod him amid nt day eepteil nnd nfterwnrd reprinted In book form jnivo InulI tlin orlblnnl c rtllleatos I
hut nilI dnulil 1

Btits to keep their eyes wide open nnd the re Clerk ¬

Denny that they nro worth 10000 each lodges toil KOCI ties hnd sought other qunrtors ciation ot KliiUbeth real sluiti owIng to thinI I II Ii Itt the t nrmlirt note Into I colliHloti with th- In I I
1873 he publlxhed u volume of poems that I I
had now ben pmoMd hj tin opinion I of the
suit was the discovery that after Mr Hiilghs they were required to Fire Marshal h
l gniu nn unfortunatecomlltlop of thu citys llnunces If Chlllnni niUnnced pIckets Not wishing to wis favorably rovmed Ills eccentricities Hero pritiitiitlvi

trucK was loaded with colls of wire and weighed

lu real estate nnd then HIJldol Louis ImetUltlol I lit city wermmt virtually bankrupt wo could force a battle DRZI thru withdrew his troops man When n touug man hit purchased ten court In hilmlf of f nil till hIP

I Mr Halgh ouch lu 23 000 tttnty


it wits driven off apparently to BO to tho bridge Than Mr Halgh buttoning n long gray over-
becomn sureties for nt 1 oclock
who nueceeilid escaping whn Gehwellur dispose ot the real CHlntovvt hold nnd the oonds but at A Mtliti allied U army moved forward beautiful steeds nnd presented them linndsome- would
tlif iieiuil
ttur diia uiitiht
fled I II hn put out tlm light betoro
and mortgngeu on other renl estute l As it fIs nod In tile tmtlo that folio wed the allies suffered ly capirUnnndtons lOOnY of his lady friends ccrtiflnilts hint
yard but InRtal it was taken by n circuitous coat that one 01 hit friends had brought to him in tile ormuiir ition of tint LiriHliuur
toll testl up the strut pate

route the shed where the rejected from his home walked briskly out of the offlce stairs 010111 oclock on Monday thero Is no market fot either Many of a disastrous defeat Seeing im old acquaintance walking I
The Governor Informed tint irititleninn that 11¬
lUrowns stored Hero the eood wlm WAS un morning r lie Turners haul a diuicu and I ho our larger depositors IIHVL b en willing to Ink Gen Prndo in n short stout noun Ho IIn a dejected mnmier and evidently meditating was n imtt T for tOil onn ulorition of thin Coun- I

IcnJed and the defective wlro was substituted T111C 13ANC3 AND
tended thn hut stand Iheruwas no light In- city propertv or mortgages on it loir the moimy wears a full benrd out
short with ample on n leeent loBsof fortune he slipped up behind cil Tin tnnttor MII rcfrnil to n commltnH of
was a pair of wagon scales In the shed on Receiver White was asked for n copy of tho thn garret when he went to bed Ho wns- due thi m cityOthers hnvo taken Itnliwiu lOud hlak gra moustneliH unit whiskers sprinkled him I and llilII ItO IIn his hands which were tin CoiiiKil who f ii tsti iciity iInfoinad Sir
TIre the weight of the load was tried until it lIst he showed to the District Attorney nwiikmied by tim smoke and tlm llnmes worn Kliiih th bnnils Thn fm vnlue nl nuri no with In manner he Is courtly ¬
folded behind Ills hock u roll of blllsamounting
btrnut that thov would report tomorrow morn

was the same as thnt of the H Anlollold An No Mr White replied I dont think It then bursting through thu partition Into his nets iR about 21000 inexcessot tlm f llSOUn
and bile speech Is measured nnd dellli- to TOO lied proelpltitely before the man could 9 oclock
t iiployee ot the bridge a matters what tho firms were They are nil Al room Schmidt nnd Gohvveiler were with him dim tile iein lions roes eonsUt lu I
roil mIlL erntn tlm vnunelntlon being ocoasioiinlly- discover huts bnefnctor One day he ilnort to inir tit
saw nil this done house nouoof which are In tho city Bouinot In tile room Ho could not lind the dour the numlers of IjOIIHIO nf bonds muit mortgages nn iniiloyod by n rapid motion ot tint bund tlm Hrratiloflli anti invited J H A Bone tIle
In the fence
itusTti nn
eracLsaw the load of spurious wire start thu paper Is sound and some Is fraudulent Tho smoke syas so thick Thou Oelnveiler broke tile city property JJUOOO of H ihway city bonds V lien I left Peru ho said In reply tn tho clOt editor to Hike a drive Passing nlnng nun 1itiiAitATioys-
J4 for the bridge Cot Pain at once stopped
1 the cable makingand began calculations upon
the amount ot rejected wire that
tint hnd found its way into the cables These
total amount

As I

115000 but the amount loaned upon those building Ho full
had thus ben was but 97000 Mr Halgh would often give getting ou tho root and escaping
fraudulently substituted and upon the amount an acceptance for 13000 torn loan ot 10000-


that f6OXX
Is window nnd jumped fur hot cornice of the next

Fritz ItaesH
Thu witness
Out down stairs

nt 1
that I the iuIhlni

lit about
properly that to Imvti acquired by torueloiurn
Mr Dm is addnd that the liahwar bonds
ii nil

r jvflntly
t he Iremainder

whleh hnve Uen In rixfnult Inn omi tim nrtt tho full knowledgn ol thin VleePreslilnnt nml of n selection
the bunk has
Is tilt

v question
my Cabinet
ns tn w hethor ho hud lelt Peru without
knowledge of hula Cabinet nr tile people
on tIle ICth Deeoralwr lust I ibid no with thought mnt 1iliMlile for building Bone itindo-
Gen LT Inerla the VleePreftl
ot the principal residence streets he pointed
out several lots and asked Mr Bout whlcn ho
nnd Cn esntd
On It and send mo the bills when it completed
Wellbuild nhoUB-
Ltirwcly Ivrenstg tlin Fi tcc on the Wcstem

Ft oittlvr itud rtnlmir the I nrt resers
Jnn OThiO Daily Telegraph
rulculatlonu wero based
sir that had beAn rejected the amount of nc
rented wlru already used and the time of the
upon thn amount of worth ofthls plper
to uncollect
Wh n wilt your statement of tho affairs of went buck to the b urom ami In he cellar ilonr
In tlm morning
mil tlmt hOHinelled
Meyer wns
something queer
assisting nml he
Thev I
IIIIMI aecepted tlm ofTei
to duposltors
ment nf their claim iIiiil netI tlm lumn Many to him hail been handed over every- ¬ Ill
iifli nt JO

1 01 tlm list yeniI and

in purr pay- ¬

nn i itCh tits the Hank TIll reason of my leaving Peru win

thing connected with
wits dui Installed In
tlm Government
office antI
you a tteid cf the prnperti
to the tnnlshment
W Islllng tnglvna need person u suit of clotlurt

of the
vouches for tho UBttrorthliias oT n communi-
on ion dated Kraalsbur

Dec 31 nsourtinn

deliveriesnnd taking the extreme figures of the bank be ready hut tho witness did runt detect am unusual a half or two veiirs pthe I
ill deposits bill je t to that n eertnin eoursn had benn decided upon bv- without
touting thIn fact become known hn took that the distribution of till Iiu lnn rirnu u shawl
hU calculations Coli Patti concluded that to
eupuly tilt strength ot which the cables had able to announce that the liabilities amount to- Turn Halle
I am not ready to present It yet but I nm smell
Ho slept In r4 boiirth street adjoining has ri ei ived
Mrs liiekePsserenms awoko sight tdmlts whieh liive bevn kept sipiratn
wr tho Cabinet nnd it was arranged that I should and tuill tthecotliler to gi vim Itho manutiilt us- a striking
him to a clothing housu just utter nn election conerj nw nvird tu western part
ben robbud it would be necessaryot to add Intro-
IHIY tons to the original quantity wire
nbout 1622000I oman that thntsystematized
depositors I hnvn not
Is the sum duu to him nnd going out he found her In the pus
my sage wIly Hhe was sonmwhnt burned amid was
from the 01 rill r mnneH In
dep shorn nf tIlt hank ngrcu
I the
liiuk Several IM to Liiropn iiml Initiatn
tnu ItOtlmi of tlnns and soon us they
the negotia-
hud boon
he told lot It tn him on a wager A few viiirs of 110 fmplri alIt tli it
html he walked Into a reeling of lie Young lire incronsiii In fur Knntr proportions tItan
eT ctlo foroan Putln
¬ ac- ¬ I IIH I I I h

duced Into the cables He calculated that by in-

creasing the standard ot strength In this extra assets
amount the loss of strength caused by the de-
counts yet so ¬

have you found anyotliercrookodnr

to be ublo to estimate tho trying to get buck Into her room Lint wnt tire
thnn vented thin iioir
by tin fii teiiiiig of the spring loek on some nf them tn
Thn witness cnrrled henlnwn itaus has been
the direitor was Ipr 11111111111
t get tliiir money
I t

practically tilt of usines fur II vear evirof

by the attempt
AS he bank
I of put upon n trotter footing
return direct to Peru I knots nothing wham
thu Intention of Plerolnor lila friend
I was to Jlen Christian Absoclntlon laid HOCOontho
table and lull without ivlng a word
He outer would imticij a dlreit appeal for
call b
justified ly the
heft bj tho lot PussoTurklsh war
nlip tof filinK up tba-
tective wire would bi more than made up The that of Halghs doallncs with tho concern a nil Itlnn went bm k and got her mother Mrs and a hull they felt Hint the Miight Itu hive and it was only on my arrival In the bay thnt I ehnritvanJ ioimi hutul ice having solicited his Within tio hoot too VPiktt the strong forgo al
Nu1 have not hut I had much thnt Indi- had SIMIII slitlSllitilil II iiitilmi IIre than an ac heard of the UHiirpationof power On landing help ho lehiirtcd them flitly The mxt dny nails ijunrterd in tne
amount nt wire added was not however tho
Paine ns the amount of defective wlro furnished
This detective wire nmountd to about 150 tons
cates lucoiupetuncy In the management nf thn Corn up unit found Mr mckel anti tlm others
bunk Yell in thu way of loans on Insufllclent
Pnderkk Gidb

Until nnd Hermann Hulii wero in tho

Ithni llretnen

I t
i2LIi lit lfl of Ithe iilTairs of tin
Jim of I them
I went to
t tho but I k
ntnuittcn I days
fount that iiiblii despatchiH up to the 20th of- they reeelved it

DKcemlier last have lieen reived tIne Front


00 bill anoninoiily lit lipun I
CIISH Lihrnrv giving tn the ioelHtion int IMISI Oivfjui f i lv s inn Ho I ii to Itt vi nit d
provincis hm-
I 1

As soon as the fraud was discovered nil ol tho curltrthe loans to directors for nxnmple same room Iin ttlm Inft and with them was ogihad In raw ouut set tIral hiindnd dollars whieh- I do nut think thnt thu chnuuo caused any u proprt wortli S2UOOOO He employed an on of i miVly riii 11 i Is t1 i for lone till
yeir Hn them

wire la hand at the bridge was tested and lbutt- The bank took Its own stock for ecurlv11 George Mueller lErn11IuliI t tusuiilut I that when he ben Itrying to ii t foi nverhii II inability gnvit dlturbancu agent to dispense ihanu secretly and gave uootcni routut eiontniilinnt onolinir of hue intlrl
wentylhlon8 were rejected This Mr Hallh somo Instances This Is permlsolhlo ho heard the cry of lire he rushed out to co savstlmt the uiMhicr emitiieii
ltlte to What wir time relations between yourself aw a during In Ilife thousands of dollars He Ituiotnii nrif I I a tluiieui tontlntr Ext iisUeI
was forced to talc back nt his cost bank but IIaolln national banks down tn Mr Wlnekol The linnet met him till him lie nsued
I fur I Ju nnd
1 1
th it tutu WIIH nrd Pieroln- brought Prof 8ioekuvli tilt astronomer to nina ur n oriiiizilf and flu p rni j nviitlii I

The trustee who wero fully Informed ol the

engineers discoveries were highly Indignant borrowed
Are good for what they mid drove him buck Then ito remembered lused llthfti uki i ii nit tin iink vvuiil111
ghe for his book11 n wns tmd tthat he eon d Collie tlmn before I left I offered Pieroln the tor
AmiiMble I cannot say more limo that Cleveland Lu lit hii n a flue house and ohvrui- nl tIe ii pntmeiit ii u
forwardI f iIlcnti t in tH ty nKn pir Mills In- iwf iu piHilni I >

door lending to tile roof toward Fourth street at i ion Ithe Ifii of his ae
I I es Ills giving him I u Mated Iineomu for tlu- ut
1 I

Eomlw ere m favor of exposing Mr Ilaigh then Notnil of thorn nnd ho went out anti wns nlnut linmudlnteiy- hoot Itnlinav lioiiiis i
Siieretnryahlpof the Cnlilnnt H refused but biippnrt of lila latiiil H did ninny othi r- InirinBins tlu i ii in oh i >Pi iiiinl min nm- i i

money thus forcing

ndvoated refullnl to pay him any At the Market National Bank tho ofncftrs nro jnlned by Itlm other two nen TmnllI heard I the JaUnt and that If huI wauled to sell tlm hondK-
and provo that not able to say whether they will prefer chnrgis- girls Hcrcanilng but enuld dn nothing for them tlm
I bin would via him 30 tier eni lot them
sild If you will proclnim voursetf UUlMtor thiiigH for tno eniiseof nstionomy and geogra
then I will becomo jour bocretnrj To tint in both ot which studies hu was anentiu
lproMdlnir h t HIT
nut hulliIiiiL IN ilii
for iirifn Iitnr
This Is the courv that ha lbeen laki n with umild not iniiaent as having been constitu- ¬ iiIll

it had fulillled this contract The proceedings- ot forgery against Hnigh or not They nW11 on aecount of till thick smoke nmtii Itlm flame mee- ale Imildin iiniti i i iiinf TIII > ct KI-
of tlm Bnnrd were nit kept secret A reporter tile action of the other hanks They upon mid There miH n cage ot pigeons hnnging on thIn other depositors Ho was alteiuurd lnloriinnl tionally elected I felt myself bound to respect tMr CIsc was a cousin of Gen Emerson hat niuk Int mi n thM w tiHitKiu fill Iittllutlhi- I

for THE SUN learned ut the time that defective turn to Hnlgh thn worthless paper which partition wall and thu wltmi presumed that b a Ii rector of Ihuetneball Ii thlll the nfpuruhnsn of th volee of Ill people
I OpiUokc of 1 nrk tho senior ineinhii of
fiiii iiln n Hi iirmini of th froutiiI
ius going on Mth tlu utinuat prompt
I i

wire had been palmed olTou the bridge but as hu tried to borrow from them but still rellllil tho fluttering of hue birds knocked down tOo tie bonds wits not tlm account thu bank Iff you hnd remained In Peru would this tin late linn uf Opdko Unri S V btnula dry fortresses
t U to
the engineers were and Mr Hufgh was Halgh 111 depositor In the Market lanL unl cage und awakened him butt fur persons in Itnhvvay l1u dill mInt onter- hive taken placeI gnodh deuers on Ilroadvv ly near White btrei
pror09al nnd tuintd his uccount over chance
1 1-

full ot srnlks and plausible excuses in which has 2000 to his credit there Hermann lIuhl told uenrly the sime story tiln till No Mr iii Oil lit ieuul t Pleroli would not Mr CIM WIIH u HJMM hit purtuei In the
I I i I Tim Tioilin coirra inn Jnnt of tho I I MamJnK i

tie nllgcd that n mistake had been made by

some subordinates which he had promptly cor
At the Chatham National Hank It Is now de-
clared thnt tOo sum of the face value of Hatchs the
Tlm invihtlgntlon thus lur throws no light on to ItlilaIIs u > erledforby

ot tile tire Tile charred stairways i

homo rlnI who profess to know
horn attempted to eulzu thu ruins of govern-
hiiu t Ilo made a protege 01 a oung son Fnji
of f IxMniorCliniitii and on his blrthdii a

It Iit r m iiniitin Unit tlie IIIICSIE
t too I nr 11111111 I Innitti IIf tnnk nf nn im I

rncttl tile facts were not satisfactorily obtained paper In thnt Institution Is 7200 Tills is I In indlcnto that It originated on till stairs between the fa ° tI s tt hat so itt of tlm dlreUorrt a mud tucI I i r iiliil tIm lose of tho Huaroar anythIng to do
ems l ngo pri eiiied him with u ehei k for J21- r Mutiuir vlt iniipt ih u rl i Mini Gnn inv

Mr Uulgh wes called before the Board nud hu

tUked about coring more for his honor In the
two acceptances that lire believed to bu fraudu-
lent Ono Is for 13 800 nod tho other for 1340 the first two or three suet lire entlrel burneii
the barroom ¬
and time fIrst story They i n pt frlenda withdrew ttheir
nuurl I two yeirs ngo whin its decadciieo-
I neeoil itt Ifrom tlm banl with
lulliiwed I
till elinnge or thu series of disasters which uiK Man y iiuildincs Iin Ch veland werei reiied-
b thnCisis hut Itluiso whieli an mostwidi1
nullI MIV l oil
alull till
on iii off KiflV Knm cnl i
flf till liny Ill
away up to thn floor nbove Nnevidencn him siemcd I flu ni n nt and u SIM re run wns mado- sIr I ngnln repent nil these things known are Case hull aol Cliac Block whleh U- Iiloi jk hull r uuillI ivhT carusontottUl
Imputations of fraud
rolvcd and
arty monay In
lest the gentle for goods known
Hlnlon 01 him One trustee wearied by his a general security against 11 transactions
iik suld Well sir do yoc want to know
The bank howtrer 10lts warehouse rplelols
aivn composing thin Board should form a poor tween 20 000 nnd 30000 These receipts were stairs IHermann HuhlI said tim rut he tended t he

Hnlgh might have with the

store and worth be-

lie borrowed
been found that tlm lire started uiulu tim on tIle bank
tires nnd that on Sunday only thu big barroom
stove wns heated-
In their application
Tlm tirtivntdctolt rs lint Inru
hi nf tIle laboring class inciudltg a lull trndesl-

to tlm Chancellor the ill

Jo known to tho country long pre- ¬ oeeupled by the city ut a rental ol nearly I500U-
vious to no departure and up tn that Oniiiiunlly
tune there vas not the slightest Incllmtlon on
the part uf tint peoplo that the vvero dldutts
Leoiiurd Cisn owned nearly two thou-
sand acres of land within tilt city limits t
flour thu Ausitfnu fioutior

1111 vir i-
zIJsr inntiit
KhitwotninkoDou 5000 on thesti receipts but paid tt buck after- Superintendent Dudley of the Department nitor lilt tltn i n himI to appoint Pnsident IJivis tied until uited to lIt akui u change When a joung man he ma n poor iil- I
any t know noth navy Dflllllnl a IIIh InlilL-
I do
Mint I am lute t
Mr Halirh Thats ward The
log against HulKh that
will sIr was tile reply we think you are several days and as tier 1111nt affairs now Buildings As far us ho could lnirn thoso who wildG
oflliers lies
not known for when Mr McGregor
Butlluiinuzii saul thnt Turn Hallo was
WIIH Superintendent
built In 1H71
First Yieeln sldent Moore nnd lllreeior ld
tho affairs of tlm bunk
llrown a committee tti thiIMI ehaige of nt in ieiit-
nine ol the depositors
hat in tho condition of lie
Tlierw urn 28000 troops nil well armed
army and
nt dnneintr sihool and foil
love with lieu hhe was boailitlful I and charm-
IIng but Lounrd failed

i to win
rately In
uver osnoK Jam

Willlnm Cooke 0rdwnil

they are not likely to proseiuto him the province of alter Hiniled not upon women It is Ithought JiMtltcr llojnl AIIMI kin uluil I elm t the Io ll-
I e d rincn- lottheir ample means of eacune- f ivnr tin ir mipolntiii Inn It mild hut arnHoiith at A rich nud in >
lives hail do nut Hall I I
Isiln il it the lui ill 01 Vr Cnuki v Mllic MII
lvul wild Mr Hnlgh wholly unnbashoil At tile lark Hank thn cashier said Our ac Chlnf Hydo of tho liurenu nf Fir llsenpes be learned that nnv dellnltM opposition loud Tiieiia tile other liiiHni at Iinui Of the navy that tIlls iprlenco did mueh to inaki him a biKiotx
ilojou know that Is what 1 was afraid 0111 luulntnnco with Mr Halgh Is very slight vvr Shill thnt iou lolt was not Intended for deeping ilelded upon One of them gild that Im theru U tlll tuft thn Slanio fapne and Atn- reel tISI Illndlidleivliigno and hia v ist- cii knmi cut rn suet uin in Iun I Iilit
put bin lien
I willI 11 ii li I I I 411
fact the Ofily thing 1 wua afraid
or limited
i and WH have hud no dealings with him
rooms Tilt titan wlm kept tthe place Depart- and man V other llnvud II that thu bank had Iualpa Ilieh carries two llte nlneh cuus entntii will go tn soinu thirty or forty cousins
I > telltiitiiiiillil httire uii II iu r inn In ks lu K IH-

iiiDI I n m very born through tIme Growers Hunk Whnt wo have had servants them without itliruuu tIC llm bIu Inosi II in 111 igeil- One is nt linm and thou oilier at Callao living In different parts if tho country but tlrt rk in i il lu 101 II u nit c uliiil- < M I i-

Jlr lliiigh was nt lencth com pAled to furnish tu do with him is baldly worth mentioning
nuy tloumind pounds of wire of change Irisiiliiin Do Grant of the flowery National of till building would bn considered sufficient
ment ot IliilldlngH Thu ntalnuuH nt

Preslilent iih lavl a said I thief tthe hank It nut been I iOn Iliiaiielal condition mainly lu Bouthwtstern Illinois cilli
i huh 11 lIe Ilcoi Lid IIM nn i lu
IU Ii i II im II I II 1110 I IIIIIIIIL IIll Iu11 I
I U tort ii itlitli Iin its Iliuevtmiiits hind titut was thu I admit that tin tlnanceo ot tim country 11 1C I III i t Ii LU il inili ir in il- I I- 1
tnklIlk HH thousand pounds of Inferior Hunk rsturdny that thnt bank holds menus of egress Tliu law required llro Lseapus worst inueh btralghtened hut then I IIUIlt url Ijllll II 11111 i
40 000tall ol Hulglrs paper sold
of lint Liiiu 1UU III
could bo It Sort
a ho hud delivered at the yard und to ASu do not only IIn factorIes rind tnntment holloed
I tlmt aiit- UVILT I FII11fI Ill Iii
M- I

l Thern has bii n nn difficulty IIn keep ng up ttie wn- Illlll ilu II Ill lrtll Inn N utiouiil I I

luriilsh ility thousand

In addition to that furnished under tha eon
pounds morn in its plnco- know tlmt any of this Is forged said
It is for sums ranging frnm 110410 to Jjanitors fnmilleh lye IIn
Mr D- are many buildings I
thcquarters v he slllLlln I which
SLLrlU lllllIJITJI iRprs
rrvertlhlng that hino been riunriul t n far lint III
Ir i tni null Ii1 ii
II 4 I- lit t
ill li Iii 5iuueiliukscoI
1ur li iuiI-c t II I

Hdriiaf I I I
where such a In en l t lined trout thn resources of till roun AiiiireMlnir n I nrzu tutu imliu ln tlc Audi Illlll III li- Lit ml11 Si IIi ut tie iiiluiUilulibaC-
Una mil for Ills lastmentioned amount Im 12000 Wn hnvn made no Investigation

Was pud the

stood us- follows
price His account finally or teh graph Wu fuel curu fur tlm
30000 our principal security bnlug some
ualiiin ty might occur
Thn directnis ol th Turner Association met The Amount iif die Irimliinn 1iild Lee Tluiii-
thing i
We hiin neither uskud nor expected tiny
froth outflde
tilCe IIn Ihu I limit flue rut llonir-
Clmtlcs Stevvitt Puutell M P delivered
onlvlmmihui l Llll lllul

n warehouse ul nut which vvu have In- yihterdi nml declilcd to rebuild Itheir hall at
r ltosi A
iir How do the Peruvians feel with reference to Gicnl I mil Mtttlnj In liM liind- N1
o7 JI1 n u i rod nud receipts on a plnn similar to Ithat ot tile old build ¬ Ithe eontluunnce of tHIM war hula Plea before n largo nudlenco In the Grand
u110 rerIed to I
Wig cpI18 lind to bu wholly good IIncelhut with improvement Tho auction of povv In 1ljmouth Chiueli Vei enthuslnstic It wilt bo war to the Loxnos Inn AITOIU Jnml ntcitntion meet G
1 have been to the onn of time Illlnger will bold nn Inquest after last night ulttnltctod a large niullence Every bitter end OperiHouie Newark lust evening Humrit- tIle
proprietors has wrl Yloruhouolnd ncrusu thl receipts nn thuLornnor
Otr rtJct il At lUviitiun on tin bcrkn w
Ainuuiiiut Hirrilriliiaiiiiii KUIcinem soinin- Investigation by tlm Fire Marshal
Is true that
It tho Bolivian troops hnvo be- thencu front New York with Mr Dillon thu
in he l v

signatures todny II triiilut ii t till rcmanm

I n IHid 11rt-
Il I
Unl inoiiuif p uior Cixinsl endorsement of thu IlltA1 Hu
pew III the church tills rtntiil varying haved binllv- IHI on Wiu K lloblnson and Dr Dunlin and ho Ii tm a
totnl amount pull to Mr Halgh by the would hlo changed the nicelptsdlriictly in out I Ii-

Ihs from t5 to UO Thu bidding wns fur choice of Th ItnllvInn nrmy 1ms not ncted fo welt as iiil lii tO tI ml till 1ipulu ttiiu Cotu- I

brilgetrtistts we Jii5ooc2o of tiiu ton favor not been katlnllud with tile endorse- Edward ¬ Bloom ouoot Ihu men Injund by It might hlln iliti- was tInt ntthe Market street depot by n large iiiuit lntiiilt itoeiitit i 11 lmt 11 in IIHIII u ii nn
in tIle best pens tho premiums leiugaehargo In tn
i i I I M

lUaUi WIIH paid undir tliu ontract ludiidliig ment the explosion and lire in tile ellulold fni enoou ri fi rtnnnicers nn well ns men 1 throng of ehtlzuus thn Hlhernla Hides Snrs- i no It uai n- i

Iii e
Irolhlu the Pn 1011 iIn which hu was paid
Mr Du Qrnat said that tho first Intimation ho Niiunrk on Monday died In St Michael IHos-
of any previous forgery by Hnlgh caino pital yesterday This Is thu sixth cnu of death
addition to Itlm rentals Mr I 1e IHojttho ¬ I
I enn oiilj lepent whati I haiti iii rcitui y said
lleld Guards a Ill Company A First Iteglnivnt iii t
ill II
r liii ri
lii l tIer
M or I iltleHliL Hilt
Il tuv nt in IllUt
1 1111 I Ie ul

I l-

nitlicit lllIoru thlelcontnil vuis begun and hal Cooper

tons ot uninplu wire fur- Co He was not clear inUMd by tile fin home O PUrcn another hotel inmicor who is paid I jii fnr selling lit e puwc The flit thitii arm y did not bohavu bo welt us it N G with n bind of music Through Ithe rnln- out n a ii nt
I Autemu >

179017 Interest nn crtiil ts

whkh wereglven about tilethe Grocers 1olllt
gave Counsellor ylillhmi hlllnl thud hiU oil Mondii nUlit- real thu terms of sale Now limy much for might
IIIIMI doiii
I Peruvian army 1 Mr Pnrnoll was i scorted to tho Park House
iuiuiilu5 it II hIlt lit U

It hUt In lieu of Mr prollt by lllairof BUlk t llllnm Stilen whom brother VIIH killed In
IldrIlnllhnlI- thn factory Mild uttterdii that ho WIIR In thin the ii rat cholen t hild Ito aunt tioneer The Peruvian hlr nro a nation soldiers
110 Illahi
lon t
I lm-
was not Hulghu Hav iou HID intent tun uf returning to Peru whern
ho delivered a short address to tlm- I
uuulti i liii It I-

ot ibubWnlnl
was mueh
coiiitirniiiisii kHttlemeiit forger Halgh pala
was 011 Mr Hewitts name nndwln ther- grinding room when thn uxplnslnn took place
thu money
triHtes Thu wholu amount if Mr Du Graut was mint certain Hu bulleved that Ing room from which It Is scparati d by a brick or Mr hewitt paid It Ihu grinding room IH In thin nr of tlm eon vert- Clnllin
Four humlunl dolLiru
jour hundred nnd fifty saIl Mr H W-
bOld Mr IHI 13
at iiiui
That I cnnnot toll at present Kverthlng Is tIle
toldiers hnon nfleiwnrd
Grand Opera
ho wns escorted to 1
iCtiuui Ton ilhuo ill is l4itllfily qutlot-
ire Iltiliiuil tlliIlLi lu I cit
Mr Pirnull was greeted by loud and con- ¬ auit nt
wire culled for under the commit nasU 8JiKli- llnfgh thu estuh- Snge Mr I lallin got his old iuw No hi for nntfinl chtnued by till events ot which I liavn I
f tic
touinls aol as UUIUjHH pounds Were rxinlrxd Cooper Hewitt tt Co sold torucuntly partition I sna going Into Oil Ii converting whutilmay tinued applause as hu hulk oil his iaeneouut nnd ilu sit Ill I uteI- uml
to coniulvln thu
niter thn dlsemery of hahmentgave of which hu wits tho head room snld ho whenI heard the explosion t
f ji ii
Iii 1H78 und SCO In 1S77
IHu pnld tlm Hiinm sum loi it IIn lb7J i JOi I I I I
nil iy reeiilvud
I finnnl poxsllil toll
nntlce and dnusut lIt piub t Ithu hide off tlm tuttle IHo wore dark
Urt ci iju ilili luil ii
Ii 7 Ii I
i II ill
iii mur I
Itll l ii
mortgages on his iliooUhu und amlntlhn came time saw n Hash I ran hack ctripeil and a black coat buttnned-
the fraud there was onl y 100 UUO pounds eftrii-
ieuled of vvhleli hu practically givn aonno Haven Illal
property and uftiiruard tall nail got
thn hose and turned on n strenm of pew
Thou Mr Henry
I i W
No lIt for which Im paid JMiil for 1S7D-
Sugu hit J ViO and ehnsn Whnt amount
purehasing an Ironclad In plauu of tile Hu
has teen subscribed townrd-
hilespinking ho kept his right hand 11ttulllii Iris 111111 uiui
i lii
tilt tuuutil
Iii LuiiIIl-

totlm bridge bnln about tGO 000 on account In bridge certificates Halgh water on thin gil nit air roo Ill I ttlmn ran out
across ills breast most uf tho time hIlt his lilt ilr ii ii Ii ni uu
5UI m P undH ron If Im puiim
mid 1 S 11311
slurs that the niuuUDU of thu mortgages wire put Ilie hoso tthrough tile window Ithoeonvnrt- JVTi III ISiS and lor which Moses lleaeh pali- I h
hand behind lila back holding a mi nil pleiu of
off I151 tons it is suld and nil
fI this got iInto un
515 000 on tlm Drooklyn property und 10000 ng room and turned ttill wIlIer Into ttlm build-
I iiJll I I In I1877 Thn iniital of Mr CluillmV IIHVV m SOOUOO to morn
I ¬
aneiiiUii tIll tlmn of my diipirturo over 1
HUlllcIent for tile purpose papernnwhiiMi he had a fuw notes Ilulliiinked-
011111 I
III tile Sti iei i
II L t 1 v
i tl tiiuiit iur
III C It lTi

r ic uuuu11 L

L the cable Im did not ninko 20000 end Irom I hut Mutt Haven property ing hut t
I ile
heat was so llorco thnt I could not sJPiu I IIts coctI tn him i G2o Tile rental tlm ntiditnuo for so hi cart n welcome and Bald I

this vMiniato must IIm dcdiuted the loss TiiMSduy tho Chemical Haul which does stay ol 31
lrHlla1I pmv U
I U 111
1 ninkiiu Its cost to him I
that 1m vim oiih a humbln worker In tlm
oel notOnhold any ol Hnlghn paper received trout Mr J Smith Hyatt ono ot tho Inventors of cHili llm next lilil was Ifrom Itoiotver S V IVnldcnt llnxu nf IlullTlu AUu llrpuirft- 1 lie Inlianinti Imi 1rlfst Cit u Si Itied I

i slehhtsi Iiy the met euteti rejections

Col riilnuBiild yesterdii that hu was not nt a country corroHpondent
to iiuhlle hU dlscorlel ns his ceptancuot Halehttlor
for collection nn nc- celluloid Mild that what lined the diHiisiui tlivhitn of the liroiors IHunk who got pew No-
U 000 whicl matured was IImpossible to sayS foi Itho man whovvnro fl7 for 1450 lluuuid

f hiS Ion It lIt Ib71 f J5D In- Pvris Jan 6An olllcinl despatch received
Aller n 110 senteneea ho rnfmred to
In iwcen teiinnts and ejectment olleei-
In Ireland nil Frldii last Thin cubit brought
Jbctweni s AiKiifii I
Jan C tt lois been ngmnj
ul tlie lliiiiili ViuLuonlur
Inkl detti men on Tuesday Ills nccoptnncu the hands busy ut tlm iiiachlnnrt wirn killed In tho mix 187S and tSliij I IIn I t Iljj7 Mr
Llod IHalgh n- nt tIle Chilian Legation
1 hero announces that vihtoida he Mild lie tonttwi hIltInnger tlm-
I t t
t lmLng slut tlie Iuru II I I ii IIIIKI 111 irlot Mune-

tuoucy I I liii ITt wll milrillllot

VI j I
euftomarr biddei at tho siilx nf posts wns Gen Darn PnMdont of time Itepublla of Bo-
a of tue banks notary who protested it and SOUl IIngmlllis viu anti tlm Urn is supposudI tohavo-
Gieriinient unnbio resist
Ils5 JI Im orrOl It to Mr Foster Hulghs asulgne

originated Ill ii mlllllllIIn In constant usu missed from tlm wile is Hiitehinson- 3Irr 1
jfYort to do away with thn Inndlord nstein
t ¬
hull Ii uii il Ili 1111
Hit iittati ilu iesu ijtnplitrjv urriinjuil
Ii uIurillae > I t-
deposed nnd
Ius tIlls tied

Illorllllol Ilivia hIlts been

In1 wlll Mr A H Huwlttdecllnod toMrgiveHalgh nny explana- for number of iimntlis without accident Tlm whoHliuH
¬ buss in tlm choii and gets a Will fn o had resorted ttn Its old methods of inns
he I 110 lhb are btrlalh for the greatest
I clbo tion ol any transaction that had hud whole miielilnu Is Iiututet with tue uxee bOlt It of for liliusolf bill f IDil fui pmv Nn IOU for Ids
VugiiHtns siorrn hn tOIlIr pew No
PANAMA Dee 27Time steamer Pnjtn which
Hteic A wninan vvns tIle Hut victim of Mlilllin lu In itiiiitin Arm ll1 1
wI It tiint cln conic with Cooper Hewitt saying that the public tile door which WIIH forml off familv lliis just urrhed from the south const brings us tlm firing upon tlm ernwd
I I i
Thnsu who
otfl sst t
V large 1tIJ
Ull luraln which md not been IInjured I thu llrsllnstiincu-
I Coroner KnoehJll WoodtulTu Impanelled a 104 Mr It Iunoil White JJOU lor lila I Mr-
win F II passenger Gen Jlailnno Ignaelo Prudo Presi- were there iiiuhiblv th night that death hoN DOS Inn iln I i coiiiMjKiniMnt
err t lois
1 i
7rhn 1 1
J 4-

llliof the jfrl V

viriHiIpIiofted to liuve neen I
11 euiild not brtsiirved br any reference to it now jury
All I can say Is said he sinner was
and ndjoutnod tile inquest I untilI Friday It II S Uened
Nunliuieii flIlO
trno O III tnger
ihaiiiH Diinis
shuu IIII- I dent

of Puru who accompanied by heveral

upon thu bivonets vviiri butter than deal bv
liii hull 11 mifi ss Ithat I am no inhoeatoof
I iliulit
IlL Ii
Milli Ni ill
inhlpl trn tiir
ul uit

I i
I < r- <
funlellbU hio Iroiluendi intoI tlutm tlio ciihlis-
forgiven I wus nut thu 11111 l
but I MIligi Ion
JHHlAll I nb f111111 hUIfIIIU Peruvian nav il oflliors goes to Pnrope tIlt phi
iliiiI force hilt such deeds urn enough to
BlU VlirluiK lull Mill lttlnit
In i ih bot ohio ln hztt the brldir- was Iinterested IIn thu mnn IJin I gavu promise IuTflopoil iL A Siiiiiiilj < lin Mosis S lleaeh iltllll- New York Gen Prmlo embarked on thIn ton hearts tlm most p itient people

tllllh fShleh gnvi in rinniri IIn An Oil ICellnerr thn nf A-t ¬

11011 VMI them leechoriV lliieill f JUII 31 K Mood JIOit-
a eiirr 0 r tliDiniusnfcnrsafHr of future good behavior uud Isle Ural sin was Bit amer at Cnllan In a clandestine ninnner and ttempts hut been m Idn liv Itne Inglili tnis s to ul lflilttllllli iviine fi-
uvin HII Lucy would hnvii been hud the wire forgiven James jUaKnn Is a night woiUninn III tho F 1lJ llliike coo It 11 Hush fdOiI M1 C OK under nn nrtKiinnid mime Them vas no special uluin tlmt Ire md iIs in a diMurhed eonditlouH-
SAANNli Juti Cole nepr
l JiuHeeinstohavocontlnuedhlHalnnlng den J2li 1D h Arnold J bUJ 11 Murriu-
exeilemunt 111 Lima no dibnidiirn levnlu- ing that landlords shot anil killed GIl
tim t l111 tile 111 lust
bZs t ofIliiii null cnusid1 us 1111YUICIJ in stoneLet Here
increase >
him wilt Is without simi cast tile Hint
petroleum rellnnry of Lombard Aynia nt thu
loot of Slxtyslxth btrett on Ninth Itlvur On I
J7 L A PiintniiH fH5 S II Siniili J7IIe- tinii in progress or In iinmei1lati
enntnmplii- 1
but they have not show n a mnglo Instnnee In
tire eattln
ClItii mIle
tIilia t uluil lIt iuilltiill u 11i
U with a wife anil fnnillv miilii UdO MIH WIIIIn 1 2ii II 11 that ecinld justify Inn nnd xei ret ib- controveri blond IIIIH been shed b till luilil lull i It iiti tires
InII Th lprIJ tur has nott been
tilti sUn nf UIldur rested and 11111prison Whnt case needs his cot in 1Io JsfWIIIIlORIlItIlI yesterilai ho told Ujhr tiitl J Iniiiinn tlun IIHHI tint mi II iii I

A Mnith VI How- piiitiini and tlm abandiniiiiKiit to other liiindH of IilKh ponle rnilalid wns the IIlet toHhed
all tlIIlitii lie
101111 1111 Iliee
10 least by tita i
lid ln
tlmt deleetlxu hUIJlnI1 sympathy morn Hu has boon detected In u a reporter how hu got lila very serious but ard jru
crlmu timid bu must bn punlshul for It and hu probably f111 II 1hi llavin fJ10ll >A Hale
W MIIiHiii l Howard tile HUM diluent andlliu illrtlelt nf tint war 1

tJ35 K for thn Illsueoi nf which lila miiimirniiieiit IB- hnd benn shot down they let their iissullnntH go tull Ii II pu

Hilt even then after tlm liUh penpln- Miii I ii t I I IV iiIIu liii llrglt-
III uiuur
tIIiiitt I

i I

into lIIi cables for the wiru IIUMI benn i I 11 il Ill II II 11 1111 I

tellIlh Ily in Iluethilil usdlUY strength wil bu punished unless Im runs away or puts u lot futiil Injuries At Ci oclock Alllii820 Ilcurj Jnlniis 221J vibnekle- Inrnily respnnslble Hm nxpianiitloii of thn nf
unhurt although thn woiu murdered ShY It Iu tlli Ii luilrl lair i Ill
1 Illit liiiii lIliiuti J
it i ni
rwd nistordny t the ten Ins Iltidgcil for his itrat a ill 1 allI should be pun to Iiu tils his ln hyshoulil hu be Ii ii ruin ly- this morning he said I set n fleam pump IJI5 1lJ Wlmi JJi II A I llliliiirdHuii fall Hint lilx mlnsinn tieclded upon at IlIe y and I shall repeat It IIn tile Housu of to lIrut IIiiii tii a ti iulilit tIitiuUll 1111

tll In WIIH rlusiui

f i lou I 1 I

Iti 1
t il i s llluuiuli
I iroun al L
WIL b Ilmue w t
lllpllii1RWlr which Jlr Jill A A liulk JU12 II C Williams IJo Ilast moment and OH account of thn evitiibln- C tIll uI Ills I A pplausiil Thnt wa noble uui

ntnnv of us would wnawork

1111hlIn lulled for our first 811 to till n lOUbnirol tnnk with oil thnt Ihliiknr Ill ultlo iV Smith JIUIIUT
It Ir 11 1
eiiariKter nf thn ILima populacii tIle Cabinet conduit on Ithu part ot t ho rlsh people and
t 3
k the
jmili iiae U ref it him as It purported lobe i l but esiiipn I rehitemil r when Ilulmrt Hohnvlu- to bit ti eal oil with steam IIn order to bo ills Corwln J180
liihoni11 1180 W H Itoerum 17UIi Tllimv-
V Ynshiiigh
I I 17l Culn V-
indued It better tor him to dnpnrt quietly It Hhniild bu appieciatbl ny tho
I people ot- AH Ami i IM in < iiii- riiiii t
WI lngllBl criielhhi Meel Thu strand ol vv Iru rioininltted his llrat sin but I dont ijudgu hll I tlllud IIt wns about nnu iUiirl un full I judged I I lie object nf his visit to Knroi Id in hiiHien tlni- Amerlci I
AIUVNV Jmir n ntlTlilnt lerni Grant t
thllI it UI ow YorkJ 111 15IM7H broke from IIB Ilslmllls too suverly Ills was thu same us tills When I loft It In go Into the holler liolisi In git hIll btiulunl k IdillDiii
1 1 HoilgeH15- piireh iKnof a new IroneladnrHUMiinl if lie cult fluli o it
litter hu commlttml thn II rat foiniiblng to elli Tliu stills am ranged sldn- 5Kllfleiuilrl III11I
lonnlul Ueme riOll Uilvvuid- obtain Ihiini whieh IB doiibiful for iernl tHMI- Uin Onlllplil unilrileil for IScllntn- i in tu inlittn mil isiiiiiinr- 1

of Ihu rivr 11horau 1110111 Mnltlli w U iln wn i Ur Lloi un

tru tu1 tn dn right
hut by side and set in brick work tile ono I was lleeclni Hil Whielui Sldl W- Peru empty eMheiiuer Iri illt Iii a citmt 1 l i i i

OhIo woru Ii tI rich clubila 11ltl 111 alter h hud alarted Im IlerwlTI Illllng U nbout forty or lifts fnet Irom time holler iruv fist I W Mum hutur J1SO lj J Ov
ditinn to liny fru a powiuful veH el whleh woulil nat LuiiitIlS niiiliiM rCoiAiMiitHJnn 1Tlm
llopubllean Senate burn uuuui i lId KIIIS n a i i i ului In uniiu- 111 i i I

vsSI ii
contal out Ills

furg5 rile aunnu muted tn Ill IIIW

llut house hunt Is Urn anywhere near any of iiiLton lrili O Sin iiriminl 140 r bun miitih fur IhnthienChlllan Ironclads and tunlilit suit Rn JnnuiA llirllikl llloil In UIK HIIIIII i imKinjt il n lb uuiuo n MuMiln > i I

ill el
i olI llm
I di fiiiti vii
i I I 1111 Inul lor iliii rn MI
I Iluiloli tare also i

that thu inittiutne of Henry Ward 1year dunta i think Mr Halgh lies boon sinningI every tIle still tnukx I sat down neat llm turiiaen At D oeloek Itho bidding wns bnlnw 175 ii rut 1 Ithere IN alnii sItu iul hIS IIn t lin wav nf iu Is Hiiceths-
I wIt iiiinhmtnl lur Liiltcl Matci Slmtur ty ucUini I uduptuil piuiiun u IIIH a ihir Iltrm
1 i

outt a shovel tim i of coals minnm and then tlmy rnnldl ruin down until lliiinnUerHnl diHliielliiMtlonol ruropan txiWHiH-
I Je eher winsn CII lurch Mr
11111 was n flee his 11llln You will lind think
door and drew tOil vimor sent lit ol Alln in iiriwnli il iiiirllildti- 1
Ii g
that on thnt H ulgh belligerent with war Vitheld It Mryki
1 n iiilHiWll used to help him
Cal uocelllolll
do so
rontr Mr
i I Il- to wiirm my cnifuu but theso coals tilts iKnchi unl stO Then d
hn hued thn c nnt rait hued nothing I D do with nlnit nflorwaid- Jlilt which priiu Moses S llineli took sixteen i inlIne tlmn prnbiibin that Piadn has secnitly loft climinl uhii tMtluliiw tIn mi mo m Hi 1111 M 1
llni deeieased to til liii till II I IIn muio II lil linn MCI nliM I
litI vir Iutir
I 1
Lin- Ailu iiili > Mairlucv- I

4 1
IrlllITIJIO omper aitiul last
that II Illhl I hare been got ur
uug wiru fur thu Jlrooklyn bridge he
Mr Anderson und nfmr d llvir-
neeurrxd Ithink I It mustImvo been 1 uYlm
when I was startled with a shuck and found
I i
k Pius renialiiln
greiatuof tim premiums tamed wan J7J11-
iitihiidnt 111 M Tin ag- lliomitl
him mid that hlx
nhli would HOIIII be ton hut tn llolii Miiiliin
IK a pinctleal ndmlHHlnn-
iiiiiitiiri ii 11 n
I inli ii n u Iliuli luili nlinlimt tli
itll Tinnaniii Illiol IItinnjiiiniii-
lion >
HoritrsTri hint IL tulut ii
l tiitr in i K ti ui i Uvitti In tIll Aca toiuy of-
nrl v tIle Vntdi- IIji

SII and 11 ulity

villain still 11
smlu and Ing I
hilt utlur
It to I
brldgn hu gut Ithu monuy fnr II Rilf simouinliiil vltli Hume I put up my liandH-
contract ci asod hu had no largo bulniu time Iituci and plnngid out ot lie boiler flJTU lnnles tlm ineiiinn from till pevvrt this Pern uiiHiuechiifiil stltb ions II lye butt one eoursn
whleh ivltlu tlm lleil lenlnls aiimiinting tu- nf llm lioimleshinhH of tlielerilvlau eaune In-
A1IIiuHIi Tall sIll t
tIle CaUcUs ttitlulriuUiiL hu mv n limn
lus Ii iii IliiiiiUan suit a miSts la
Ill in
lii m HIM H-t 0
ii ii
rul i instil tu vjr
iItin Vhttarl r 1
I I 1
i 1IAII11I ON IUII money
of coming IIn nnd thu crimu hniibe limit was no nun about thn ivorti lit uir tiOOiil whlh Is 701 liss than last year lii ivlmlihl in siiuurum their wifit nnd that Urller him third Old
IH- IiIt tllu iluulili rJ > t ei I

to answer n n1101111 many thousands h nt ihiin llm amount ol lllght 1 hn Peruvian ratitiln IH HH unreanonabiu Thn Illllnllcl
> >
Nlyle- ii
Ir lialgi Who WitS til in tlmn incepting a wall hmnn and Mlehael- and
lofmll 1

dont know whern either time stile lor an i ui enpting li78 slncu IBbO lib u imek wildIIHHH
beastH and Its eniiiltj Is death nuimll clicJiir Aumuiui 0 Star bofl Uipiulci-
I tliiBnknfiriivlirVri tile cushler of > Mr Huliili returnml to his home In Molt Hnvun lllle tlm llrniuiin

wn rulcnsHil 01 ball after lila release and pussed tliu night thero
Illlki erentnd otI them tills I i indiinn iurnsn an open lot

Thern hut
no fretili nnumnter BIIIVH Tor
Thn Slmml III1Hi
tin 3iiui aii i41117i
s ui I Sgl w Fric i
Irill 4


by hU vliuHifu
null Ille1- this distuned of a block to a 111101 btldgn that
crosses Ithn inilroad I Iliaeks at SlMyIllth
street I r 11 ly In tusk iioiy 11 Illi nli uniuiii Uinlini iiini iiiiil llnop nijocUi > a 5 thn niilVHlof Itlm IIIMI mall Buenuiuri aiiny-

tlpsil purHuml by the Chilian cnvalry was IlIIUih curiJ in Uu ii a 1

tIm rvl ut dililhu I uinkni of inerntlve onau- Il a In iij 11111 A r Ii ui h Ii II

8110n IIporfuCl til

ollu 4 i I

>wl ousMon W hun his Ui i llbU Hani l Ill U teuus4d

you want to euro ncuiuli uw Pr DiiHi Cough SytUD
I eroalull tiliM with uiy klul u stilt on LIre uuu
I t t

liAaa tvvlUiicliu Uiun cui ill um iiuiliuig4J


vvithlu forty mItes ol Arkut uuu hue iuiinnit liuuw Alltut J15 I Iitn > acuj lur
hitel fl uitiiimi Alter
tiiil 11 Is uiIi
lulib lulliuliet

ibeal at iiHtllU5 itigthttr

i Ut shale pt 4
Si I I

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