For The Spread of The Khyentse Tradition

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༄༅། །མེན་བེ་ང་གས་བན་པ་དར་ས་ོན་ལམ།

Aspiration for the Spread of the Khyentse Tradition1

by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo

གངས་ོངས་ས་ད་བན་པ་་མཚོ་བདག །
gang jong rimé tenpa gyatsö dak
Master of the ocean of nonsectarian teachings in the Land of Snows,

་མཚར་བཀའ་བབས་བན་ི་འར་ལོས་བར། །
ngotsar kabab dün gyi khorlö gyur
Sovereign authority of the seven wondrous forms of transmission,2

འཇམ་པ་དངས་དས་མེན་བེ་དབང་པོ་། །
jampé yang ngö khyentsé wangpo yi
Mañjughoṣa in person, Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo—

ང་གས་བན་པ་དར་ས་བ་ས་ཤོག །
ringluk tenpa dargyé tashi shok
May all be auspicious for your tradition and teachings to spread far and wide!

Written by Mañjughoṣa.

ག །ས་་མ་་བྷ་བ་།། དའོ།། །།
May this become a cause for the precious teachings of the Victorious Ones to endure for long, flourishing in every
region and period of time. Sarvadā maṅgala bhavatu. May it be virtuous!

| Translated by Adam Pearcey, 2022.

Source: 'jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po. “gangs ljongs ris med bstan pa rgya
mtsho'i bdag ces pa”. In 'jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po'i bka' 'bum, Vol. 24:
220-221. Khams sde dge rdzong sar dgon: Rdzong sar blo gros phun tshogs, 2020.

Version: 1.1-20220401

1. ↑ The original is untitled; this title has been added by the translator.

2. ↑ i.e., transmissions of oral teachings (kama), earth treasures, rediscovered treasures, mind treasures,
recollections, pure visions and the aural lineage.

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ISSN 2753-4812

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