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Biol Cybern (2015) 109:141–162

DOI 10.1007/s00422-014-0635-1


Development of a control system for artificially rehabilitated

limbs: a review
M. S. H. Bhuiyan · I. A. Choudhury · M. Dahari

Received: 14 June 2013 / Accepted: 28 October 2014 / Published online: 10 December 2014
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract Development of an advanced control system for thesis (Karmarkar et al. 2009). A prosthesis is a device that
prostheses (artificial limbs) is necessary to provide function- replaces a missing extremity, such as an arm or leg. The extent
ality, effectiveness, and preferably the feeling of a sound liv- of an amputation or loss and location of the missing extremity
ing limb. The development of the control system has intro- largely determine the type of prosthesis to be used. Recently,
duced varieties of control strategies depending on the appli- the design of prosthetics has been significantly improved by
cation. This paper reviews some control systems used for incorporating some extra features as well as introducing new
prosthetics, orthotics, and exoskeletons. The advantages and controlling methods.
limitations of different control systems for particular appli- In newer and more improved designs of prosthetics, more
cations have been discussed and presented in a comparative control is given to the users by employing different con-
manner to help in deciding the appropriate method for perti- trol systems, muscle of carbon fiber, mechanical linkages,
nent application. motors, computer microprocessors, and innovative combi-
nations of these technologies (Wen-Wei Hsu et al. 1999).
Keywords Prosthesis · Control system · Non-linear More importantly, essential factors such as weight-force
control strategy · Control system element ratio, strength, durability, adaptability, wearability, degree of
freedom, resistance to environment, and functional capabili-
ties are being addressed seriously to develop a more efficient
1 Introduction prosthesis. The operating power consumed by the prosthe-
sis is another essential factor to be considered, which varies
Amputation or a limb defect creates the need for getting help depending on the prosthesis type. According to Johnson et
from different supporting devices. Amputees have been aided al. (1997), a transfemoral amputee must use approximately
by a walking stick/cane, walking frame, crutch, wheelchair, 80 % more energy to walk than a normal person (with two
motor wheelchair, stroller, motor stroller, and more recently whole legs). Currently, new plastics and other materials, such
by artificial prosthetics (Gao et al. 2010). The amputee with as carbon fiber, have allowed prosthetics to be stronger and
a transfemoral and knee level amputation generally uses a lighter, limiting the amount of extra energy necessary to oper-
wheelchair, whereas an amputee with lower-level amputa- ate the limb (Sawers and Hahn 2011; Esposito et al. 1997).
tions (transtibial and foot amputation) primarily uses a pros- Because of the exceptional strength-to-weight characteristics
and quality of superior biocompatibility, a majority of today’s
M. S. H. Bhuiyan (B) · I. A. Choudhury · M. Dahari upper-limb and lower-limb prostheses have now been made
Manufacturing System Integration, Department of Mechanical
from composites with underlying polymer matrix (Scholz et
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya,
50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia al. 2011). More advanced control systems and more com-
e-mail: patible choice of material will ensure more efficient func-
I. A. Choudhury tionality of prostheses. An automated control system could
e-mail: provide more realistic movement to the prosthetic’s compo-
M. Dahari nents and to itself. For instance, a myoelectric control system,
e-mail: which controls the limbs by converting muscle movements

142 Biol Cybern (2015) 109:141–162

to electrical signals may allow the amputees to control the (Gallagher and MacLachlan 2004). In addition to trauma,
prosthesis more directly (Jawhar et al. 2011). dysvascular disease is a predominant cause of lower limb
The latest research has focused on the development of an amputation (60 % case) (Resnik et al. 2012; Bryant and Pan-
artificial prosthetic limb, which would be capable of imi- dian 2001). However, upper limb amputation due to disease
tating the behavior of a biological limb. The desired move- is found to be relatively rare (3 % case) (Resnik et al. 2012). A
ment of the prosthesis is obtained with the help of different study carried out by Esquenazi and Meier Iii (1996) reported
types of joints, sensors, controllers, and actuators (Martins et that the estimated ratio of arm to leg amputations was 1:3.
al. 2012). Application of artificial intelligence has made the Similar results have been obtained from a recent study con-
control system more spontaneous with the ability of decision ducted by Watve et al. (2011). They have also added that the
making. most common level of amputation is below the knee. Accord-
This article presents a brief discussion on the importance ing to Sagawa et al. (2011), approximately 1.7 million people
of prosthesis construction followed by a thorough study on experienced limb loss in the United States in 2007, and more
control system development, and the different components of than 185,000 new amputations are performed each year in
the system. A comprehensive review has been carried out on that country. Ziegler-Graham et al. (2008) stated in a sur-
available control systems for prosthesis operation, and thus vey report that the number of amputees in the USA in 2005
their suitability for particular application has been weighed was 1.6 million, which is expected to more than double to
and illustrated meticulously to help the future user in choos- 3.6 million by 2050. These people will need to have limbs
ing an appropriate control system for a pertinent problem. A replaced using the correct prosthesis arrangement to ensure
systematic approach has been followed to highlight advan- a high-quality, active life.
tages and limitations of various control systems for specific A study (Couture et al. 2011) on patients with limb dis-
applications. eases, defective limbs, or seriously injured limbs showed that
amputation helps patients to have greater functional indepen-
dence and greater body image satisfaction than those patients
2 Importance of prosthesis reconstruction without amputations with limb defects. On the other hand,
amputation alters the biomechanics of the amputee’s body
The necessity of prosthesis reconstruction arises because of movement.
the increasing rate of limb loss due to accidents, war, dis- According to Gailey et al. (2008), the intact limb of lower-
eases, or congenital defects. In recent years, there has been limb amputees is often stressed or favored more during their
an increased rate of diseases causing paraplegia due to spinal everyday activities. This primarily causes osteoarthritis of the
cord injury or from different types of stroke incidences. Func- knee and/or hip joints of the intact limb, which in the long run
tional electrical stimulation (FES) has been applied as a tool causes osteoporosis that limits sufficient loading of the lower
to improve trunk stability in paraplegic subjects during activ- limb through the long bones. A poor prosthetic fit and align-
ities of daily living (ADL) (Kukke and Triolo 2004; Newham ment, postural changes, leg-length discrepancy, amputation
and Donaldson Nde 2007; Vanoncini et al. 2012). However, level, and general deconditioning commonly cause back pain
the major drawbacks of FES are that it causes early damage of to the lower-limb amputee. The right selection of prosthe-
cells, sagging of muscles, and in the long run it loses the abil- sis with appropriate physics would be helpful in this case,
ity to stimulate the muscle (Matjačić et al. 2003; Vanoncini et which is usually defined by the amputee’s body construc-
al. 2012). In this case, use of orthotics is preferred over FES tion and his/her activity. The correct choice of a control sys-
by the patients with paraplegia. Orthoses are used to sup- tem complements the other part of prosthesis development,
port the patient with limb problems using different types of which is usually performed by some external device such as
passive or active attachments without stimulating the muscle electrical, mechanical, and artificial intelligence. All of the
externally. difficulties associated with amputation necessitate that the
Damage to limbs is another commonly seen defect among amputee obtain a tailor-made prosthesis with an appropriate
the disabled due to diseases, congenital defects, accidents, or control system, which should be capable of balancing their
war, which most often results in amputation (Sagawa et al. body dynamics and providing desired movement to its user.
2011). Industrial, vehicular, and war-related accidents are the
leading causes of amputations in developing countries, such
as those in large portions of Africa (Burger et al. 2004). In 3 Development of a control system for prostheses
more developed countries like those in North America and
Europe, disease is the primary cause of amputations (Rosen- The prosthesis consists of some mechanical elements replac-
feld et al. 2000). Cancer, infection, and circulatory disease ing the missing extremity and some electrical components
are the leading diseases that result amputation (Albertini et that support desired movement in the prosthesis arrangement.
al. 2000). Trauma is another prevailing cause of amputation The electrical and mechanical components independently or

Biol Cybern (2015) 109:141–162 143

combined with artificial intelligence form a system that gives are functions of a set of joint angles and their derivatives,
control of the prosthesis to its user and it is regarded as the which are nonlinear. In addition, gravity and elastic passive
control system for the prosthesis. moment cause a nonlinear term to be present in the equation
of limb movement. In a prosthesis control system, similar
3.1 Background nonlinear movements are reproduced by representing the var-
ious nonlinear movements into different nonlinear equations
Prior to developing a control system for a prosthesis, one (Schauer and Hunt 2000). Development of a control system
has to study thoroughly the body dynamics and function- for a nonlinear system like a prosthesis is much more chal-
ality of the subject’s impaired limb. Some intervention and lenging than controlling a linear system (Tan 2009). Different
assessment tools are available to identify the major factors types of closed-loop, nonlinear control strategies have been
that contribute to the risk of falling (Maki et al. 2011). The used to control different movements of prosthetics (Pujana-
relationships among static ground friction, hip torque, and Arrese et al. 2010; Yap et al. 2007).
the trajectory of the prosthetic foot has been investigated Depending on the aim, the prosthesis controllers are
with a two-dimensional model proposed by van Keeken et equipped with different task controllers that can be formed
al. (2012). The static and dynamic balancing of perturbation in several ways based on application. The control action of
of an amputee has been assessed by measuring the weight a prosthesis is usually accomplished by controlling the posi-
distribution force below the prosthetic foot (Nederhand et al. tion and force/torque parameters. Based on the physical para-
2012). In another investigation, the center of pressure (COP) meters, the prosthesis control system can be classified by
and center of mass (COM) were indicated as the major para- position, torque/force, and force interaction controllers. The
meters to be controlled to balance an amputee’s body dynam- position control scheme is mostly implemented as a low-level
ics (Mergner 2010). The gait phase mechanism (stance and controller, which is commonly used to ensure that the limb
swing) under different walking conditions was identified to joints turn in a desired angle (Timmermans et al. 2009). Force
be useful in determining the intended limb motion (Jiménez- interaction controllers are generally used either in the form
Fabián and Verlinden 2012). On the other hand, Nagano et of impedance or admittance controllers. The impedance or
al. (2005) studied muscle force, work, and power output of admittance controllers are reported to work only if they are
major lower limb muscles during jumping. Hemami and Dar- followed by either the force or the position controller, respec-
iush (2012) modeled and simulated lower-limb movement as tively. The combination of the impedance or admittance con-
a system of connected rigid bodies. They studied the behav- troller is considered a high-level controller, while the force
ior of the central nervous system (CNS) when producing the or position controller is known to be the low-level controller.
desired trajectories of motion and the force of contact prior The torque/force controller is mostly used for a physical
to the control of the prosthesis. The projection of force in parameter-based control system (Nef et al. 2009). The high
the sensory cortex was implemented with a standard integral level controller, on the other hand, is the impedance con-
unit controller in the spinal cord and a well-defined neural troller that controls the interaction force between the human
population unit. It was extended to the case for direction of and the prosthesis by receiving position as input and pro-
motion with two other neural units of visual input and spindle ducing force as output. The output force of the impedance
efference. model becomes the reference force to the force/torque con-
An effective control system is required to recreate a sim- troller. Besides the impedance control, the admittance control
ilar force-length-velocity mechanism, and thus to imitate is used to control the interaction force between the amputee
the biological limb control faculty to produce the required and prosthesis. The admittance model receives forces and
movement to the prosthesis. The effectiveness of the pros- produces positions, rather than receiving positions and pro-
thesis depends on its ability to simulate the functionality of ducing forces. A position controller based on the position
a real, healthy biological limb. Therefore, an efficient pros- references of the admittance model output is used to control
thesis should have all the same faculties as a natural limb. the angle of the prosthesis joints (Carignan et al. 2009). The
A natural limb has the degree of freedom to produce differ- impedance and admittance controller produce desired move-
ent directional movement, ability to receive commands from ment in the prosthesis by controlling the interaction force
the possessor and perform accordingly, e.g. for lower limb: between the amputee and prosthesis (Anam and Al-Jumaily
standing, walking, running, jumping, and for upper limb: 2012). The control system for the prosthesis, on the other
holding, lifting, and carrying, (Previdi 2002; Previdi et al. hand, has been gradually transformed from mechanical to
2004). All movements of a biological limb are reportedly electrical and now to a bioelectrical control system (Le et al.
nonlinear due to gravity and muscle contraction dynamics 2010; Zhang et al. 2012; del-Ama et al. 2012; Resnik et al.
(Previdi 2002; Previdi et al. 2004). The moment generated at 2012).
the joint during a non-isometric muscle contraction depends Some essential components such as sensors, controller/
very strongly on muscle length and velocity. These variables microprocessors, actuators, and interfacing units were shown

144 Biol Cybern (2015) 109:141–162

• Mechanical
• Electrical
• Hydraulic
• Pneumatic
• Hybrid
• Proportional (P)
Actuator • Proportional Derivative
• Mechanical (PD)
• Electrical Control System of • Proportional Integral
Sensor Controller
• Biosensor Prosthesis Derivative (PID)
• Bioelectrical • Linear-Quadratic
Interfacing Regulator (LQR)
• Sliding mode controller
• Non-invasive (SMC)
o Fuzzy Interfacing
system (FIS)
o Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy
interfacing (ANFIS)
• Invasive
o Fully exploiting
neuroplastic interfacing
o Natural Interfacing

Fig. 1 Components of a typical control system used for prosthetics

by Klute et al. (2009) to be required for developing a control metal and silver chloride) electrodes with 2 cm interelectrode
system for prosthetics. A more effective combination of the distance following the Surface ElectroMyoGraphy for the
different elements mentioned would provide better control of Non-Invasive Assessment of Muscles (SENIAM) method to
the prosthesis. Figure 1 depicts the essential components of collect surface EMG signals. Akagi et al. (2012) employed
a typical control system applied in controlling a prosthesis. a displacement sensor consisting of two photo reflector elec-
In the control system of a prosthesis, mainly four types trodes to assess muscle movement of the prosthesis. A tri-
of sensors, five types of controllers, five types of actuators, axial accelerometer with a dynamic time warping (DTW)
and two types of interfacing units are used. The components method was applied on the inner forearm of some volun-
listed in Fig. 1 are discussed in the following subsections. teers to recognize limb movement (Muscillo et al. 2011).
Tormene et al. (2009) used 29 strain sensors distributed on
3.2 Sensors the upper limb of a patient under rehabilitation to observe
their limb movement. Jae-Myung and Yong-Myung (2006)
Sensors in a prosthesis control system are used to sense have employed flex sensors attached to biceps brachii mus-
force, torque, position, angle, proximity, power, speed, veloc- cles and triceps brachii muscles of alternate arms to identify
ity, strength, etc., enabling the process to develop an effi- the arm’s movement. Inertial sensor technology, accelerome-
cient prosthesis. Through stages of improvement, the sensors ters, and gyroscopes were employed to assess a Paralympics
presently have reached at a considerable advanced state that amputee runner with prosthesis before changing to a new
could competently capture the nerve signal. The gait fea- prosthetic (Lee et al. 2012).
ture signals are now obtainable using an inertial miniature From a thorough study carried out by Schultz and Kuiken
accelerometer sensor (Alaqtash et al. 2011). The sensors’ (2011), it has been found that the main challenge in con-
data captured from the limb movement are then input into trolling the prosthesis is to read the intention of the user to
a rule-based relational matrix of a fuzzy logic controller for perform a movement or action, which creates a need to cap-
modulation based on the fuzzy data set (Magdalena 1997). ture the signal from the nervous system of the remaining limb
The sensor can be mechanical, electrical, biological, or or from the amputee’s brain. This is commonly divided into
many more types. Zhang and Yin (2012) have developed two types: invasive and non-invasive. Some sensor examples
and deployed a mechanical sensor based on a shape memory are implantable electrodes, pattern recognition of myoelec-
alloy (SMA) to sense and thus control movement of artifi- tric signals, targeted re-innervation. Sensors that intercept
cial skeletal muscle. Dutta et al. (2011) used Ag/AgCl (silver nerve signals include extraneural electrodes and intraneural

Biol Cybern (2015) 109:141–162 145

electrodes. Some information can be obtained directly from have been observed extensively in different types of control
the brain, such as cortical spike activity (action potential systems (Weir 2008). Chang et al. (2011) have proposed a
and field potential), local field potential, intracortical stimu- novel T–S fuzzy model-based controller applied to a one-
lation for sensory feedback, electrocorticogram recordings, dimensional manipulator actuated by a pneumatic artificial
or electroencephalogram recordings. Even if there is suffi- muscle (PAM). The T–S fuzzy model-based controller can
cient motor command information available for multifunc- decompose a nonlinear system into a set of linear subsys-
tion prosthesis control, adequate control would still require tems. Thus, the simple linear control techniques can suc-
some degree of sensory feedback. Both tactile and proprio- cessfully reproduce complicated nonlinear systems. Timmer-
ceptive feedback play important roles in volitional movement mans et al. (2009) have used proportional (P), and propor-
(Le et al. 2010). Tactile feedback allows for modulation of tional derivative (PD) controllers to control the arm position
grip forces and hand postures for grasping and object manip- of an exoskeleton robot, ARMIN III. A PID controller has
ulation (Crevecoeur et al. 2011). Proprioceptive feedback is been applied by Aliff et al. (2012) to control expanding and
essential for accurate motor control and joint coordination contracting of a prosthesis. Kaluza and Cioacă (2012) mod-
(Vaugoyeau et al. 2011). eled an artificial neural network-based controller inspired by
A large number of articles on sensing techniques avail- biological central pattern generators for a toy robot. Their
able for clinical application have been revisited by Tiwana proposed neural network-based controller has achieved a
et al. (2012). From their study, the use of tactile sensors in great level of success in controlling the body dynamics of
the rehabilitation of amputees became very obvious, particu- the toy, and thus effective control of its movement.
larly to investigate the severity of the stump–socket inter-
action. To acquire information about the force or torque 3.4 Actuators
applied to a prosthesis during object manipulation or dur-
ing walking is done using visual, auditory, electrical, tactile, The actuator is the next important unit of the prosthesis con-
and vibrotactile stimulation. The latest addition to sensing trol system to execute the instruction from the controller,
techniques is a specially designed chemical sensor compris- and thus to trigger the end effector. The conventional DC
ing a biological recognition element and a physicochemi- motors and micromotors, some exotic shape-memory alloys,
cal transducer known as a biosensor. The functionality of ultrasonic motors, and pneumatic artificial muscles have been
biosensors and actuators are typically based on the concept used as actuators during the past decade. Wide ranges of actu-
of the bio-microelectromechanical systems (MEMSs) (Pon- ator such as mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, and
mozhi et al. 2012). A barrier to obtaining implantable biosen- hybrid have been used to actuate different systems depending
sors is biocompatibility. To eliminate this difficulty, subcuta- on the nature of the end effector and its application (Varol
neously implantable needle-type electrodes were developed et al. 2009). The large variety of applications has resulted
(Wang 2001). Because of unique physical and chemical prop- in a diversity of actuation methods. Micro-ultrasonic, ultra-
erties of carbon nanotubes (CNTs), such as their high aspect sonic, and piezoelectric motors are identified to be the most
ratio, ultra-lightweight, high mechanical strength, high elec- promising when compared with hydraulic actuators, shape-
trical conductivity, and high thermal conductivity, the CNT memory alloys, and contractile polymer gels with regards
has been applied in the biomedical field (Sinha and Yeow to size, weight, applicability, precision, hysteresis and non-
2005). A large variety of potentiometric biosensors were repeatability, energy consumption, operating frequency, effi-
developed using biocatalytics and bioaffinity-based biosens- ciency, power density, anthropomorphism, and cost (Cura
ing schemes. However, only a few of them are considered to et al. 2003). Recent advancements in shape-memory alloys
be applicable to biomedical analysis (Wise 2007). The func- have produced actuators with increased strains of up to 32 %
tionality, quality, and longevity of total knee arthroplasty and using a braided coil design; however, response speed, dura-
other kinds of implants can be enhanced by the improved bility, actuation stress, energy consumption, and hysteresis
design of sensors (Ponmozhi et al. 2012). persist as obstacles to their implementation (Biddiss and
Chau 2008). Recently, the application of bio-inspired actu-
3.3 Controllers ators with built-in sensors or control strategies has made
the position controlling more accurate (Nguyen et al. 2012).
The controller is another essential element of a control sys- Although polymer-based dielectric elastomer actuators pro-
tem, which uses the captured signal as input and produces vide advantages in terms of very high functioning frequency
corresponding output to help facilitate the movement of the and remarkably large force delivered, they need quite high
prosthesis to the desired position. The use of some funda- applied voltage (over 100 V) (Torop et al. 2012). Recently,
mental control units such as proportional (P), proportional much attention has been focused on soft materials that can
derivative (PD), proportional integral (PI), proportional inte- directly transform electrical energy into mechanical work
gral derivative (PID), and linear quadratic regulator (LQR) for a wide range of applications including robotics, tactile

146 Biol Cybern (2015) 109:141–162

and optical displays, prosthetic devices, medical devices, and the EMG electrodes are located on non-homologous mus-
microelectromechanical systems. Low-voltage electroactive cles. Recently, an innovative approach called targeted re-
polymer (EAP) actuators, which can function quickly and innervation was developed. This surgical procedure allows
softly, are particularly useful because they can be used as the creation of a homologous myoelectric interface even in
actuators like artificial muscle in various bio-medical and a subject with a very proximal amputation (Kuiken et al.
human affinity applications (Terasawa and Takeuchi 2013). 2007). Non-invasive BMIs are gaining increasing popular-
An efficient actuator for particular application is cho- ity as they do not need to be implanted inside the nervous
sen based on the actuator’s energy density. Phase-change system. They record microvolt-level extracellular potentials
actuators were identified to have energy densities orders of generated by neurons in the cortical layers. Several imaging
magnitude greater than electrostatic actuators (Whalen et al. technologies have been adopted for implementing such inter-
2007). Among all types of actuators, pneumatic muscle actu- faces, i.e. electroencephalography (EEG), electrocorticogra-
ators apparently have the highest power/weight ratio and phy (ECoG), magnetoencephalography (MEG), functional
power/volume ratio. Because of their superior quality, this magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), local field potentials
actuator has been used in rehabilitation engineering and also (LFPs), single-neuron action potential recordings (single
in robots (Chang 2010). A series damper actuator made of a units), and near-infrared spectroscopy, allowing easy access
DC servo motor and a rotary type MR damper was found to to experiments on human subjects (Schwartz et al. 2006; Jerbi
control effectively the swing phase of a prosthetic leg (Khan et al. 2011). However, only a few attempts were made to con-
et al. 2012). Actuator and/or component failure could cause trol hand prosthetics using noninvasive EEG interfaces due to
a serious safety problem to engineering systems if no proper the unpleasant experience of producing a very high amount
action is taken in time (Fan and Song 2011). The actuator for of undesired movement. With the use of invasive neural inter-
prosthetics, therefore, has to be chosen carefully and kept faces (BMIs or BCIs) an electric direct connection between
under constant monitoring during the operation. the nervous system and the prosthesis could be established
at several levels (Schultz and Kuiken 2011). The electrocor-
ticography (ECoG) and local field potentials (LFPs) are two
3.5 Interfacing unit common types of measure used to develop invasive types of
interfacing unit. A silicon/neuron interface was introduced
The interfacing unit in a control system establishes a to develop a more authentic interface between the prosthetic
connection between two different units and transfer sig- hand and neurons (Pizzi et al. 2007). Application of the intra-
nal/commands from one to another. For an artificial prosthe- neural electrode interface into the nerves of a limb stump has
sis control system, the interfacing module develops a connec- succeeded in driving an artificial prosthetic hand and thus
tion between amputee and prosthesis. Schultz and Kuiken provide independent movement to it by enabling the abil-
(2011) investigated different interfacing methods available ity to carry a bidirectional flow of information between the
for controlling artificial prostheses. According to them, the bionic limb and patient (Pino et al. 2009). They recognized
process of signal transmission, and thus the efficiency of the change in the CNS as to be a useful factor for prosthesis
the control system, are largely influenced by the interfacing control application to evaluate the effectiveness of the pros-
unit. thetic device and its interfaces. Direct interfaces with the
The available interfacing methods using for an artificial peripheral or central nervous system may provide the solu-
prosthetic limb can be of five different major types. These tion to enhanced sensation from bionic hands and ultimately
are (1) mechanical (body-powered) interfaces; (2) myolec- come closest to restoring the original sensory perceptions of
tric (EMG-based) interfaces using non-homologous muscles; the hand (Clement et al. 2011).
(3) myolectric (EMG-based) interfaces using homologous The application of artificial intelligence to the interfacing
muscles; (4) non-invasive neural interfaces; and (5) inva- unit has achieved a wide acceptance among control engi-
sive neural interfaces. Devices of the last two classes are neers due to its capacity for decision making and adaptabil-
often referred to in the literature as brain–computer inter- ity. For instance, the fuzzy methods are particularly capable
faces (BCI), but are more properly called brain–machine of predicting possibilities based on the available data, which
interfaces (BMI) (Pino et al. 2009). Body-powered inter- is essentially desired to develop a more promising control
faces mechanically copy the user’s intentions from the move- system. Joshi et al. (2011) have effectively applied an Adap-
ments of a segment of the body by physically linking them tive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), where a least-
with the prosthesis. Myoelectric interfaces allow the user squares method and the back propagation gradient descent
to communicate her/his will through voluntary muscle con- method were employed to control the knee angle of pros-
tractions translated into electrical signals by EMG surface thesis. The ANFIS proved to be quite successful in mapping
electrodes. Frequently as a consequence of limb amputation, out the high nonlinearity between the trajectories of the knee
the muscles used to move the hand are no longer available so joint angle while walking at different speeds. The application

Biol Cybern (2015) 109:141–162 147

of artificial intelligence, in this case, has enabled the control Fig. 2 Example of a
body-powered prosthesis for
system to be adaptive by training it with sets of data captured shoulder disarticulation
from the subject. amputees (Schultz and Kuiken

4 Available control systems for prosthetics

Depending on the type of basic components used for imple-

menting a control system and the utilities they serve, the con-
trol systems for prosthetics are categorized under different
groups. The modern concept of the prosthesis indicates the
functional prostheses, which are classified into three major
types: (1) body-powered (mechanical or cable operated), (2)
myoelectric, and (3) hybrid. Body-powered prostheses are
largely mechanical devices. To control a body-powered upper
limb prosthesis, amputees use remaining shoulder move-
ments to pull on a cable and sequentially operate prosthetic
where operating the ankle-foot joint was the main focus, and
functions such as the elbow, wrist, and terminal device. Myo-
the other, intact, limb was used as a control. The sagittal
electric prostheses are motorized and are controlled via sur-
position of the functional joint center was determined by the
face electromyogram (EMG) signals from residual muscle
three-dimensional kinematics of the foot investigated. The
sites. Control of myoelectric prostheses is generally achieved
motion of the prosthetic foot tested appeared to be unlike than
by recording from two independent muscles or by differen-
that of an intact ankle. As the constraint for kinematics of a
tiating weak and strong contractions of one muscle (Dutta et
prosthetic ankle is based on an intact ankle, some systematic
al. 2011). Currently, it is a common practice to combine myo-
error pertinent to this would impede replication of the real
electric control and body-powered operation in a hybrid pros-
motion of the prosthetic foot. The interaction of the foot with
thesis, such as a body-powered elbow combined with a myo-
the ground during bipedal walking is unavoidable, which is a
electric terminal device (Schultz and Kuiken 2011). Mechan-
major cause of energy loss. A reduction in this friction would
ical and electromechanical switches, locks, and joints, elec-
minimize an appreciable amount of energy loss during walk-
trical motors, transducers, myoelectric sensors, biosensors,
ing; however, developing such a method is really challenging.
etc., are involved as accessory components to develop a con-
Ghorbani and Wu (2009) established a mechanical control
trol system for prostheses.
system to address that problem by developing the idea of
using the adjustable stiffness elastic elements in an artificial
4.1 Mechanical control system
lower limb’s structure. They believed that a control strategy
adjusting elasticity could significantly reduce the energy loss
The mechanical control system is an arrangement of some
during the collision phase and thus improve the energetics of
mechanical components meant to receive input from the
locomotion in bipedal walking robots. They approached two
amputee and thus follows his/her intention to produce desired
conceptual designs and described them with a mathemat-
movement to the prosthesis. Body-powered prostheses are
ical model. Each conceptual design of adjustable stiffness
mainly mechanical devices and the control system it uses
artificial tendons (ASATs) was applied to the ankle joint of
is called a mechanical control system. To control an artifi-
a bipedal walking robot model. To implement the dynamic
cial prosthesis with this controlling method, amputees use
modelling of the bipedal walking robot during the collision
remaining shoulder movements to pull a cable (Bowden
phase, Lagrangian equations and impulsive constraints were
cable) and sequentially operate prosthetic functions such as
used. They were able to reduce the kinetic energy loss up to
the elbow, wrist, and terminal device. To switch between
20 % using their proposed technique for controlling the limb.
functions, users must lock the joints they wish to remain sta-
However, the level of accuracy of the control system was not
tionary by pressing a switch or using body movements to pull
that promising.
a locking cable (Schultz and Kuiken 2011). A mechanically
controlled prosthesis is shown in Fig. 2.
The mechanical control system in controlling prosthe- 4.2 Electrical control system
ses is used for numerous industrial purposes; however, its
use in controlling the bionic prosthesis is no longer admired The more preferable control system to a control engineer
due to poor accuracy. Rusaw and Ramstrand (2010) applied is the electrical control system, which has been extensively
a mechanical control system to an artificial prosthetic foot used in different aspects of everyday life. Functional electri-

148 Biol Cybern (2015) 109:141–162

Kp External disturbances

Trunk Model
∫ Ki or
-K Model
Real System Control Output
variable variable
State variable

(a) (b)
Fig. 3 a PID controller with biased output, b LQ regulator for the stabilization around a stationary point (Vanoncini et al. 2012)

cal stimulation is a kind of electrical active control system the recruitment property of muscles also causes a time delay
proposed by Vanoncini et al. (2012) to stabilize paraplegic between the electrical stimulation and the actuation of muscle
subjects who lack trunk stability due to loss of control. A fibers. Generally, the time delay is about 20 ms. In addition,
closed-loop control system has been developed using a PID in real FES application, maximum force cannot be achieved
controller (Fig. 3a) and then again with a linear quadratic because the whole muscle cannot be fully stimulated, as is
regulator (LQR) (Fig. 3b) to perform the process of stabi- the case with natural full contraction. It can be only applied
lization. at a macroscopic level (Zhang et al. 2011).
The control system was accomplished in two stages, i.e.
stabilization of the trunk with a fixed level of stimulation, 4.3 Electro-mechanical control system
and improvement of external disturbance rejection using a
PID controller. The best results were obtained for maximum Electro-mechanical controlling is another upgraded control
stimulation of about 60 % with a value of simulation bias system developed by combining electrical and mechanical
pwbias (θref ) of 265 µs, which was purely a proportional gain. systems. This system is used widely to control prosthetics.
To ensure no abrupt muscle contractions, a recovery of exter- From an investigation carried out by Matjačić et al. (2003),
nal perturbation was performed using the P/PD controller and the electro-mechanical system has been observed to be used
the LQ regulator. An FES-aided closed-loop controller was to control the posture of a lower limb in a paraplegic patient.
proposed by Previdi et al. (2005) for a patient with a leg They used a mechanical arrangement called a wobbler with a
problem controlling standing up and sitting down postures. functional electrical stimulator to control the ankle moment
Because of the lack of stability of the system and its non- and angle during the investigation. A nested, closed-loop con-
linear dynamic behavior, performing that task became very trol structure was employed to control the ankle moment,
hard. A control strategy based on two nested control loops whereas the inclination angle was regulated by the closed
has been approached. The inner loop comprised a PID con- outer loop control structure of Fig. 5a.
troller, whereas the virtual reference feedback tuning (VRFT) Figure 5a shows the nested loop control strategy, whereas
strategy was applied to design the outer loop. The system Fig. 5b depicts the total control system in a block diagram.
was stabilized by the inner loop. The easy and fast tuning of In Fig. 5a, θ is the inclination angle, m is the ankle moment,
the controller using a single I/O dataset was carried out by p is the pulse width of the stimulation, Cm is the moment
the outer loop. Both linear and nonlinear control laws were controller, and C J is the angle controller. The desired values
implemented exploiting the VRFT algorithms to perform the for ankle moment and inclination angle are m r e f and θr e f ,
operation smoothly. Figure 4 depicts all the successive steps respectively. In Fig. 5b, the blocks denoted “left ankle” and
of the control system. “right ankle” are closed-loop controllers for the left and right
From the figure, stimulation of muscle has been grouped ankle moments, respectively. Their proposed technique was
into three steps: (a) muscle activation, (b) muscle contraction, very simple, however, not accurate enough at very low and
and (c) body- weight relief (WR). The forces generated by very high frequencies. They have strongly recommended fol-
the muscles were the input to the body-WR system dynam- lowing a design procedure based on the simple linear model
ics (c). The overall output was the time course of knee joint rather than any heuristic rule such as trial-and-error to design
angle. However, the FES-based controlling has some inher- an analytical control system for tuning a PID controller. On
ent time delay due to the time elapsed for stimulating and the other hand, it was not very evident that adaptive control
activating the muscle. It takes some time for the electrical would be a natural solution within the context of standing
current to flow from skin tissue to the muscle. In addition, control. Garcia et al. (2011) have designed and developed

Biol Cybern (2015) 109:141–162 149

Stimulation Muscle activation dynamics

pulse width Recruitment
characteristic Muscle
Calcium Muscle fatigue Time
dynamics & recovery delay 0 ≤ af ≤ 1
Stimulation characteristic


Muscle Muscle contraction dynamics

Joint angle Force-length force
Joint angular
velocity Force-velocity
Max isometric
muscle force


Body-WR dynamics
Muscle Joint angle
force Active Joint + Total Joint Equations
X moments moments of motion Joint angle
+ + velocity

Moment Joint Joint Seat-pelvis

arms elasticity viscosity interaction

Fig. 4 Block diagram of the simulation model of a single muscle group: a muscle activation, b muscle contraction, and c body-weight reliever
(WR) dynamics (Previdi et al. 2005)


muscle moment control Upper

mref,l Left m body

- s desired mref,total reference + Lower

(t) stiffness distributio body
ref (t) ref (t)
C C +
mref,r ankle mr

(a) (b)
Fig. 5 a Nested loop control structure, b Block diagram of the ankle stiffness control and standing strategy (Matjačić et al. 2003)

an electro-mechanical control system for controlling loco- of elasticity and magneto-rheological (MR) dampers pro-
motion of a hybrid leg prototype in a project called HADE vided variable compliance to the actuation system to make the
(Hybrid Actuator Development) for achieving agile locomo- motion of the leg more natural and thus to improved interac-
tion while walking dynamically. A mixed series application tion with the ground. A preliminary direct force controlling

150 Biol Cybern (2015) 109:141–162

has been applied to the joints of the HADE leg to control of position control system including a PI controller, an
the locomotion. Both the PID and cascade types of control enhanced PID controller, a robust controller H∞ , and a
systems have been employed to evaluate the performance of sliding-mode controller. Each pneumatic muscle was then
different methods. Then again, an active compliance joint tuned up with an internal pressure loop of a position con-
control has been put in practice to control the joints aimed troller. Results with the classic PI and enhanced PID con-
at controlling the locomotion of the leg. Joint application of trollers has been observed to fluctuate widely at different
elasticity and magneto-rheological damping in series could zones in the displacement range and also with the change
possibly reduce 20 % of the energy lost due to contraction of of mass at the tip. A certain level of robustness with regard
the knee during extension of the leg in its stance phase. to the weight of the load was desired by designing the H∞
An electro-mechanical control scheme based on elec- controller. However, the response obtained was not very com-
tromyographic (EMG) information and with a mechanical pelling and found not to remain the same across the move-
setup has been applied by Jiménez-Fabián and Verlinden ment range. In addition, a sliding-mode technique was imple-
(2012) to control an artificial ankle prosthesis. During the mented to achieve a level of control capable of working cor-
investigation, the regenerative kinetics was the focus of the rectly across the range. Nonetheless, the output demanded
control. A neuromuscular model using EMG signals and a designing or tuning the controller in different operating
standard multi-layer feed-forward neural network with back zones.
propagation algorithms was found to be capable of control- A pneumatic controlling has been applied by Jahanabadi
ling the robotic ankle system to a greater extent. From their et al. (2011) to control a two-link planar arm actuator oper-
study, the continuous response of the proportional control can ated by a pair of pneumatic artificial muscles (PAM). They
correspond to the nervous system more competently than a used active force control (AFC) integrated with fuzzy logic
discontinuous response of the foot switch control. No explicit (AFCAFL) and tested the practicality and feasibility of the
comparison on the quantitative results was obtained from methods applied. For the AFC mechanism, the best value of
their work. the inertia matrix of the pneumatic arm was estimated using
the fuzzy logic (FL) technique, which was complemented by
4.4 Hydraulic/pneumatic power-assisted control system a conventional proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control
at the outermost loop (Fig. 6a).
Recently, different types of power-assisted control systems The extra robustness feature could be achieved by apply-
have been using to develop exoskeletons, orthotics, and pros- ing the AFC part through its capability of rejecting distur-
thetics to strengthen people with limb problems and missing bance. The PID system is usually designed prior to the imple-
limbs. A pneumatic power-assisted lower limb orthosis was mentation of AFC.
developed by Yeh et al. (2010) to help elderly or people with
sport injuries or with difficulty walking or climbing stairs.
The tension of the pneumatic muscle and the angle of the Disturbance
orthosis have been controlled by two different feedback sys- + Q
+ e + τ+
tems designed. The required force by the quadriceps muscle - Controller
PAM System 1/s2
during the stance phase was reduced by tension control of Desired + position
position Estimated inertial
the pneumatic muscle; the knee angle of orthosis was con- τ-1
matrix IN
trolled using trajectory control during swing motion of leg. + -
The control system was integrated with inverse control (LTR
feedback control) and bumpless switch to augment the per-
formance further. A modified Maxwell-slip model was pro- (a)
posed to eliminate the influence of hysteresis by describing Disturbance
and devising the inverse control method. A backpack con- + Q
+ + +
taining CO2 gas of 4 kg weight was necessary to control the PID PAM System 1/s2
- Controller
pneumatic orthosis, which was stable for only 40 min. The Desired +
weight of the gas became a burden to the subject; the weight τ-1 Fuzzy
of the prosthesis and its capacity also have some limitations + -

for the user.

Pujana-Arrese et al. (2010) approached the method in a
different way where they implemented a model of a mecha-
tronic device with 1-DoF that actuated with two opposite
pneumatic or McKibben muscles in the Dymola/Modelica Fig. 6 a Schematic diagram of AFC, b proposed AFCAFL scheme
environment. They designed and developed a different type (Jahanabadi et al. 2011)

Biol Cybern (2015) 109:141–162 151

The rectangular box shown by the dashed line Fig. 6b limb (type of myoelectric controlling) was introduced as the
depicts the general form of the AFC scheme used in their latest advancement in the artificial intelligence-aided control
study. The effectiveness and robustness of the pneumatically system. For instance, a joint project between the Pentagon
actuated (PA) AFCAFL scheme was verified by comparing and Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) has
the results from the experiment; the simulation works, and come up with a modular prosthetic limb which would be
was found to remain in good agreement. fully controlled by sensors implanted in the brain, and would
Richardson et al. (2005) implemented force (impedance) even restore the sense of touch by sending electrical impulses
and position (admittance) control strategies on a pneu- from the limb back to the sensory cortex. Chang et al. (2009)
matic robotic limb designed for robotic physiotherapy. The proposed a multilayer artificial neural network (ANN)-based
impedance controller was developed based around a joint model to discover the essential correlation between the intrin-
space, which develops a congruity between the manipulator sic impaired neuromuscular activities of people with spina
end-point and external forces as a mass, spring, and damper bifida (SB) and their extrinsic gait behaviors. The correla-
system. The controller was found to be working appropri- tion found was then applied to develop a control system for
ately over a range of conditions. Although there was some the prosthesis and is shown in Fig. 7.
limitation in measuring force along multiple axes properly, Before deploying the ANN-based model, the system was
the control strategy performed considerably well, enabling familiarized with the input neuromuscular activity of the tar-
safe interaction between prosthesis and the human body. geted individual to enable it to recognize the inherent charac-
teristics and complex correlation. Producing the desired out-
4.5 Artificial intelligence-aided control system put within a given error threshold depends on systematically
changing the weights and biases of all neurons; a repeated
Artificial intelligence-aided control systems give the con- tuning of input is required to train the network until the min-
troller the ability to reason and make decisions based on the imal error is measured. The results showed that the proposed
available data. Application of the artificial intelligence-aided ANN-based technique could obtain a more precise predic-
control system has provided the bionic limb the capacity to tion at different end-point locomotion. It was claimed that
operate the prosthesis as though it was a biological limb, giv- this technique was capable of providing 80 % more accurate
ing similar sensation and functionality to its user. The devel- prediction compared to traditional robust regression. A multi-
opments in biomechatronics are now helping amputees to layer perceptron and an adaptive-network-based fuzzy infer-
lead a life with reduced limitations. Employment of artificial ence system (ANFIS) were proposed by Pérez-Rodríguez et
intelligence in controlling prostheses has increased heavily al. (2012) to solve the inverse kinematics (IK) problem of a
and thus enables the amputee to operate the prosthesis more defective upper limb. Once the system was trained properly,
desirably. Adaptive controlling would enable a system to per- it was able to map 3D positions of the end-effector to the
form closer to the desired output by adjusting the input with corresponding healthy biomechanical configurations. Both
the help of a feedback system. Recently, a mind-controlled for the multilayer perceptron and ANFIS-based methods,

Hidden Layer Mode
b 11
Training Set w1i,1 Output Layer
n 1 b21
Duration b 12 n21
Validation Set w i,2
. . .

Muscle n12 Gait

. . .

activation b2k
w j,k

Testing Set b1j n 2k

n 1j

Fig. 7 Workflow of the proposed artificial neural network (ANN)-based technique (Chang et al. 2009)

152 Biol Cybern (2015) 109:141–162

a high mean correlation coefficient and a low root-mean- adapt, and tackle the nonlinearity during the controlling of
square error were found. The results showed that the inverse the pneumatic muscle manipulator, and it provided better
kinematics problem could be solved by both the systems dynamic properties and strong robustness. For controlling
effectively. In addition t, neuro-rehabilitation (a dysfunc- a prosthesis above the knee (AK), the prediction of pros-
tional motion prediction system for anticipatory actuation), thetic knee joint angle was identified to play a crucial role
the artificial intelligence-based techniques were observed to in obtaining intended posture and movement of amputees. A
be capable of calculating the IK of a human upper limb that first-order Sugeno-type adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference sys-
executes specific activities of the daily life (ADL) accurately tem (ANFIS) was employed by Joshi et al. (2011) to pre-
and in real time. dict the knee angle from contralateral knee angles at differ-
The unique properties of artificial neural networks (ANN) ent walking speeds. The required torque for knee movement
have allowed Lamb et al. (2011) the investigation of fun- was estimated using the best regression fit applied on the
damental and potentially complex and nonlinear patterns gait cycle. From the fuzzy method, the average root-mean-
in data, and thus they have deduced to useful information square error (RMSE) was found to remain at 3.4◦ ± 1.4◦
before developing a control system for a prosthesis. Self- over a range of walking speeds. An adaptive control system
organizing maps (SOM), a specific type of ANN applied has been developed by Zhang et al. (2011) using functional
in the control system, was found to be an impressive tool electrical stimulation (FES) of muscles to assist a patient
for analyzing the biomechanics. Clustering around the phase with pathological tremor. A pair of antagonist muscles was
of movement was performed using the SOMs, the trajec- stimulated by a biologically inspired neural oscillator cre-
tory of which showed a change in coordination of different ating the anti-tremor rhythmic stimulation pattern. The sur-
patterns of movement used. These methods explored a solu- face electromyographic (EMG) signal was chosen to main-
tion technique for coordination dynamics that deal with the tain the neural oscillator reciprocally and to shape adaptively
data obtained from discrete high-dimensional movements. the simulation pattern. The neural oscillator with a feedback
Recently, application of a microprocessor has been added to regulator served as an adaptive feed-forward controller. The
the list of artificial intelligence-based control systems. Wolf feedback regulator comprised a PID controller, and a com-
et al. (2009) measured pressure from a residual limb at three pensator was exclusively involved in refining the intensity
different locations under five different walking conditions, pattern of stimulation. About 90 % of the limb’s tremor was
which were then controlled by adapting ankle angle, modi- successfully attenuated using the proposed controlling setup.
fying joint kinetics, and thus the pressure distribution at the
stump. In ramp-up walking with the highest values of 2.4 and 4.6 Biomechanical control system
120 kPa/kg, the particulate matter (PM) sensor on average
was found to show the highest values for both peak pressure The biomechanical control system is another type of con-
and pressure time integrals (PTIs) at different sensor loca- trol developed by imitating the behaviors of various bio-
tions. Based on this sensor’s measurement, a microprocessor- logical organs using different mechanical systems. Moreno-
based controller was developed and deployed to rehabilitate Valenzuela and Salinas-Avila (2011) addressed the problem
the subject amputee. of modeling, control, and simulation of a prosthesis structure
Thanh and Ahn (2006) developed an adaptive control sys- using a biomechanical control system, which was actuated
tem for a neural network-based, two-axis, pneumatic arti- by an agonist-antagonist musculotendon. A new control law
ficial muscle manipulator. They employed a nonlinear PID based on switched system theory was proposed to control
controller to improve the performance of the controller. The the DC motor engaged to operate the actuator. The control
results of their investigation showed that the combination of system that applied for controlling the mechanical system is
a nonlinear PID controller and neural network could learn, shown in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8 Block diagram that Musculotendon actuator

shows the interaction of tendon Natural
and muscle with a mechanical
system (Moreno-Valenzuela and
u(t) Musculotendon
Salinas-Avila 2011)
Acvaon a(t) FT(t) Mechanical LMT(t)
dynamics dynamics system

Biol Cybern (2015) 109:141–162 153

The different parameters of the mechanical system were skin conditions (such as sweat) alter EMG signals and can
input variables to the musculotendon model. The activation cause control to be unreliable (Schultz and Kuiken 2011).
in the musculotendon model only influenced the variables A major problem in multifunctional prosthesis control via
belonging to the muscle, i.e. u(t) and a(t). Here a(t) is electromyographic (EMG) signals is filtering the EMG sig-
the muscle activation, with constraint 0 ≤ a(t) ≤ 1. The nals from noise and from other interacting EMG signals,
value a(t) = 1 indicates that the muscle is fully activated, and of recognizing and separating the EMG signals related
and a(t) = 0 means fully deactivated. u(t) is the neural to different limb functions (Graupe and Cline 1975; Gagné
excitation, which denotes the control input, with constraint et al. 2009). The recent development in the electromyo-
0 ≤ u(t) ≤ 1. graphic control systems focus on signal processing and fea-
An open-loop proportional derivative (PD) feedback con- ture extraction methods.
trol system was employed for switching controller input. Based on the signal processing methods, myoelectric con-
Mass position and velocity of mass were considered the trol systems are divided into two groups: pattern recognition
controlling parameters. When considering the limited con- and non-pattern recognition (Asghari Oskoei and Hu 2007).
trolling parameters, the control system could merely provide The state-of-the-art prostheses employ pattern recognition
partial feedback and thus limit the efficiency of the controller. techniques to extract the neuromuscular control informa-
A biomechanical control system for knee flexion- tion from the surface EMG (Jiang et al. 2009). The pattern
extension was modeled, developed, and verified by recognition-based control schemes increase the variety of
Mohammed et al. (2012). They have also compared the control functions and improve robustness.
results obtained to measure the stability and robustness of Pattern recognition of EMG signals relies on the gener-
the system. A cascaded control system was employed where ation of differentiable and repeatable contractions in EMG
model predictive control (MPC) was applied to the input- signal. Changes in these patterns can erode the performance
output feedback linearized (IOF) system. This allowed lin- of the classifier and may result in an unusable controller
earization by inverting the system dynamics through different (Fougner et al. 2011). An effective pattern classification can
simulation (in Matlab-Simulink environment) scenarios for secure a better performance of the myoelectric control sys-
knee flexion-extension. From the comparison between the tem, which typically comprises segmentation, feature extrac-
results from MPC and pole placement (PP), the MPC was tion, and classification units (Doerschuk et al. 1983). The
observed to perform controlling and covering to a desired success of any pattern recognition problem depends almost
position in a relatively minimal time. The required optimiza- entirely on the selection and extraction of features. A wide
tion time to reach the desired position was recorded to be spectrum of features is reported in the literature for myoelec-
around 20 ms, which would encourage real-time implemen- tric classification. All of the features generally fall into any
tation. of the following three categories: time domain, frequency
(spectral) domain, and time-scale (time-frequency) domain
4.7 Myoelectric control system (Zecca et al. 2002). Amplitude and its related features are
often investigated in time domain analysis, while a power
Work is currently underway to address many of the priorities spectrum is usually studied in a frequency domain analysis.
of myoelectric prosthesis users, yet many challenges remain. Unlike the time domain and frequency domain features, the
There has been a recent increase in the attention paid to the time-scale (time-frequency) domain features are capable of
development of multifunctional prosthetic hands and wrists locating and measuring the intensity of an event simultane-
(Takeda et al. 2009). However, there remains a gap in meth- ously. Figure 9, shows signal processing methods used to
ods to control simultaneous movements and to decrease the analyze EMG signal.
need for visual attention. Traditional myoelectric control sys- Using a pattern recognition technique to discriminate mul-
tems take advantage of the neural information provided by tiple degrees of freedom has shown great promise in the
muscle contractions. The electrical signals generated during research, but it has yet to transform to a clinically viable
muscle contractions are the result of movement commands option (Scheme and Englehart 2011). Figure 10 represents a
generated in the motor cortex and propagated along periph- schematic diagram of a pattern recognition-based myoelec-
eral nerves. Because myoelectric prostheses use these signals tric control system.
as control commands, they could be considered simple neural One of the problems is that pattern recognition of the
interfaces. Two major limitations of myoelectric control are EMG does not provide simultaneous and proportional con-
the difficulty in recording suitable EMG signals and the short- trol of multiple functions, but only provides sequential and
age of information for control of multiple functions (Hofstad on/off activation. Simultaneous and proportional myoelec-
et al. 2009). Many patients are unable to produce isolated tric control over multiple degrees of freedom (DoFs) can
EMG signals or have difficulty making repeatable contrac- be achieved with alternative approaches such as synergis-
tions. In addition, shifting electrode locations and changing tic structure-based muscle activation (Karlik et al. 2003;

154 Biol Cybern (2015) 109:141–162

Signal processing method

Pattern recognition based Pattern non-recognition based

Classification Feature extraction Classificatio Feature

Classifier: Classifier: Methods:

Multilayer Time domain Frequency domain Time-frequency dom ain Linear mapping, Fourier
perceptron nonlinear mapping, transform (FT)
Cascaded genetic [Ref: Asghari
(MLP), Linear
Methods: Methods: Methods: algorithm with Oskoei and Hu
perceptron (LP), Auto regressive method (AR), Fractural Davies–Bouldin
Fourier transform Wavelet transform ( WT) 2007]
Linier analysis (FA), Bayesian analysis, Deflection (FT), index, Principal Features:
, Stationary wavelet
discriminant measurement [Ref: Asghari Oskoei and Hu Autoregressive component analysis Power spectral
transform (SWT),
analysis (LDA), 2007] model (AR) [Ref: (PCA), Linear
Continuous Wavelet density (PSD),
Gaussian mixture Features: Asghari Oskoei discriminant
Root mean square (RMS), Autoregressive transform (CWT), S hort analysis (LDA), [Ref: Hargrove
model (GMM), and Hu 2007]
coefficient (ARCo), standard deviation (STD), Features: time Fourier transfo rm linear– et al. 2007;
Hidden Markov Asghari Oskoei
Mean absolute value (MAV), Power spectral (STFT) or Gabor nonlinear projection
model (HMM), Mean absolute value method composed of and Hu 2007]
density (PSD), tranform , Wavelet
Gaussian mixture slope (MAVS), zero crossing (ZC), Slope sign PCA and a self-
Linear cepstrum packet transform (W PT)
model (GMM) , changes (SSC), Waveform length (WL), organized feature
coefficients [Ref: Hargrove et al.
Detrended Integrated absolute value map (SOFM), [Ref:
(IAV), Difference absolute mean value (LCC), Adaptive 2007; Asghari Oskoeei Asghari Oskoei and
(DAMV), Variance cepstrum vector and Hu 2007] Hu 2007].
analysis (DFA)
(VAR), Maximum fractal length (MFL), (ACV) Features:
[Ref: Hargrove et Higuchi’s fractal dimension (HFD) [Ref: [Ref: Hargrove et Moving average, Me an
al. 2007; Asghari Hargrove et al. 2007; Ameri et al. 2014;
al. 2007; Asghari square error of spect ral,
Oskoei and Hu Asghari Oskoei and Hu 2007; Park and Lee
Oskoei and Hu Aspect ratio,
2007; 1998; Hudgins et al. 1993; Clancy et al. 2002;
2007; Park and Partitioning ratio [Reef:
Phinyomark et al. Farina and Merletti 2000; Phinyomark et al.
2012; Naik et al. 2008; Oskoei & Hu 2008; Lee, 1998] Asghari Oskoei and Hu
Parker et al., 2006; Zardoshti-Kermani et al. 2007]
1995; Zecca et al. 2002; Arjunan 2008;
Arjunan & Kumar 2010; Truong Quang Dang
et al. 2012]

Fig. 9 Available signal processing methods for EMG signal analysis

Fig. 10 A myoelectric control

system based on pattern
recognition (Asghari Oskoei and
Hu 2007)

Jiang et al. 2013, 2014). Fougner et al. (2014) have devel- ous proportional control was compared with three other con-
oped a system for simultaneous proportional myoelectric trol strategies implemented on the same prosthesis: mutex
control of a hand prosthesis with two motorized functions proportional control (the same system, but with simulta-
(hand open/close, and wrist pro-/supination). The simultane- neous control disabled), mutex on-off control, and a more

Biol Cybern (2015) 109:141–162 155

traditional, sequential proportional control system with co- Recently, a prosthesis has been developed by Catalan
contractions for state switching. They found that the simulta- (2012) and his team at Chalmers University of Technology in
neous proportional control strategy and the two mutex-based Sweden where intra-muscular EMG signals were collected
pattern recognition strategies performed equally well and by implanted electrodes directly to the bones and nerves of
better compared to the more traditional sequential strategy. amputees. Effort was put into developing a control system
Khushaba et al. (2012) captured electromyogram (EMG) capable of regulating multiple joints and movements at a
signals from various muscles of an individual to control the time, and which could receive corresponding neural feedback
movements of a prosthesis. They used a Bayesian data fusion from the respective electronic limb. An ordinary myoelectric
approach to enhance the possibility of correct classification prosthesis is operated by nerve signals picked up from the
of the EMG data pertinent to different movements. Using the skin using the electrode, which are generally produced in the
surface EMG signal and the Bayesian data fusion approach, brain and sent to the limb. The signals are then translated
individual and combined movement of fingers can be differ- with an algorithm before sending instructions to motors of
entiated accurately. The feasibility of the method was tested the prosthesis. It was expected that the invasive technique
from the practical and statistical results, where approximately would provide the amputees more control on their prosthe-
90 % accuracy on average was estimated in classifying the sis, in much the same way as a biological limb of their own
signal from different subjects. Kao and Ferris (2009) have using the person’s nerves and remaining muscles. According
applied the myoelectric control system to control an exter- to Catalan, the closed-loop control upgraded the control sys-
nally powered ankle-foot orthosis (AFO). They employed tem one step further to obtain natural control of the prosthe-
the AFO to improve walking ability and prevent tripping of sis. As each finger was motorized, they could be individually
a patient with very weak dorsiflexion. Because of the quick controlled; this improvement made the electronic limb sys-
adaptability of humans to the plantar flexion, a proportional tem more like a biological limb. Cipriani et al. (2014) have
myoelectric system was used to control the orthosis. The tested the feasibility of achieving a real-time, continuous, and
results have shown that unlike the rigid AFO, a powered simultaneous controlling of a multi-digit prosthesis by cap-
AFO with dorsiflexion did not impede planter flexion at the turing intramuscular EMG signals from a subject’s forearm
end of stance, and it allowed users to alter their gait to accom- muscle. Besides allowing the subjects to achieve continuous
modate changes in the environment within one or two day(s) simultaneous and independent control over multiple DoFs,
training only. this technique enables the subject to perform potentially any
A new electromyography (EMG)-based control system for arbitrary posture in a physiologically appropriate manner.
an above-knee (AK) prosthesis was proposed by Wu et al. Though several events of successful control of a prosthe-
(2011) to enable the users to control the prosthesis motion sis are observed using intra-muscular electrodes, no signif-
directly with their muscles activating neural signals. They icant difference is noticed when compared with the classi-
obtained the muscle-activating signals by applying electrodes fication accuracy of the surface myoelectric control system.
to the surface of the user’s remaining muscles, which essen- Both measurement techniques yielded classification accura-
tially provided a non-intrusive interface to the human CNS. cies between 95 and 99 % (Hargrove et al. 2007). Even though
The active-reactive control algorithm was developed based there is noise due to crosstalk and fatty muscle (which causes
on the analysis of a simplified musculoskeletal structure of impedance during transmission of the myoelectric signals
the human biological joint where the EMG signal was the from the main nerves to the surface), this could be largely
input to the system. The exclusive structure of the controller reduced by using the intra-muscular electrodes; there is a high
provides an active control to the joint motion, where the mod- possibility of missing more global information contained in
ulation of the joint impedance enhanced the system with the the surface myoelectric signal for pattern recognition-based
ability of natural interaction with environment. The user was myoelectric control.
given an experience similar to a biological lower limb opera-
tion with a unique “active–reactive” control structure, which 4.8 Bionic control system
combined the “active” actuation of the knee joint and the
“reactive” response to the joint motion. The effectiveness of The use of a bionic control system for prosthetics is pro-
this control structure was tested by implementing the pro- gressing aimed at providing realistic control that is more like
posed control algorithm on an AK prosthesis with powered a sound biological limb to the users. It is typically performed
knee joint during a set of free-swing and level walking exper- using nerve signals, and sometimes stimulating the nervous
iments. Experimental results indicated that the controller was system for individuals. For animals and robots, this has been
able to generate the desired motion according to the user’s performed particularly by inspiring the central pattern gen-
neural command, and walking gait with the proposed con- erator (CPG) (Ijspeert 2008). Fasano et al. (2012) have clini-
troller was natural and similar to the standard gait of healthy cally treated a patient with lower-limb disability by stimulat-
subjects. ing the patient’s brain with medication. Recently, thalamic

156 Biol Cybern (2015) 109:141–162

deep-brain stimulation (DBS) on ataxic features has been many obstacles to overcome before this technology is com-
carried out in patients with essential tremor (ET), a slowly mercially available, but it is hoped that it will eventually be
progressive movement disorder, during different locomotion advanced enough to allow limb amputees to be given bionic
tasks. Thalamic DBS was found to reduce the severity of limbs that act and feel like the innate limb.
tremors significantly (66.1 % ± 15.7 %; p < 0.001), while
intention and postural tremor were observed to improve. 4.9 Miscellaneous control systems
Another bionic control system prior to investigating the EMG
signals captured from different location of muscles of a limb Besides the available control systems discussed, there are
was developed by Daley et al. (2012). They successfully some other methods of control for particular application. For
classified the movement and activated the distinctive mus- example, Engeberg (2013) developed a control system for
cle pattern of multiple limbs. The high density of EMG sig- upper limbs that was capable of functioning like a living
nals was identified to be useful in locating the most effec- limb intuitively. Using a biomimetic sliding mode (BSM)
tive placement of electrodes to classify multiple wrist and controller, human muscle signals were mapped into prosthe-
hand movements reliably in transradial amputees. The result sis motor command signals in a physically expected manner.
showed that the performance improved radically when the The forces were tracked by both controllers to assess the
electrodes were optimally placed rather than increasing the controllability of the applied force. A nonparametric Mann–
electrode number or distributing them evenly. Despite the Whitney U test results showed that in terms of level of con-
impressive advancement, bionic prostheses still remain as fidence ( p < 0.01), the BSM controller was about 99 %
an inferior replacement to their biological counterparts. Cur- different from the PD controller. In cases of position con-
rently available bionic hands are able to achieve a better range trol ( p < 0.05), the BSM controller was also found to be
of functional grasps including key grip, power grip, precision statistically different from the PD controller. To imitate the
grip, index point, and thumb park that confer far wider appli- posture of human hands more accurately, the performance of
cation of the replacements than previously achievable. The the BSM controller was found to supersede that of the PD
drawback is that extensive training with occupational therapy force controller. A subjective rating showed that the controls
input is required to achieve successful function, and despite of the BSM were quite similar to the human hand in terms
this, even the best bionic limbs still do not come close to repli- of position and force.
cating the complex intrinsic functions of the innate hand. A novel control and feedback system based on peripheral
Clement et al. (2011) have studied the different ways of intraneural multielectrodes was proposed by Rossini et al.
replicating the major functions of the human hand in a mod- (2010) for controlling the multi-movement of a prosthesis.
ern artificial bionic prosthesis. According to them, as the The LIFE (nerve) signal was recorded from the median and
nerves that once supplied the amputated limb muscle are sur- ulnar nerves from some volunteers by implanting four lon-
gically anastomosed into the remaining muscles of the ampu- gitudinal intrafascicular flexible multi-electrodes (tf-LIFE4)
tation stump, the re-innervation of nervous system of the during three distinct hand movements. An off-line artificial
remaining muscles could enable the amputee to control the intelligence with >85 % success rate in classifying LIFE sig-
attached prosthesis independently. In the amputated nerves, nal was employed to obtain a real-time control over the motor
motor command is amplified with the re-innervated muscles; for all three actions. Some other various types of the current
therefore, the surface electromyogram (EMG) signals could stimulation method were identified to provide reproducible
provide some extra advantage controlling the prosthetic arm. and localized hand/fingers sensations. van der Smagt (2000)
This technique has shown promising results with the ability adapted a cerebellar model for trajectory tracking, compli-
to achieve intuitive control of multiple functions in a bionic ance control, and exteroceptive feedback control of an pros-
hand. thesis. A servo control system made up of a proportional
The ultimate goal is to achieve a “biomechatronic design” derivative (PD) controller(s) has been applied to control inde-
where the mechatronic system of the artificial hand is inspired pendently every joint. According to them, there still exists an
and works like the living limb. To achieve this goal, integra- enormous gap between the applicability of cerebellar mod-
tion of the prostheses with the CNS is necessary so that the els to prosthesis dynamics control and their current applica-
replacement moves and is perceived as if it were the natural tions. Nevertheless, the emerging interest in cerebellar mod-
hand without the requirement for any training or adaptation. els demonstrates huge possibilities.
The use of intraneural electrodes is perhaps the most promis- A novel technique has been applied by Li and Kuiken
ing technology that may hold the key to successful integration (2008) to upgrade the control of rotation of prosthetic arms. A
of bionic limbs into the biological system. Intraneural elec- magnetic field along the arm rotation was created by implant-
trodes interface directly into the nerves in the limb stump ing a small permanent magnet into the distal end of the resid-
and have the ability to carry a bidirectional flow of infor- ual bone, which was used as a sensor in the system. The
mation between the bionic limb and patient. There are still magnetic-field distribution on the arm’s surface helped to

Biol Cybern (2015) 109:141–162 157

Table 1 A comparison among different control systems

Type of control system Significant characteristics Advantages Disadvantages

Mechanical control system An appreciable residual limb is Cheap and affordable for average Unable to reproduce the real
required to be used for classes of people motion of a biological
controlling the prosthesis Robust in design prosthesis
Poor accuracy (comparatively)
Efficiency of the control system
influenced by the material
properties used for operating
the artificial limb
Electrical control system Controlling is performed by Highly regarded in treating the Damages the muscle in the
stimulating the respective stroke patient long run
biological controlling organ Obtained some minimal delay
Preferable for the patient with in transferring electrical
difficulty in operating the signals from skin to the
limb muscle
Not a commonly used Maximum force of prostheses
controlling technique for cannot be achieved due to its
prosthesis limitation to stimulate the
whole limb
Electro- Both electrical and mechanical Preferable for controlling Not accurate enough
mechanical sensors are used to assess the locomotion of limb Limited to some particular
control system change within the system types and frequency of
feedback signal
The electrical and mechanical
elements are used together to
control the prosthesis
Hydraulic/pneumatic Usually performed based on the Heavily devoted for the people The fluid reservoir is
control system force controlling unlike to the with sports injury considered to be a burden to
electrical and Used to assist people moving in its user
electromechanical methods, hilly place
which are used position Useful in military application
controlling technique
Artificial Inherent correlations between About 80 % more effective Required large database and
intelligence intrinsic impaired prediction than any other numerous trials to train the
aided control neuromuscular activities are techniques can be made controller before application
system identified using artificial Able to successfully control the
neural network tremor and inverse kinematics
Inverse kinematics is
controlled by training up the
artificial neural network with
variety of input data
Biomechanical control system Performed by switching the Can successfully control the Limited application due to its
controller feedback by stability of a patient with only use of mass position and
actuating the musculotendon difficulty in knee-flexion mass velocity
extension Inadequate efficiency
Myoelectric control system Neural information from Preferable because of its Inefficient for the patient with
muscle contraction, i.e. EMG non-invasive characteristics poor/weak EMG signal
signal is used for controlling production capacity
EMG signal is usually captured
from the residual limb
Required substantial analysis of
signal to extract the important
information out
Bionic control system Performed by stimulating the Capable of significantly improve Extensive training with
brain signal the tremor problem occupational therapy input is
EMG signal and invasive required
electrode implantation are Intraneural electrode causes
used to innervate muscle and infection to the patient body
enhance the control system

158 Biol Cybern (2015) 109:141–162

track the bone rotation. The rotation of the prosthesis was ity, but it requires a large dataset and a lot of trials to get
then manipulated based on the signals from the magnetic good controlling done.
field. During the whole process, the proprioception of the • Although biomechanical controlling is preferred to con-
residual limb skeleton remained intact. It has been observed trol knee flexion stability during extension, due to its strict
from a simulation result of an upper arm model that by decod- dealing with mass position and velocity of mass, it is not
ing the magnetic-field signal, the direction and angle of rota- always efficient.
tion of the residual humerus could be obtained. • The application of electromyography capturing the ner-
Santos and Matos (2012) have developed a control sys- vous signals from the brain, remaining muscle, and skin
tem for a multi-articulated artificial robotic limb by regulat- of different body parts are being groomed due to the out-
ing the walking velocity, orientation, and angular velocity to standing capability of sensing the nerve’s signals. Nonin-
provide it the desired movement. Their focus was to develop vasive myoelectric controlling is not favored by the patient
a quadruped locomotion controller able to generate omnidi- with poor EMG signal production capacity.
rectional locomotion and path in the heading direction. The • The bionic controlling approach with invasive electrode
modification of control parameters in the heading direction implantation into the human nervous system is still a
controller was performed by adapting the visual informa- new method under development and has achieved some
tion from the sensory-motor feedback to the limb trajectory success in improving the tremor problem. This method
online. Although the proposed control system was famous demands extensive training with occupational therapy
for its ability to integrate the sensory-motor feedback and input, and in some cases the electrode insertion causes
closed-loop controlling, it has gained little attention so far. infection to the patient.
• A significant improvement is still required to overcome
the existing setbacks and develop a reliable and com-
5 Conclusions petent control system for the patient with prosthetic
The control system varies depending on the nature of the
system to be controlled and the extent to which the control The salient features of the various controlling systems have
is to be provided for the user. been summarized and presented in tabular form (Table 1).

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however, it is not sensitive enough to the changes in the Malaya for providing the funds, Grant No: UM.C/HIR/MOHE/ENG/28
(D000028-16001) to carry out this work.
system. The application of this method is preferable for
the amputees who, with a substantial amount of residual
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