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Come , Let’s broaden the horizons

What is United Nations (UN)?

■ UN was created after the second world war to avoid wars in the future and
promote peace and cooperation.

■ United Nations is a place where the world’s nations gather together , discuss
common problems and find common solutions.

■ The United Nations consists of various organs and bodies to address

different issues worldwide and work towards finding solutions.
For eg- UNGA,UNSC,WHO etc
What is MUN ?
■ Model United Nations (MUN) is a
simulation of the United Nations
where students typically role-play
delegates to various UN
committees and simulate UN
committees. Participants research
a country's position on various
topics and then debate those
positions with the goal of passing
resolutions and solving global
issues. It's an educational activity
that helps students develop skills
in diplomacy, negotiation, public
speaking, research, and problem-
Purpose of MUN
■ Educational Tool: MUN serves as an
educational simulation that helps students
learn about diplomacy, international relations,
and global issues in a practical and engaging
■ Skill Development: It fosters critical thinking,
research, public speaking, negotiation, and
teamwork skills, preparing students for future
academic and professional endeavours.
■ Global Awareness: MUN encourages
participants to develop a deeper
understanding of global affairs, cultural
differences, and the complexities of
international relations.
Process of MUN

■ Opening Speech
■ Moderated Caucus
■ Unmoderated Caucus/ Lobbying
■ Resolutions
■ Press Release
■ Position Papers
■ Crisis Committee
■ Journalism (Photography, Videography)
Tips for making an
opening speech
Opening Speeches
■ Generally the opening Speeches are of 90 seconds but depending upon the
delegate count, the EB may increase or reduce the time frame of your speeches.
■ These speeches are the basic opinions on the agenda on which your portfolio
stands or believes.
■ You always write your speeches in 3rd person but for AIPPM you may write it in 1st
■ The speeches should be crisp and to the point. Your speeches should not offend
any other portfolio.
■ The speed of your speech should be at normal. Neither too slow not to fast.
■ The speech should contain - the basic understanding of the agenda, your
portfolio's stand and a certain expected solution from the committee.
Mod caucus/
sub agendas
Mod Caucuses
■ Mods are timed , formal sessions of debate where delegates debate about a smaller piece of topic based on
the larger one or basically the agenda.
■ For example – If you have your agenda which talks about WARS AND THE DAMAGE CAUSED BY THEM . so in
mods you are supposed to talk or debate about the economic harms of the wars with special emphasis on
(let it be just for the example) social conditions. So you are supposed to prepare a script where you talk
about the condition of wars and economic crises due to wars on behalf of your portfolio (basically on behalf
of your portfolio’s beliefs)
■ Mod Caucuses too have times based on your committee's convenience. Generally you get 30 – 90 seconds
for the same.
■ The time of the mods is decided by the delegates themselves while lobbying or maybe while in an informal
debate by voting. If you get 50+1 votes it means that your motion clearly passes and you can have the
decision on the suggested topic within the particular timeframe.
■ For example – In the informal debates you and your committee has decide about the topic you want to
debate on and for how much time frame. When the formal debate again begins you are supposed to raise a
motion so that other people can vote on it and after voting if the motion passes then you are free to express
your portfolio’s beliefs.
■ The key point here is that PARTICIPATION RELALY MATTERS.
1. Resolution Paper
■ This is the document which is prepared by the delegates on their own after the
committee (at the end of the conference)
■ The document contains the solution and the outcome of the debate and discussion
on the agenda.
2. Position Paper
■ This is the document which is prepared by the delegate individually. This mostly
contains the thinking and idea of the portfolio the delegate has.
■ Position Paper are generally sent before the committee session begins.
Opportunities beyond the
■ Conference Participation
■ Leadership Roles
■ Skill Enhancement
■ Community Engagement
■ College and Career
■ Travel Opportunities
■ Scholarships and Awards
Committees , Agendas
and their EBs (Chair and
Vice chair basically the
UNGA – United Nations General

Agenda – Deliberation on gender

based persecution with special
emphasis on hijab laws

Chair – Avika Singh

Vice Chair – Vanshika
UNSC – United Nations Security

Agenda – Deliberation on Israel –

Hamas conflict

Chair – Vivaan Guleria

Vice Chair – Ayush Singh
AIPPM – All India Political
Parties Meet

Agenda – Deliberation on
10years of BJP government in
focus of 2024 elections

Chair – Shreyansh Gupta

Vice Chair – Akshita Singh

CHAIR – Anshika Choudhary

VICE CHAIR – Rohaan Guleria
For more details feel free to
reach us
■ Anshika – 10G (9910139407)
■ Avika – 10E (8742939364)
■ Rohaan – 12F (9258037399
■ Vivaan – 12F (8218389007)
■ Shreyansh – 12A (9999111174)
■ Akshita – 12F (7228038331)
■ Vanshika – 12F (7703925381)
■ Aayush – 12C (7065560977)


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