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Class VII

Chapter-2 (Inside Our Earth)
Q 1. Explain the three types of rocks.
Ans. The 3 layers of earth are : Crust, Mantle and Core.
Crust- 1. it is the thinnest layer of all the layers .
2. .it is the uppermost layer of the earth.
3. it is about 35 km on the continental masses and 5 km on the ocean floor.

Mantle 1 it extends up to a depth of 2900 km below the crust.

2. it is made up of magma and rocks.
3. its volume is 84% of the earth.

Core 1. it is the innermost layer of the earth.

2. It's radius is 3500 km .
3. it is made up of nickel and iron (ni- nickel and fe- ferrous i e iron called nife )

Q 2. What is a rock ?
Ans. A rock is a natural mass of mineral matter that makes up the earth’s crust. Rocks can be of different
colour, size and texture.

Q 3. Explain the three types of rocks.

Ans. The 3 types of rocks are : Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.
Igneous rocks- 1. These are formed when magma cools down and becomes solid .
2. These are of two types -extrusive and intrusive .
3 These are also called primary rocks. Example- Basalt, Granite .
Sedimentary rocks – 1. Rocks made up of small particles called sediment are called sedimentary rocks.
2. These rocks may also contain fossils of plants, animals and other organisms .
3. These sediments are transported and deposited by wind and water. Example – Sandstone.
Metamorphic rock-1. Metamorphic rocks are made up of igneous and sedimentary rocks under great heat
and pressure.
2. These are made by physical or chemical alteration.
3 They often have a squashed texture. Example- Quartzite , Marble, Slate.

Q 4. How are extrusive and intrusive rocks formed ?

Ans. Extrusive rocks- When fiery red molten lava comes on the earth's surface, it rapidly cools down and
becomes solid . Rock formed in such way on the crust are called extrusive igneous rocks. They have fine
grained structure. For example- Basalt.
Intrusive rocks- Sometimes the molten magma cools down deep inside the earth's crust. Solid rocks so
formed are called intrusive igneous rocks. They cool down slowly and form large grains. For example-

Q 5. What do you mean by rock cycle ?

Ans. The process of transformation of the rock from one type to another is known as rock cycle.

Q 6. What are the uses of rocks ?

Ans. The rocks are useful in many ways :
1. Rocks are used in making the roads.
2. Rocks are used for making the jewelry.
3. Rocks are used by children in playing many games.
4. Rocks are used in making fertilizers.
5. Rocks are used in making cement, chalk, bath scrub etc.

Q 7. What are metamorphic rocks ?

Ans. Metamorphic rock- 1. Metamorphic rocks are made up of igneous and sedimentary rocks under
great heat and pressure.
2. These are made by physical or chemical alteration.
3 They often have a squashed texture. Example- Quartzite , Marble, Slate.

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