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Created by Emanuel Navarro

Reading Proyect

School: E.P.J.A. nº20

Teacher: Mr. Emanuel
Year: 3 B; 4 A; 4B.
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1-In groups or in pairs, look up these words in the dictionary and write their
meaning in these chart:

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Learning about words!
 Synonyms are words that have same or similar meanings, for example:
overweight and obesity.
 Antonyms are words with opposite meaning, for example: healthy and

2-Classify the adjectives above in this chart. Some of the adjectives can
repeated in both columns.

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1- Listen to the song carefully and complete the lyrics with the words in the box

vulnerable timid temperamental

defensive emotional lioness woman
unpredictable beautiful tired naked 2- Use the lyrics of the song to write a new
stanza about yourself. Use the adjectives that
describe you best:

I am ____________and
I am ____________
I am a _____________
I am __________ and __________ I am ________________ and
I have insecurities I am ________________
You show me I am ___________
I am ____________
Mmmm.. I am __________ and ____________
I have insecurities
I am ____________ and You show me I am ______________
I have imperfections and
I am ______________
I am ______________
I am ______________
I am _____________
I am a ___________ I am _______________ and
I am opening up to you I have imperfections and
I am ________________
Do you know me?
I am _______________
make me feel safe from harm. I am _______________
Singer: Christina Aguilera.
I am _______________
Title: “I am” I am a _____________
I am opening up to you

Do you know me?

make me feel safe from harm

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Today: It’s sunny today Last: last night, last week, last month, last
Now : I’m at home now. year, last Friday, last…
At the moment: I’m busy at the moment.  I was at school last night
 You were on holidays last month.
 You were sleeping an hour ago
 A week ago I was at hospital.
 They were in France a year ago.
 You weren’t here yesterday
 Yesterday was our first English
Today: (before present time)
 You were angry with me today
 Today was a great that.

Complete the sentences using am/is/are or was/were

1.Today, I __________ happy.

2.Yesterday, they _______(not) at home.

3.Now, we _______ playing football.

4.Last week, she ________ on holidays.

5.Today, you ______ the best student.

6.Last year, you __________ the tallest child in the school.

7.He _________ (not) at the library, he _______in the classroom.

8.Yesterday, I __________ (not) at the swimming-pool, I _________at home

9.Yesterday, we____________ at the cinema.

10. He__________(not) at work yesterday, because he________ill, but today


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11. Two days ago, you ________(not) happy with the notice. Now you _____more

12. I ________ very responsible now, but when I ________a student few years
ago, I _____ a disaster!

13. They_____(not) here at the moment, they ________here 20 minutes ago.

14. the weather ______ sunny today, but last night it __________rainy


2.Complete the sentences with was / were.

1. Picasso __________ a great artist.

2. She __________ (not) at home, she was at school.

3. Einstein __________ a great mathematician.

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4. Bill Gates __________ a student at Harvard University.

5. I __________ in bed at 9 o´clock this morning.

6. The math questions __________ (not) easy, they were difficult.

8. The room __________ (not) big, it _______small.

9. My grandmother __________ a nurse. She wasn´t a doctor.

10. Sandra __________ (not) at school yesterday.

11. Twenty years ago, I __________ a baby.

12. We __________ (not) at a party last week.

13. I __________ (not) at home last night.

13. Jack __________ (not) in London.

14. We __________ on the same school team.

15. Betty __________ (not) at the cinema

3- Listening!
Before listening to “sk8er boy” by Avril lavigne, predict the content of the song by
completing the lyrics in pencil with these words. NOTE: some clues are

ballet star actor salsa man loser guitar girl singer skater
punk footballer boy

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He was a _____

She was a __________

Can I make it any more obvious

He was a ________

She did _____________

What more can I say
He wanted her
She'd never tell secretly she wanted him as well

He was a _____________ boy

She said see you later boy
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a super ________

Slamming on his____________
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?

He's just a boy

And I'm just a girl
Can I make it any more obvious
We are in love
Haven't you heard
How we rock each others world

I'm with the skater boy

I said see you later boy
I'll be back stage after the show
I'll be at the studio
Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know

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4. Re-write the following stanza from the song. Write about two people you know
and how they were in the past and how they are now in the present. For example:

He was a man
She was a woman
He was a loser
She was smart
What more can I say?
He was selfish
She was generous
Can I make it any more obvious?
He wanted her
She'd never tell secretly she wanted him as well

He’s just a man

And she’s just a woman
Can I make it any more obvious?
They are in love
They are married

Note: First, Write the sentences in pencil.

____ was a ______

____ was a _____
____ was a _____
_____ was ______
What more can I say?
_____ was _______
________ was _______
Can I make it any more obvious?
_____ wanted ______
_____’s just a _____

And ______’s just a _______

Can I make it any more obvious?
They are__________
They are _________

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Making questions
 Look at these sentences:

a)Lucy was at home today (positive sentence)

Was Lucy at school today? No, she wasn´t

b)The boys were in the accident.

Were the boys fine? // Were they fine? Yes, they were

c) the dog was excited today

_____it happy? Yes, it was

d) it was a terrible day today

_____ _____ rany?

e) My parents weren’t at home last night.

______ ______ at work?

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Time to talk!!!

1) In pairs, make a dialogue about each others’ past. Use the adjectives from
Lesson #1 to find out about his/her personality. For example:

A: Juan B:Vicky

A: When were you born?

B:I was born the 10TH of May of 1989.
A: When you were a child… Were you timid?
B:No I wasn´t
A:were you solitary?
B: No,I wasn’t.
A:Were you generous?
B: yes, I was.
A: Were you friendly?
B: yes, I was.

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A: ____________(name) B:___________(name)

A: When were you born?


A: When you were a child… Were you________?














2) Now write a short paragraph about your partner: For example:

She is Vicky, she was born the 10TH of May of 1989.

She wasn’t timid or solitary. She was friendly and generous.

_______ is __________(name). _________was born the____of ________




__________________________________________________________ .

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3)In this chart, compare your own personality in the Present and the Past. E.g.:

Talking about myself

Past Present

a) I was born the 10 of a) I am 28 now

April of 1989
b) I was quiet and timid b) I am not timid, I am
c) I wasn’t tall. c) I am tall.

Talking about myself

Past Present

1) 1)

2) 2)

3) 3)

4) 4)

5) 5)

6) 6)

7) 7)

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3)With the information you collected.:

 Design a Powerpoint Presentation.

 Including text and images from your own life.
 Comparing how your personality was with how you are now.
3) In this chart, write down some of the details your partners present.

N Name He/she was He/ she is


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Games we played in the past

1. Watch the PowerPoint Presentation and match the pictures with their

Play cards

Skip the rope

Play the telephone

Play dodgeball

Play hopscotch

Play tag

Play blind man’s buff

Play with puzzles

Play with marbles

Play hide-and-go-seek

Play burn, burn handkerchief

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When we talk about Past actions, the verbs (actions) can be regular (-ed) or
irregular, verbs that change in form.

Regular verbs

Infinitive Past
Play Played
Love Loved
Live _______
_______ Liked
_______ Stayed
Study Studied
Stop Stopped
_______ Danced
Need _______
Want _______
Enjoy _______
Travel _______
________ Finished
________ Died
________ Listened

Complete these sentences using regular verbs:

finished died played loved liked stayed studied stopped danced lived
jumped failed enjoyed wanted travelled jumped needed started

a) I really _________my trip to France last year, I ________ in a hotel near the
Eiffel Tower.
b) She ___________”Tom & Jerry” when she was a kid.
c) The family ___________ to adopt a street dog.
d) My mum enjoyed the ballet, they ________ “the Swan lake”.
e) He __________ for two weeks, but he __________ the exam.
f) Before coming to Rio Gallegos, they ________ in Jujuy.
g) The tourist ___________ around the world in 1 year.
h) The thief ___________ the wall and broke into the house.
i) The dog was alone and __________ food and water.
j) The rock star _________ 3 songs.
k) The team __________horribly.
l) Lesson __________ at 7.30 and _________ at 11.20 last year.

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m) The lesson __________when one student fainted.
n) Gustavo Cerati _________ after being 4 years in coma.
o) The children ___________cartoons all night long.
Negative Sentences in the Past

When we talk about actions that didn’t happen in the past we use “didn’t”,
followed by the infinitive form of the verb (no –ed or any changes).

 When I was a kid, I liked the Simpsons, but I didn’t like Futurama.
 I didn’t study for the exam, but I passed!
 They were at the party but they didn’t say “Hello” to me.
 Carla didn’t enjoy the concert.

Write positive and negative sentences about your childhood. Comment on the
games or activities you did or didn’t do when you were a kid.


Things I did Things I didn’t do

I watched cartoons I didn’t like sports
I loved my pets I didn’t study at school
I enjoyed puzzles I didn’t play any instrument
I played tags I didn’t dance
I needed friends
I played with my dog

Things I did Things I didn’t do

Share your sentences with your classmates.

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When we talk about past repeated actions, we can also use “WOULD” and the verb in

 Every weekend, we would go on a picnic in the summer. (every Summer)

 When I was a kid, I would play with my dog in the park. (very frequently)
 When she was depressed, she would sing sad songs.
 When he was angry he would shout at every one.
 In Winter holidays, my family and I would go to Bariloche.

* Wouldn't is not generally used.

Don't use "would" with single events in the past. Use past simple in that case.

I would go to my grandma’s house yesterday (it is not a repeated action, it just happened
I went to my grandma’s house yesterday

 Start designing a PowerPoint Presentation with the information you

presented above.

Irregular verbs

Irregular verbs are verbs that change morphologically from the infinitive form
to the past. For example:

Infinitive Past form

be (am/is/are) was/were

do did

go went

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Infinitive Past Form Meaning

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Some of these sentences have mistakes. Correct them and explain why they are
wrong. Put a tick in the correct sentences.

a) I didn’t found the answers on the internet. // didn’t find

b) they would play hide-and-seek in my last birthday // they played (just
happened once)
c) In summer, She would travel to Miami when she was young.
d) In July, She travelled to Miami.
e) She didn’t travelled to England last February.
f) My sister were ill last week.
g) The brothers would fight a lot when they were kids.
h) The Simpsons had a party last month.
i) The Simpsons would have a party last month.
j) They didn’t have any kids.
k) The three sisters was married.
l) I hurted my feet yesterday.

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Making questions

Wh- questions…
Wh- questions need more information to be answered.

What did you do today? I made breakfast, had a shower and went to school

Where did you go? I went to the cinema

How did the accident happen? I was distracted and I crushed another car.

Why did you hit me? Because you were being stupid.

When did you graduate? In 2014 // I graduated in 2014

What time did you get up? I got up at 10

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Learning about Literature!

? Literary technique Examples

Who were Character/s: a boy/girl, a family, a
the people Prince/Princess, an animal.
involved in
the story?
Where did Setting A town, village, castle,
it happen? house, forest, the woods.
What Plot The story is about two
happened? sisters who got lost in a
mysterious and dangerous

2-Complete this chart adding the missing information:

Title: The Beauty and the Beast

Characters: ____________________
Setting/s: _______________________

Plot: a selfish______ was turned into


_______ by spell of a ___________ ,

and needed the_____ of a_________ to

become human again.

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3- Match the stories with their settings and their plots. NOTE: some of the stories
have 2 different settings, and BE CAREFUL with the false clues!

the woods Africa the jungle USA grandma’s house a village witch’s house

1 2 3 4


An orphan lion cub An orphan boy was A little girl went to Two orphan
was adopted by a adopted by a bear deliver food to her siblings were
wild boar and a and a black grandma’s house abandoned in the
meerkat. panther. when she found a woods and were
He fought against They lived in the dangerous wolf. captured by an
his evil uncle. jungle and fought evil witch.
against an evil
4- Put the correct number in the title of the stories.

___The Jungle Book ___The little red riding hood

___Hansel and Gretel ___The Lion King

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Pre-Reading session:

1- Read the following biography and complete the information with the correct
form of the verb in the past.

Shel Silverstein

Shel Silverstein _______(be) an American

poet, singer-songwriter, cartoonist and
author of children’s book. He_______(be)
born in September 25 of 1930 in Chicago and
___________(die) at the age of 68 in 1999 in

One of his most notable works was The Giving

Tree,______________(publish) in 1964. The
Giving tree is the story about the friendship
between a boy and a tree.
The book was translated in many languages
and ________(cause) great controversy, due
to the readers’ different interpretations.

2-Look up these words in the dictionary and label the parts of a tree.

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2a) Personal interpretation:

Do you think that trees have feelings? Why? Why not?

 I don’t think that trees have feelings because….

 I think that trees have feelings because…

3-Look at the cover of the book: “The Giving Tree”: think about the content of the
story and predict the answers to these questions.

a. Who were the characters in the story? The characters were...

b. What was the setting? The setting …
c. Were the tree and the boy friends?...
d. Were they enemies?...

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4-Choose among these options to fill the Venn diagram. NOTE: some of the clues
are incorrect.

was selfish was intelligent was alone was strong was weak lived in the woods
lived in a house was happy was unhappy died they were enemies they were friends
ate apples produced apples produced oxygen consumed oxygen had leaves felt
love felt hate had hands had branches had a family they were happy
they were sad was selfless was giving

Tree Boy


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Reading session:

1-Read paragraph 1 from “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein

Once there was a tree.... and she loved a little boy.

And everyday the boy would come

and he would gather her leaves

and make them into crowns

and play king of the forest.

He would climb up her trunk

and swing from her branches

and eat apples.

And they would play hide-and-go-seek.

And when he was tired,

he would sleep in her shade.

And the boy loved the tree.... very much.

And the tree was happy.

2- Answer the following questions

a. What would the boy and the tree do together? (Circle the correct option)
They would :

-surf -play hide-and-go-seek -play videogames -have fun -eat

apples -run
-play hopscotch -sleep -swim -swing -play king of the forest

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b. Did you do any of those activities when you were a kid? Which ones?

c. Did the boy and the tree have a true friendship? Why?

 They had a true relationship because they…

 They didn’t have a true friendship because…

d. When you were a kid, Did you have a true friend?

e. What activities did you do together?

3- Classify the new vocabulary from paragraph 1 of the story in these


Adjectives Nouns Actions (verbs)

Tired Tree Come

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Reading Session:

1- Read paragraph 2 from “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein

But time went by.

And the boy grew older.

And the tree was often alone.

Then one day the boy came to the tree

and the tree said, "Come, Boy, come and

climb up my trunk and swing from my

branches and eat apples and play in my

shade and be happy."

"I am too big to climb and play" said the boy.

"I want to buy things and have fun.

I want some money"

"I'm sorry," said the tree, "but I have no money.

I have only leaves and apples.

Take my apples, Boy, and sell them in

the city. Then you will have money and

you will be happy."

And so the boy climbed up the

tree and gathered her apples
and carried them away.
And the tree was happy.

But the boy stayed away for a long time....

and the tree was sad.

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2- Reflect on the following questions:

a) How did the tree feel when the boy wasn’t there?

b) What happened to the boy? Why did he disappear for such a long

c) Were they still real friends? Why? Why not?

 They were still friends because they…

 They weren’t friends anymore because…

Learning about words!

Conjunctions connect two or more sentences, phrases or words.
They have different functions, for example:

 To connect ideas, to add more information: and : “I eat fruits and

vegetables everyday.”

 To present and alternative or choice: or: “you can have tea or coffee.”

 To express contrast: but: “you can have tea or coffe, but you can`t have

 To give reasons: because: “I don´t eat fried potatoes because they contain
saturated fat and many calories.”

Connectors of time:

 Later: indicates that an action happened after another.

“I arrived at 6 and she came later”
“six years later, my father came from the war in Irak”
“the party started at 8. Later that evening the police came and arrested

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 After that: indicates that an action happened immediately after another.
“She laughed, after that she cried”
“They went to the cinema, after that they went to a restaurant”

3- Put the correct connector in these sentences:

a) The boy_______the tree were good friends.

b) The tree was happy________the boy played with him.
c) The boy loved the tree _____the tree loved the boy.
d) The boy said he wanted money,_________he climbed the trunk and
took the apples from the tree.
e) The tree was happy at first,_______it felt sad ______.
f) The tree was a true friend, ________the boy wasn’t.

The Writing Process

The writing process is composed by a series of steps or techniques to write well.

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4-You are going to summarize the first two paragraphs of “The Giving Tree”.

First we are going to work in groups with this diagram. Write words (nouns,
adjectives and verbs) related to the text in the violet petals (PW). In the orange
petals (D), connect the previous words and make sentences. In the yellow petals
(E) revise and edit your sentences. Finally, publish your sentences in the central
circle (P).



games games

the woods
Once there
boy Once there was a tree and a
was a tree and
would boy, they were very good
a boy, they
friends. They played games
swing were very
and eat apples.
and They loved each other.
good friends.
play They loved
The tree each other. They
The boy

Once there was a

tree and a boy

Once there was

and, or, because,

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In groups, summarize chapter 1 and 2 from the story. Write in pencil.

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Reading session:

Read paragraph 3 and 4 from “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein

And then one day the boy came back

and the tree shook with joy

and she said, "Come, Boy, climb up my trunk

and swing from my branches and be happy."

"I am too busy to climb trees," said the boy.

"I want a house to keep me warm," he said.

"I want a wife and I want children,

and so I need a house.

Can you give me a house ?"

" I have no house," said the tree.

"The forest is my house,

but you may cut off

my branches and build a

house. Then you will be happy."

And so the boy cut off her branches

and carried them away

to build his house.

And the tree was happy.

But the boy stayed away for a long time.

And when he came back,

the tree was so happy

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she could hardly speak.

"Come, Boy," she whispered,

"come and play."

"I am too old and sad to play,"

said the boy.

"I want a boat that will

take me far away from here.

Can you give me a boat?"

"Cut down my trunk

and make a boat," said the tree.

"Then you can sail away...

and be happy."

And so the boy cut down her trunk

and made a boat and sailed away.

And the tree was happy

... but not really.

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1. Answer the following questions on a different paper:

a) Was anybody selfish? Who and why?

b) Was anybody selfless? Who and why?
c) Did the boy truly love the tree?
d) Did the tree truly love the boy?
e) Was their friendship an abusive relationship? Why?

2. Think about yourself and your life experiences in the past and write a
short text:
a) Were you ever in the boy’s shoes? When?
I was in the boy’s shoes when I…

b) Were you ever in the tree’s shoes? When?

I was in the tree’s shoes when I…


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Reading session:

Read paragraph 5 from “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein

And after a long time

the boy came back again.

"I am sorry, Boy,"

said the tree," but I have nothing

left to give you -

My apples are gone."

"My teeth are too weak

for apples," said the boy.

"My branches are gone,"

said the tree. " You

cannot swing on them - "

"I am too old to swing

on branches," said the boy.

"My trunk is gone, " said the tree.

"You cannot climb - "

"I am too tired to climb" said the boy.

"I am sorry," sighed the tree.

"I wish that I could give you something....

but I have nothing left.

I am just an old stump.

I am sorry...."

"I don't need very much now," said the boy.

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"just a quiet place to sit and rest.

I am very tired."

"Well," said the tree, straightening

herself up as much as she could,

"well, an old stump is good for sitting and resting

Come, Boy, sit down. Sit down and rest."

And the boy did.

And the tree was happy.

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After reading

Answer on a different paper

 According to your opinion:

a) Did the story have a happy ending?

b) Was their friendship finally honest? Or was it abusive until the end?

c) Was the tree truly happy?

d) Was the tree selfless again?

Write a summary of chapter 5.

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After finishing the summaries of the story “The giving tree”, complete this chart with
all the information you read.

 Use this first chart as a draft copy; bear in mind these questions to complete

What is the name of the story?

What happened in the story? What did the
characters do? What was the conflict?

Characters: _______________ (who?)
Setting/s: _________________ (Where?)

Plot: The story is about…_____________


Characters: ____________________
Setting/s: _______________________

Plot: The story is about…_____________

__________________________________ ______________

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Look at the images and write a short summary of what is happening

Once there was a

tree, and the tree
loved the boy,
and the boy loved
the tree

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Group work activity:


A) Think about love and answer these questions on a different paper.

1. Why do you think the tree loved the boy in the beginning?

I think the tree loved the boy because…

Give reasons
2. Why do you think the boy loved the tree?
3. Are the two "loves" the same type of love?

B) Think about happiness

1- Was the tree happy in the end? Why?

2- Was the boy happy in the end? Why?

C) Choose one of the characters of the story (the tree or the boy):
 Relax, listen to the music and imagine you are that
 Remember what you did and what happened to you.
 How do you feel? What do you feel?

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C1) You were the tree:

What did you do?

How did you feel with your actions?

What happened to you?

How did you feel?

Was your love real?

Were you happy or sad?

Write a text explaining your answers and feelings.


C2) You were the boy:

What did you do?

How did you feel with your actions?

What happened to you?

How did you feel?

Was your love real?

Were you happy or sad?

Write a text explaining your answers and feelings.

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When we want to express our opinion on a text, movie or character, we can use
many common phrases we can use:

 I think/believe that…
 In my personal opinion…
 My impression is that…

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