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Name : Muhammad Ali Hanafiah

NIM : 1323033076
Class : C/TL

Task 2 :

Civil Mechanical Electrical Electronic

Marine Automobile Aeronautical Heating and Electricity Electrical Lighting

Ventilating Generating Installation

Mining Medical
Task 3:

- After identifying these image, I can conclude that the images of factory worked on by
engineers are related to mechanical
- Based on the result of the identification I carried out on the planes picture, I came to the
conclusion that engineering does work relate to mechanical, while the images building
related to civil, and the image babies in incubator are related to mechanical and electrical.

Task 5 : Match item A and B

1. Marine Life thrives beneath the surface og the ocean, while ship navigate its vast
expanse, connecting distance shores and facilitating global trade
2. The field of aeronautical encompasses the design,engineering, and operation of planes,
leading to advancement in aviation technology and air travel efficiency
3. Heating and ventilating are integrated with air conditioning within an HVAC system to
regulate indoor temperature, ensure fresh air supply, and maintain a comfortable indoor
4. Electricity engineering plays a crucial role in the design, operation, and maintenance of
power stations, ensuring the efficient generation and distribution of electrical energy
5. Automobiles encompass a wide range of vehicles, including cars and trucks, that are
designed for personal transportation and the hauling of goods or passengers
6. Civil engineering is fundamental to the construction and maintenance of roads and
bridges, as it involves the design and infrastructure development necessary for safe and
efficient transportation systems
7. Electronics is the field that underpins the development of communication equipment,
enabling the creation of devices and systems for transmitting and receiving information
over various channels
8. Electrical installation involves the proper wiring and connection of cable systems to
various devices, and switchgear plays a critical role in controlling and safeguarding the
electrical circuits within these installations
9. Medical professionals often utilize advanced body scanners to diagnose and monitor
health conditions, allowing for non-invasive and precise examinations of internal organs
and tissues

The main branches of engineering are civil, mechanical, electrical and electronic. Mechanical
engineering is concerned with machinery of all kinds. This branch of engineering includes
marine, automobile, aeronautical, and heating and ventilating. The first three are concerned with
transport: ships, cars and planes. The last deals with air-conditioning, refrigeration, etc. Electrical
engineering deals with electricity from generation to use. Electricity generating is concerned
with power stations. Electrical installation deals with cables, switchgear, and connecting up
electrical equipment. Two branches of engineering include both mechanical and electrical
engineers. These are mining and medical engineering. The former deals with mines and mining
equipment, the latter with hospital equipment of all kinds

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