Summary Syntax

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Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Facultad de Lenguas
Licenciatura en la Enseñanza de Inglés

Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Facultad de Lenguas

Licenciatura en la Enseñanza del Inglés

Summary: Syntax

Profesor Gaspar Ramírez –Cabrera

Student Gonzalez Aquino Sandra Kristhel

Activity #03

Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
Facultad de Lenguas
Licenciatura en la Enseñanza de Inglés


Syntax comes originally from Greek and literally means “a putting together” or “arrangement.”
if we write rules for the creation of well-formed structures, we have to check that those rules,
when applied, won’t lead to ill-formed structures. For example: prepositional phrase. We might
have more success with a rule stating that we put a preposition before a noun phrase that
consist of a proper noun, a pronoun an article and a noun. When we have an effective rule
such can have a small and finite set of rules that will be capable of producing a large and
potentially infinite number of well-formed structures. This is sometimes described as a
generative grammar. Other term, surface structure is different syntactic forms they have as
individual English sentences. While that deep structure is an abstract level of structural
organization in which all the elements determining structural interpretation are represented.
Also structural ambiguity is has two distinct underlying interpretations that have to be
represented differently in deep structure. Recursive (“repeatable any number of times”) rules
have the capacity to be applied more than once in generating a structure. Basically, the
grammar will have to capture the fact that a sentence can have another sentence inside it or
that a phrase can be repeated as often as required. As well one of the most common ways to
create a visual representation of syntactic structure is through tree diagrams. We can use the
symbols to label. So, we can take the information in a labeled and bracketed format, and
present it in a tree diagram, It also shows very explicitly that there are different levels in the
analysis. That is, there is a level of analysis at which a constituent such as NP is represented
and a different, lower, level at. Additionally there are symbols used in syntactic analysis, but in
specific there are three more symbols that are commonly used in syntactic description.
The first is in the form of an arrow →. It can be interpreted as “consists of” or “rewrites as.”
The second symbol is a pair of round brackets ( ). Whatever occurs inside these round
brackets will be treated as an optional constituent. The third symbol is in the form of curly
brackets { }. We use these types of brackets when we want to indicate that there is a choice
from two or more constituents.
The list of common symbols and abbreviations is summarized here:

S sentence NP noun phrase PN proper noun

N noun VP verb phrase Adv. adverb
V verb Adj. adjective Prep preposition
Art article Pro pronoun PP prepositional phrase
* Ungrammatical sentence
→ consists of / rewrites as
() optional constituent
{} one and only one of these constituents must be selected

Too phrase structure rules are rules state that the structure of a phrase of a specific type will
consist of one or more constituents in a particular order. We can use phrase structure rules to
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
Facultad de Lenguas
Licenciatura en la Enseñanza de Inglés

present the information of the tree diagram in another format. In addition lexical rules that
specify which words can be used when we rewrite constituents. The first rule set states that
“a proper noun rewrites as Mary or George.”

PN → {Mary, George} N → {girl, dog,

Art → {a, the}
Pro → {it, you}
V → {followed, helped, saw}

We move one part of the structure to a different position. This process is based on a
movement rule. This type of rule has a special symbol ⇒. The back to recursion is when each
time we start to create an S, we only create a single S (sentence structure). We actually need
to be able to include sentence structures within other sentence structures. In traditional
grammar, these “sentence structures” were described as “clauses.” Finally the role of that as
a complementizer is to introduce a complement phrase (CP). We can also see from the
same sentence that the complement phrase (CP) comes after a verb (V) knew, in
principle, use these rules to create an endless sentence containing other sentence structures.

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