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Students as Co-Researchers (ScR)

Students as Co-Researchers (ScR) is a collaborative effort of the Office of Research (OR) and the
LUMS Learning Institute (LLI), aimed at empowering students interested in pursuing their own
research projects. This program allows students to work alongside a LUMS faculty member or a
mentor from an industry.

Undergraduate students who have completed their junior year and are starting their senior year in
Fall 2024 are eligible to apply.

Funding Streams
The program operates through two funding streams:

ScR Streams Project Duration Tentative Timelines

Summer Research Project 10 weeks June 1, 2024, to August 10, 2024
Senior Project (SPROJ) 6 months June 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024

Project Domains
Projects can fall under four domains:

1. Basic/Applied Research Projects

2. Policy Papers, Industry Analysis, and Case Studies
3. Pedagogical Interactions
4. Developing and implementing innovations at the course level

Kindly find below the timeline for ScR 2024:

ScR Process Deadline

Registration on GAMES By March 18, 2024
Application Submission By Tuesday April 30, 2024, midnight11:59pm
Award Announcement May 15, 2024
Project Report Due Date Within two weeks of the project end date
August 25, 2024 for Summer Research Project
January 15, 2025 for Senior Project (SPROJ)

Application Process
Interested students must apply for the ScR grant program through the Grants Application,
Management & Execution System (GAMES), a cutting-edge platform designed to manage

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and administer sponsored research endeavors at LUMS. To access GAMES, please

The application process is straightforward:

▪ Creating an Account: If you are accessing GAMES for the first time, creating an
account is necessary to proceed further. Use your LUMS provided email id (example: to create an account.

▪ Account Activation: Provide the required information and complete the sign-up
process. The OR will activate your account within 24 hours, allowing you access to
begin the grant submission procedure.

▪ Navigation: Once fully registered, navigate to the left menu and select 'Application
Management' -> ‘Apply for Grant’ -> ‘Students as Co-Researcher (ScR)’.

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▪ Selection of Principal Investigator (PI): The PI is immutable once chosen,
emphasizing the importance of making the correct selection at this point, as it cannot
be altered at a later stage. This person is the team lead of the project.

▪ Selection of Co-Investigator(s): You may add up to three team members.

▪ Selection of Faculty Mentor: You need to add a faculty member who will be a mentor
for your project.

▪ Save Your Progress: You have the option to save your draft application at any point
and return to complete it later, ensuring your progress is securely stored.

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▪ Continuing a Saved Application: Once you've saved a draft application, the system
will prompt you to resume your draft before initiating a new application, ensuring you
seamlessly pick up where you left off.

▪ Completing the Application Form: Please furnish the requested information in the
application form. Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) indicate mandatory responses
that require your attention.

▪ Saving and Moving Forward: After editing a section, select ‘Save and Complete’ to
finalize your changes before proceeding to the next tab. This action triggers a
completeness check by the system. Please note that the ‘Save’ button will preserve
the draft application without triggering the completeness check. Ensure all sections
on the top of the application form are completed. Once a section is finished, its color
will change to Green, indicating completion.

▪ Formatting: When copying and pasting information from any external source into the
text box, it's advisable to ensure uniform formatting by utilizing the 'Clear Formatting'
button, as demonstrated below.

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▪ Image Upload: To upload an image, utilize the 'Insert/edit image' button, as
illustrated below. Navigate to 'Upload,' and then select the desired picture from your
files. Avoid copying and pasting images directly into the text boxes, as this may result
in the image not appearing when printing your application.

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▪ Submission: Once all sections are completed and you have agreed to the
undertaking statement, kindly submit the application form. Access your submitted
application under the 'My Application(s)' section. Additionally, you can generate a
PDF version of your application to ensure it accurately represents your submission.

▪ Requesting Application Return: Should you find discrepancies or wish to make

alterations after submission, you may request the OR to return your application until
the proposal deadline.

General Guidelines
▪ Proposals may be submitted individually or by a group of up to four students within
or across schools.

▪ All team members must register on GAMES to be included as Co-Investigators.

▪ During the grant period, students are expected to engage in full-time research.

▪ Each project can request funding of up to PKR 50,000 (Team Stipend: PKR 20,000 &
Supplies/Equipment/Travel: PKR 30,000).

o Teams will receive a stipend of PKR 20,000, disbursed within two months of
submitting a satisfactory project completion report.

o Supplies/Equipment/Travel expenses up to a maximum of PKR 30,000 may be

allowed per project. Please devise the budget carefully, as no budget

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reallocation will be permitted once the grant is awarded. All LUMS policies will
apply for procurement and travel.

▪ Applicants must provide their CNIC and bank account title for the payment of team
stipend. The CNIC and account title must belong to the same person who will receive
the stipend and disburse it among the team members.

▪ The proposal must include a detailed budget along with justification for each budget

▪ All submitted proposals will be reviewed by a proposal review committee.

▪ Proposals dealing with human subjects may require approval from LUMS
Institutional Review Board (IRB).

▪ Incomplete proposals will not be reviewed by the OR and will be desk-rejected.

▪ Students are expected to submit project completion report within two weeks of the
project end date.

▪ For Frequently Asked Questions, please click here.

Please feel free to contact OR in case you have any questions.


Office of Research (OR)

LUMS Learning Institute (LLI)

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