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Pox lesions on the face of sheep after scabs formation

it is highly contagious viral disease of sheep & goat*

it has high mortality rate-
lambs & kids less than 4 months highly susceptible-

: Clinical signs
high fever , depression , anorexia-1
prescence of typical pox lesion in unwooled area of the -3
skin (lips , eyelids , nostrils , udder & ventral aspect
: of the tail ) as
spot → papules → vesicle → pustule → scab formation
: D.D
Pests des petits ruminants → no papules & **
pustules , there is necrotic ulcerative
No specific treatment
: broad spectrum antibiotic as-1
Enroflox → 1 cm /40 kg b.wt / I.M/ 12 hr
Or Streptopencid → ½ vial / 12 hr / I.M
:supportive treatment as-2
local antiseptic solution as Pot.permenganat 1/1000 or-
1/4000 for oral lesion
I.V injection of Dextrose 25% → ½ - 1 liter-
I.V injection of Analgine (in case of fever ) → 5 cm-
provide easily & soft digested food -
Live attenuated vaccine
give protection for 1 year ●
give to all animals over 2 months of age ●
dose : each vial / 100 saline & given as ½ cm ●
intradermal in the ventral aspect of tail or
inner aspect of the thigh
local inflammation at site of injection after 1 ●
week → indicates successful vaccination

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