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Extensive fibrosis & distal edema

of hind limb
Multiple nodules in the trunk & shoulder region
ch` by inflammation of S/C lymphatic vessels (especially of*
lower limbs → from hock joint to distal part
it is primary affect horse , donkey , cattle & buffaloes*
) edematous skin disease (
:Clinical signs
hot , painful swelling of affected limb-1
S/C nodules → enlarged 5-7 cm → rupture → -3
discharge creamy green pus
enlargement of lymphatic vessels → ulcer-4
in cattle → enlargement of L.N-5
in buffaloes (more common in 8 month to 3 years old -6
of age)
swelling & suppuration in superficial L.N (one or more)-7
& L.Vs or general edema in 4 legs
ulceration of skin -8
mild fever (39.5 – 40 ºc)-9
painful local edema of fore limb-10
enlargement & swelling of superficial L.N (prescapular &-12
the swelling is firm → discharge thick creamy pus -13
tinged with blood
a) in horse → from Epizootic lymphangitis , Glanders
(mallein test)
b)in cattle & buffaloes → from Lumpy skin disease & Skin
local surgical treatment for abscess (evacuation)-1
local surgical treatment for ulcer → application of -2
antiseptic solution as Tr.iodine →then ressing with
antibiotic powder as Oxytetracycline powder
I/M injection of Streptopencid → 2 vial / 12hr-3
or Panterramycine 1 cm / 10 kg b.wt / 24 hr daily
for 5-7 days

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