Giver Day 2

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Standards Success Criteria

RL.6.1 cite textual evidence to support analysis … as well as I can use evidence to support my ideas.
inferences drawn I can make text connections
I can analyze how certain parts of the text advance the plot or
6R5: In literary texts, analyze how a particular sentence, help develop the theme of “conformity vs. Individuality”
paragraph, stanza, chapter, scene, or section fits into the
overall structure of a text and how it contributes to the
development of theme/central idea, setting, or plot. In
informational texts, analyze how a particular sentence,
paragraph, chapter, or section fits into the overall structure of
a text and how it contributes to the development of
theme/central ideas.

Essential question
How can we analyze the
development of the theme of
“Individuality vs.
Conformity” in chapters 1-5?

1. Do Now (Initial Activity)


2. Reflect/connect:

3. Vocabulary to know
Word Definition New understanding from context?

Chapter Two 1. an official position of

1. Elders rank and authority

2. appeal process- 2. legal proceedings in

which a person requests
3. comfort object- that a decision or ruling be

3 an item, typically a stuffed

animal, that a child uses to
console himself

Conformity What Examples do you find in the


Individuality What Examples do you find in the


Add any new vocabulary You uncover while reading To the chart.

Chapter Three

4. Reading Skill or Strategy

Title: KWL Chart

What it is: “the K-W-L chart is really useful as a tool to identify children's knowledge and
experience, and then to document the construction of new knowledge as the children investigate.”2

What we do: “This K-W-L Chart, which tracks what a student knows (K), wants to know (W),
and has learned (L) about a topic, can be used before, during, and after research .” 3

5. Read Aloud/Think Aloud or Model: ch 4.

6. Classwork 1: on your own

Chapter 3 Chapter 4
3. Why can’t Jonas talk to Ben about
1. What rule did Jonas break and his good work? What rule would
how was it handled? this break? Do you think this is a
good rule to have? Why or why
Chapter 4 not?
2. Do the people of the community
know where people go when they 4. How did Jonas know the old lady
are ‘released’? Do you still think he passed was blind?
released means the same thing
you did at the beginning of the
book? Tell why or why not

7. Classwork 2: Group Work

Question for All Groups: Use The chart Paper to make a two column T chart.

● What elements of Jonas's society seem “fair”?

● What elements seem “unfair” ?

Discuss Your reasoning. Be ready to present your poster.

8. Summation/Exit Ticket:
Go back to the vocabulary, and fill out examples from your reading today of “individual it” and

9. Homework
A. Reas chapter 5
B. Answer the following questions:
● 1. What do you think of the morning dream-telling ritual?
● 2. At one point, the clean-up of meals is referred to in this chapter. Using
evidence from the text, how do you think meals are prepared and served?
Explain your thoughts.
● 3. According to the Book of Rules, why must Jonas start taking a pill every day?
● 4. Explain in your own words what happened to Jonas (keep it classy!) in this
chapter and what effect the pills have on him.
● 5. Why do you think “Stirrings” are treated with pills in this community?
● 6. How are you feeling about the society in the book? What have you found so
far that the book’s society represses?
● 7. What connections between the KWL and other reading strategies can you

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