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Pain Curve | Good Planning V.

S Poor Planning

what will come to your head when you combine these t wo

words pain and planning?

Recently I was reading a book of Robert K. Wysocki called Effective project

in this book, the author has a very interesting Figure
called pain curves. This cur ve is perfectly describes
what happens in the construction projects planning

check out this curve with me.



pain cur ve points out that making a project plan is indeed a painful
thing, but it will reduce the pain during and after the implementation
of the project.

This curve was generated from 5000 completed projects!

So, what happens in real projects causes the pain and delays because of poor planning?

1- Rework
You might need to do more revised schedules, Keep changing
priority’s to solve unplanned activities, and your work might be
rejected at the End of the day because you did not follow the
proper sequence of works.

2- Management, Consultant, and

Client interference
You know how many nose will interfere in your project once it Nd
is delayed or facing lack of management?
• Your direct manager. da
• Your company management.
• Your consultant office.
• Your client.
• Effected stakeholders.

3- Project Management became Panic

With too many reworks, and too many involvement from
different parties, your project management will be a panic
management where we wake up every morning to see what to
do and who will fight with you today. Things become more
difficult to do, and most likely, your project will be delayed.
What is the solution?
1- For Planning Engineers:
Please study new planning techniques to facilitate the planning
process and produce better planning. Take a course in planning
from an experience planner and keep enhancing yourself. And
remember the title of this topic, Pain Curves, spend more
efforts in the planning phase to get a healthy environment in the
execution phase.

2- For Projects Managers:

Please hire an experienced planning Engineer /manager or even an external planning office. Pay
more attention to the planning phase and be involved in planning with your planners. Whatever
pain (efforts) you will pay now, will prevent a huge pain (efforts) later on.

Thanks for watching/Reading
Hany Ismail, Planning Consultant l Trainer l Freelancer

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WhatsApp: +201277767728
Email: Info@PlanningEngineer.Net

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