Newest Letter All Charges

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Letter of Charges and Explanation

To whom it may concern,

Hi my name is David Gjeorgevski and I would just like to say thank you for reading and taking
the time to consider my record suspension/pardon. I really do appreciate it.
Now I will list all my charges.

2000-12-05- Willfully obstruct.
2006-02-07- Fail to comply with recognizance.
2006-02-20- Unlawfully in dwelling, Theft under $5000.
2007-07-04- Fail to comply with probation order.
2007-11-02- Assault, Mischief, Fail to comply with conditions of undertaking given by officer in
charge, Fail to comply with probation order.
2009-11-06- Theft under $5000.
2011-01-11- Fraud over $5000 ( I'm not a professional but I'm pretty sure that this charge was
recorded into the Windsor Police Services criminal database incorrectly. It should've been a
fraud under $5000. On page 4 of my court records last paragraph Count 3 you can see the
judge or the crown correct the records to not exceeding $5000 with their correction and initials.)
2012-09-17- Fail to comply with probation order.

Charges/Withdrawn or Dismissed
2000-01-10- Refuse roadside screening device. (Dismissed)
2000-12-05- Assault peace officer.
2006-02-20- Assault.
2007-07-04- Fail to comply with probation order, Fail to appear, Fail to comply with probation
2009-09-28- Driving while ability impaired, Fail or refuse to provide sample. (Dismissed)
2009-11-06- Escape lawful custody.
2011-01-11- Theft under $5000, Theft under $5000.

Wow, to actually sit down and write out each of my criminal charges is to say the very least
embarrassing and I'm very disappointed in myself for taking so long to straighten out. As I sit
here and reflect on my past criminal experiences, yes I'm disappointed in myself but on the
other hand I am oddly grateful for all of those criminal experiences. Without each and every one
of my experiences I would've never hit rock bottom and accepted the help and love and support
from my family. Who knows where I'd be today.
Ok so over the years I've thought to myself many times, why it took me so long to get my
head on straight and leave that horrible way of life behind. As i read over all my charges i
realize that there we're a specific group of reasons for all of my charges. Before I get into those
reasons I'd like to state that I truly am not the same person I was back then. I'm sure you've all
heard it before and it's so cliché but it is the truth. Now let's get back to the reasons why I chose
to break the law. Growing up I would say I always had a problem with authority and following the
rules. I'll tell you one thing though as soon as i finally realized that rules and police (authority)
were put in place to keep some law and order and to keep us safe, I was able to get rid of this
large chip on my shoulder for good and my life has been great ever since. The second reason I
committed these charges , I'd have to say, is the toxic relationship I was in. Until I realized that
some people are not meant to be together, it was too late. I had broken the law and made a fool
of myself towards my ex-girlfriend and family. The third reason would be, what i thought at the
time was a friendship, but boy was i wrong. Now last but far from least what i would have to say
Letter of Charges and Explanation

would be probably one of the most contributing factors to all my criminal charges would be
alcohol. Now I'm not blaming alcohol. I chose to put the bottle to my mouth but 100% alcohol
did not benefit me or help the situation when making the bad choices I've made in my life.
First of all the choices I made were my choices alone and no one else's. I was an adult
and knew right from wrong. I'm not blaming anyone and I took full responsibility for all my wrong
choices I made in life . A Lot of factors go into me making the wrong choices.
My charges from 2000-01-10 to 2000-12-05 (my birthday) all stem from my immaturity
and alcohol. It was my 22nd birthday, my cousin and friend took me and my brother out for the
night. Now you mix alcohol with drunk friends and let me tell you the bad decisions are endless.
Like they say every dog has its day and even though my day wouldn't come for twelve more
years when it finally came it was a rude eye opening awakening to all my stupidity, nonsense
and the part I regret the most was the heartache I caused my family and loved ones.
All my charges from 2006-02-07 to 2007-11-02 were all related to a toxic relationship
and alcohol with my ex-girlfriend. Now that I sit here in hindsight it's easy to understand my
wrong decisions. We both thought we were in love but the fact of the matter was that we were
both going out every night to the bars and drinking. We weren't in love, we were always drunk.
Once the night was over like clock work the arguing and bickering would start. From there things
would escalate and by the end of the night she would call the police on me. In the morning I
would wake up in jail wondering what happened because I didn't remember much until the judge
or my lawyer told me what I'd done the prior night. So after all that, it still wasn't enough to get
my act together.
My charges from 2007-03-14 to 2009-09-28 all go back to me being immature in
thinking laws and rules didn't apply to me. I was involved in a one vehicle accident, my vehicle
was the only vehicle involved. I think it's called stunt driving nowadays. Thank god my vehicle
was the only one involved and nobody was in my vehicle, just me. I'm so grateful to this day
that my irresponsible and immature decisions on that day did not injure or hurt anybody else
except for me. I ended up breaking my neck that day and had to wear a halo for 6 months. My
poor and immature decisions that day had me driving at high speeds over train tracks and losing
control and coming to a final resting spot on a pole. Unfortunately almost dying wasn't even
enough to get me on the straight and narrow.
Now my charges from 2009-11-06 to 2011-01-11 all stem from a friendship that at the
time I thought was a great friendship but when I finally grew up mentally and got sober I realized
that this so-called friendship was far from a good friendship. So my so-called friend is 15 years
older than me. For some weird reason to this day I still don't fully know why I looked up to him,
kind've like a big brother. He too, like me, drank so I'm sure the alcohol kept me cloudy to the
entire bad friendship situation. What at the time I thought was him being smart and resourceful
now I realize was him being cunning and manipulative to get me to follow him anywhere. Now
that i can see clearly what happened was that he didn't have a vehicle i did and he's the one
who introduced me to shoplifting also. I'm not blaming him for my poor choices but when we
were drinking all the time it was easy for him to manipulate me and get me to make stupid
choices i knew were wrong.
Now my final charge from 2012-09-17 was a non association with again my so called
friend. Again i knew it was wrong to be with him but again my stupidity and his very good
manipulative skills he talked me into giving him a ride and the rest is history.
After everything was all said and done the thing that finally got me to wake the hell up
and to definitely make the decision to leave alcohol behind with all my bad choices and to be a
law abiding citizen and to live a sober life was the look of disappointment from my family and my
mother breaking down in tears and my 2 year old niece at the time saw her grandmother crying
so she starting to cry and it just tore me up from the inside out, that i was the cause of all this
pain in my family and i to started to cry and that day i made my final promise to my family and
more importantly to myself to stop being selfish and actually start to think how my poor
Letter of Charges and Explanation

decisions affect my family, the people i love. I packed my bags, threw away my cell phone (
changed my number) and off to detox I went. There I stayed for 7 days to be monitored while
alcohol left my body. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done but I would do it again in a
heartbeat to be where I am today. I've been alcohol free and sober now for almost 12 years this
September 25/2024. Also I've been at the same employer, Dakkota Integrated Systems for
almost 14 years. Most importantly i've been a law abiding citizen for almost 12 years also this
September 17/2024. Life is full of its ups and downs . What I've learned is that no matter how
bad you think it is, there's always hope and a chance for you to turn things around and redeem
yourself in the eye's of the people you love and respect.
Once again thank you for taking the time to read my letter. Have a good day

David Gjeorgevski
3366 Forest Glade Drive
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
(226)787-5714 My phone number.

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