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Marc Thomas D.

9 - St. Andrew

Reflective Learning Journal in English Q1

1. Take a deep breath and SMILE for another blessed and wonderful day!
2. Reflect on our previous activities and discussions.
3. Answer the questions below (your answers must be written in 3-5 sentences per

1. What have you learned in accomplishing the overall task this quarter?
For me, this quarter has helped me understand and manipulate words better than
before. It has helped me to improve my stress, intonation, pronunciation, etc.
Through the speech choir, we were able to execute these improvements efficiently
and be able to gain experience. This quarter has also taught me the elements of
poetry, interjections, and word formation that can certainly help in my communication
skills. Overall, these lessons will be very useful for me and I will surely use what I’ve
learned in every aspect of my life.

2. What do you think is the importance of working together?

With our recent performance in our speech choir, I have come to realize the
importance of working together. Through unity, we were able to create and perform
such an extraordinary speech choir piece, a beauty that the human eye never
expected. As a result of this, we achieved a perfect score in our speech choir
performance. Now, I can apply this unity in every situation I find myself in, whether
it's at school, work, or any other aspect of my life.

3. How did the previous activities and lessons lead you to enhance
The previous activities and lessons have been crucial for me to strive and work hard
for improvements. With all the mistakes and errors I’ve made throughout this quarter,
it served to me as motivation to strive, improve, and be the best version of myself.
The experience of working together in the speech choir made me realize the
importance of teamwork and unity, which I can apply in various aspects of my life.

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