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UPSC Prelims
Test Series 2024



+91 875 735 4880

T.B.C.Test Booklet Series
Serial No.

TEST - 28
Time Allowed: Two Hours Maximum Marks: 200
2. You have to enter your Roll Number on the Test Booklet in the Box provided
alongside. DO NOT write anything else on the Test Booklet.
3. This Test Booklet contains 100 items (questions). Each item is printed both in
Hindi and English. Each comprises four responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on
the Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider
the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item.
4. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See directions in the Answer Sheet.
5. All items carry equal marks.
6. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end.
7. Penalty for wrong answers:
There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer is given by the candidate,
one-third of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty. If a candidate gives more than one answer, it
will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as
above to that question. If a question is left blank, i.e., no answer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that
1. परीीक्षाा प्राारम्भ होोनेे केे तुुरन्त बााद आप इस परीीक्षण पुुस्ति�िकाा कीी पड़तााल अवश्य कर लेंं कि� इसमेंं कोोई बि�नाा छपाा, फटाा याा छूूटाा हुुआ पृृष्ठ अथवाा प्रश्नांं�श
आदि न हो। यदि ऐसा है, तो इसे सही परीक्षण पुस््ततिका से बदल लेें।
2. इस परीीक्षण पुुस्ति�िकाा पर सााथ मेंं दि�ए गए कोोष्ठक मेंं आपकोो अपनाा अनुुक्रमांं�क लि�खनाा हैै।
परीक्षण पुस््ततिका पर और कुछ न लिखेें।
3. इस परीीक्षण पुुस्ति�िकाा मेंं 100 प्रश्नांं�श (प्रश्न) दि�ए गए हैंं। प्रत्येेक प्रश्नांं�श हि�न्दीी और अंंग्रेेजीी दोोनोंं मेंं छपाा हैै। प्रत्येेक प्रश्नांं�श मेंं चाार प्रत्युुत्तर
(उत्तर) दिए गए हैैं। इनमेें से एक प्रत््ययुत्तर को चुन लेें, जिसे आप उत्तर-पत्रक पर अंकित करना चाहते हैैं। यदि आपको ऐसा लगे कि एक से अधिक
प्रत््ययुत्तर सही हैैं, तो उस प्रत््ययुत्तर को अंकित करेें जो आपको सर्वोत्तम लगे। प्रत््ययेक प्रश््नाांश के लिए केवल एक ही प्रत््ययुत्तर चुनना है।
4. आपकोो अपनेे सभीी प्रत्युुत्तर अलग सेे दि�ए गए उत्तर पत्रक पर हीी अंंकि�त करनेे हैंं। उत्तर पत्रक मेंं दि�ए गए नि�र्देेश देेखेंं ।
5. सभीी प्रश्नांं�शोंं केे अंंक समाान हैंं।
6. कच्चेे कााम केे लि�ए पत्रक, परीीक्षण पुुस्ति�िकाा केे अंंत मेंं संंलग्न हैंं।
7. गलत उत्तरोंं केे लि�ए दण्ड :
सभी प्रश्ननों मेें उम््ममीदवार द्वारा दिए गए गलत उत्तरोों के लिए दण््ड दिया जाएगा।
प्रत््ययेक प्रश्न के लिए चार वैकल््पपिक उत्तर हैैं। उम््ममीदवार द्वारा प्रत््ययेक प्रश्न के लिए दिए गए एक गलत उत्तर के लिए प्रश्न हेतु नियत किए गए अंकोों का
एक-तिहाई दण््ड के रूप मेें काटा जाएगा। यदि कोई उम््ममीदवार एक से अधिक उत्तर देता है, तो इसे गलत उत्तर माना जाएगा, यद्यपि दिए गए उत्तरोों मेें से
एक उत्तर सही होता है, फिर भी प्रश्न के लिए उपर््ययुक््ततानुसार ही उसी तरह का दण््ड दिया जाएगा। यदि उम््ममीदवार द्वारा कोई प्रश्न हल नहीीं किया जाता है
अर््थथात् उम््ममीदवार द्वारा उत्तर नहीीं दिया जाता है, तो उस प्रश्न के लिए कोई दण््ड नहीीं दिया जाएगा।


ध््ययान देें: अनुदेशोों का िहन््ददी रूपान््तर इस पुिस््तका के मुख््यपृष््ठ पर छपा है।

Q 1. Consider the following statements regarding the Q 5. Consider the following statements regarding
Tribunal System in India: the Payments Infrastructure Development Fund
1. Tribunals cannot direct the government to (PIDF) Scheme:
frame policy.
1. Beneficiaries of PM Vishwakarma Yojana have
2. With the 44th Constitutional Amendment, the
been included in PIDF scheme.
tribunal provision was added to the Indian
2. Sound Box devices are eligible for claim of
subsidy under the Scheme.
3. The Central Administrative Tribunal was
3. The PIDF Scheme is launched by the NABRD to
established as the first Tribunal in India.
support the development of digital payments
4. Article 323A, empowered parliament or
infrastructure in rural areas.
state legislatures to constitute administrative
tribunals by enacting a law. How many of the statements given above is/are
How many of the statements given above is/are incorrect?
incorrect? (a) Only one
(a) Only one (b) Only two
(b) Only two (c) All three
(c) Only three (d) None
(d) All four
Q 6. Consider the following statements regarding the
Q 2. Recently, report titled “Finances of Panchayati Gini coefficient:
Raj Institutions” was released by: 1. A Gini coefficient of 0 indicates perfect income
(a) NABARD equality.
(b) RBI 2. The Gini coefficient is calculated using the
(c) NITI Aayog Lorenz Curve.
(d) SBI 3. A higher Gini coefficient signifies a wider gap
Q 3. Consider the following statements regarding the between rich and poor.
United Nations Statistical Commission: How many of the statements given above is/are
1. The Commission consists of 24 member incorrect?
countries of the United Nations elected by the (a) Only one
United Nations Security Council Members. (b) Only two
2. It is a Functional Commission of the UN (c) All three
Economic and Social Council. (d) None
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) Only 1 Q 7. ‘Drishti-10’, which was in news recently, is related
(b) Only 2 to which of the following?
(c) Both 1 and 2 (a) A group of 10 satellites for intelligence gathering
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (b) 10-micron-sized nanorobot for heart surgery
Q 4. Consider the following statements regarding (c) Unmanned aerial vehicle
Debt Recovery Tribunals (DRTs): (d) Surface-to-air missile
1. Debt Recovery Tribunals are established under Q 8. Consider the following pairs:
the SARFAESI Act, 2002. Exercise Related Countries
2. Appeals against the decisions of Debt Recovery 1. Khanjar India-Kazakhstan
Tribunals can only be made to the High Court. 2. Cyclone India-Egypt
3. The Central Government appoints the presiding 3. Desert Knight India, France and UAE
officer of the DRT, who is qualified to be a Judge
of a High Court. How many of the above pairs is/are correctly
How many of the statements given above is/are correct? matched?
(a) Only one (a) Only one
(b) Only two (b) Only two
(c) All three (c) All three
(d) None (d) None


Q 1. भाारत मेंं अधि�करण व्यवस्थाा केे संंबंंध मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर Q 5. पेेमेंंट्स इंंफ्राास्ट्रक्चर डेेवलपमेंंट फंंड (PIDF) योोजनाा केे संंबंंध मेंं
वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
1. अधि�करण सरकाार कोो नीीति� बनाानेे काा नि�र्देेश नहींं देे सकतेे हैै। 1. पीीएम वि�श्वकर्माा� योोजनाा केे लााभाार्थि�ियोंं कोो PIDF योोजनाा मेंं
2. 44वेंं संंवैैधाानि�क संंशोोधन द्वााराा अधि�करणोंं सेे संंबंंधि�त शाामि�ल कि�याा गयाा हैै।
प्राावधाानोंं कोो भाारतीीय संंवि�धाान मेंं जोोड़ाा गयाा थाा। 2. सााउंंड बॉॉक्स उपकरण, योोजनाा केे तहत सब्सि��डीी केे लााभ पाात्र हैंं।
3. केंंद्रीीय प्रशाासनि�क अधि�करण कीी स्थाापनाा भाारत केे पहलेे 3. ग्राामीीण क्षेेत्रोंं मेंं डि�जि�टल भुुगताान बुुनि�याादीी ढांं�चेे केे वि�काास
अधि�करण केे रूप मेंं कीी गई थीी। कोो बढ़ाावाा देेनेे केे लि�ए NABRD द्वााराा PIDF योोजनाा शुुरू
4. 4. अनुुच्छेेद 323A, संंसद याा रााज्य वि�धाानसभााओं कोो वि�धाान कीी गई हैै।
बनााकर प्रशाासनि�क अधि�करण काा गठन करनेे काा अधि�काार
प्रदाान करताा हैै। उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कि�तनेे गलत हैै/हैंं?
उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कि�तनेे गलत हैै/हैंं? (a) केेवल एक
(a) केेवल एक (b) केेवल दोो
(b) केेवल दोो (c) सभीी तीीन
(c) केेवल तीीन (d) कोोई नहींं
(d) सभीी चाार
Q 6. गि�नीी गुुणांं�क केे संंबंंध मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
Q 2. हााल हीी मेंं, “पंंचाायतीी रााज संंस्थााओं काा वि�त्त” शीीर्षषक सेे रि�पोोर्टट जाारीी 1. गि�नीी गुुणांं�क काा 0 माान पूूर्णण आय समाानताा कोो इंंगि�त करताा हैै।
कीी गई हैै: 2. गि�नीी गुुणांं�क कीी गणनाा लोोरेंंज वक्र काा उपयोोग करकेे कीी
(a) नााबाार्डड (NABARD) जाातीी हैै।
(b) आरबीीआई (RBI) 3. गि�नीी गुुणांं�क काा उच्च माान अमीीर और गरीीब केे बीीच व्याापक
(c) नीीति� आयोोग (NITI Aayog) अंंतर कोो दर्शाा�ताा हैै।
(d) एसबीीआई (SBI)
उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कि�तनेे गलत हैै/हैंं?
Q 3. संंयुुक्त रााष्ट्र सांं�ख्यि�िकीी आयोोग केे संंबंंध मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर (a) केेवल एक
वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: (b) केेवल दोो
आयोोग मेंं संंयुुक्त रााष्ट्र केे 24 सदस्य देेश शाामि�ल हैंं, जि�नकाा
1. (c) सभीी तीीन
चुुनााव संंयुुक्त रााष्ट्र सुुरक्षाा परि�षद केे सदस्योंं द्वााराा कि�याा जााताा हैंं। (d) कोोई नहींं
2. यह संंयुुक्त रााष्ट्र आर्थि�िक एवंं साामााजि�क परि�षद (UN
ECOSOC) काा एक काार्याा�त्मक आयोोग हैै। Q 7. हााल हीी मेंं खबरोंं मेंं रहीी ‘दृृष्टि��-10’(Drishti-10), नि�म्नलि�खि�त मेंं
उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं? सेे कि�ससेे संंबंंधि�त हैै?
(a) केेवल 1 (a) खुुफि�याा जाानकाारीी जुुटाानेे केे लि�ए 10 उपग्रहोंं काा एक समूूह
(b) केेवल 2 (b) हृदय शल्य चि�कि�त्साा केे लि�ए 10-मााइक्रोोन आकाार काा
(c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं नैैनोोरोोबोोट
(d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2 (c) माानव रहि�त हवााई वााहन (UAV)
Q 4. ऋण वसूूलीी न्याायााधि�करण (DRT) केे संंबंंध मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं (d) सतह सेे हवाा मेंं माार करनेे वाालीी मि�सााइल
पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
1. ऋण वसूूलीी न्याायााधि�करण SARFAESI अधि�नि�यम, 2002 Q 8. नि�म्नलि�खि�त युुग्मोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
केे तहत स्थाापि�त कि�ए गए हैंं। अभ्याास संंबंंधि�त देेश
2. ऋण वसूूलीी न्याायााधि�करणोंं केे नि�र्णणयोंं केे वि�रुद्ध अपीील केेवल 1. खंंजर भाारत-कजााकि�स्ताान
उच्च न्याायाालय मेंं हीी कीी जाा सकतीी हैै। 2. सााइक्लोोन भाारत-मि�स्र
3. केंंद्र सरकाार DRT केे पीीठाासीीन अधि�काारीी कीी नि�युुक्ति�ि करतीी हैै, 3. डेेजर्टट नााइट भाारत, फ्रांं�स और संंयुुक्त अरब अमीीराात
जोो कि� उच्च न्याायाालय काा न्याायााधीीश बननेे केे लि�ए योोग्य होोताा हैै।
उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कि�तनेे सहीी हैै/हैंं? उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कि�तनेे युुग्म सहीी सुुमेेलि�त हैै/हैंं?
(a) केेवल एक (a) केेवल एक
(b) केेवल दोो (b) केेवल दोो
(c) सभीी तीीन (c) सभीी तीीन
(d) कोोई नहींं (d) कोोई नहींं

Q 9. Consider the following statements: Q 13. Consider the following statements with reference to the
1. National Tiger Conservation Authority is a appointment of judges in the higher judiciary in India:
statutory body. 1. Constitution has not prescribed a minimum age
2. India currently houses over 70% of the world’s for appointment as a judge of a supreme court
wild tiger population. and high court.
3. The largest tiger population is in Karnataka, 2. Constitution makes provision for appointment
followed by Madhya Pradesh. of a distinguished jurist as a judge of a supreme
court or high court.
How many of the statements given above is/are Which of the above statements is/are correct?
incorrect? (a) Only 1
(a) Only one (b) Only 2
(b) Only two (c) Both 1 and 2
(c) All three (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(d) None
Q 14. Consider the following statements with reference
Q 10. Which of the following are sub schemes to Goods and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal
encompassed under PRITHvi Vigyan? (GSTAT) which has been formed recently:
1. ACROSS 1. Its President should be a Judge of the Supreme
2. O-SMART Court or the Chief Justice of a High Court.
3. PACER 2. GSTAT is the forum of second appeal in GST laws.
4. SAGE Which of the above statements is/are correct?
5. REACHOUT (a) Only 1
(b) Only 2
Select the correct answer using the code given (c) Both 1 and 2
below: (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(a) Only 1,2 and 3 Q 15. Consider the following statements with reference
(b) Only 1, 4 and 5 to the “Asian Pacific Postal Union (APPU)” which
(c) Only 1, 2, 3 and 5 has been in news recently:
(d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 1. Asian Pacific Postal Union (APPU) is a non-
Q 11. Consider the following statements regarding the governmental organization.
2. Its headquarters is in Bangkok, Thailand.
Green Fuels Alliance India:
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
1. It is a joint collaboration between India and the (a) Only 1
United States. (b) Only 2
2. The alliance primarily aims to establish a (c) Both 1 and 2
network of charging stations for electric vehicles (d) Neither 1 nor 2
across India. Q 16. Consider the following pairs with reference to
Which of the statements given above is/are various reports that have been released recently:
correct? Reports Releases by
(a) Only 1
1. Global Risk Coalition for Disaster Resilient
(b) Only 2
Report Infrastructure (CDRI)
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 2. World Economic World Bank
Situation and
Prospects report
Q 12. “Rule of Law Index” which was the in news
3. World Economic International Monetary
recently, is released by which of the following Outlook Fund
organization: How many of the above pairs is/are correctly matched?
(a) Reporters Without Borders (a) Only one
(b) International Press Institute (b) Only two
(c) The Social Progress Imperative (c) All three
(d) World Justice Project (d) None

Q 9. नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: Q 13. भाारत मेंं उच्च न्याायपाालि�काा मेंं न्याायााधीीशोंं कीी नि�युुक्ति�ि केे संंदर्भभ मेंं
1. रााष्ट्रीीय बााघ संंरक्षण प्रााधि�करण एक वैैधाानि�क नि�कााय हैै। नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
2. भाारत मेंं वर्ततमाान मेंं वि�श्व कीी 70% सेे अधि�क जंंगलीी बााघ 1. संंवि�धाान नेे सर्वोोच्च न्याायाालय और उच्च न्याायाालय केे न्याायााधीीश
आबाादीी रहतीी हैै। केे रूप मेंं नि�युुक्ति�ि केे लि�ए न्यूूनतम आयुु नि�र्धाा�रि�त नहींं कीी हैै।
3. बााघोंं कीी सर्वाा�धि�क आबाादीी कर्नाा�टक मेंं हैै, उसकेे बााद मध्य 2. संंवि�धाान सर्वोोच्च न्याायाालय और उच्च न्याायाालय केे न्याायााधीीश
प्रदेेश मेंं हैै। केे रूप मेंं एक प्रति�ष्ठि��त न्याायवि�द् कीी नि�युुक्ति�ि काा प्राावधाान
करताा हैै।
उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कि�तनेे गलत हैै/हैंं? उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे कथन सहीी हैै/हैंं?
(a) केेवल एक (a) केेवल 1
(b) केेवल दोो (b) केेवल 2
(c) सभीी तीीन (c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं
(d) कोोई नहींं (d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2
Q 14. हााल हीी मेंं गठि�त वस्तुु एवंं सेेवाा कर अपीीलीीय न्याायााधि�करण
Q 10. नि�म्नलि�खि�त मेंं सेे कौौन सीी उपयोोजनााएंं पृृथ्वीी वि�ज्ञाान (PRITHvi (GSTAT) केे संंदर्भभ मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
VIgyan) केे अंंतर्गगत शाामि�ल हैंं? 1. इसकाा अध्यक्ष सर्वोोच्च न्याायाालय काा न्याायााधीीश याा उच्च
1. अक्रॉॉस (ACROSS) न्याायाालय काा मुुख्य न्याायााधीीश होोनाा चााहि�ए।
2. ओ-स्माार्टट (O-SMART) 2. GSTAT, GST काानूून केे तहत अपीील काा द्वि�तीीय फोोरम हैै।
3. पेेसर (PACER) उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे कथन सहीी हैै/हैंं?
4. सेेज (SAGE) (a) केेवल 1
5. रीीचआउट (REACHOUT) (b) केेवल 2
(c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं
नीीचेे दि�ए गए कोोड काा उपयोोग करकेे सहीी उत्तर चुुनेंं: (d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2
(a) केेवल 1,2 और 3 Q 15. हााल हीी मेंं खबरोंं मेंं रहेे “एशि�यन पैैसि�फि�क पोोस्टल यूूनि�यन
(b) केेवल 1, 4 और 5 (APPU)” केे संंदर्भभ मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
(c) केेवल 1, 2, 3 और 5 1. एशि�यन पैैसि�फि�क पोोस्टल यूूनि�यन (APPU) एक गैैर-
(d) 1, 2, 3, 4 और 5 सरकाारीी संंगठन हैै|
2. इसकाा मुुख्याालय बैंंकॉॉक, थााईलैंंड मेंं हैै।
Q 11. ग्रीीन फ्यूूल्स अलाायंंस इंंडि�याा (Green Fuels Alliance India) उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे कथन सहीी हैै/हैंं?
केे संंबंंध मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: (a) केेवल 1
1. यह भाारत और संंयुुक्त रााज्य अमेेरि�काा केे बीीच एक संंयुुक्त (b) केेवल 2
सहयोोग हैै। (c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं
2. गठबंंधन काा मुुख्य उद्देेश्य सम्पूूर्णण भाारत मेंं इलेेक्ट्रि�िक वााहनोंं (d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2
केे लि�ए चाार्जिं�ंग स्टेेशनोंं काा एक नेेटवर्कक स्थाापि�त करनाा हैै। Q 16. हााल हीी मेंं जाारीी वि�भि�न्न रि�पोोर्टोंं केे संंदर्भभ मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त युुग्मोंं पर
वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं? रि�पोोर्टट जाारीीकर्ताा�
(a) केेवल 1
(b) केेवल 2 1. वैैश्वि�िक जोोखि�म रि�पोोर्टट आपदाा प्रति�रोोधीी बुुनि�याादीी ढाँँ�चेे
(c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं केे लि�येे गठबंंधन (CDRI)
(d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2 2. वि�श्व आर्थि�िक स्थि��ति� एवंं वि�श्व बैंंक
संंभाावनााएँँ रि�पोोर्टट
Q 12. हााल हीी मेंं खबरोंं मेंं रहेे “वि�धि� काा शाासन सूूचकांं�क” कोो नि�म्नलि�खि�त 3. वि�श्व आर्थि�िक आउटलुुक अंंतर्राा�ष्ट्रीीय मुुद्राा कोोष।
मेंं सेे कि�स संंगठन द्वााराा जाारीी कि�याा गयाा हैै:
उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कि�तनेे युुग्म सहीी सुुमेेलि�त हैै/हैंं?
(a) रि�पोोर्टटर्सस वि�दााउट बॉॉर्डडर्सस (a) केेवल एक
(b) इंंटरनेेशनल प्रेेस इंंस्टीीट्यूूट (b) केेवल दोो
(c) सोोशल प्रोोग्रेेस इम्पेेरेेटि�व (c) सभीी तीीन
(d) वर्ल्ड�ड जस्टि�िस प्रोोजेेक्ट (d) कोोई नहींं

Q 17. Consider the following statements with reference Q 22. Recently, “the Kakhovka Dam” was in the news,
to “PRAJJWALA CHALLENGE” which has been it is located in which of the following countries?
launched recently: (a) Russia
1. It has been launched by the Ministry of Women (b) Finland
and Child Development. (c) Ukraine
2. Under this, collateral free loans are given to women (d) Belarus
and marginalized sections of the community.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Q 23. Consider the following pairs:
(a) Only 1
(b) Only 2 Rivers Origin Country
(c) Both 1 and 2 1. Helmand River Afghanistan
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 2. Gaula River Myanmar
Q 18. Consider the following statements with reference
3. Dnipro River Russia
to ‘Munroe Thuruthu Island’, which has been in
news recently: How many of the above pairs is/are correctly
1. It is located along Coromandel Coast. matched?
2. It is an emergent island. (a) Only one
3. The island has railway network. (b) Only two
How many of the above statements is/are correct? (c) All three
(a) Only one (d) None
(b) Only two Q 24. With reference to the “Farmers’ distress index”,
(c) All three consider the following statements:
(d) None
Q 19. The term “Greater Scaup” which was in news 1. The Index is being prepared by the NITI Aayog.
recently represents which of the following? 2. This index will be mapped against more than
(a) Species of Butterfly ten indicators.
(b) Species of Duck
(c) Species of Frog Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(d) Species of fish (a)Only 1
Q 20. Consider the following statements with reference (b)Only 2
to Lake Victoria which has been in news recently: (c)Both 1 and 2
1. It is largest lake in Africa (d)Neither 1 nor 2
2. The equator passes through it. Q 25. India rejected the ruling of the Permanent Court
3. It is bordered by four countries. of Arbitration on the Indus Water Treaty. In this
How many of the above statements is/are correct?
regard, consider the following statements:
(a) Only one
(b) Only two 1. The Indus Waters Treaty was signed in 1960
(c) All three between India and Pakistan with the mediation
(d) None of the World Bank.
Q 21. Consider the following statements with reference 2. As per the Treaty, the major control of water of
to “National Digital university” which has been in Ravi River has been allocated to Pakistan.
news recently: 3. Kishenganga hydroelectric power plant was
1. There will be an unlimited number of seats for constructed over one of the tributaries of the
every course under it. Jhelum.
2. The university will only provide online courses
How many of the above statements is/are
from its partner institute.
Which of the above statements is/are correct? correct?
(a) Only 1 (a) Only one
(b) Only 2 (b) Only two
(c) Both 1 and 2 (c) All three
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) None

Q 17. हााल हीी मेंं लॉॉन्च कीी गई “प्रज्ज्वलाा चैैलेंंज (PRAJJWALA Q 22. हााल हीी खबरोंं मेंं रहेे “कखोोव्काा बांं�ध (Kakhovka Dam)”,
CHALLENGE)” केे संंदर्भभ मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: नि�म्नलि�खि�त मेंं सेे कि�स देेश मेंं स्थि�ित हैै?
इसेे महि�लाा एवंं बााल वि�काास मंंत्राालय द्वााराा लॉॉन्च कि�याा गयाा हैै।
1. (a) रूस
इस संंपाार्श्वि�ि�क केे तहत महि�लााओं और समााज केे उपेेक्षि�त वर्गोंं
2. (b) फि�नलैंंड
कोो मुुफ्त ऋण प्रदाान कि�येे जाातेे हैै। (c) यूूक्रेेन
उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे कथन सहीी हैै/हैंं? (d) बेेलाारूस
(a) केेवल 1
(b) केेवल 2 Q 23. नि�म्नलि�खि�त युुग्मोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
(c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं
(d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2 नदीी उद्गम देेश
Q 18. हााल हीी मेंं खबरोंं मेंं रहेे ‘मुुनरोो थुुरुथुु द्वीीप समूूह (Munroe Thuruthu 1. हेेलमंंद नदीी अफगाानि�स्ताान
Island)’, केे संंदर्भभ मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: 2. गौौलाा नदीी म्यांं�माार
1. यह कोोरोोमंंडल तट पर स्थि��त हैै। 3. नीीपर नदीी रूस
2. यह एक उन्मज्जि�त द्वीीप (Emergent Island) हैै।
3. इस द्वीीप पर रेेलवेे नेेटवर्कक हैै। उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कि�तनेे युुग्म सहीी सुुमेेलि�त हैै/हैंं?
उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कि�तनेे कथन सहीी हैै/हैंं? (a) केेवल एक
(a) केेवल एक (b) केेवल दोो
(b) केेवल दोो (c) सभीी तीीन
(c) सभीी तीीन (d) कोोई नहींं
(d) कोोई नहींं
Q 19. हााल हीी मेंं खबरोंं मेंं रहाा “ग्रेेटर स्कूूप “(Greater Scaup)” शब्द, Q 24. “कि�साान संंकट सूूचकांं�क (Farmers’ distress index)” केे
नि�म्नलि�खि�त मेंं सेे कि�ससेे संंबंंधि�त हैै? संंदर्भभ मेंं, नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
(a) ति�तलीी कीी प्रजााति� 1. इस सूूचकांं�क कोो नीीति� आयोोग द्वााराा तैैयाार कि�याा जाा रहाा हैै।
(b) बत्तख कीी प्रजााति� 2. इस सूूचकांं�क कोो दस सेे अधि�क संंकेेतकोंं केे वि�रुद्ध मैैप कि�याा
(c) मेंंढक कीी प्रजााति� जााएगाा।
(d) मछलीी कीी प्रजााति�
Q 20. हााल हीी मेंं खबरोंं मेंं रहीी वि�क्टोोरि�याा झीील केे संंदर्भभ मेंं, नि�म्नलि�खि�त उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे कथन सहीी हैै/हैंं?
कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: (a) केेवल 1
1. यह अफ़्रीीकाा कीी सबसेे बड़ीी झीील हैै| (b) केेवल 2
2. भूूमध्य रेेखाा इससेे होोकर गुुजरतीी हैै। (c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं
3. इसकीी सीीमाा चाार देेशोंं केे सााथ लगतीी हैै। (d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2
उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कि�तनेे कथन सहीी हैै/हैंं?
(a) केेवल एक Q 25. भाारत नेे सिं�ंधुु जल संंधि� पर स्थाायीी मध्यस्थताा न्याायाालय केे फैैसलेे
(b) केेवल दोो कोो खाारि�ज कर दि�याा, इसकेे संंबंंध मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार
(c) सभीी तीीन कीीजि�ए:
(d) कोोई नहींं 1. वि�श्व बैंंक कीी मध्यस्थताा मेंं भाारत और पााकि�स्ताान केे बीीच
Q 21. हााल हीी मेंं खबरोंं मेंं रहीी “नेेशनल डि�जि�टल यूूनि�वर्सि�िटीी (National Digital 1960 मेंं सिं�ंधुु जल संंधि� पर हस्तााक्षर हुुए थेे।
university)”, केे संंदर्भभ मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: 2. संंधि� केे अनुुसाार, राावीी नदीी केे पाानीी काा प्रमुुख नि�यंंत्रण
1. इसकेे अंंतर्गगत प्रत्येेक पााठ्यक्रम केे लि�ए असीीमि�त संंख्याा मेंं पााकि�स्ताान कोो आवंंटि�त कि�याा गयाा हैै।
सीीटेंं होंंगीी। 3. कि�शनगंंगाा जलवि�द्युुत संंयंंत्र काा नि�र्माा�ण झेेलम कीी सहाायक
2. वि�श्ववि�द्याालय केेवल अपनेे भाागीीदाार संंस्थाानोंं सेे ऑनलााइन नदि�योंं मेंं सेे एक पर कि�याा गयाा थाा।
पााठ्यक्रम प्रदाान करेेगाा।
उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे कथन सहीी हैै/हैंं? उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कि�तनेे कथन सहीी हैै/हैंं?
(a) केेवल 1 (a) केेवल एक
(b) केेवल 2 (b) केेवल दोो
(c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं (c) सभीी तीीन
(d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2 (d) कोोई नहींं

Q 26. With reference to the Association of World Election Q 30. Arrange the following cities from East to West
Bodies (A-WEB), consider the following statements: directions:
1. The A-WEB is the world’s largest organization in 1. Al Haditha
the field of election management. 2. Riyadh
2. The General Assembly is the highest decision- 3. Piraeus
making body of A-WEB. 4. Dubai
3. It comprises more than 150 Election Select the correct answer to the codes below:
Management Bodies (EMBs). (a) 1-2-3-4
4. Currently, the Chief Election Commissioner of (b) 4-2-1-3
India is the Chairman of A-WEB. (c) 4-3-1-2
(d) 3-4-2-1
How many of the above statements is/are correct?
(a) Only two Q 31. The Hwasong-18 intercontinental ballistic missile
(b) Only three (ICBM) was seen in news, this missile belongs to
(c) All four which of the following country?
(d) None
(a) Russia
Q 27. Consider the following statements regarding PM (b) United States of America
Vishwakarma Scheme: (c) North Korea
1. It is a central sector scheme to support artisans (d) United Arab Emirates
with funding and training for preserving
handicrafts and traditional trades. Q 32. With reference to the Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas
2. The Ministry of Skill Development serves as the 4.0, consider the following statements:
nodal ministry for this scheme.
1. This atlas is produced by the World
Which of the statements given above is/are Meteorological Organization.
correct? 2. India is placed 24th among the world’s 25
(a) Only 1 ‘extremely water-stressed’ countries.
(b) Only 2 Which of the above statements is/are incorrect?
(c) Both 1 and 2 (a) Only 1
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (b) Only 2
Q 28. The ‘Kilauea Volcano’, recently in the news, is (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
located in which of the following countries?
(a) United States of America Q 33. Recently, “Project Amber” was seen in news. In
(b) Brazil this regard, consider the following statements:
(c) Indonesia 1. The goal of the project is to protect critical
(d) Japan sectors through climate monitoring.
2. The project is launched under the aegis of the
Q 29. At the G20 Culture Working Group meeting Ministry of Earth Sciences.
around 450 Lambani artisans showcased their Which of the above statements is/are correct?
exceptional skills. In this regard, consider the (a) Only 1
following statements: (b) Only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2
1. Lambani art is a vibrant and intricate form of
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
textile embellishment.
2. It is practiced in several villages of Karnataka. Q 34. Which one of the following describes the best
Which of the above statements is/are correct? concept of Nirvana in Buddhism?
(a) Only 1 (a) A state of bliss and rest
(b) Only 2 (b) (b)The complete annihilation of self
(c) Both 1 and 2 (c) The extinction of the flame of desire
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) A mental stage beyond all comprehension

Q 26. वि�श्व चुुनााव नि�कााय संंघ (A-WEB) केे संंदर्भभ मेंं, नि�म्नलि�खि�त Q 30. नि�म्नलि�खि�त शहरोंं कोो पूूर्वव सेे पश्चि�िम दि�शाा कीी ओर व्यवस्थि�ित कीीजि�ए:
कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: 1. अल हदीीथाा
1. A-WEB, चुुनााव प्रबंंधन केे क्षेेत्र मेंं वि�श्व काा सबसेे बड़ाा 2. रि�यााद
संंगठन हैै। 3. पीीरि�यस
2. महाासभाा (General Assembly), A-WEB कीी सर्वोोच्च 4. दुुबई
नि�र्णणयकाारीी संंस्थाा हैै। नीीचेे दि�ए गए कोोड सेे सहीी उत्तर चुुनेंं:
3. इसमेंं 150 सेे अधि�क चुुनााव प्रबंंधन नि�कााय (EMB) (a) 1-2-3-4
शाामि�ल हैंं। (b) 4-2-1-3
4. वर्ततमाान मेंं, भाारत केे मुुख्य चुुनााव आयुुक्त A-WEB केे (c) 4-3-1-2
(d) 3-4-2-1
अध्यक्ष हैंं।
उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कि�तनेे कथन सहीी हैै/हैंं? Q 31. खबरोंं मेंं रहीी ह्वाासोंंग-18 (Hwasong-18 ) अंंतरमहााद्वीीपीीय बैैलि�स्टि�िक
(a) केेवल दोो मि�सााइल (ICBM, यह नि�म्नलि�खि�त मेंं सेे कि�स देेश सेे संंबंंधि�त हैै?
(b) केेवल तीीन (a) रूस
(c) सभीी चाार (b) संंयुुक्त रााज्य अमेेरि�काा
(d) कोोई नहींं (c) उत्तर कोोरि�याा
(d) संंयुुक्त अरब अमीीराात
Q 27. पीीएम वि�श्वकर्माा� योोजनाा केे संंबंंध मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार
कीीजि�ए: Q 32. एक्वेेडक्ट वााटर रि�स्क एटलस 4.0 (Aqueduct Water Risk
1. यह हस्तशि�ल्प और पाारंंपरि�क व्याापाारोंं कोो संंरक्षि�त करनेे केे Atlas) केे संंदर्भभ मेंं, नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
लि�ए और काारीीगरोंं कोो वि�त्त पोोषण और प्रशि�क्षण केे सााथ 1. यह एटलस वि�श्व मौौसम वि�ज्ञाान संंगठन द्वााराा वि�कसि�त कि�याा
समर्थथन प्रदाान करनेे कीी एक केंंद्रीीय क्षेेत्र कीी योोजनाा हैै। गयाा हैै।
2. कौौशल वि�काास मंंत्राालय इस योोजनाा केे लि�ए नोोडल मंंत्राालय 2. भाारत वि�श्व केे 25 ‘अत्यधि�क जल-तनाावग्रस्त’ देेशोंं मेंं 24वेंं
केे रूप मेंं काार्यय करताा हैै। स्थाान पर हैै।
उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं? उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे गलत सहीी हैै/हैंं?
(a) केेवल 1 (a) केेवल 1
(b) केेवल 2 (b) केेवल 2
(c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं (c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं
(d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2 (d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2

Q 28. हााल हीी मेंं खबरोंं मेंं रहाा ‘कि�लााउआ ज्वाालाामुुखीी (Kilauea Q 33. हााल हीी मेंं समााचाारोंं मेंं चर्चि�ित “प्रोोजेेक्ट एम्बर” केे संंबंंध मेंं, नि�म्नलि�खि�त
Volcano)’ नि�म्नलि�खि�त मेंं सेे कि�स देेश मेंं स्थि�ित हैै? कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
(a) संंयुुक्त रााज्य अमेेरि�काा 1. प्रोोजेेक्ट काा लक्ष्य जलवाायुु नि�गराानीी केे मााध्यम सेे महत्वपूूर्णण
(b) ब्रााजीील क्षेेत्रोंं काा संंरक्षण करनाा हैै।
(c) इंंडोोनेेशि�याा 2. इस प्रोोजेेक्ट कोो पृृथ्वीी वि�ज्ञाान मंंत्राालय केे तत्वाावधाान मेंं शुुरू
(d) जाापाान कि�याा गयाा हैै।
उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे कथन सहीी हैै/हैंं?
Q 29. G20 कल्चर वर्किं�ंग ग्रुुप कीी बैैठक मेंं लगभग 450 लम्बाानीी काारीीगरोंं (a) केेवल 1
नेे अपनेे असााधाारण कौौशल काा प्रदर्शशन कि�याा। इसकेे संंबंंध मेंं (b) केेवल 2
नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: (c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं
1. लम्बाानीी कलाा वस्त्र अलंंकरण काा एक जीीवंंत और जटि�ल (d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2
रूप हैै।
2. यह कर्नाा�टक केे कई गांं�वोंं मेंं प्रचलि�त हैै। Q 34. नि�म्नलि�खि�त मेंं सेे कौौन बौौद्ध धर्मम मेंं नि�र्वाा�ण कीी सर्वोोत्तम अवधाारणाा
उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे कथन सहीी हैै/हैंं? काा वर्णणन करताा हैै?
(a) केेवल 1 (a) परमाानन्द और वि�श्रााम कीी स्थि��ति�
(b) केेवल 2 (b) स्वयंं कीी पूूर्णण: अस्ति�ित्वहीीनताा
(c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं (c) तृृष्णाारुपीी अग्नि� काा शमन
(d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2 (d) धाारणाातीीत माानसि�क अवस्थाा

Q 35. Recently Uttar Pradesh is preparing to speed up Q 39. With reference to Indian Space Policy 2023,
its process of identifying and assessing the value consider the following statements:
of enemy properties located there. In this regard 1. The Indian National Space Promotion and
consider the following statements: Authorisation Centre (IN-SPACe), act as a
1. The Custodian of Enemy Property for India single-window, independent, nodal agency
(CEPI) operates under the Ministry of Defence. which functions as an autonomous agency in
2. According to Tashkent Declaration of 1966 both Department of Space (DOS).
India and Pakistan agreed to discuss the return 2. FDI beyond 49% in the creation of Spaceports
of property taken over by them. for launching and receiving Spacecraft, are
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? under government route.
(a) Only 1 3. ISRO is the 6th largest space agency globally.
(b) Only 2 How many of the above statements is/are incorrect?
(c) Both 1 and 2 (a) Only one
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (b) Only two
Q 36. With reference to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (c) All three
(d) None
(NATO), consider the following statements:
1. It is also known as the Tashkent Treaty. Q 40. With reference to Satkosia Wildlife Sanctuary,
2. If diplomatic efforts fail, it has the military power consider the following statements:
to undertake crisis-management operations. 1. For the first-time breeding of Indian skimmers
3. Finland became the 32nd country to join the NATO. has been recorded in this sanctuary.
How many of the above statements is/are correct? 2. It is located in Odisha on the banks of the
(a) Only one Mahanadi River.
(b) Only two 3. The sanctuary is known for its Sal forests.
(c) All three How many of the above statements is/are correct?
(d) None (a) Only one
(b) Only two
Q 37. Consider the following statements: (c) All three
1. Kokrajhar-Gelephu rail link project would be the (d) None
first ever rail link between India and Myanmar. Q 41. Consider the following Elephant Reserve:
2. Bhutan is a founding member of the South Asian 1. Eastern Dooars Elephant Reserve
Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). 2. Chirang-Ripu Elephant Reserve
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 3. Dihing Patkai Elephant Reserve
(a) Only 1 How many of the above Elephant Reserves is/are
(b) Only 2 located in Assam?
(c) Both 1 and 2 (a) Only one
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (b) Only two
Q 38. With reference to India’s Foreign Trade Policy (c) All three
(FTP) 2023, consider the following statements: (d) None
1. It seeks to take India’s exports to 2 trillion Q 42. With reference to National Logistics Portal
dollars by 2030. (Marine) (NLP), consider the following statements:
2. This new policy will have no sunset date and 1. NLP is a single window for all trade processes
will be tweaked based on the emerging world of the logistics sector spread across the country
trade scenario. covering only waterways, excluding roadways
3. Under the FTP 2023 the government introduced and airways.
a special one-time Amnesty Scheme to address 2. The activities of NLP Marine are categorized
default on Export Obligations. into four distinct verticals.
How many of the above statements is/are correct? Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) Only one (a) Only 1
(b) Only two (b) Only 2
(c) All three (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) None (d) Neither 1 nor 2

Q 35. हााल हीी मेंं उत्तर प्रदेेश अपनेे यहांं� स्थि�ित शत्रुु संंपत्ति�योंं कीी पहचाान करनेे Q 39. भाारतीीय अंंतरि�क्ष नीीति� 2023 केे संंदर्भभ मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर
और उनकेे मूूल्य काा आकलन करनेे कीी प्रक्रि�याा कोो तीीव्र करनेे कीी तैैयाारीी वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
कर रहाा हैै। इसकेे संंबंंध मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: 1. भाारतीीय रााष्ट्रीीय अंंतरि�क्ष संंवर्धधन और प्रााधि�करण केंंद्र (IN-
1. कस्टोोडि�यन ऑफ एनेेमीी प्रॉॉपर्टीी फॉॉर इंंडि�याा (CEPI), रक्षाा SPACe), एकल-खि�ड़कीी, स्वतंंत्र, नोोडल एजेंंसीी केे रूप मेंं
मंंत्राालय केे अधीीन काार्ययरत हैै। काार्यय करताा हैै जोो अंंतरि�क्ष वि�भााग (DOS) मेंं एक स्वाायत्त
2. 1966 कीी तााशकंंद घोोषणाा, केे अनुुसाार भाारत और पााकि�स्ताान दोोनोंं एजेंंसीी केे रूप मेंं काार्यय करताा हैै।
अपनेे द्वााराा अधि�ग्रहि�त संंपत्ति� कोो लौौटाानेे पर करनेे केे लि�ए सहमत हुुए। 2. अंंतरि�क्ष याान कोो लॉॉन्च करनेे और वाापि�स लाानेे केे लि�ए
उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं? स्पेेसपोोर्टट केे नि�र्माा�ण मेंं सरकाारीी माार्गग केे तहत 49% सेे अधि�क
(a) केेवल 1 FDI कीी अनुुमति� हैै।
(b) केेवल 2 3. इसरोो वि�श्व स्तर पर छठीी सबसेे बड़ीी अंंतरि�क्ष एजेंंसीी हैै।
(c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कि�तनेे कथन गलत हैै/हैंं?
(d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2 (a) केेवल एक
Q 36. उत्तर अटलांं�टि�क संंधि� संंगठन (NATO) केे संंदर्भभ मेंं, नि�म्नलि�खि�त (b) केेवल दोो
कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: (c) सभीी तीीन
इसेे तााशकंंद संंधि� केे नााम सेे भीी जाानाा जााताा हैै|
1. (d) कोोई नहींं
यदि� रााजनयि�क प्रयाास वि�फल होो जाातेे हैंं, तोो इसकेे पाास Q 40. सतकोोसि�याा वन्यजीीव अभयाारण्य केे संंदर्भभ मेंं, नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं
संंकट-प्रबंंधन अभि�याान चलाानेे कीी सैैन्य शक्ति�ि हैै। पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
3. फ़ि�नलैंंड NATO मेंं शाामि�ल होोनेे वाालाा 32वाँँ� देेश बन गयाा हैै। 1. इस अभयाारण्य मेंं पहलीी बाार भाारतीीय स्कीीमर काा प्रजनन दर्जज
उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कि�तनेे कथन सहीी हैै/हैंं? कि�याा गयाा हैै।
(a) केेवल एक 2. यह ओडि�शाा मेंं महाानदीी केे तट पर स्थि��त हैै।
(b) केेवल दोो 3. यह अभयाारण्य सााल वनोंं केे लि�ए प्रसि�द्ध हैै।
(c) सभीी तीीन उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कि�तनेे कथन सहीी हैै/हैंं?
(d) कोोई नहींं (a) केेवल एक
Q 37. नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: (b) केेवल दोो
1. कोोकरााझाार-गेेलेेफूू (Kokrajhar-Gelephu) रेेल लिं�ंक (c) सभीी तीीन
परि�योोजनाा भाारत और म्यांं�माार केे बीीच पहलीी रेेल लिं�ंक होोगीी। (d) कोोई नहींं
2. भूूटाान दक्षि�ण एशि�यााई क्षेेत्रीीय सहयोोग संंगठन (SAARC)काा Q 41. नि�म्नलि�खि�त हााथीी रि�जर्वव पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
संंस्थाापक सदस्य हैंं। 1. पूूर्वीी दुुआर हााथीी रि�जर्वव
उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं? 2. चि�रांं�ग-रि�पुु हााथीी रि�जर्वव
(a) केेवल 1 3. देेहिं�ंग पटकााई हााथीी रि�जर्वव
(b) केेवल 2 उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कि�तनेे हााथीी रि�जर्वव असम मेंं स्थि�ित हैै/हैंं?
(c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं (a) केेवल एक
(d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2 (b) केेवल दोो
Q 38. भाारत कीी वि�देेश व्याापाार नीीति� (FTP) 2023 केे संंदर्भभ मेंं, (c) सभीी तीीन
नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: (d) कोोई नहींं
1. इसकाा लक्ष्य 2030 तक भाारत केे नि�र्याा�त कोो 2 ट्रि�लि�यन Q 42. नेेशनल लॉॉजि�स्टि�िक्स पोोर्टटल (समुुद्रीी) (NLP) केे संंदर्भभ मेंं,
डॉॉलर तक पहुँँ�चाानाा हैै। नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
2. इस नई नीीति� कीी कोोई अंंति�म ति�थि� नहींं होोगीी और उभरतेे वि�श्व 1. NLP देेश भर मेंं वि�स्तृृत लॉॉजि�स्टि�िक्स क्षेेत्र कीी सभीी व्याापाार
व्याापाार परि�दृृश्य केे आधाार पर इसमेंं बदलााव कि�याा जााएगाा। प्रक्रि�यााओं केे लि�ए एकल खि�ड़कीी होोगीी, जि�समेंं सड़क माार्गग
3. FTP 2023 केे तहत सरकाार नेे नि�र्याा�त दाायि�त्वोंं पर डि�फ़ॉॉल्ट और वाायुुमाार्गग कोो छोोड़कर केेवल जलमाार्गग शाामि�ल हैै।
कोो संंबोोधि�त करनेे केे लि�ए एक वि�शेेष एकमुुश्त मााफीी योोजनाा 2. NLP समुुद्र कीी गति�वि�धि�योंं कोो चाार अलग-अलग क्षेेत्रोंं मेंं
शुुरू कीी हैै। वर्गीीकृृत कि�याा गयाा हैै।
उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कि�तनेे कथन सहीी हैै/हैंं? उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं?
(a) केेवल एक (a) केेवल 1
(b) केेवल दोो (b) केेवल 2
(c) सभीी तीीन (c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं
(d) कोोई नहींं (d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2


Q 43. Which of the following statements is correct Q 47. With reference to the Adopt a Heritage 2.0
about the recently launched “SATHI Portal”? programme, consider the following statements:
(a) It is a centralized online system for old age 1. It was launched by Ministry of Tourism in
homes. collaboration with the Ministry of Culture.
(b) It is a portal for collection of subsidized 2. It seeks to invite corporate stakeholders to
foodgrains. enhance amenities at monuments by utilising
(c) (c)It is a portal for young children education. their CSR funds.
(d) It is a centralized online system for seed Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
traceability and authentication. (a) Only 1
(b) Only 2
Q 44. Recently, RBI has announced a framework for (c) Both 1 and 2
accepting “Green Deposits”. In this context (d) Neither 1 nor 2
consider the following statements:
1. The green deposits are interest bearing deposits Q 48. With reference to the India-Middle East-Europe
which shall be denominated only in Indian Corridor (IMEC) consider the following statements:
Rupees. 1. It is a multimodal transportation network that would
2. Nuclear power generation sector is excluded cross the Middle East to link Europe and India.
from the Green Deposits. 2. It will be the world’s longest transit corridor.
Which of the statements given above is/are 3. It has gained funding from the International
correct? Monetary Fund
(a) Only 1 How many of the above statements are correct?
(b) Only 2 (a) Only one
(c) Both 1 and 2 (b) Only two
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (c) All three
(d) None
Q 45. Consider the following:
1. Ladakh’s wood carving Q 49. With reference to Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam
2. Nagri Dubraj rice act 2023, consider the following statements:
3. Manamadurai Pottery 1. The act provides 33% reservation to women in
How many of the above received Geographical Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha election.
Indication Tag? 2. One-third of the seats will be reserved for women
(a) Only one belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the
(b) Only two Scheduled Tribes Within the women’s quota itself.
(c) All three Which of the statements given above is/are incorrect?
(d) None (a) Only 1
Q 46. With reference to the Minor Irrigation (MI) (b) Only 2
Census, consider the following statements: (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
1. It is conducted by NITI Ayog
2. Uttar Pradesh had the largest number of MI Q 50. Consider the following statements with reference
schemes in the country. to the Amara-nayaka system:
3. The list includes borewells, tubewells, and 1. It was a major political innovation of the
other privately owned irrigation sources used Vijayanagara Empire.
by farmers. 2. Many features of this system were derived from
How many of the above statements is/are the iqta system of the Delhi Sultanate.
correct? Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) Only one (a) Only 1
(b) Only two (b) Only 2
(c) All three (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) None (d) Neither 1 nor 2


Q 43. हााल हीी मेंं लॉॉन्च कि�येे गयेे “ सााथीी पोोर्टटल(SATHI Portal)” केे Q 47. हेेरि�टेेज 2.0 (Heritage 2.0) काार्ययक्रम कोो अपनाानेे केे संंदर्भभ मेंं,
बाारेे मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त मेंं सेे कौौन साा कथन सहीी हैै? नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
1. इसेे पर्ययटन मंंत्राालय नेे संंस्कृृति� मंंत्राालय केे सहयोोग सेे लॉॉन्च
(a) यह वृृद्धााश्रमोंं केे लि�ए एक केंंद्रीीकृृत ऑनलााइन प्रणाालीी हैै। कि�याा थाा।
(b) यह सब्सि��डीी वाालेे खााद्याान्नोंं केे संंग्रह केे लि�ए एक पोोर्टटल हैै। 2. इसकाा उद्देेश्य कॉॉर्पोोरेेट हि�तधाारकोंं कोो अपनेे CSR फंंड काा
(c) यह छोोटेे बच्चोंं कीी शि�क्षाा केे लि�ए एक पोोर्टटल हैै। उपयोोग करकेे स्माारकोंं मेंं सुुवि�धााएंं बढ़ाानेे केे लि�ए आमंंत्रि�त
(d) यह सीीड ट्रेेसि�बि�लि�टीी और उनकेे प्रमााणीीकरण केे लि�ए एक करनाा हैै।
केंंद्रीीकृृत ऑनलााइन प्रणाालीी हैै। उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं?
(a) केेवल 1
Q 44. हााल हीी मेंं, आरबीीआई (RBI) नेे “हरि�त जमाा (Green (b) केेवल 2
Deposits)” स्वीीकाार करनेे केे लि�ए एक रूपरेेखाा कीी घोोषणाा कीी (c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं
हैै। इसकेे संंदर्भभ मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: (d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2

1. हरि�त जमाारााशि�यांं� ब्यााज युुक्त जमाारााशि�यांं� हैंं, जि�न्हेंं केेवल Q 48. भाारत-मध्य पूूर्वव-यूूरोोप कॉॉरि�डोोर (IMEC) केे संंदर्भभ मेंं, नि�म्नलि�खि�त
भाारतीीय रुपयेे मेंं दर्शाा�याा जााएगाा। कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
2. परमााणुु ऊर्जाा� उत्पाादन क्षेेत्र कोो हरि�त जमााओं सेे बााहर रखाा 1. यह एक मल्टीीमॉॉडल परि�वहन नेेटवर्कक हैै जोो मध्य-पूूर्वव कोो पाार
गयाा हैै। करकेे यूूरोोप और भाारत कोो जोोड़ेेगाा।
2. यह वि�श्व काा सबसेे लंंबाा ट्रांं�जि�ट कॉॉरि�डोोर होोगाा।
उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं? 3. इसेे अंंतर्राा�ष्ट्रीीय मुुद्राा कोोष सेे वि�तीीय सहयोोग प्रााप्त हुुआ हैै|
(a) केेवल 1 उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कि�तनेे कथन सहीी हैंं?
(b) केेवल 2 (a) केेवल एक
(c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं (b) केेवल दोो
(d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2 (c) सभीी तीीन
(d) कोोई नहींं
Q 45. नि�म्नलि�खि�त पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
1. लद्दााख कीी लकड़ीी कीी नक्कााशीी Q 49. नाारीी शक्ति�ि वंंदन अधि�नि�यम अधि�नि�यम 2023 केे संंदर्भभ मेंं,
2. नगरीी दुुबरााज चाावल नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
3. मनमदुुरई मि�ट्टीी केे बर्ततन 1. यह अधि�नि�यम लोोकसभाा और रााज्यसभाा चुुनााव मेंं महि�लााओं
केे लि�ए 33% आरक्षण काा प्राावधाान करताा हैै।
उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कि�तनोंं कोो भौौगोोलि�क संंकेेत टैैग प्रााप्त हैै/हैंं? 2. महि�लाा कोोटेे मेंं हीी एक ति�हााई सीीटेंं अनुुसूूचि�त जााति� और
(a) केेवल एक अनुुसूूचि�त जनजााति� कीी महि�लााओं केे लि�ए आरक्षि�त होंंगीी।
(b) केेवल दोो उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे गलत हैै/हैंं?
(c) सभीी तीीन (a) केेवल 1
(d) कोोई नहींं (b) केेवल 2
(c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं
Q 46. लघुु सिं�ंचााई (MI) जनगणनाा केे संंदर्भभ मेंं, नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर (d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2
वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
1. इसकाा संंचाालन नीीति� आयोोग द्वााराा कि�याा जााताा हैै Q 50. अमर-नाायक प्रणाालीी केे संंदर्भभ मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार
2. उत्तर प्रदेेश मेंं देेश मेंं सबसेे अधि�क MI योोजनााएंं थींं। कीीजि�ए:
3. सूूचीी मेंं कि�साानोंं द्वााराा उपयोोग कि�ए जाानेे वाालेे बोोरवेेल, ट्यूूबवेेल 1. यह वि�जयनगर सााम्रााज्य काा एक प्रमुुख रााजनीीति�क नवााचाार थाा।
और अन्य नि�जीी स्वाामि�त्व वाालेे सिं�ंचााई स्रोोत शाामि�ल हैंं। 2. इस प्रणाालीी कीी कई वि�शेेषतााएंं दि�ल्लीी सल्तनत कीी इक्ताा
प्रणाालीी सेे लीी गई थींं।
उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कि�तनेे कथन सहीी हैै/हैंं? उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं?
(a) केेवल एक (a) केेवल 1
(b) केेवल दोो (b) केेवल 2
(c) सभीी तीीन (c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं
(d) कोोई नहींं (d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2


Q 51. With reference to the Supra Thermal & Energetic Q 55. With reference to ‘AAINA Dashboard for Cities’
Particle Spectrometer (STEPS), consider the portal, consider the following statements:
following statements: 1. It is launched by Ministry of Housing and Urban
1. It is a part of the Aditya Solar Wind Particle Affairs.
Experiment 2. It aims to create a robust database of the key
2. It is designed to measure fast-moving charged performance metrics of Urban Local Bodies.
particles generated by processes within the Sun 3. The portal will provide ranking and status of
3. It helps scientists analyze the behaviour of Urban Local Bodies.
particles surrounding Earth. How many of the above statements is/are correct?
How many of the above statements is/are correct? (a) Only one
(a) Only one (b) Only two
(b) Only two (c) All three
(c) All three (d) None
(d) None
Q 56. State of climate service report is released by:
Q 52. Global Innovation Index is published by: (a) United Nations Environment Programme
(a) World Trade Organisation (b) World health organisation
(b) World Bank (c) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(c) World Intellectual Property Organization (d) World Meteorological Organization
(d) World Economic Forum
Q 57. With reference to the Balsams, consider the
Q 53. With reference to Project Mariana, consider the following statements:
following statements: 1. They are also known as ‘touch-me-not ‘plant.
2. They are widely distributed throughout the
1. It’s a collaborative effort involving the Bank for
Northern Hemisphere and the tropics.
International Settlements (BIS) and the central
3. They are considered significant indicator
banks of France, Singapore, and Switzerland.
species for climate change.
2. Project Mariana tested the cross-border trading
and settlement of wholesale Central Bank How many of the above statements is/are correct?
Digital Currency (CBDCs). (a) Only one
3. It will use a single CBDC for all cross-border (b) Only two
payments. (c) All three
(d) None
How many of the above statements is/are correct?
(a) Only one Q 58. The ‘Agalega Island’, recently in the news, is the
(b) Only two nearest located to which of the following countries?
(c) All three (a) Madagascar
(d) None (b) India
Q 54. With reference to the “adaptation gap report (c) Seychelles
(d) Maldives
“consider the following statements:
1. It is released by United Nation Development Q 59. Consider the following statements regarding the
Programme. dairy sector in India:
2. Adaption Gap Report 2023 focuses on need to 1. India is the second-largest milk producer
establish a ‘Loss and Damage fund’ and funding country in the world.
arrangement for vulnerable developing countries. 2. Uttar Pradesh is the highest milk producer state.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) Only 1 (a) Only 1
(b) Only 2 (b) Only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2 (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2


Q 51. सुुप्राा थर्ममल एंंड एनर्जेेटि�क पाार्टि�िकल स्पेेक्ट्रोोमीीटर (STEPS) केे Q 55. ‘AAINA डैैशबोोर्डड फॉॉर सि�टीीज़’ पोोर्टटल केे संंदर्भभ मेंं, नि�म्नलि�खि�त
संंदर्भभ मेंं, नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
1. यह आदि�त्य सौौर पवन कण प्रयोोग काा एक हि�स्साा हैै| 1. इसेे आवाास और शहरीी माामलोंं केे मंंत्राालय द्वााराा लॉॉन्च कि�याा
2. इसेे सूूर्यय केे भीीतर प्रक्रि�यााओं द्वााराा उत्पन्न तेेज़ गति� वाालेे गयाा हैै।
आवेेशि�त कणोंं कोो माापनेे केे लि�ए वि�कसि�त कि�याा गयाा हैै| 2. इसकाा उद्देेश्य शहरीी स्थाानीीय नि�काायोंं केे प्रमुुख प्रदर्शशन मेेट्रि�क्स
3. यह वैैज्ञाानि�कोंं कोो पृृथ्वीी केे आसपाास केे कणोंं केे व्यवहाार काा काा एक मजबूूत डेेटााबेेस बनाानाा हैै।
वि�श्लेेषण करनेे मेंं मदद करताा हैै। 3. पोोर्टटल शहरीी स्थाानीीय नि�काायोंं कोो रैंंकिं�ंग और स्थि��ति� प्रदाान करेेगाा।
उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कि�तनेे कथन सहीी हैै/हैंं?
उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कि�तनेे कथन सहीी हैै/हैंं? (a) केेवल एक
(a) केेवल एक (b) केेवल दोो
(b) केेवल दोो (c) सभीी तीीन
(c) सभीी तीीन (d) कोोई नहींं
(d) कोोई नहींं
Q 56. जलवाायुु सेेवाा स्थि�िति� रि�पोोर्टट (State of climate service
Q 52. वैैश्वि�िक नवााचाार सूूचकांं�क (Global innovation index) report ) कि�सकेे द्वााराा जाारीी कीी जाातीी हैै:
कि�सकेे द्वााराा प्रकााशि�त कि�याा जााताा हैै: (a) संंयुुक्त रााष्ट्र पर्याा�वरण काार्ययक्रम
(a) वि�श्व व्याापाार संंगठन (b) वि�श्व स्वाास्थ्य संंगठन
(b) वि�श्व बैंंक (c) जलवाायुु परि�वर्ततन पर अंंतर सरकाारीी पैैनल
(c) वि�श्व बौौद्धि�क संंपदाा संंगठन (d) वि�श्व मौौसम वि�ज्ञाान संंगठन
(d) वि�श्व आर्थि�िक मंंच
Q 57. बााल्सम (Balsam) केे संंदर्भभ मेंं, नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
Q 53. प्रोोजेेक्ट माारि�याानाा केे संंदर्भभ मेंं, नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: 1. इसेे ‘टच-मीी-नॉॉट’ पौौधेे केे नााम सेे भीी जाानाा जााताा हैै।
1. यह एक सहयोोगाात्मक प्रयाास हैै, जि�समेंं बैंंक फॉॉर इंंटरनेेशनल 2. येे पूूरेे उत्तरीी गोोलाार्धध और उष्णकटि�बंंधीीय क्षेेत्रोंं मेंं व्याापक रूप
सेेटलमेंंट्स (BIS) और फ्रांं�स, सिं�ंगाापुुर और स्वि�िट्जरलैंंड केे सेे वि�तरि�त हैंं।
केंंद्रीीय बैंंक शाामि�ल हैंं। 3. इन्हेंं जलवाायुु परि�वर्ततन केे लि�ए महत्वपूूर्णण संंकेेतक प्रजााति�
2. प्रोोजेेक्ट माारि�याानाा नेे थोोक सेंंट्रल बैंंक डि�जि�टल करेंंसीी माानाा जााताा हैै।
(CBDC) केे सीीमाा पाार व्याापाार और नि�पटाान काा परीीक्षण उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कि�तनेे कथन सहीी हैंं?
कि�याा गयाा हैै। (a) केेवल एक
3. यह सभीी सीीमाा पाार भुुगताानोंं केे लि�ए एकल CBDC काा (b) केेवल दोो
उपयोोग करेेगाा। (c) सभीी तीीन
उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कि�तनेे कथन सहीी हैै/हैंं? (d) कोोई नहींं
(a) केेवल एक
(b) केेवल दोो Q 58. हााल हीी मेंं खबरोंं मेंं रहाा ‘अगलेेगाा द्वीीप’ नि�म्नलि�खि�त मेंं सेे कि�स देेश
(c) सभीी तीीन केे सबसेे नि�कट अवस्थि�ित हैै?
(d) कोोई नहींं (a) मेेडाागाास्कर
(b) भाारत
Q 54. “अनुुकूूलन गैैप रि�पोोर्टट (Adaptation gap report)” केे संंदर्भभ (c) सेेशेेल्स
मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: (d) माालदीीव
1. इसेे संंयुुक्त रााष्ट्र वि�काास काार्ययक्रम द्वााराा जाारीी कि�याा गयाा हैै।
2. अनुुकूूलन गैैप रि�पोोर्टट 2023 सुुभेेध वि�काासशीील देेशोंं केे लि�ए Q 59. भाारत मेंं डेेयरीी क्षेेत्र केे संंबंंध मेंं, नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
‘लॉॉस एंंड डैैमेेज फंंड’ और वि�त्त पोोषण व्यवस्थाा स्थाापि�त 1. भाारत वि�श्व काा दूूसराा सबसेे बड़ाा दुुग्ध उत्पाादक देेश हैै।
करनेे कीी आवश्यकताा पर केंंद्रि�त हैै। 2. उत्तर प्रदेेश सर्वाा�धि�क दुुग्ध उत्पाादक रााज्य हैै।
उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं? उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन-साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं?
(a) केेवल 1 (a) केेवल 1
(b) केेवल 2 (b) केेवल 2
(c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं (c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं
(d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2 (d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2


Q 60. Consider the following statements: Q 65. Consider the following landforms:
1. Repayment of loans come under revenue 1. Cirque
expenditure. 2. Horns
2. Grants given to the State Government by Government 3. Morianes
of India comes under capital expenditure. 4. Eskers
Which of the above statements is/are correct? How many of the above is/are depositional
(a) Only 1 features of Glaciers?
(b) Only 2 (a) Only one
(c) Both 1 and 2 (b) Only two
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (c) Only three
(d) All four
Q 61. In which one of the following states, India’s First
Semiconductor Fabrication Plant is being established? Q 66. Consider the following statements regarding the
(a) Maharashtra Inversion of Temperature:
(b) Gujarat 1. It can be defined as the increase in temperature
(c) Tamil Nadu with an increase in height.
(d) Andhra Pradesh 2. Surface inversion promotes stability in the
lower layers of the atmosphere.
Q 62. With reference to recent leopard status report, 3. A long winter night with clear skies is an ideal
consider the following statements: situation for inversion.
1. India’s leopard population decreased from How many of the above statements is/are
2018 to 2022. correct?
2. Leopard is listed under Schedule I of the Wildlife (a) Only one
(Protection) Act, 1972. (b) Only two
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (c) All three
(a) Only 1 (d) None
(b) Only 2 Q 67. Consider the following statements:
(c) Both 1 and 2
1. Coriolis Force deflects the wind in the right
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
direction in the northern hemisphere.
Q 63. In which one of the following countries, the 2024 2. The pressure gradient is strong where the
Mobile World Congress (MWC) was held? isobars are apart.
(a) Germany Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(b) Italy (a) Only 1
(c) France (b) Only 2
(d) Spain (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Q 64. Consider the following pairs regarding Intrusive Q 68. Consider the following:
volcanic landforms: 1. Presence of the Coriolis force
LIST I LIST II 2. A pre-existing high-pressure area
3. Upper divergence above the sea level system
1. Lacoliths Thick Horizontal deposits 4. Large Sea surface with a temperature higher
2. Sills Large dome-shaped intrusive bodies than 27° C
3. Lapolith Saucer shape intrusive bodies Which of the above are conditions favorable for the
How many of the above pairs are correctly matched? formation and intensification of tropical storms?
(a) Only one (a) Only 1, 2 and 3
(b) Only two (b) Only 2, 3 and 4
(c) All three (c) Only 1, 3 and 4
(d) None (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4


Q 60. नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: Q 65. नि�म्नलि�खि�त भूू-आकृृति�योंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
1. ऋणोंं काा पुुनर्भुु�गताान रााजस्व व्यय केे अंंतर्गगत शाामि�ल होोताा हैै। 1. सर्कक (Cirque)
2. भाारत सरकाार द्वााराा रााज्य सरकाार कोो दि�याा जाानेे वाालाा अनुुदाान 2. शृंंग (Horns)
पूंं�जीीगत व्यय केे अंंतर्गगत शाामि�ल होोताा हैै। 3. हि�मोोढ़ (Moraines)
उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन-साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं? 4. एस्कर (Eskers)
(a) केेवल 1 उपर्युु�क्त मेंं सेे कि�तनीी हि�मनद कीी नि�क्षेेपणाात्मक वि�शेेषतााएंं हैंं?
(b) केेवल 2 (a) केेवल एक
(c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं (b) केेवल दोो
(d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2 (c) केेवल तीीन
(d) सभीी चाार
Q 61. भाारत काा पहलाा सेेमीीकंंडक्टर फैैब्रि�केेशन प्लांं�ट नि�म्नलि�खि�त मेंं सेे
कि�स रााज्य मेंं स्थाापि�त कि�याा जाा रहाा हैै? Q 66. ताापमाान केे व्युुत्क्रमण केे संंदर्भभ मेंं, नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार
(a) महाारााष्ट्र कीीजि�ए:
(b) गुुजराात 1. इसेे ऊँँचााई बढ़नेे केे सााथ ताापमाान मेंं वृृद्धि� केे रूप मेंं परि�भााषि�त
(c) तमि�लनााडुु कि�याा जाा सकताा हैै।
(d) आंंध्र प्रदेेश 2. भूूपृृष्ठीीय व्युुत्क्रमण वाायुुमंंडल कीी नि�चलीी परतोंं मेंं स्थि��रताा कोो
बढ़ाावाा देेताा हैै।
Q 62. हााल हीी मेंं तेंंदुुओं कीी स्थि�िति� पर जाारीी रि�पोोर्टट केे संंदर्भभ मेंं, नि�म्नलि�खि�त 3. सर्दि�ियोंं कीी मेेघ वि�हीीन लम्बीी राात व्युुत्क्रमण केे लि�ए आदर्शश
कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: दशाा हैै।
भाारत मेंं तेंंदुुओं कीी आबाादीी 2018 सेे 2022 तक घटीी हैै।
1. उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कि�तनेे कथन सहीी हैंं?
तेंंदुुआ वन्यजीीव (संंरक्षण) अधि�नि�यम, 1972 कीी अनुुसूूचीी I
2. (a) केेवल एक
केे तहत सूूचीीबद्ध हैै। (b) केेवल दोो
उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन-साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं? (c) सभीी तीीन
(a) केेवल 1 (d) कोोई नहींं
(b) केेवल 2
(c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं Q 67. नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
(d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2 1. कोोरि�ऑलि�स बल पवनोंं कोो उत्तरीी गोोलाार्धध मेंं दााहि�नेे तरफ
वि�क्षेेपि�त करताा हैै।
Q 63. नि�म्नलि�खि�त मेंं सेे कि�स देेश मेंं 2024 मोोबााइल वर्ल्ड�ड कांं�ग्रेेस (MWC) 2. जहांं� समदााब रेेखााएंं दूूर-दूूर होोतीी हैंं वहांं� दााब प्रवणताा अधि�क
आयोोजि�त कि�याा गयाा? होोतीी हैै।
(a) जर्ममनीी उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन-साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं?
(b) इटलीी (a) केेवल 1
(c) फ्रांं�स (b) केेवल 2
(d) स्पेेन (c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं
(d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2
Q 64. अन्तर्वेेधीी ज्वाालाामुुखीीय भूू-आकृृति�योंं केे संंबंंध मेंं, नि�म्नलि�खि�त युुग्मोंं
पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: Q 68. नि�म्नलि�खि�त पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
1. कोोरि�ऑलि�स बल कीी उपस्थि��ति�
सूूचीी Iसूूचीी II 2. पहलेे सेे मौौजूूद उच्च दााब क्षेेत्र
1. लैैकोोलि�थ सघन क्षैैति�ज नि�क्षेेप 3. समुुद्र तल तंंत्र पर ऊपरीी अपसरण
2. सि�ल गुुम्बदनुुमाा वि�शााल अन्तर्वेेधीी संंरचनाा 4. 27°0C सेे अधि�क ताापमाान वाालीी बृृहत् समुुद्रीी सतह
3. लैैपोोलि�थ तश्तरीी केे आकाार केे अन्तर्वेेधीी संंरचनाा उपर्युु�क्त मेंं सेे कौौन-सीी उष्ण कटि�बंंधीीय चक्रवाात केे उत्पत्ति� व वि�काास
उपर्युु�क्त युुग्मोंं मेंं सेे कि�तनेे युुग्म सहीी सुुमेेलि�त हैंं? केे लि�ए अनुुकूूल परि�स्थि�िति�याँँ� हैंं?
(a) केेवल एक (a) केेवल 1, 2 और 3
(b) केेवल दोो (b) केेवल 2, 3 और 4
(c) सभीी तीीन (c) केेवल 1, 3 और 4
(d) कोोई नहींं (d) 1, 2, 3 और 4


Q 69. Consider the following statements: Q 73. Consider the following measures:
1. During the day a low-pressure area is created 1. Land Reform
over the land. 2. Employment generation schemes like MGNREGA
3. Direct taxes and Indirect taxes.
2. During the night the pressure gradient is from 4. Scheme likes mid day meal
the land to the sea. Which of the above measures help in combating
income inequality ?
Which of the above statements is/are correct? (a) Only 1, 2 and 3
(a)Only 1 (b) Only 2, 3 and 4
(b)Only 2 (c) Only 1, 3 and 4
(c)Both 1 and 2 (d) Only 1, 2 and 4
(d)Neither 1 nor 2
Q 74. Consider the following pairs with reference to
Q 70. Consider the following statements regarding unemployment :
“Laterite soil” Type Meaning
1. These soils develop in areas with high 1. Voluntary Situation when persons
temperatures and high rainfall. Unemployment are willing to work but the
2. These soils are rich in nitrogen and organic employer are unwilling to
matter. provide them job.
2. Structural When skill mismatches
3. These soils are the result of intense leaching
Unemployment between demand and supply.
due to tropical rains.
3. Frictional Unemployment due to
How many of the above statements are correct? Unemployment changing/switching jobs.
(a)Only one How many of the above pairs is/are correctly
(b)Ony two matched?
(c)All three (a) Only one
(d)None (b) Only two
Q 71. Consider the following statements with reference (c) All three
(d) None
to the appreciation and depreciation of Indian
Q 75. Consider the following statements with reference
rupee to inflation:
1. Inbound tourism leads to depreciation of Indian 1. The Government of India (GOI) takes measures
Rupee. like increasing the bank rate, increasing the
2. Outbound tourism leads to appreciation of repo rate, etc. to reduce inflation.
Indian Rupee. 2. Deficit financing by GOI, will increases inflation.
Which of the above statements is/are correct? Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(a) Only 1 (a) Only 1
(b) Only 2 (b) Only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2 (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2

Q 72. Consider the following statements Q 76. Consider the following statements with reference
to trade barriers:
1. National income is always greater than National
disposable income. 1. Specific Duties, Ad-valorem Duties and
2. Capital transfers do not affect National
Compound Duties are Non-tariff Barriers.
disposable income. 2. Tariff barriers are imposed in the form of
Regulations, Conditions, Requirements.
Which of the above statements is/are correct? Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(a) Only 1 (a) Only 1
(b) Only 2 (b) Only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2 (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2


Q 69. नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: Q 73. नि�म्नलि�खि�त उपाायोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
1. भूूमि� सुुधाार
1. दि�न केे समय स्थल पर नि�म्न दााब क्षेेत्र नि�र्मि�ित होोताा हैै। 2. मनरेेगाा (MGNREGA) जैैसीी रोोजगाार सृृजन योोजनााएंं
2. राात्रि� केे समय दााब प्रवणताा स्थल सेे समुुद्र कीी ओर होोतीी हैै। 3. प्रत्यक्ष कर और अप्रत्यक्ष कर
4. मध्यााह्न भोोजन जैैसीी योोजनाा
उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन-साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं? उपर्युु�क्त मेंं सेे कौौन-सेे उपााय आय असमाानताा सेे नि�पटनेे मेंं सहाायक हैंं?
(a) केेवल 1 (a) केेवल 1,2 और 3
(b) केेवल 2 (b) केेवल 2,3 और 4
(c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं (c) केेवल 1,3 और 4
(d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2 (d) केेवल 1,2 और 4

Q 70. “लैैटेेरााइट मृृदाा” केे संंबंंध मेंं, नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: Q 74. बेेरोोजगाारीी केे संंदर्भभ मेंं, नि�म्नलि�खि�त युुग्मोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
1. येे मृृदााएँँ उच्च ताापमाान और उच्च वर्षाा� वाालेे क्षेेत्रोंं मेंं वि�कसि�त प्रकाार अर्थथ
होोतीी हैंं।
2. इन मृृदााओं मेंं नााइट्रोोजन और काार्बबनि�क पदाार्थोंं कीी प्रचुुरताा 1. स्वैैच्छि��क बेेरोोजगाारीी ऐसीी स्थि��ति� जब व्यक्ति�ि कााम करनेे
होोतीी हैंं। केे इच्छुुक होंं लेेकि�न नि�योोक्ताा
उन्हेंं नौौकरीी देेनेे कोो तैैयाार न होंं
3. येे मृृदााएँँ उष्णकटि�बंंधीीय वर्षाा� केे काारण हुुए तीीव्र नि�क्षाालन काा
परि�णााम हैंं। 2. संंरचनाात्मक जब कौौशल मांं�ग और आपूूर्ति�ि केे
बेेरोोजगाारीी बीीच बेेमेेल होोताा हैै।
उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कि�तनेे कथन सहीी हैंं? 3. घर्षषणाात्मक बेेरोोजगाारीी नौौकरीी बदलनेे/स्थाानांं�तरण केे
(a) केेवल एक काारण बेेरोोजगाारीी।
(b) केेवल दोो उपर्युु�क्त युुग्मोंं मेंं सेे कि�तनेे युुग्म सहीी सुुमेेलि�त हैंं?
(c) सभीी तीीन (a) केेवल एक
(d) कोोई नहींं (b) केेवल दोो
(c) सभीी तीीन
Q 71. भाारतीीय रुपयेे केे अभि�मूूल्यन (appreciation) और मूूल्यह्राास (d) कोोई नहींं
(depreciation) केे संंदर्भभ मेंं, नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार
कीीजि�ए: Q 75. मुुद्राास्फीीति� केे संंदर्भभ मेंं, नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
1. इनबााउंंड पर्ययटन सेे भाारतीीय रुपयेे काा मूूल्यह्राास होोताा हैै। 1. भाारत सरकाार मुुद्राास्फीीति� कोो कम करनेे केे लि�ए बैंंक दर मेंं
2. आउटबााउंंड पर्ययटन सेे भाारतीीय रुपयेे काा अभि�मूूल्यन होोताा हैै। वृृद्धि�, रेेपोो दर मेंं वृृद्धि� आदि� जैैसेे कदम उठाातीी हैै।
2. भाारत सरकाार द्वााराा घााटेे केे वि�त्तपोोषण सेे मुुद्राास्फीीति� बढ़ेेगीी।
उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन-साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं? उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन-साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं?
(a) केेवल 1 (a) केेवल 1
(b) केेवल 2 (b) केेवल 2
(c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं (c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं
(d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2 (d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2

Q 72. नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: Q 76. व्याापाार बााधााओं केे संंदर्भभ मेंं, नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
1. रााष्ट्रीीय आय हमेेशाा रााष्ट्रीीय प्रयोोज्य आय सेे अधि�क होोतीी हैै। 1. वि�शि�ष्ट शुुल्क, यथाामूूल्य शुुल्क और संंयुुक्त शुुल्क गैैर-टैैरि�फ
2. पूंं�जीी हस्तांं�तरण रााष्ट्रीीय प्रयोोज्य आय कोो प्रभाावि�त नहींं बााधााएंं हैंं।
करताा हैै। 2. टैैरि�फ बााधााएंं वि�नि�यमोंं, शर्तोंं, आवश्यकतााओं केे रूप मेंं
लगााई जाातीी हैंं।
उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन-साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं? उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन-साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं?
(a) केेवल 1 (a) केेवल 1
(b) केेवल 2 (b) केेवल 2
(c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं (c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं
(d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2 (d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2


Q 77. Which one of the following organizations Q 82. Consider the following provisions:
publishes the Global Livability Index? 1. Reservation of one-third of seats for women in
(a) International Organization for Migration (IOM) panchayats at all three levels.
(b) World Economic Forum (WEF) 2. Determining the manner of election of the
(c) International Labour Organization (ILO) chairperson of the village panchayat.
(d) European Intelligence Unit (EIU) 3. Establishment of a State Election Commission.
4. Assigning to a panchayat the taxes, duties,
tolls, and fees levied and collected by the state
Q 78. Consider the following statements regarding
Trade Secrets:
1. Trade secrets are intellectual property rights on Which of the above are Compulsory provisions of
confidential information that may be sold or licensed. the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act (1992)?
2. Trade secrets are protected by law even if not (a) Only 1 and 2
registered with any government agency. (b) Only 1 and 3
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (c) Only 1 and 4
(a) Only 1 (d) Only 2 and 4
(b) Only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2 Q 83. Which of the following Directive Principles of the
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
State Policies was added by 44th Constitutional
Q 79. Consider the following statements regarding the Amendment act?
Law Commission: (a) To secure opportunities for healthy
1. The Law Commission is a statutory body. development of children
2. The Law Commission is headed by the Chief (b) To promote equal justice and to provide free
Justice of India. legal aid to the poor
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (c) To take steps to secure the participation of
(a) Only 1 workers in the management of industries
(b) Only 2 (d) To minimize inequalities in income, status,
(c) Both 1 and 2 facilities and opportunities.
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Q 84. Consider the following statements:
Q 80. With reference to Majuli manuscript painting,
consider the following statements: Statement-I: The ministers of state legislative
1. These painting depict Hindu epic tales from the assembly are appointed by the Governor on the
Ramayana, Mahabharata, and Bhagavata Purana. CM’s advice.
2. This art was patronized by the Ahom kings. Statement-II: According to the doctrine of
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? pleasure, the Governor of an Indian State can
(a) Only 1 remove a minister of State.
(b) Only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2 Which one of the following is correct in respect of
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
the above statements?
Q 81. With reference to Kolkata underwater corridor, (a) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct
consider the following statements: and Statement-II is the correct explanation for
1. It is the India’s first underwater tunnel. Statement-I
2. It has been constructed beneath the Hooghly River. (b) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct
and Statement-II is not the correct explanation
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? for Statement-I
(a) Only 1 (c) Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is
(b) Only 2 correct
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 incorrect


Q 77. नि�म्नलि�खि�त मेंं सेे कौौन-साा संंगठन वैैश्वि�िक जीीवंंतताा सूूचकांं�क Q 82. नि�म्नलि�खि�त प्राावधाानोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
(Global Livability Index) प्रकााशि�त करताा हैै?
(a) अंंतर्राा�ष्ट्रीीय प्रवाासन संंगठन (IOM) 1. सभीी तीीनोंं स्तरोंं पर पंंचाायतोंं मेंं महि�लााओं केे लि�ए एक ति�हााई
(b) वि�श्व आर्थि�िक मंंच (WEF) सीीटोंं काा आरक्षण।
(c) अंंतर्राा�ष्ट्रीीय श्रम संंगठन (ILO)
(d) यूूरोोपीीय इंंटेेलि�जेंंस यूूनि�ट (EIU) 2. ग्रााम पंंचाायत केे अध्यक्ष केे चुुनााव कीी पद्धति� काा नि�र्धाा�रण
Q 78. ट्रेेड सीीक्रेेट्स (Trade secrets) केे संंबंंध मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं
पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: 3. रााज्य चुुनााव आयोोग काा गठन|
1. ट्रेेड सीीक्रेेट्स गोोपनीीय जाानकाारीी पर बौौद्धि�क संंपदाा अधि�काार हैंं
जि�न्हेंं बेेचाा याा लााइसेंंस दि�याा जाा सकताा हैै। 4. रााज्य सरकाार द्वााराा लगााए और एकत्र कि�ए गए करोंं, शुुल्कोंं
2. ट्रेेड सीीक्रेेट्स काानूून द्वााराा संंरक्षि�त हैंं, भलेे हीी येे कि�सीी सरकाारीी और फीीस शुुल्कोंं कोो पंंचाायत कोो सौंंपनाा।
एजेंंसीी केे सााथ पंंजीीकृृत न होंं।
उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं? उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे 73वेंं संंवैैधाानि�क संंशोोधन अधि�नि�यम
(a) केेवल 1 (1992) केे अनि�वाार्यय प्राावधाान हैंं?
(b) केेवल 2
(c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं (a) केेवल 1 और 2
(d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2 (b) केेवल 1 और 3
(c) केेवल 1 और 4
Q 79. वि�धि� आयोोग केे संंबंंध मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: (d) केेवल 2 और 4
वि�धि� आयोोग एक वैैधाानि�क नि�कााय हैै।
वि�धि� आयोोग कीी अध्यक्षताा भाारत केे मुुख्य न्याायााधीीश द्वााराा Q 83. 44वेंं संंवैैधाानि�क संंशोोधन अधि�नि�यम द्वााराा रााज्य केे नीीति� नि�देेशक
कीी जाातीी हैै। तत्वोंं मेंं सेे कौौन साा जोोड़ाा गयाा थाा?
उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं?
(a) केेवल 1 (a) बच्चोंं केे स्वस्थ वि�काास केे लि�ए अवसर सुुरक्षि�त करनाा
(b) केेवल 2 (b) समाान न्यााय कोो बढ़ाावाा देेनाा और गरीीबोंं कोो मुुफ्त काानूूनीी
(c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं सहाायताा प्रदाान करनाा
(d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2 (c) उद्योोगोंं केे प्रबंंधन मेंं श्रमि�कोंं कीी भाागीीदाारीी सुुनि�श्चि��त करनेे
Q 80. मााजुुलीी पांं�डुुलि�पि� पेंंटिं�ंग केे संंदर्भभ मेंं, नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार केे लि�ए कदम उठाानाा
कीीजि�ए: (d) आय, स्थि��ति�, सुुवि�धााओं और अवसरोंं मेंं असमाानतााओं कोो
1. येे पेंंटिं�ंग राामाायण, महााभाारत और भाागवत पुुरााण कीी हिं�ंदूू कम करनाा
महााकााव्य कहाानि�योंं कोो दर्शाा�तीी हैंं।
2. इस कलाा कोो अहोोम रााजााओं द्वााराा संंरक्षण दि�याा गयाा थाा। Q 84. नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं?
(a) केेवल 1 कथन-I: रााज्य वि�धाान सभाा केे मंंत्रि�योंं कीी नि�युुक्ति�ि रााज्यपााल द्वााराा
(b) केेवल 2 मुुख्यमंंत्रीी कीी सलााह पर कीी जाातीी हैै।
(c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं
(d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2 कथन-II: प्रसाादपर्यंंत सि�द्धांं�त केे अनुुसाार, कि�सीी भाारतीीय रााज्य काा
Q 81. कोोलकााताा अंंडरवॉॉटर कॉॉरि�डोोर केे संंदर्भभ मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर रााज्यपााल रााज्य मंंत्रीी कोो हटाा सकताा हैै।
वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
1. यह भाारत कीी पहलीी अंंडरवॉॉटर सुुरंंग हैै। उपरोोक्त कथनोंं केे संंबंंध मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त मेंं सेे कौौन साा सहीी हैै?
2. इसकाा नि�र्माा�ण हुुगलीी नदीी केे नीीचेे कि�याा गयाा हैै। (a) कथन-I और कथन-II दोोनोंं सहीी हैंं और कथन-II, कथन-I
उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं? कीी सहीी व्यााख्याा हैै|
(a) केेवल 1 (b) कथन-I और कथन-II दोोनोंं सहीी हैंं और कथन-II, कथन-I
(b) केेवल 2 कीी सहीी व्यााख्याा नहींं हैै|
(c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं (c) कथन-I गलत हैै लेेकि�न कथन-II सहीी हैै|
(d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2 (d) कथन-I सहीी हैै लेेकि�न कथन-II गलत हैै|


Q 85. With reference to the making of the constitution, Q 89. Which one of the following is not a site for ex-situ
consider the following statements: method of conservation of flora?
1. Indian Council Act of 1892 marks the beginning (a) Zoological Parks
of representative institutions by associating (b) Sacred groves
Indians with law making process. (c) Wildlife safari parks
2. Satyendra Prasad Sinha was the first Indian to (d) Botanical Gardens
join viceroy executive council under Morley-
Minto reforms of 1909.
3. Montagu-Chelmsford reforms for the first time Q 90. Consider the following statements regarding
authorized the provincial legislatures to enact species-area relationships in context of patterns
their own budgets. of biodiversity:
How many of the above statements is/ are correct? 1. Within a region, species richness increases with
(a) Only one increasing explored area, but only up to a limit.
(b) Only two 2. Relation between species richness and area
(c) All three for a wide variety of taxon turns out to be a
(d) None rectangular hyperbola.
Q 86. Consider the following: Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
1. Division of powers (a) Only 1
2. Supremacy of the Constitution (b) Only 2
3. Bicameralism (c) Both 1 and 2
4. Strong Centre (d) Neither 1 nor 2
How many of the above are the features of
Q 91. Consider the following statements regarding the
Federal Constitution?
(a) Only one Inclusive Conservation Initiative:
(b) Only two 1. It focuses on empowering local communities
(c) Only three living around protected areas to become active
(d) All four participants in conservation efforts.
Q 87. Consider the following statements: 2. It prioritizes strict enforcement of punitive measures
Statement-I: No state has the right to withdraw to deter poaching and habitat destruction.
from the Indian union. 3. It is funded by the Global Environment Facility
Statement-II: Union territories are included in the
phrase “Union of India” under Article 1. How many of the statements given above is/are
Which one of the following is correct in respect of correct?
the above statements? (a) Only one
(a) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct (b) Only two
and Statement-II is the correct explanation for (c) All three
Statement-I (d) None
(b) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct
Q 92. Consider the following statements regarding
and Statement-II is not the correct explanation
for Statement-I Global Declaration for River Dolphins:
(c) Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is 1. It aims to halt the decline of all river dolphin
correct species and increase the most vulnerable
(d) Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is populations.
incorrect 2. All six species of river dolphin in Asia and South
Q 88. Which of the following has the power to admit a America are threatened with extinction.
new state into the Union of India? Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) President (a) Only 1
(b) Parliament (b) Only 2
(c) Supreme Court (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Union Government (d) Neither 1 nor 2


Q 85. संंवि�धाान नि�र्माा�ण केे संंदर्भभ मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: Q 89. नि�म्नलि�खि�त मेंं सेे कौौन साा वनस्पति�योंं केे संंरक्षण कीी बााह्य-स्थि�िति�
1. भाारतीीय परि�षद अधि�नि�यम, 1892 भाारतीीयोंं कोो काानूून नि�र्माा�ण (ex-situ) वि�धि� काा स्थल नहींं हैै?
कीी प्रक्रि�याा सेे जोोड़कर प्रति�नि�धि� संंस्थाानोंं केे प्राारंंभ काा प्रतीीक थाा। (a) प्रााणीी उद्याान
2. सत्येेन्द्र प्रसााद सि�न्हाा मॉॉर्लेे-मिं�ंटोो सुुधाारोंं, 1909 केे तहत (b) पवि�त्र उपवन
वाायसरााय कीी काार्ययकाारीी परि�षद मेंं शाामि�ल होोनेे वाालेे पहलेे (c) वन्यजीीव सफाारीी पाार्कक
भाारतीीय थेे। (d) बॉॉटनि�कल गाार्डडन
3. मोंंटेेग्यूू-चेेम्सफोोर्डड सुुधाारोंं नेे पहलीी बाार प्रांं�तीीय वि�धाानसभााओं
कोो अपनाा बजट बनाानेे केे लि�ए अधि�कृृत कि�याा थाा। Q 90. जैैव वि�वि�धताा केे पैैटर्नन केे संंदर्भभ मेंं प्रजााति�-क्षेेत्र संंबंंधोंं केे संंबंंध मेंं
नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कि�तनेे कथन सहीी हैै/हैंं? 1. एक क्षेेत्र केे भीीतर, खोोजेे गए क्षेेत्र मेंं वृृद्धि� केे सााथ प्रजााति�योंं कीी
(a) केेवल एक समृृद्धि� मेंं वृृद्धि� होोतीी हैै लेेकि�न केेवल एक सीीमाा तक।
(b) केेवल दोो 2. वि�भि�न्न प्रकाार केे टैैक्सोोन केे लि�ए प्रजााति�योंं कीी समृृद्धि� और
(c) सभीी तीीन क्षेेत्र केे बीीच संंबंंध एक आयतााकाार हााइपरबोोलाा केे रूप मेंं
(d) कोोई नहींं होोताा हैै।

Q 86. नि�म्नलि�खि�त पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं?
1. शक्ति�ियोंं काा वि�भााजन (a) केेवल 1
2. संंवि�धाान कीी सर्वोोच्चताा (b) केेवल 2
3. द्वि�सदनवााद (c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं
4. सशक्त केंंद्र (d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2

उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कि�तनीी संंघीीय संंवि�धाान कीी वि�शेेषतााएँँ हैंं? Q 91. समाावेेशीी संंरक्षण पहल (Inclusive Conservation
(a) केेवल एक Initiative) केे संंबंंध मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
(b) केेवल दोो 1. यह संंरक्षि�त क्षेेत्रोंं केे आसपाास रहनेे वाालेे स्थाानीीय समुुदाायोंं
(c) केेवल तीीन कोो संंरक्षण प्रयाासोंं मेंं सक्रि�य भाागीीदाार बननेे केे लि�ए सशक्त
(d) सभीी चाार बनाानेे पर केंंद्रि�त हैै।
2. यह अवैैध शि�काार और आवाास वि�नााश कोो रोोकनेे केे लि�ए
Q 87. नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: दंंडाात्मक उपाायोंं कोो सख्तीी सेे लाागूू करनेे कोो प्रााथमि�कताा देेताा हैै।
3. यह वैैश्वि�िक पर्याा�वरण सुुवि�धाा (GEF) द्वााराा वि�त्त पोोषि�त हैै।
कथन-I: कि�सीी भीी रााज्य कोो भाारतीीय संंघ सेे हटनेे काा अधि�काार नहींं हैै।
कथन-II: केंंद्र शाासि�त प्रदेेशोंं कोो अनुुच्छेेद 1 केे तहत “भाारत संंघ” उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कि�तनेे सहीी हैै/हैंं?
वााक्यांं�श मेंं शाामि�ल कि�याा गयाा हैै। (a) केेवल एक
(b) केेवल दोो
उपरोोक्त कथनोंं केे संंबंंध मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त मेंं सेे कौौन साा सहीी हैै? (c) सभीी तीीन
(a) कथन-I और कथन-II दोोनोंं सहीी हैंं और कथन-II, कथन-I (d) कोोई नहींं
कीी सहीी व्यााख्याा हैै|
(b) कथन-I और कथन-II दोोनोंं सहीी हैंं और कथन-II, कथन-I Q 92. नदीी डॉॉल्फ़ि��न केे लि�ए वैैश्वि�िक घोोषणाा केे संंबंंध मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं
कीी सहीी व्यााख्याा नहींं हैै| पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
(c) कथन-I गलत हैै लेेकि�न कथन-II सहीी हैै | 1. इसकाा उद्देेश्य सभीी नदीी डॉॉल्फ़ि��न प्रजााति�योंं कीी संंख्याा मेंं कमीी
(d) कथन-I सहीी हैै लेेकि�न कथन-II गलत हैै| कोो रोोकनाा और सबसेे सुुभेेध आबाादीी कोो बढ़ाानाा हैै।
2. एशि�याा और दक्षि�ण अमेेरि�काा मेंं नदीी डॉॉल्फ़ि��न कीी सभीी छह
Q 88. नि�म्नलि�खि�त मेंं सेे कि�सकेे पाास एक नए रााज्य कोो भाारत संंघ मेंं प्रजााति�याँँ� वि�लुुप्त होोनेे केे ख़तरेे मेंं हैंं।
शाामि�ल करनेे कीी शक्ति�ि हैै? उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं?
(a) रााष्ट्रपति� (a) केेवल 1
(b) संंसद (b) केेवल 2
(c) सुुप्रीीम कोोर्टट (c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं
(d) केंंद्र सरकाार (d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2


Q 93. Consider the following animals of India: Q 97. Recently two days international conference titled
1. Hangul as “Devayatanam – an odyssey of Indian temple
2. Nilgiri Tahr architecture” was organized. In this context
3. Sangai deer consider the following statements:
Which of the above is/are critically endangered? 1. It was organized by Ministry of Tourism.
(a)Only 1 and 3 2. It was organized at Hampi (Karnataka).
(b)Only 1 Which of the statements given above is/are
(c)1, 2 and 3 correct?
(d)None (a) Only 1
Q 94. Consider the following statements about lentic (b) Only 2
and lotic ecosystems: (c) Both 1 and 2
1. Lentic ecosystems have well-mixed water (d) Neither 1 nor 2
columns due to constant water flow. Q 98. With reference to Madhika Language spoken in
2. Lotic ecosystems are home to a higher diversity of a remote colony of Kookanam (Kerala), consider
phytoplankton compared to lentic ecosystems.
the following statements:
3. Detritivores play a more critical role in the
decomposition of organic matter in lentic 1. It is a blend of Telugu, Tulu, Kannada, and
ecosystems. Malayalam.
How many of the statements given above is/are 2. It is spoken among Karbis community.
incorrect? Which of the statements given above is/are
(a) Only one correct?
(b) Only two (a) Only 1
(c) All three (b) Only 2
(d) None (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Q 95. Consider the following pairs:
Q 99. With reference to Bharat Ratna, consider the
Protected Area State
following statements:
1. Debrigarh Wildlife Assam
Sanctuary 1. The award is limited to achievements in the arts,
literature, science, and public services only.
2. Dampa Tiger Reserve Arunachal Pradesh 2. The Award carry one lakh as monetary grant.
3. Kamlang Tiger Reserve Mizoram 3. It has been also awarded to one naturalized
4. Mukurthi Karnataka citizen and two non-Indians.
National Park How many of the above statements is/are
How many of the above pairs is/are incorrectly correct?
matched? (a) Only one
(a) Only one (b) Only two
(b) Only two (c) All three
(c) Only three (d) None
(d) All four
Q 100. Which of the following were part of Pancha
Q 96. With reference to Karakattam, consider the
following statements: Mahavrata of Jainism?
1. It is a form of folk dance performed at 1. Ahimsa
Mariamman festivals. 2. Brahmacharya
2. It is performed only in Tamil Nadu. 3. Satya
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? Select the correct answer from the below code:
(a) Only 1 (a) Only 1 and 2
(b) Only 2 (b) Only 2 and 3
(c) Both 1 and 2 (c) Only 1 and 3
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) 1, 2 and 3


Q 93. भाारत केे नि�म्नलि�खि�त जीीवोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: Q 97. हााल हीी मेंं “देेवाायतनम - भाारतीीय मंंदि�र वाास्तुुकलाा काा एक अभि�याान”
1. हंंगुुल शीीर्षषक सेे दोो दि�वसीीय अंंतर्राा�ष्ट्रीीय सम्मेेलन आयोोजि�त कि�याा गयाा थाा।
2. नीीलगि�रि� तहर इसकेे संंदर्भभ मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
3. संंगााई हि�रण
उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे गंंभीीर रूप सेे संंकटग्रस्त (CR) श्रेेणीी मेंं 1. इसकाा आयोोजन पर्ययटन मंंत्राालय द्वााराा कि�याा गयाा थाा।
शाामि�ल हैै/हैंं? 2. इसकाा आयोोजन हम्पीी (कर्नाा�टक) मेंं कि�याा गयाा थाा।
(a) केेवल 1 और 3
(b) केेवल 1 उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं?
(c) 1, 2 और 3 (a) केेवल 1
(d) कोोई नहींं (b) केेवल 2
(c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं
Q 94. लेंंटि�क (lentic ) और लोोटि�क(lotic) पाारि�स्थि�िति�क तंंत्र केे बाारेे मेंं (d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2
नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
1. लेंंटि�क पाारि�स्थि��ति�क तंंत्र मेंं नि�रंंतर जल प्रवााह केे काारण अच्छीी Q 98. कूूकनम (केेरल) कीी सुुदूूर कॉॉलोोनीी मेंं बोोलीी जाानेे वाालीी मधि�काा भााषाा
तरह सेे मि�श्रि�त जल स्तंंभ होोतेे हैंं। केे संंदर्भभ मेंं, नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
2. लेंंटि�क पाारि�स्थि��ति�क तंंत्र कीी तुुलनाा मेंं लोोटि�क पाारि�स्थि��ति�क
तंंत्र पाादप प्लवकोंं कीी उच्च वि�वि�धताा पााई जाातीी हैै। 1. यह तेेलुुगुु, तुुलुु, कन्नड़ और मलयाालम काा मि�श्रण हैै।
3. अपरदााहाारीी (Detritivores) लेंंटि�क पाारि�स्थि��ति�क तंंत्र मेंं 2. यह काार्बि�िस समुुदााय केे बीीच बोोलीी जाातीी हैै।
काार्बबनि�क पदाार्थोंं केे अपघटन मेंं महत्वपूूर्णण भूूमि�काा नि�भाातेे हैंं।
उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कि�तनेे गलत हैै/हैंं? उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं?
(a) केेवल एक (a) केेवल 1
(b) केेवल दोो (b) केेवल 2
(c) सभीी तीीन (c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं
(d) कोोई नहींं (d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2

Q 95. नि�म्नलि�खि�त युुग्मोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: Q 99. भाारत रत्न केे संंदर्भभ मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर वि�चाार कीीजि�ए:
संंरक्षि�त क्षेेत्र रााज्य 1. यह पुुरस्काार केेवल कलाा, सााहि�त्य, वि�ज्ञाान और साार्ववजनि�क
1. डेेब्रीीगढ़ वन्यजीीव अभयाारण्य असम सेेवााओं मेंं उपलब्धि��योंं तक हीी सीीमि�त हैै।
2. दम्पाा टााइगर रि�जर्वव अरुणााचल प्रदेेश 2. पुुरस्काार मेंं एक लााख रुपयेे काा आर्थि�िक अनुुदाान दि�याा जााताा हैै।
3. कमलांं�ग टााइगर रि�जर्वव मि�जोोरम 3. यह एक प्रााकृृति�क रूप सेे नाागरि�कताा प्रााप्त एक व्यक्ति�ि और दोो
4. मुुकुुर्थीी रााष्ट्रीीय उद्याान कर्नाा�टक गैैर-भाारतीीयोंं कोो भीी प्रदाान कि�याा गयाा हैै।
उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कि�तनेे युुग्म गलत सुुमेेलि�त हैै/हैंं? उपरोोक्त मेंं सेे कि�तनेे कथन सहीी हैै/हैंं?
(a) केेवल एक (a) केेवल एक
(b) केेवल दोो (b) केेवल दोो
(c) केेवल तीीन (c) सभीी तीीन
(d) सभीी चाार (d) कोोई नहींं

Q 96. करााकट्टम (Karakattam) केे संंदर्भभ मेंं नि�म्नलि�खि�त कथनोंं पर Q 100. नि�म्नलि�खि�त मेंं सेे कौौनसेे जैैन धर्मम केे पंंच महााव्रत काा हि�स्साा थेे?
वि�चाार कीीजि�ए: 1. अहिं�ंसाा
1. यह मरि�यम्मन त्योोहाारोंं पर कि�याा जाानेे वाालाा लोोक नृृत्य काा 2. ब्रह्मचर्यय
एक रूप हैै। 3. सत्य
2. यह केेवल तमि�लनााडुु मेंं कि�याा जााताा हैै।
उपर्युु�क्त कथनोंं मेंं सेे कौौन साा/सेे सहीी हैै/हैंं? नीीचेे दि�ए गए कोोड सेे सहीी उत्तर चुुनेंं:
(a) केेवल 1 (a) केेवल 1 और 2
(b) केेवल 2 (b) केेवल 2 और 3
(c) 1 और 2 दोोनोंं (c) केेवल 1 और 3
(d) न तोो 1, न हीी 2 (d) 1, 2 और 3


Q 1. Ans: (c) Q 4. Ans: (d)
Explanation: Explanation:
Statement 1 is correct: Recently, the Supreme Court RBI’s annual Trend and Progress of Banking in India report
has clarified that tribunals functioning under the strict for the financial year 2022-23, showed that the gross non-
parameters of their governing legislations cannot direct performing assets (GNPA) ratio fell to 3.9 percent in
the government to make policy. 2022-23.
Statement 2 is incorrect: There was no provision Statement 1 is incorrect: Debt Recovery Tribunals
regarding tribunals in the original Constitution. With (DRTs) are established under the Recovery of Debts
the 42nd Constitutional Amendment, the provision for Due to Banks and Financial Institutions (RDDBFI)
tribunal was added to the Indian Constitution. Act, 1993 provide for the establishment of tribunals for
Statement 3 is incorrect: The Income Tax Appellate expeditious adjudication and recovery of debts.
Tribunal was established as the first Tribunal in India. Statement 2 is incorrect: Appeals against the decisions
The objective was to reduce the workload of courts, of DRTs can be made to the Debt Recovery Appellate
expedite adjudication of disputes, and build expertise Tribunal (DRAT) and further to the High Court, if
on tax matters within the Tribunal. necessary.
Statement 4 is incorrect: Article 323A, empowered Statement 3 is incorrect: The Central Government
parliament, not state legislatures to constitute appoints the presiding officer of the DRT, who is
administrative tribunals by enacting a law. qualified to be a Judge of a District Court.
Q 2. Ans: (b) Q 5. Ans: (b)
Explanation: Explanation:
Recently, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) released its Statement 1 is incorrect: Recently, Reserve Bank
report titled “Finances of Panchayati Raj Institutions”. India included PM Vishwakarma under the Payments
The report discusses the fiscal position of PRIs for the Infrastructure Development Fund (PIDF) Scheme as
years 2020-21 to 2022-23. well as extended the tenure of the scheme by another
There are a total of 2.62 lakh PRIs in India, with 2.55 two years.
lakh Gram Panchayats, 6,707 Mandal Panchayats and Statement 2 is correct: In order to promote acceptance
665 Zila Parishads as of October 2023. infrastructure, sound box devices and Aadhaar-enabled
So, option (b) is correct. biometric devices are now eligible for claim of subsidy
Q 3. Ans: (b) under the PIDF scheme.
Statement 3 is incorrect: The Payments Infrastructure
Explanation: Development Fund (PIDF) Scheme was launched by the
The United Nations Statistical Commission, established Reserve Bank in January 2021, for a period of three years,
in 1946, is the highest body of the global statistical now it has been extended till 2025. The objective of the
system bringing together the Chief Statisticians from scheme was to encourage deployment of digital payment
member states from around the world. acceptance infrastructure such as physical Point of Sale
Statement 1 is incorrect: The Commission consists (PoS) terminals and Quick Response (QR) codes.
of 24 member countries of the United Nations elected Q 6. Ans: (d)
by the United Nations Economic and Social Council
on the basis of an equitable geographical distribution Explanation:
according to the following pattern: Statement 1 is correct: The Gini coefficient specifically
3 Five members from African States; measures the level of income inequality within a
3 Four members from Asia-Pacific States; population. A Gini coefficient of 0 signifies perfect
3 Four members from Eastern European States; income equality, where everyone has the same income.
3 Four members from Latin American and Caribbean Statement 2 is correct: The Gini coefficient is calculated
States; based on the Lorenz Curve, which graphically depicts
3 Seven members from Western Europe and other income distribution.
States. Statement 3 is correct: A higher Gini coefficient
Statement 2 is correct: The Statistical Commission indicates a larger disparity in income distribution,
oversees the work of the United Nations Statistics meaning a wider gap between rich and poor. A
Division (UNSD), and it is a Functional Commission of coefficient of 1 means that one person earns all of the
the UN Economic and Social Council. income or holds all of the wealth.

UPSC Test Paper - 28 Full Length Test (Solutions) 1

Q 7. Ans: (c) The PRITHVI scheme encompasses five ongoing sub-
Explanation: schemes namely: -
(i). Atmosphere & Climate Research-Modelling
Drishti 10 Starliner Unmanned Aerial Vehicle is an Observing Systems & Services (ACROSS).
advanced intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ii). Ocean Services, Modelling Application, Resources
(ISR) platform, developed by Adani Defence and and Technology (O-SMART).
Aerospace, and represents a significant leap forward in (iii). Polar Science and Cryosphere Research (PACER).
India’s defence technology. (iv). Seismology and Geosciences (SAGE).
Drishti 10 Starliner, is equipped with state-of-the-art (v). Research, Education, Training and Outreach
sensors, enhanced endurance, advanced communication (REACHOUT).
capabilities, and cutting-edge technologies. So, option (d) is correct.
The UAV would play a pivotal role in shaping future Q 11. Ans: (d)
naval operations and safeguarding India’s national
maritime interests in the Indian Ocean region. Explanation:
So, option (c) is correct. Statement 1 is incorrect: Green Fuels Alliance India
Q 8. Ans: (b) (GFAI) is an alliance between Denmark and India to
boost collaborative efforts in the sustainable energy
Explanation: solutions sector.
Pair 1 is incorrect: The 11th edition of India-Kyrgyzstan Statement 2 is incorrect: The alliance primarily
Joint Special Forces Exercise KHANJAR has commenced focuses on promoting biofuels and green hydrogen as
at the Special Forces Training School in Bakloh, Himachal alternative fuels for transportation, aiming to reduce
Pradesh. The exercise is scheduled to be conducted from dependence on fossil fuels.
22nd January to 3rd February 2024. It is an annual event Q 12. Ans: (d)
conducted alternatively in both the countries.
Pair 2 is correct: The Indian Army contingent Explanation:
comprising 25 personnel reached Egypt to take Rule of Law Index is released by the World Justice
part in the 2nd edition of India-Egypt Joint Special Project (WJP), a US based civil society organization.
Forces Exercise CYCLONE. Exercise CYCLONE is As,per report the rule of law has once again eroded
designed to develop bilateral military cooperation and in a majority of countries this year,More than 6
strengthen bond between two armies through conduct billion people live in a country where the rule of law
of discussions and rehearsal of tactical military drills. weakened between 2022 and 2023. In 2023, India’s
Pair 3 is correct: Exercise Desert Knight is a joint ranking in the Rule of Law index stood at 79 out of
military exercise between India, France, and the United 140 countries.
Arab Emirates (UAE). Q 13. Ans: (a)
So, option (b) is correct.
Q 9. Ans: (a)
Statement 1 is correct: In order to be appointed
Explanation: as a Judge of the Supreme Court, a person must be
The Indian government officially marked 2023 as the 50th a citizen of India and must have been, for atleast five
year of ‘Project Tiger’. years, a Judge of a High Court or of two or more such
Statement 1 is correct: The NTCA is a statutory Courts in succession, or an Advocate of a High Court
body established under the provisions of the Wildlife or of two or more such Courts in succession for at least
Protection Act, 1972 (amended in 2006). 10 years or he must be, in the opinion of the President,
Statement 2 is correct: As per the 5th cycle of All India a distinguished jurist A person to be appointed as
Tiger Estimation 2022 report, India has a minimum of a judge of a high court, should have the following
3167 tigers and now is home to more than 70% of wild qualifications:
tiger population of the world. 1. He should be a citizen of India.,
Statement 3 is incorrect: The largest tiger population is 2. He should have held a judicial office in the territory
in Madhya Pradesh (785), followed by Karnataka (563). of India for ten years;or , He should have been
Q 10. Ans: (d) an advocate of a high court (or high courts in
succession) for ten years. Thus no criteria of age
Explanation: given by constitution.
The Union Cabinet approved the overarching scheme Statement 2 is incorrect: Only in case of supreme
“PRITHvi VIgyan (PRITHVI)” of Ministry of Earth court, a distinguished jurist can be appointed as judge.
Sciences for implementation during the period 2021-26 Such criteria is not given for appointment of judges of
at an overall cost of Rs. 4797 crores. high court.

2 UPSC Test Paper - 28 Full Length Test (Solutions)

Q 14. Ans: (c) Q 17. Ans: (d)
Explanation: Explanation:

Statement 1 is correct: Recently, The Union Cabinet, Statement 1 is incorrect: The Ministry of Rural
chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has Development (MoRD) announces the launch of “Prajjwala
approved the creation of National Bench of the Goods and Challenge” for bringing about “Transformation of the
Services Tax Appellate Tribunal (GSTAT). The president Indian Rural Economy” with special focus on rural women
of GST Appellate Tribunal must be a Supreme Court belonging to the marginalised rural communities in India.
judge or have served the High Court as the Chief Justice. Statement 2 is incorrect: There are no provisions for
Statement 2 is correct: Goods and Services Tax Appellate collateral or free loans for women and marginalized sections
Tribunal is the forum of second appeal in GST laws of the community. The Prajjwala Challenge seeks to expand
and the first common forum of dispute resolution interest and partnership, mobilise and harvest the power of
between Centre and States. The appeals against the experts, youth, start- ups, Community Based Organisations
orders in first appeals issued by the Appellate Authorities (CBOs), Self – Help Groups (SHGs) etc. to bring new and
under the Central and State GST Acts lie before the GST innovative ideas to transform the rural economy.
Appellate Tribunal, which is common under the Central Q 18. Ans: (a)
as well as State GST Acts. Being a common forum, GST
Appellate Tribunal will ensure that there is uniformity in Explanation:
redressal of disputes arising under GST, and therefore, in Statement 1 is incorrect: Munroe Thuruthu is inland
implementation of GST across the country. island group located at the confluence of Ashtamudi
Q 15. Ans: (b) Lake and the Kallada River, in Kollam district, Kerala.
The Coromandel Coast lies in the eastern coast region,
Explanation: while Kerala lies on Western coast.
Statement 1 is incorrect: Asian Pacific Postal Union Statement 2 is incorrect: Recent study of National
(APPU) is an intergovernmental organization of Centre for Earth Science Studies (NCESS) revealed that
32-member countries of the Asian-Pacific region. Munroe Thuruthu Island has been sinking because of
APPU is the only Restricted Union of the Universal anthropogenic reasons. Almost 39% of its land area has
Postal Union (UPU) in the region, which is a specialized been lost in past 2 decades. Thus it is not emergent island.
agency of the United Nations. Statement 3 is correct: As, The island is accessible by
Statement 2 is correct: Its headquarters is in road, rail and inland water navigation. The place is
Bangkok, Thailand. The goal of APPU is to extend, known for its pristine backwaters and lively rural life
facilitate and improve postal relations between member and is an important tourist destination.
countries and to promote cooperation in the field of Q 19. Ans: (b)
postal services. As the regional center for various UPU
projects, APPU also takes the lead in ensuring that Explanation:
all technical and operational projects of the UPU are Greater Scaup is a round-headed diving duck, that was
fulfilled in the region so that the region is integrated recently sighted in Loktak lake,Manipur after a gap
into the global postal network in the best possible way. of over 90 years. These underwater divers eat aquatic
Q 16. Ans: (a) invertebrates and plants at the bottom of lakes and bays.

Explanation: Q 20. Ans: (b)

Pair 1 is incorrect: World Economic Forum publishes Explanation:

Global Risk Report annually. The Global Risks Report Statement 1 is correct: Lake Victoria is the largest
explores some of the most severe risks that World lake in Africa also world’s largest tropical lake and the
may face over the next decade, against a backdrop of second largest freshwater lake. It is chief reservoir of the
rapid technological change, economic uncertainty, a Nile River. Its greatest length from north to south is 210
warming planet and conflict. miles, and its greatest breadth is 150 miles.
Pair 2 is incorrect: The World Economic Situation and Statement 2 is correct: The equator passes through
Prospects is released by United Nations Department of the northern part of Lake Victoria and therefore a
Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA), in partnership small part of the lake near Entebbe in Uganda is in the
with UN Conference on Trade and Development and northern hemisphere.
five UN regional economic commissions. Statement 3 is incorrect: It is bordered by 3 countries.
Pair 3 is correct: World Economic Outlook is released Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda share Lake Victoria. It
by the IMF staff, usually published twice a year. It presents covers a total area of 68,800 sq. km [km²] and with a
IMF staff economists’ analyses of global economic maximum depth of 80 m it is relatively shallow. A
developments during the near and medium term. population of over 30 million people live in its basin.

UPSC Test Paper - 28 Full Length Test (Solutions) 3

Q 21. Ans: (c) started working on a kind of early warning system called
Explanation: the ‘farmers distress index’, a first of its kind for India.
Statement 2 is incorrect: The index will be mapped
Statement 1 is correct: National Digital university against seven indicators:
provides an endless number of seats for every course. It 3 Exposure to droughts, floods, crop failure due to
is centered on developing skills. It aims to increase the pest attacks, and livestock deaths
Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER), with an aim to achieve 3 Debt
50% GER by 2030 . 3 Adaptive capacity of farmers and local government
Statement 2 is correct: As, The university will only through different schemes
provide online courses from its partner institute. 3 Landholding and irrigation facilities
Student can choose to earn credits from any of the 3 Sensitivity, mitigation, and adaptation strategies like
participating institutes. The University will be built on growing contingency crops if the main crop fails
a networked hub-spoke model, with the hub building 3 Triggers for immediate distress like health-related
cutting edge ICT expertise. The best public universities expenditure
and institutions in the country will collaborate as a 3 Socio-psychological factors and impacts.
network of hub-spokes. Such initiative contributes Q 25. Ans: (b)
towards the “Digital India” movement.
Q 22. Ans: (c)
Statement 1 is correct: The Indus Waters Treaty was
Explanation: signed in 1960 after nine years of negotiations between
A huge Soviet-era dam on the Dnipro River that separates India and Pakistan with the help of the World Bank,
Russian and Ukrainian forces in southern Ukraine was which is also a signatory. The negotiations were the
breached unleashing floodwaters across the war zone. initiative of former World Bank President Eugene Black.
The dam, 30 meters (98 feet) tall and 3.2 km (2 miles) Statement 2 is incorrect: The Treaty allocates the
long, was built in 1956 on the Dnipro River as part of Western Rivers (Indus, Jhelum, Chenab) to Pakistan
the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant. and the Eastern Rivers (Ravi, Beas, Sutlej) to India. At
The reservoir also supplies water to the Crimean the same time, the Treaty allows each country certain
Peninsula, which Russia claims to have annexed in uses on the rivers allocated to the other.
2014, and to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, which is Statement 3 is correct: The disagreement between
also under Russian control. India and Pakistan concerns the design features of
So, option (c) is correct. the Kishenganga (330 megawatts) and Ratle (850
Q 23. Ans: (b) megawatts) hydroelectric power plants. A hydroelectric
power plant on the Kishanganga River, which is a
Explanation: tributary of the Jhelum.
Pair 1 is correct: The Helmand River is the longest Q 26. Ans: (a)
in Afghanistan. originates near Kabul in the western
Hindu Kush Mountain range. Helmand River, a critical Explanation:
source of drinking water & irrigation, has been a bone of Statement 1 is correct: The Association of World
contention for centuries. Earlier, Tehran had objected Election Bodies (A-WEB) is the world’s largest
to the construction of a dam in Afghanistan. international organization in the field of election
Pair 2 is incorrect: The Gaula River, also known as the management.
Gola River, originates in India. Recently, the Union Statement 2 is correct: The Association of World
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Election Bodles is composed of the General Assembly,
gave a nod to the Uttarakhand government to continue the Executive Board, the Oversight & Audit Committee,
mining work in the Gaula River in the Nainital district and the Secretariat
till June 30, 2024. Statement 3 is incorrect: It currently comprises
Pair 3 is correct: The Dnieper rises at an elevation of 121 Election Management Bodies (EMBs) from 111
about 720 feet in a small peat bog on the southern slope countries. Since its establishment in 2013, A-WEB has
of the Valdai Hills of Russia. The river was in the news indeed wholeheartedly pursued its mission and vision,
due to the Russia - Ukraine war. as articulated in the A-WEB Charter.
Q 24. Ans: (d) Statement 4 is incorrect: In November 2022 during
the 5th General Assembly meeting of A-WEB at Cape
Explanation: Town, the Chief Election Commissioner of India
Statement 1 is incorrect: The Central Research Institute handed over the A-WEB Chairmanship to the Election
for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), an institution under Commission of South Africa, after leading the EMBs
the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) successfully during the covid pandemic (2019-2022).

4 UPSC Test Paper - 28 Full Length Test (Solutions)

Q 27. Ans: (a) The India-Middle East-Europe Economic
Explanation: Corridor formation will be a multimodal one. This
transcontinental passage will involve India, UAE, Saudi
Statement 1 is correct: PM Vishwakarma Scheme is a Arabia, Jordan, Israel, and Greece.
Central Sector Scheme to support artisans with funding, So, option (b) is correct.
training, and incentives for taking up and preserving Q 31. Ans: (c)
handicrafts and traditional trades.
Nearly 2,000 artisans and craftsmen registered their Explanation:
names in the PM Vishwakarma portal. Recently, North Korea tested its latest Hwasong-18
Statement 2 is incorrect: It is implemented under the intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).
Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises serve As part of the efforts to bolster the legitimate right
as the nodal ministry for this scheme. to self-defence to reliably defend the security of state
Q 28. Ans: (a) and regional peace from the disaster of a nuclear war
country conducted the test fire of new-type ICBM
Explanation: Hwasongpho-18.
Kilauea Volcano is a shield volcano located on the So, option (c) is correct.
eastern slope of Mauna Loa Volcano on the Island of Q 32. Ans: (a)
Hawaii, United States of America.
Recently, the Kilauea volcano began to erupt. The Explanation:
eruption was preceded by a period of strong seismicity Statement 1 is incorrect: Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas
and “rapid uplift” of the summit. produced by the World Resources Institute.
So, option (a) is correct. Statement 2 is correct: India is placed 24th among the
Q 29. Ans: (c) world’s 25 ‘extremely water-stressed’ countries. Both
surface water and groundwater in India was highly
Explanation: exploited.
Statement 1 is correct: Lambani embroidery is a Q 33. Ans: (d)
vibrant and intricate form of textile embellishment
characterised by colourful threads, mirror work, and a Explanation:
rich array of stitch patterns. Statement 1 is incorrect: The project aims to train
Statement 2 is correct: It is practised in several 30,000 youth, 50% of whom will be women trainees.
villages of Karnataka such as Sandur, Keri Tanda, The training will be conducted in post-COVID resilient
Mariyammanahalli, Kadirampur, Sitaram Tanda, job roles, over a period of two years. Generation’s
Bijapur, and Kamalapur. holistic 7-step skilling methodology will be utilised to
Q 30. Ans: (b) drive higher quality skilling, improved employment,
and retention outcomes.
Explanation: Statement 2 is incorrect: PROJECT AMBER
India-Middle East -Europe Economic Corridor is a (Accelerated Mission for Better Employment and
ground-breaking phenomenon and will staggeringly Retention) is a joint initiative of the National Skill
change the trade and connectivity perception between Development Corporation (NSDC) and Generation
India, West Asia, and Europe. India Foundation (GIF) under the aegis of the
Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
Q 34. Ans: (c)
3 The ultimate state of liberation from
reincarnation is known as nirvana, which is
the giving up of all wants and the cessation of
3 Nirvana is the goal of many Buddhist paths, and
marks the soteriological release from worldly
suffering and rebirths.
3 Nirvana can also be explained as the extinction of
UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Israel are going to play a major the flame of desire.
role in this connectivity framework.

UPSC Test Paper - 28 Full Length Test (Solutions) 5

Q 35. Ans: (b) their aspirations to NATO membership: Bosnia and
Explanation: Herzegovina, Georgia and Ukraine. While Finland is
the 31st NATO member.
The Custodian of Enemy Property of India (CEPI) is the Q 37. Ans: (b)
owner of enemy properties left behind by the people who
have taken citizenship of Pakistan or China following the Explanation:
1962 and 1965 wars. Statement 1 is incorrect: Kokrajhar-Gelephu rail link
Enemy Property Act, 1968: project would be the first ever rail link between India
3 The Act was enacted to provide for the vesting and Bhutan. This railway line will seamlessly connect
of enemy property in the CEPI. The Custodian Kokrajhar in Assam, India, to Gelephu in Sarpang,
is responsible for managing and administering Bhutan. Anticipated to be finished by 2026, this
enemy property on behalf of the government. endeavour promises to reshape regional connectivity
3 Enemy Property (Amendment and Validation) and economic prospects.
Act, 2017 amended the Enemy Property Act, 1968 Statement 2 is correct: The South Asian Association
and the Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorized for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) was established on
Occupants) Act, 1971. 8 December 1985. The Secretariat of the Association
Statement 1 is incorrect: The Custodian of Enemy was set up in Kathmandu, Nepal, on 17 January 1987.
Property for India (CEPI) operates under the Ministry SAARC has eight member countries (Afghanistan,
of Home Affairs. Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan
Statement 2 is correct: According to Tashkent and Sri-Lanka).
Declaration,1966, both India and Pakistan have agreed Q 38. Ans: (c)
that the sides will continue the discussion of questions
relating to the problems of refugees and evictions/ Explanation:
illegal immigrations. They also agreed that both sides India’s Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2023 has been launched
will create conditions which will prevent the exodus to promote exports and facilitate ease of doing business for
of people. They further agreed to discuss the return exporters, while also placing a stronger emphasis on the
of the property and assets taken over by either side “export control” regime.
in connection with the conflict. But Government of Statement 1 is correct: FTP seeks to take India’s exports
Pakistan disposed of all such properties in their country to 2 trillion dollars by 2030. 4 pillars of FTP 2023:
in the year 1971. Incentive to Remission, Export promotion through
Q 36. Ans: (a) collaboration, Ease of doing business and Emerging
Explanation: Statement 2 is correct: The new policy will have no
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was created in sunset date (ending date) and will be tweaked based
1949 by the United States, Canada, and several Western on the emerging world trade scenario and industry
European nations to provide collective security against the feedback. While the policy will be open-ended, the
Soviet Union. schemes sanctioned under it will be time bound.
Statement 1 is incorrect: North Atlantic Treaty Statement 3 is correct: Under the FTP 2023 the
Organization (NATO), military alliance established by government introduced a special one-time Amnesty
the North Atlantic Treaty (also called the Washington Scheme to address default on Export Obligations and
Treaty) of April 4, 1949, which sought to create a for exporters to close the old pending authorizations
counterweight to Soviet armies stationed in central and and start afresh.
eastern Europe after World War II. Q 39. Ans: (d)
Statement 2 is correct: NATO is committed to the
peaceful resolution of disputes. If diplomatic efforts Explanation:
fail, it has the military power to undertake crisis- The Indian Space Policy 2023 is a comprehensive set of
management operations. These are carried out under guidelines that outlines the roles and responsibilities of
the collective defence clause of NATO’s founding treaty different entities in the Indian space sector. The policy is
– Article 5 of the Washington Treaty or under a United expected to pave the way for much-needed clarity in space
Nations mandate, alone or in cooperation with other reforms and encourage private industry participation in
countries and international organizations. the space economy.
Statement 3 is incorrect: Since 1949, NATO’s Statement 1 is correct: To facilitate private sector
membership has increased from 12 to 32 countries participation, the government has created the Indian
through 10 rounds of enlargement. Sweden became National Space Promotion and Authorisation Centre
the latest 32th country to join the Alliance on 7 March (IN-SPACe), as a single-window, independent, nodal
2024. Currently, three partner countries have declared agency which functions as an autonomous agency in

6 UPSC Test Paper - 28 Full Length Test (Solutions)

Department of Space (DOS). Established as a single Sno. Elephant Details
window agency for all space sector activities of private Reserve
entities, IN-SPACe plays an important role in boosting 1. Eastern It is located in West Bengal. It was
the private space sector economy in India. Dooars notified in 2001. It is alluvial
Statement 2 is correct: The entry route for the Elephant floodplains lie south of the outer
Reserve foothills of the Himalayas and north
various activities under the amended policy are as
of the Brahmaputra River basin. It is
follows: part of the Terai-Duar savanna and
3 Upto 74% under Automatic route: Satellites- grasslands ecoregion. Sankosh River
Manufacturing & Operation, Satellite Data divide Eastern Dooars from Western
Products and Ground Segment & User Segment. Dooras.
Beyond 74% these activities are under government 2. Chirang- Ripu It is located in Assam. The forests of
route. Elephant Ripu and Chirang are contiguous
3 Upto 49% under Automatic route: Launch Vehicles Reserve with those of Buxa Tiger Reserve of
West Bengal and Phipsoo Wildlife
and associated systems or subsystems, Creation of
Sanctuary of Bhutan. Manas
Spaceports for launching and receiving Spacecraft. National Park is also the core area of
Beyond 49% these activities are under government Chirang-Ripu Elephant Reserve.
route. 3. Dehing It is located in Assam. Dehing Patkai
3 Upto 100% under Automatic route: Patkai was declared a wildlife sanctuary in
Manufacturing of components and systems/ sub- Elephant 2004.It is also known as the Jeypore
systems for satellites, ground segment and user Reserve Rainforest. Dehing is the name of
segment. the river that flows through this
forest and Patkai is the hill at the
Statement 3 is correct: ISRO has an exceptional foot of which the sanctuary lies.
success rate and is the 6th largest space agency
globally. Q 42. Ans: (b)

Q 40. Ans: (c) Explanation:

Explanation: Statement 1 is incorrect: National Logistics Portal

Statement 1 is correct: Breeding of Indian skimmers (Marine) (NLP) will be a single window for all
recorded for the first time at Satkosia Wildlife trade processes of the logistics sector spread across
Sanctuary. The sanctuary managers recently found the country covering all modes of transport in the
that breeding of the Skimmer species, one of the waterways, roadways, and airways. It aims to reduce
three found across the globe, has taken place at regulatory complexities and enhance the ease of
Baladamara sandbar in the 22-km Satkosia gorge doing business by moving towards user-friendly
stretch of Mahanadi River. The Indian Skimmer paperless trade.
is native to India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Statement 2 is correct: The activities of NLP Marine
Pakistan and Vietnam. are categorized into four distinct verticals.
Statement 2 is correct: It is located in Odisha on the 3 Carrier
banks of the Mahanadi River. It has been recognized as a 3 Cargo
critical tiger habitat by the National Tiger Conservation 3 Banking and Finance
Authority (NTCA). It is home to a diverse range of 3 Regulatory Bodies and Participating Government
flora, including dry deciduous forests, moist deciduous Agencies (PGAs)
forests, and tropical moist forests. Q 43. Ans: (d)
Statement 3 is correct: The sanctuary is known for its
Sal forests, which cover a large part of the area. Explanation:

Q 41. Ans: (b) The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare

(MoA&FW) recently launched the SATHI (Seed
Explanation: Traceability, Authentication and Holistic Inventory)
Asian elephants were believed to be widely distributed Portal and Mobile App.
- from Tigris - Euphrates in West Asia eastward It has been developed by the National Informatics
through Persia into the Indian sub-continent, South Centre (NIC) in collaboration with the (MoA&FW)
and Southeast Asia including Sri Lanka, Java, Sumatra, on the theme of Uttam Beej – Samriddh Kisan. It
Borneo and up to North China. However currently is a centralized online system for seed traceability,
they are confined to Indian Subcontinent, South East authentication and inventory designed to deal with
Asia and some Asian Islands - Sri Lanka, Indonesia and the challenges of seed production, quality seed
Malaysia. About 60% of the Asian elephant population identification and seed certification.
is in India.

UPSC Test Paper - 28 Full Length Test (Solutions) 7

Q 44. Ans: (c) Q 47. Ans: (b)
Explanation: Explanation:

Statement 1 is correct: The green deposits are interest Statement 1 is incorrect: The Adopt a Heritage 2.0
bearing deposits which shall be denominated only in Indian project is initiated by the Archaeological Survey of
Rupees and the proceeds will be allocated to eligible green India under Ministry of Culture. It is a redesigned
activities/projects. They are renewable energy, energy version of the previous system, which was introduced
efficiency, clean transportation, climate change adaptation, in 2017.
sustainable water and waste management, pollution Statement 2 is correct: It seeks to invite corporate
prevention and control, green buildings, sustainable stakeholders to enhance amenities at monuments by
management of living natural resources and land use, and utilising their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity conservation. funds.
Statement 2 is correct: Some of the sectors which are Q 48. Ans: (a)
excluded are nuclear power generation, direct waste
incineration, alcohol, weapons, tobacco, gaming, palm Explanation:
oil industries, hydropower plants larger than 25 MW, Statement 1 is correct: The IMEC will comprise of two
among others. separate corridors, the east corridor connecting India
Q 45. Ans: (c) to the Gulf and northern corridor connecting Gulf to
Europe. The corridor will provide reliable and cost-
Explanation: effective cross-border ship to rail transit network to
Ladakh’s wood carving: The exquisite Ladakh wood supplement existing maritime routes.
carving, also known as ‘Ladakh Shingskos’, is the first Statement 2 is incorrect: The IMEC is still in the early
handicraft from the Union Territory to be granted a stages of planning, and its specific path has not yet been
Geographical Indication (GI) tag with support from determined. However, the TrAns:Siberian Railway is
NABARD in 2022. the world’s longest transportation corridor, stretching
Nagri Dubraj rice: Premium Aromatic Rice (Nagri over 9,200 kilometers. The IMEC is expected to be
Dubraj) Rice is a varieties of rice. This are a Non- shorter than the TrAns:Siberian Railroad.
Basmati aromatic short to medium grain rice. These Statement 3 is incorrect: It has gained support from
are traditional Indian cultivar with intermediate the World Bank.
amylose and gelatinization temperature. These are
most common in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh
Nagri, Dist (Dhamtari).This rice paddy is longer than
the normal rice.
Manamadurai Pottery: These pots have put this village
in Tamil Nadu on the global map. Manamadurai in
Sivagangai district is known for pottery making. The
Manamadurai pottery recently earned a Geographical
Indication (GI) tag.
Q 46. Ans: (b)
Statement 1 is incorrect: The Report is generally structured Q 49. Ans: (a)
around the census performed by states and union Explanation:
territories on behalf of the Central Government. The
analysis conducted by the Ministry of Water Resources’ Statement 1 is incorrect: The Constitution (106th
Minor Irrigation Division Ministry of Jal Shakti. Amendment) Act of 2023 also known as Nari Shakti
Statement 2 is correct: Uttar Pradesh had the highest Vandan Adhiniyam act provides one-third of all
percentage of MI schemes in the country (17.2%), seats in the Lok Sabha, State legislative assemblies,
followed by Maharashtra (15.4%), Madhya Pradesh and the Legislative Assembly of the National Capital
(9.9%), and Tamil Nadu (9.1%). Territory of Delhi to women, including those reserved
Statement 3 is correct: The Minor Irrigation Census for SCs and STs.
(MIC), a compendium of borewells, tubewells, and Statement 2 is correct: Within the women’s quota
other privately held irrigation sources by farmers, itself, one-third of the seats will be reserved for women
reveals that electricity is the most common source of belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled
power to extract water, surpassing diesel, windmills, Tribes. There is, however, no separate quota for
and solar pumps. women belonging to other backward classes.

8 UPSC Test Paper - 28 Full Length Test (Solutions)

Q 50. Ans: (c) Q 54. Ans: (b)
Explanation: Explanation:

Statement 1 is correct: The Amara-nayaka system Statement 1 is incorrect: Adaptation gap report
was a major political innovation of the Vijayanagara has been published annually by the United Nations
Empire. under the control of amaranayakas (warriors) Environment Programme (UNEP). The aim of the
and other high officials Tamil region created feudal reports is to inform national and international efforts
territories. Amaranayakas were hereditary holders of to advance adaptation.
land. They paid tribute and rendered military service to Statement 2 is correct: Adaption Gap Report 2023
the king (like the samantas of north India). focuses on need to establish a ‘Loss and Damage fund’
Statement 2 is correct: It is likely that many features and funding arrangement for vulnerable developing
of this system were derived from the iqta system of the countries. It is an annual science-based assessment of
Delhi Sultanate. The Amara-nayakas sent tribute to the global progress on adaptation planning, financing,
the king annually and personally appeared in the royal and implementation. It is estimated that adaptation
court with gifts to express their loyalty. costs will increase significantly by 2050 for most
Q 51. Ans: (c) sectors, especially under high-warming scenarios. The
adaptation finance needs are 10-18 times as high as the
Explanation: current international public adaptation fund flows.
Statement 1 is correct: The STEPS refers for Supra Q 55. Ans: (b)
Thermal and Energetic Particle Spectrometer. It is a
subsystem on board India’s Aditya-L1 spacecraft and Explanation:
part of the Aditya Solar Wind Particle Experiment Statement 1 is correct: AAINA Dashboard for Cities’
(ASPEX) payload. portal is launch by Ministry of Housing and Urban
Statement 2 is correct: It is designed to measure fast- Affairs aims to create a robust database of the key
moving charged particles generated by processes performance metrics of Urban Local Bodies.
within the Sun. Statement 2 is correct: The dashboard’s goals are
Statement 3 is correct: STEPS assists scientists in analysing to motivate cities by highlighting opportunities for
the behavior of particles encircling Earth and gives useful growth and progress, enable them to assess how they
data for solar science and space weather studies. are doing in comparison to other cities, and provide
Q 52. Ans: (c) them a chance to interact and learn from frontrunners.
Statement 3 is incorrect: The AAINA dashboard
Explanation: would be a tool for comparing similarly situated cities
The Global Innovation Index is a ranking published and encouraging peer learning between cities, without
annually by WIPO (World Intellectual Property ranking the ULBs.
Organization) which began in 2007. The dashboard will provide information on status and
It assesses the state of innovation in a world marked progress of the ULBs on five pillars:
by economic and geopolitical uncertainty. Essentially, 3 Political & Administrative Structure,
GII 2023 unveils global innovation leaders by ranking 3 Finance,
the innovation performance of 132 economies and 3 Planning,
highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. 3 Citizen Centric Governance
India retains 40th rank out of 132 economies in the 3 Delivery of Basic Services.
Global Innovation Index 2023. Q 56. Ans: (d)
So, option (c), is correct
Q 53. Ans: (c)
State of climate service report is released by World
Explanation: Meteorological Organization (WMO).
Statement 1 is correct: Project Mariana is a collaborative The health of the most vulnerable countries and
effort involving the Bank for International Settlements populations will be impacted by the extreme weather
(BIS) and the central banks of France, Singapore, and events resulting from climate change, including
Switzerland. heatwaves, droughts, floods and wildfires.
Statement 2 is correct: The project tested cross-border Q 57. Ans: (c)
trading and settlement of wholesale central bank digital
currencies (WCBDCs) amongst financial institutions Explanation:
using DeFi technology on a public blockchain. Statement 1 is correct: Balsams are also known as
Statement 3 is correct: Under this project all cross-border ‘touch-me-not’ because of the bursting of mature seeds
payments will be processed through a single CBDC and seed distribution.

UPSC Test Paper - 28 Full Length Test (Solutions) 9

Statement 2 is correct: More than 1,000 Statement 2 is incorrect: Grants given to the State
species of flowering plants of balsam, widely Government comes under revenue expenditure as,
distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere and it neither creates asset nor reduces liability of the
the tropics, in zone between 40˚ and 65˚ of geographic government. Pension, Salary, Interest, etc also are
latitude. Anamudi in India has the highest mountain revenue expenditure.
in the Western Ghats, and the surrounding high ranges Q 61. Ans: (b)
are known for the diversity of wild balsams They are
distributed in the tropical, sub-tropical and northern Explanation:
temperate regions of the world. The Union Cabinet had approved proposals to set up three
Statement 3 is correct: balsams are considered significant semiconductor plants at a cumulative investment of Rs
indicator species for climate change. 1.26 lakh crore at Dholera (Gujrat). It will build India’s first
Q 58. Ans: (c) AI-enabled state-of-the-art fab. The plant is set up by Set
up by the Tata Electronics Pvt. Ltd. (private organisation)
Explanation: in partnership with Taiwan’s Power Chip Semiconductor
Manufacturing Corp. The manufacturing plant will be
able to 15 million chips per day.
So, option (b) is correct.
Q 62. Ans: (b)
Statement 1 is incorrect: India’s leopard population
increases from 2018 to 2022. population It increased to
13,874 in 2022 from around 12,852 in 2018, an increase
of 8% from 2018 to 2022.
Statement 2 is correct: Leopard is listed under Schedule
I of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. IUCN Status:
Q 63. Ans: (d)
The distance between the Agalega Islands and
Madagascar is 1,447 km. Explanation:
Option C is correct: The distance between Agalega Mobile World Congress 2024 was held in Barcelona,
Islands and Seychelles is 651 km. Spain. It aimed to stimulate the telecom ecosystem. At
The distance between the Agalega Islands and India is this congress biggest smartphone brands showcase their
4,222 km. latest innovations, including smartphones, accessories,
The distance between Agalega Islands and Sri Lanka is AI technologies. C-DOT and Qualcomm sign MoU at
3,356 km. Mobile World Congress 2024 to stimulate the telecom
Hence, option C is correct. ecosystem in India.
Q 59. Ans: (b) So, option (d) is correct.

Explanation: Q 64. Ans: (a)

Statement 1 is incorrect: India is the largest producer Explanation:

of milk globally, contributing 24.64% of the world’s The lava that cools within the crustal portions assumes
total milk output in the year 2021-22. different forms. These forms are called intrusive forms.
The industry contributes around 5% to the GDP. With Pair 1 is incorrect: Lacoliths are large dome-shaped
nearly 300 million cattle, it directly supports over 8 intrusive bodies with a level base and connected by a
crore farmers. pipe-like conduit from below.
Statement 2 is correct: Uttar Pradesh is the largest Pair 2 is incorrect: The near horizontal bodies of the
milk producer state. intrusive igneous rocks are called sill or sheet, depending
Q 60. Ans: (d) on the thickness of the material. The thinner ones are
called sheets while the thick horizontal deposits are
Explanation: called sills.
Statement 1 is incorrect: Repayment of loans come Pair 3 is correct: As and when the lava moves upwards,
under capital expenditure as, it reduces the liability a portion of the same may tend to move in a horizontal
of the government. The capital expenditure of the direction wherever it finds a weak plane. It may get
government is that which affects the assets and liabilities rested in different forms. In case it develops into a saucer
status of the government. shape, concave to the sky body, it is called lapolith.

10 UPSC Test Paper - 28 Full Length Test (Solutions)

Q 65. Ans: (b) Q 68. Ans: (c)
Explanation: Explanation:

Erosional Landforms: Tropical cyclones originate and intensify over warm

3 Cirques are the most common of landforms in tropical oceans. The conditions favourable for the
glaciated mountains. The cirques quite often formation and intensification of tropical storms are:
are found at the heads of glacial valleys. The Large sea surface with a temperature higher than 27° C
accumulated ice cuts these cirques while moving Presence of the Coriolis force
down the mountain tops. Small variations in the vertical wind speed
3 Horns form through head ward erosion of the A pre-existing weak-low-pressure area or low-level-
cirque walls. If three or more radiating glaciers cyclonic circulation
cut headward until their cirques meet, high, sharp Upper divergence above the sea level system
pointed and steep sided peaks called horns form. So, option (c) is correct.
Depositional Landforms: Q 69. Ans: (c)
3 Moraines are long ridges of deposits of glacial
till. Terminal moraines are long ridges of debris Explanation:
deposited at the end (toe) of the glaciers. Statement 1 is correct: During the day the land heats
3 Coarse materials like boulders and blocks along up faster and becomes warmer than the sea. Therefore,
with some minor fractions of rock debris carried over the land, the air rises giving rise to a low-pressure
into this stream settle in the valley of ice beneath area, whereas the sea is relatively cool and the pressure
the glacier and after the ice melts can be found as a over the sea is relatively high. Thus, a pressure gradient
sinuous ridge called esker. from sea to land is created and the wind blows from the
Q 66. Ans: (c) sea to the land as the sea breeze.
Statement 2 is correct: In the night the reversal of
Explanation: condition takes place. The land loses heat faster and is
Statement 1 is correct: A temperature inversion is a layer cooler than the sea. The pressure gradient is from the
in the atmosphere in which air temperature increases land to the sea and hence land breeze results.
with height. Normally, temperature decreases with an Q 70. Ans: (b)
increase in elevation. It is called the normal lapse rate.
At times, the situation is reversed and the normal lapse Explanation:
rate is inverted. It is called the Inversion of temperature. Statement 1 is correct: Laterite has been derived from the
Statement 2 is correct: Surface inversion promotes Latin word ‘Later’ which means brick. The laterite soils
stability in the lower layers of the atmosphere. Smoke and develop in areas with high temperatures and high rainfall.
dust particles get collected beneath the inversion layer and Statement 2 is incorrect: These soils are poor in organic
spread horizontally to fill the lower strata of the atmosphere. matter, nitrogen, phosphate, and calcium, while iron oxide
Statement 3 is correct: A long winter night with clear and potash are in excess. Hence, laterites are not suitable
skies and still air is ideal situation for inversion. The for cultivation; however, the application of manures and
heat of the day is radiated off during the night, and fertilizers is required to make the soils fertile for cultivation.
by early morning hours, the earth is cooler than the Statement 3 is correct: These are the result of intense leaching
air above. Over polar areas, temperature inversion is due to tropical rains. With rain, lime and silica are leached
normal throughout the year. away, and soils rich in iron oxide and aluminum compounds
Q 67. Ans: (a) are left behind. The Humus content of the soil is removed
fast by bacteria that thrive well in high temperatures.
Q 71. Ans: (d)
Statement 1 is correct: The rotation of the earth about
its axis affects the direction of the wind. This force is Explanation:
called the Coriolis force. It deflects the wind to the right Statement 1 is incorrect: If more and more tourists are
direction in the northern hemisphere and the left in the coming to India ,they would convert their dollars into
southern hemisphere. The deflection is more when the rupees ,this will increase the demand of rupees, thus
wind velocity is high. rupee will appreciate.
Statement 2 is incorrect: The differences in Statement 2 is incorrect: If more and more Indian
atmospheric pressure produce a force. The rate of going to abroad, then,demand of foreign currencies will
change of pressure with respect to distance is the increase. Let,if more people are purchasing dollars in the
pressure gradient. The pressure gradient is strong exchange market, then the demand of dollar increases
where the isobars are close to each other and weak and dollar will appreciate,thus more Indian rupess will
where the isobars are apart. be needed to to get the same amount of dollar.

UPSC Test Paper - 28 Full Length Test (Solutions) 11

Q 72. Ans: (b) should be taken. In this regard,RBI takes measures like
Explanation: increasing the bank rate, increasing the repo rate, etc.
to reduce inflation.
Statement 1 is incorrect: National disposable Statement 2 is correct: Deficit financing by GOI, will
income(NDI) = National income(at market price) + increases inflation as, it increases supply of money in
current transfers in cash receivable - current transfers market. Now people will have more money to spend,
in cash payable.If (current transfers in cash receivable thus inflation will increase further.
- current transfers) is positive then NDI will be greater Q 76. Ans: (d)
than National income,and if negative then National
income will be greater. Explanation:
Statement 2 is correct: The transfers that influence Statement 1 is incorrect: Tariff Barrier is the tax/fee
the current income of both the parties involved in levied by government on imported goods in order to
the transactions are treated as current transfers.and, generate revenue for the government while also raising
transfers involving transfer of ownership of assets, the price of foreign goods so that domestic firms can
whether in cash or in kind, thus influencing capital or compete with foreign products. Export Duties ,Import
wealth of both the parties are treated as capital transfers. Duties, Transit Duties, Specific Duties, Ad-valorem
Capital transfers do not affect disposable income ,as Duties ,Compound Duties etc are examples of tariff
it do not arise from current economic activities,and barriers
hence, are recorded in the capital account. Statement 2 is incorrect: It is non-tariff barriers that
Q 73. Ans: (d) are imposed in the form of Regulations, Conditions,
Requirements, etc. Non-tariff barriers are implicit in
Explanation: nature. Import Quotas, Technical and Administrative
Measure 1: Land Reform helps in redistribution of Regulations etc are examples of non-tariff barriers.
land from the rich to the poor, thus helps in combating Q 77. Ans: (d)
income inequality. Land Reform includes regulation of
ownership, operation, inheritance of land etc. Explanation:
Measure 2: Employment generation schemes like The Global Liveability Index 2023 has been released
MGNREGA provide employment to needy people who by the European Intelligence Unit. It is determined
are unskilled, thus helps in reducing income inequality. by 5 factors viz. stability, healthcare, culture and
Measure 3: Here indirect tax like GST are implied environment, education, and infrastructure.
equally on everyone. Both poor and rich pay same taxes As per the Global Liveability Index of 2023, five
if they buy a soap, biscuits etc ,thus it don’t help in Indian cities figured on the list comprising 173
reducing inequality . across the world. The list included - Delhi, Mumbai,
Measure 4: Mid -day meal provide meal to kid in Chennai, Ahmedabad, and Bangalore. But all five
school, here low-income Parent’s money is saved, thus scored poorly, ranked between 140 and 146. Indian
such scheme will help in combating income inequality. megacities Delhi and Mumbai tied for 141st place
Q 74. Ans: (b) with a score of 60.2 out of 100. As per the report, the
top cities in the world to live are: Vienna (Austria),
Explanation: Copenhagen (Denmark), Melbourne and Sydney
Pair 1 is incorrect: Voluntary Unemployment is a (Australia) while the bottom 3 Liveable cities are
situation when persons who are able to work are not Algiers (Algeria), Tripoli (Libya) and Damascus
willing to work or where jobs are available but the (Syria).
people are unwilling to do them. So, option (d) is correct.
Pair 2 is correct: Structural Unemployment is caused Q 78. Ans: (c)
due to skill mismatches. This type of unemployment is
long term in nature. Explanation:
Pair 3 is correct: Frictional Unemployment is due to Statement 1 is correct: Trade secrets are indeed
change in market conditions. Here workers are out of intellectual property rights on confidential information
work due to reasons like strikes, layoffs by the company that may be sold or licensed. Examples of trade secrets
time gap between changing/switching jobs, etc include formulas, inventions, customer lists, and
Q 75. Ans (b) marketing strategies.
Statement 2 is correct: Unlike patents or copyrights,
Explanation: trade secrets are protected by law even if not registered
Statement 1 is incorrect: Inflation is the rate of increase with any government agency. However, maintaining
in prices over a given period of time. Inflation affect the secrecy of the information is crucial for legal
purchasing power of people thus necessary measure protection.

12 UPSC Test Paper - 28 Full Length Test (Solutions)

Q 79. Ans: (d) Voluntary provisions of the 73rd Constitutional
Explanation: Amendment Act (1992):
3 Determining the manner of election of the
Statement 1 is incorrect: It is a non-statutory body chairperson of the village panchayat.
constituted by a notification of the Government of 3 Making the grants-in-aid to the panchayats from
India from time to time to carry out research in the field the consolidated fund of the state.
of law and make recommendations to the Government. 3 Providing for constitution of funds for crediting all
It is an advisory body that works on reforming the moneys of the panchayats.
legal system of India. The primary function of the 3 Assigning to a panchayat the taxes, duties, tolls and
Law Commission is to give recommendations on legal fees levied and collected by the state government.
reforms and enactments. So, option (b) is correct.
Statement 2 is incorrect: The Law Commission is not Q 83. Ans: (d)
headed by the Chief Justice of India but by a chairman,
usually a retired judge of the Supreme Court or a senior Explanation:
legal expert. The 42nd Amendment Act of 1976 added four new
The Law Commission is composed of the following Directive Principles to the original list. They require
members: the State:
3 Full-time Chairperson: A retired judge of the 3 To secure opportunities for healthy development
Supreme Court of India or a High Court is usually of children (Article 39).
appointed as the Chairperson. 3 To promote equal justice and to provide free legal
3 Four Full-time Members (including Member- aid to the poor (Article 39 A).
Secretary): These members are legal experts and 3 To take steps to secure the participation of workers
academicians. in the management of industries (Article 43 A).
Ex-officio Members: 3 To protect and improve the environment and to
3 Secretary, Department of Legal Affairs safeguard forests and wild life (Article 48 A).
3 Secretary, Legislative Department The 44th Amendment Act of 1978 added one more
Q 80. Ans: (c) Directive Principle, which requires the State to
minimize inequalities in income, status, facilities and
Explanation: opportunities (Article 38).
Statement 1 is correct: Majuli’s Manuscript Paintings So, option (d) is correct.
vividly depict Hindu epic tales from the Ramayana, Q 84. Ans: (d)
Mahabharata, and Bhagavata Purana, particularly focusing
on Lord Krishna’s stories from the Bhagavata Purana. Explanation:
Statement 2 is correct: This art was patronised by the Statement 1 is correct: Under Article 164, the Chief
Ahom kings. It continues to be practised in every sattra Minister (CM) is appointed by the Governor; and the
(monasteries) in Majuli. other Ministers are appointed by the Governor on the
Q 81. Ans: (c) CM’s advice.
Statement 2 is incorrect: According to the doctrine
Explanation: of pleasure, the Governor of an Indian State cannot
Statement 1 is correct: The Howrah Metro Station is remove a minister of State. In India, Article 310 of the
the deepest under water Metro Station. It is the India’s Constitution says every person in the defence or civil
first underwater tunnel. service of the Union holds office during the pleasure
Statement 2 is correct: India’s first underwater tunnel of the President, and every member of the civil service
is built in Hooghly River. in the States holds office during the pleasure of the
Q 82. Ans: (b) Governor. However, Article 311 imposes restrictions
on the removal of a civil servant. It provides for civil
Explanation: servants being given a reasonable opportunity for a
Compulsory provisions of the 73rd Constitutional hearing on the charges against them.
Amendment Act (1992): Q 85. Ans: (b)
3 Organisation of Gram Sabha in a village or group
of villages. Explanation:
3 Establishment of panchayats at the village, Statement 1 is incorrect: Indian Council Act of 1861
intermediate and district levels. which starts the beginning of representative institutions.
3 Establishment of a State Election Commission. Statement 2 is correct: Satyendra Prasad Sinha was
3 Reservation of one-third seats for women in the first Indian to join viceroy executive council under
panchayats at all the three levels. Morley-Minto reforms of 1909.

UPSC Test Paper - 28 Full Length Test (Solutions) 13

Statement 3 is correct: Montagu-Chelmsford reforms Q 89. Ans: (b)
for the first time authorized the provincial legislatures Explanation:
to enact their own budgets.
Q 86. Ans: (c) In Ex situ Conservation approach, threatened animals
and plants are taken out from their natural habitat and
Explanation: placed in special settings where they can be protected
Federal Constitution and given special care. Zoological parks, botanical
3 Strong Centre: The division of powers is in favour of gardens and wildlife safari parks serve this purpose.
the Centre and highly inequitable from the federal angle. There are many animals that have become extinct in the
3 The Constitution establishes an independent wild but continue to be maintained in zoological parks.
judiciary headed by the Supreme Court for two In situ conservation means the conservation of
purposes: one, to protect the supremacy of the ecosystems and natural habitats and the maintenance and
Constitution by exercising the power of judicial recovery of viable populations of species in their natural
review; and two, to settle the disputes between the surroundings. In this method, ecologically unique and
Centre and the states or between the states. biodiversity-rich regions are protected as biosphere
3 Supremacy of the Constitution: The Constitution reserves, national parks, sanctuaries and sacred groves.
is the supreme (or the highest) law of the land. The So, option (b) is correct.
laws enacted by the Centre and the states must Q 90. Ans: (c)
confirm to its provisions.
3 Division of Powers: The Constitution divided the Explanation:
powers between the Centre and the states in terms Statement 1 is correct: During his pioneering and
of the Union List, State List and Concurrent List in extensive explorations in the wilderness of South
the Seventh Schedule. American jungles, the great German naturalist and
3 Bicameralism: The Constitution provides for a geographer Alexander von Humboldt observed
bicameral legislature consisting of an Upper House that within a region species richness increased with
(Rajya Sabha) and a Lower House (Lok Sabha). increasing explored area, but only up to a limit.
The Rajya Sabha represents the states of Indian
Federation, while the Lok Sabha represents the
people of India as a whole.
3 Strong Centre is not the feature of Federal
So, option(c) is correct.
Q 87. Ans: (d)
Statement 1 is correct: Indian Federation was a
“Union” because it was inseparable, and no State had
the right to withdraw from the Indian Union.
Statement 2 is incorrect: Union of India includes only
those States which enjoy the status of being members
of the federal system and share the distribution of
powers with the Union. The Union Territories are not Figure: Showing species-area relationship.
included in the Union of states whereas the term Indian
Territory includes not only the States but also the Union Statement 2 is correct: The relation between species
Territories and other territories that India may acquire. richness and area for a wide variety of taxa (angiosperm
Q 88. Ans: (b) plants, birds, bats, freshwater fishes) turns out to be a
rectangular hyperbola.
Q 91. Ans: (b)
India, that is Bharat, shall be a Union of States. According
to the Article 2 of the constitution Parliament may, Explanation:
from time to time, by law admit into the Union, or Statement 1 is correct: Inclusive Conservation Initiative
establish, new States on such terms and conditions as (ICI) recognizes that local communities play a crucial
it thinks fit. role in protecting natural resources. Empowering them
It states in Article 3 that the Parliament can form new fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility for
states or alter the area, boundary or name of an existing conservation efforts.
state in the Union of India. Statement 2 is incorrect: While enforcement is

14 UPSC Test Paper - 28 Full Length Test (Solutions)

important, the initiative emphasizes a collaborative and constant flow, tend to have a higher influx of nutrients,
inclusive approach rather than solely relying on punitive. which can support a greater diversity of phytoplankton
Statement 3 is correct: ICI is funded by the Global (microscopic algae). Lentic ecosystems may have
Environment Facility and supported by Conservation limited nutrient flow, especially in deeper areas.
International and the International Union for Statement 3 is correct: Detritivores, organisms that feed
Conservation of Nature. on dead organic matter, are crucial in breaking down
Q 92. Ans: (c) organic material in both ecosystems. However, in lentic
systems with less water movement, decomposition can
Explanation: be slower, making detritivores even more important in
Recently, 11 Countries signed first-of-its-kind Global the nutrient cycle.
Declaration of River Dolphins by 2030 in Bogota, Q 95. Ans: (d)
Statement 1 is correct: The Global Declaration for River Explanation:
Dolphins aims to halt the decline of all river dolphin Pair 1 is incorrect: The Debrigarh Wildlife Sanctuary
species and increase the most vulnerable populations. It is located in the Bargarh district in the Indian state of
will scale up collective efforts to safeguard the remaining Odisha. Debrigarh Wildlife Sanctuary, has been made
river dolphin species*, by developing and funding completely free from any human settlement following
measures to eradicate gillnets, reduce pollution, expand one of the country’s largest ‘peaceful’ relocations of
research, and increase protected areas. forest-dwellers.
Statement 2 is correct: All six species of river dolphin Pair 2 is incorrect: Dampa Tiger Reserve, located
(Irrawaddy dolphin, Amazon river dolphin, Ganges in the Lushai Hills of Mizoram. The discovery of
river dolphin, Yangtze river dolphin, Tucuxi river the new species – Bufoides bhupathyi – found in the
dolphin, and Indus river dolphins) in Asia and South Dampa tiger reserve of Mizoram was published in
America are threatened with extinction. the latest issue of Biodiversitas, a journal published
Q 93. Ans: (a) in Indonesia.
Pair 3 is incorrect: Kamlang Tiger Reserve is a wildlife
Explanation: sanctuary located in the Indian state of Arunachal
In a recent census conducted at Kashmir’s Dachigam Pradesh. Kamlang Tiger Reserve conducted a butterfly
National Park, it was found that the population of walk and nature trail event for the first time ever in
Hangul or Kashmiri Stag has gradually increased over association with Wiki Loves Butterflies and Amyaa(
time at the national park. The IUCN’s Red List has NGOs ). The main goal of the event was to uncover the
classified it as Critically Endangered. diversity of undiscovered butterflies.
Recently, Tamil Nadu government launched Project Pair 4 is incorrect: Mukurthi National Park is a
Nilgiri Tahr. The Nilgiri tahr is the state animal of protected area located in the Nilgiris district of
Tamil Nadu. This endemic species of the Western Tamil Nadu state. Recently, the Tamil Nadu Forest
Ghats is listed as Endangered in the IUCN Red List of Department steps up vigil around Mukurthi National
Threatened Species and is protected under Schedule I Park in Nilgiris to curb poaching.
of the Wildlife (Protection) Act of India, 1972. Q 96. Ans: (a)
The brow-antlered deer, commonly known as the
Sangai, a unique and rare species found exclusively in Explanation:
Manipur’s Keibul Lamjao National Park (KLNP), has Statement 1 is correct: Karakattam is a form of folk
witnessed a worrying decline in its population over the dance performed at festivals, conferences, roadshows
years, raising concerns among conservationists. The and primarily at Mariamman (the rain goddess)
deer has been classified as ‘ critically endangered ‘ on festivals. Karakattam (also known as Kumbakkali)
the International Union for Conservation of Nature recognized as the agricultural art form of Kerala.
(IUCN) Red List. Karakattam performances are characterized by a
So, option (a) is correct. lot of swaying movements. Three tiers of flower
Q 94. Ans: (b) arrangements of different colors sit on top of a
container filled with either water, rice, or soil. All of
Explanation: this is balanced on the head of Karakattam dancer
Statement 1 is incorrect: Lentic ecosystems are while he or she dances.
characterized by standing water, not constant flow. Statement 2 is incorrect: Karakattam is mostly famous
This leads to thermal stratification (layering) in deeper in Tamil Nadu, it is performed in different parts of
lakes. Lotic ecosystems, with flowing water, have well- Kerala as well. While the dance form is not dying, it
mixed water columns. has undergone radical change and adaptation in recent
Statement 2 is incorrect: Lotic ecosystems, due to their years.

UPSC Test Paper - 28 Full Length Test (Solutions) 15

Q 97. Ans (b) Q 99. Ans (a)
Explanation: Explanation:

Statement 1 is incorrect: “Devayatanam – an odyssey Statement 1 is incorrect: The award is limited to achievements
of Indian temple architecture” was organized by in the arts, literature, science, and public services, but the
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) under Ministry of government expanded the criteria to include “any field of
Culture. human endeavour” in 2011.‘Bharat Ratna’, the highest civilian
Statement 2 is correct: It was organized at Hampi Award of the country, was instituted in the year 1954.
(Karnataka). Hampi served as the capital of the great Statement 2 is incorrect: The Award does not carry
medieval era empire of Vijayanagara for more than two any monetary grant.The number of annual awards is
centuries from 1336 to 1556 CE. The conference aims restricted to a maximum of three in a particular year.
to deliberate upon the philosophical, religious, social, Statement 3 is correct: Though usually conferred on
economic, technical, scientific, art and architectural India-born citizens, the Bharat Ratna has been awarded
aspects of temple. It also intends to initiate a dialogue to one naturalized citizen – Mother Teresa, and to two
on the evolution and development of the various styles non-Indians: Abdul Ghaffar Khan (born in British India
of temple architecture such as the Nagara, Vesara, and later citizen of Pakistan) and Nelson Mandela.
Dravida, Kalinga and others. Q 100. Ans: (d)
Q 98. Ans (a) Explanation:
Explanation: Pancha Mahavrata or five great vows of Jainism:
3 Non-violence (Ahimsa): Among these five vows,
Statement 1 is correct: Madhika Language is spoken non-violence (ahimsa) is the cardinal principle of
by Chakaliya community living in remote colony of Jainism, and hence it is known as the cornerstone
Kookanam (Kerala). This community is dealing with of Jainism. Non-violence is the supreme religion.
the possible loss of its unique language Madhika. There 3 Truth (Satya): Jainism insists that one should not
are only two fluent speakers at the moment, and it is only refrain from falsehood, but should always speak
feared that after them the language will be lost to the the truth, which should be wholesome and pleasant.
world. Despite sounding similar to Kannada, Madhika 3 Non-stealing: Stealing consists of taking another’s
can still confuse listeners due to its diverse influences. It property without his consent, or by unjust or immoral
is a blend of Telugu, Tulu, Kannada, and Malayalam. It methods. It does not entitle one to take away a thing,
is largely influenced by Havyaka Kannada, an old form which may be lying unattended or unclaimed.
of Kannada. 3 Celibacy/Chastity (Brahmacharya): It was added by
Statement 2 is incorrect: Madhika Language is Mahavira, it means total abstinence from sensual
spoken by Chakaliya community living in remote pleasure.
colony of Kookanam (Kerala). The Karbis community 3 Non-attachment/Non-possession (Aparigraha): An
mentioned as the Mikir in the Constitution Order of the attachment to worldly objects results in the bondage
Government of India, are one of the major indigenous to the cycle of birth and death. Therefore, one who
ethnic tribe in Northeast India and especially in the hill desires spiritual liberation should withdraw from all
areas of Assam. attachments to objects that please any of the five senses.

16 UPSC Test Paper - 28 Full Length Test (Solutions)

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