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Population Change

 Population change is simply the change in the number of people in a

specified area during a specific time period. Population change of a country
is generally uneven and depends on birth rate, death rate and migration.
So, the factors affecting population change:

● Birth rate: The number of live births per thousand of population per year.
Birth rate is generally measured by CBR. Crude birth rate (CBR) - the number of
live births in a given year per 1,000 people alive at the middle of that year.

CBR= (Number of births in the year/ estimated population at the mid-year) ×1000

● Death rate: The ratio of deaths to the population of a particular area during a
particular period of time. Death rate is usually measured by CDR. This is the
simplest measure, indicating the number of deaths in a particular year per 1000
of the population.

CDR= (Number of death in the year/ estimated population at the mid-year)×1000

● Migration: The movement of people from one place to the other to stay on
for a considerable period of time for various reasons is known as migration. It is
one of the three components of the population change, the other two being
mortality and fertility. Migration can be of two types:

a. Emigrants: Migration towards other countries

b. Immigrants: Migration into the country

 Population growth rate = CBR-CDR. This indicates the natural change of

population. DTM is based on the natural change of population. Population
growth rate =(CBR-CDR) +(Immigration-Emigration). This indicates the net
population change.
Different factors, such as medical facilities, food security, education, political
stability etc influence the population change of a country or a region.

Economic Structure
 Economic structure is a term that describes the changing balance of output,
trade, incomes and employment drawn from different economic sectors –
ranging from primary (farming, fishing, mining etc.) to secondary
(manufacturing and construction industries) to tertiary and quaternary
sectors (tourism, banking, software industries). Basically, the economic
structure of a country depends on dominance of different economic
sectors. Generally matured economic structure shows dominance of
secondary and tertiary economic sectors, while a very few percentage of
population is directly involved in primary sectors.

In short, we can say that the three major economic sectors namely, Primary,
Secondary and Tertiary economic sectors and their contribution to the GDP is
called the structure of the economy of a particular area, country or region.

 The involvement of three types of economic sectors (primary, secondary

and tertiary) creates the economic structure of a country. The development
of a country can be identified by observing its economic structure.
Dominance of primary economic sectors indicates least development of a
country. Underdeveloped countries have least contribution of secondary
and tertiary economic activities in their GDP or economy. Contrariwise,
developed countries are mostly tertiary economy based. Developing
countries balance three sectors in their economic structure.
Demographic Transition Model
 Demographic Transition Model: Demographic transition is a phenomenon
and theory which refers to the historical shift from high birth rate and high
infant death rate in a country with minimal technology, education
(especially of women) and economic development, to low birth rate and
low death rate in the country with advanced technology, education and
economic development, as well as the stages between these two
scenarios. There are 4 stages in demographic transition model-
pretransitional, early transitional, late transitional, post-transitional.

In stage-1 or pre-transitional stage both birth and death rates are high.

In stage-2 or early transitional stage, the birth rate remains high but death rate

In stage-3 or late transitional stage, the birth rate also starts to decrease.

And finally, in stage-4 or post-transitional stage, both birth and death rates
become very low.

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