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The Universal Communications System of the Future,

Telephone or TV Cable?
by Paul Baran
Com21, Inc.
83 James Ave.
Atherton, CA 94027.

services relative to the competition in

order to win the big city franchises. In
Abstract parallel, the industry developed the
political muscle to pull off the Cable Act
This paper addresses the question,. "C~n cable
of 1984 which absolved the industry from
TV become the universal commumcatwns
having to fulfill the more outrageous
platform of the future, and even supp!,ant the
promises made during the franchising
twisted pair telephone loop system?
frenzy. Over time, in an era of minimum
regulation of cable TV, the value of cable
BACKGROUND systems increased from about $600 to
$2500 per subscriber.
To begin, let's briefly review some of the Today
history of cable television. Cable started The cable TV industry can be rightfully
life as an extension to a TV antenna forty proud of the tremendously increased
years ago, delivering a couple of local TV diversity of programming it has brought
broadcast stations to those unable to to the nation. I rarely watch the three
obtain a workable antenna site. TV was over the air networks. Rather it is
characterized then by Newton Minnow, CSP AN, A&E, the Discovery Channel, the
chairman of the FCC, as being a vast Learning Channel and a few PBS stations
wasteland-- three mass audience that get my attention. As the number of
networks, each seeking the lowest program channels has increased, so has
common denominator of intelligence. the diversity of the audience and the
wider the range of programming that
Impact of the Satellite became feasible. And, this trend is just
As recently as twenty years ago, cable's beginning. The dramatic increase in the
future didn't look bright. This outlook number of channels that can be delivered
changed dramatically with the using the latest technology is but one
technological innovation of using dimension of the corning changes.
satellites to deliver premium
programming to each cable hea~ en?. For THE MONOPOLY GAME
the first time, urban areas could JUStify The passage of the 1992 Cable Act
cable to obtain access from satellites to represents a corning of age as Congress
new programming not available off the air recognizes the importance of this new and
from broadcast stations. This led to a growing industry and as an important
period where the cable system operators monopoly subject to rate regulation .. Of.
fought for urban franchises, each course, the cable industry tends to v1ew 1t
promising to deliver more non-existing


as our government's proclivity to punish Now, with the new digital technology
success and reward failure. But, then now available, the cable TV industry is in
there are many ways to look at the same position to build the Big Red Hotels --
situation. Since the industry is being with their huge potential revenue
considered as being a monopoly it is fun opportunities. Before we get into the
to think of it terms of the old board game specifics of the revenue implications for
"Monopoly" cable, let's review where the technology is


About five years
ago the
architecture of
using fiber as TV
trunks to carry
analog TV signals
was developed by
As you'll remember, when you played Jim Chiddix and his ATC colleagues.
Given the increased use of fiber means
Monopoly, you acquired properties on the
roll of the dice. Then after all the that quality of the TV image, system
reliability and the number of channeis
properties are divided, you'd swap
delivered by cable may all be expected to
properties with the other players. For
improve dramatically over time.
example, when you hold all the yellow
titles you create a monopoly position Digital
which allows you to double the rents the Also rapidly developing are new
other players had to pay you if they were technologies in the areas of digital
unlucky enough to land on your property processing, transmission and switching.
As the game continued, you saved up While analog TV sets will continue to be
enough money to build little green houses with us for many years, we are already
on the properties, increasing your rental seeing the benefits that digital brings.
income. After you accumulated even Images can be transmitted without
more money, you built big red hotels. additive distortion or picture quality loss.
And, when any of your rival players And, with digital processing, the removal
landed on them, you really cleaned up. of redundant information permits
compression, allowing the signal to
Since 92 % of the TV homes in the US are occupy far less channel bandwidth than
now passed by cable, the properties in the before. Recording and resurrection no
real game have already been divided up longer means irrevocably degraded
among the players. We are beyond that picture quality. Once recorded, there
stage. Investment in new technology to need never be any reduction of image
increase revenue is underway-- more quality over time or over distance.
channels, pay per view, and even movies
on demand. These investments are the Cablelabs Architecture
little green houses. So far, so good. The cable system architecture of the
future as envisioned by Steve Dukes and


his colleagues at CableLabs is a universal digital transmission and switching in the
two way general communications system, future will use ATM cells, because of its
with the upper ends of the network compatibility with very high speed digital
interconnected by fiber loops. Separate switching networks.
fiber loops carry analog and digital
signals, with some of the digital signals If one were to design an entirely new
being ATM-based. ATM is a new telephone system to best meet today's and
·transmission and switching scheme that tomorrow's requirements, it would not be
uses small self-addressed packets of built the same way as our existing
digital bits for very high speed telephone system. It would be built
transmission over fiber optic facilities. using many of these new technologies
Longer distance fiber loops provide a instead. Of course, it would have to
redundantly connected transmission interconnect with the existing telco
capability using fewer head ends in a system. Functions that once required a
regional area and offering significantly large and complex installation like the
increased system reliability. telephone central office are today
Time-Warner Orlando relatively simple to implement using new
technology. New fiber optic, digital and
While the Cable Labs architecture is radio technologies open new options to
pointing the direction, others in the the designer. The designer of these
industry are also moving forward to future system sees three significant new
develop their own systems of the future. factors to be considered:
One leading edge system is being
developed by Jim Chiddix, Dave Pangrac • The availability of new
and Jim Luddington and their Time- technology such as ATM
Warner colleagues for trial in Orlando,
Florida. It is an ATM-based, digital • The availability of a cable TV
transmission network that will support network with up to one GHz
voice, data and TV. transmission path to homes,
On the Importance of ATM either in place or anticipated
With digital, all signals whether they be
voice, or data or pictures are identical in • The incremental deregulation of
transmission formats. This allows the the telephone industry which is
transmission of a mixture of different enabling efficient system
signals together in a highly efficient form. interconnection
Networks of the future will be based upon COM21 A NEW SYSTEM

ATM, or asynchronous transfer mode, a

fancy name for fast packet switching. A small group of colleagues and I have
joined together to create a new company,
With ATM, all information is transmitted Com21 Inc., which is working together
as short standardized 424 bit long cells or with strategic partner companies to
packets. ATM is a universal building further define and study such a new
block technology for future telephone and telecommunications system. Com21
data networks and is particularly useful believes this new system can significantly
when video must be stored in digital enhance the Nation's telecommunications
memory and retrieved on demand. Some infrastructure by using several of these
industry pundits even believe that all new technologies to deiiver a wide range


of new services over the cable television Com21 System Features
plant. Ultimately, Com21 intends to be a
communications operating company The Com21 System use small, personal
which implements and supports this new cordless telephones sharing a 2+ Mb/s
system. channel in a no-license-required radio
band. Each cordless telephone has its
This new system is based upon the use of own separate channel. Up to eight or ten
the existing cable TV plant as a different conversations can be
transmission path. It uses short distance, simultaneously supported together with
unlicensed radio to eliminate any high speed data terminals and
requirement for additional in-house multimedia-based computers. An
wiring. It particularly matches the optional modular jack allows connection
evolving future generation cable TV to the existing telephone system in the
architecture as defined by CableLabs. By house for origination or reception of calls
taking advantage of the dramatic progress from either the present local telephone
in the technologies of fiber optics, carrier or via the Com21 system. The
advanced networking, and wireless modular jack arrangement allows full
communications, the new system will be compatibility with existing consumer
able to deliver a new range of telephone equipment, fax machines,
telecommunications services and do so at modems and existing in-building
lower cost than current telephone telephone system wiring. Flexibility to
systems. Voice telephone calls and dynamically add devices to the network
computer to computer data calls will without installation delays is designed
interconnect with the local telephone into the system, as each handset or data
system and interexchange carrier long terminal interface has its own unique
distance facilities. Importantly, while number. The entire system utilizes ATM
offering many more features and benefits cells for maximum efficiency and
to the subscriber, the new system also can simplicity of system interconnection.
utilize subscriber's existing telephone Very high data rates of up to 155 Mb/s
devices and in-building wiring. can be provided to meet the high
bandwidth requirements of some business
Com21 System's costs are projected to be customers.
substantially less than the capital and Detailed Technical Description
operating costs of today's existing A detailed technical description of the
telephone system built on earlier Com21 System can be found in "The Role
technology. Based upon initial cost for Cable and PCN" , Conference
estimates, the capital required to install a Proceedings of the Society of Cable Television
Com21 System is about one-third of the Engineers Annual Conference on Emerging
cost for an equivalent local telephone Technologies, New Orleans, LA, January 7,
system. And, most importantly, most of 1993). And, there is a second article
the cost occurs at the time that each describing the system, "Radical
subscriber is connected. Reduction in cost Telephone Grabs Huge Bandwidth
is achieved through the efficiency of Promise, "in the May 1993 issue of Signal
shared use of existing facilities both Magazine,.
within the local cable TV system as well
as within the subscriber's home or


This chart suggests that this is a no
NEW REVENUES OPPORTUNITIES brainer. The cost of cable entering into
FOR CABLE the telephone business is moderate, while
the economic upside payoff can be very
With that brief technology interlude
complete, now let's go back to the Big Red large. And, the opposite appears to be
true for the telco industry's entry into
Hotel opportunities that are just ahead for
cable TV. Thus, the cable TV industry has
the cable industry. Probably the two
much more to gain from this coming
largest markets representing the greatest
competition, while the telephone
opportunity are multimedia and
industry, as we know it today, has more
telephony. While I personally believe that
to lose -- unless it joins with the cable TV
a large multimedia market will develop,
industry, or overbuilds using the same
there is the usual skepticism for any
service that does not presently exist. I technology.
heard multimedia characterized by one Similarities and Differences
skeptical industry observer who asked the Both the telco and the cable TV industries
question, "What happens when you cross are moving towards a universal
a lemming and a sheep?" His answer: "A communications systems carrying voice,
multimedia investor." data and TV over fiber optic links, with
voice and data in the form of ATM cells.
To avoid such cheap shots, let's set the At the top of the networks, both the telco
multimedia opportunity aside for the and the cable industry's approaches
moment and limit the discussion to a appear to be converging. Each system in
single service that presently exists today the future resembles the other. The only
and can be quantified, telephony. major critical difference is the last few
Entering Each Other's Business miles -- the local loop as the telephone
My friend Dr. Michael Bowles of Hughes companies call it. Here, the advantage of
cable TV's availability of a 1 GHz-capable
Aircraft Company asks the amusing
coaxial cable to the home has a major
question, "What will the costs and
revenues likely to be if a) The cable TV cost/ performance advantage over the
telephone company's twisted pair.
companies entered the telephone
business, and b) if the telephone industry
enter the entertainment TV business?" Of course, the local telephone carriers
Let's take a look at one analysis: could change their tail circuits and
overbuild with coax. They could acquire
cable TV systems (something which is

Telco does CableTV Cable TV does Telephone

Cost $150 to $400 Billion $20 to $40 Billion

Added Market $15 to $30 Billion /year $100 to $200 Billion I year.


presently prohibited within their
telephone service areas), or work together The major pressure for providing lower
with cable TV companies. The technical cost ISDN comes not from the telephone
options are open. Another constraint on companies, but from information activists
the local telephone carriers is that their lobbying Congress and other
allowable rates of return are based on governmental agencies. Data networks
huge quantities of unamortized facilities are being built to interconnect major
on their balance sheets including the long universities and research centers. The
depreciation lifetimes assigned to their government subsidized Internet is now
twisted pair local loops. operating in 30 countries and has been
growing over 15% per month. Millions of
To overcome the data rate choke point of computers are now intermittently
the twisted pair local loop, the telephone connected. The Internet, an informal
industry has been pushing the network of networks, was primarily
development of improved digital twisted intended to be used by the science and
pair transmission technologies. These education communities. Instead it has
include ADSL and HDSL, and N- ISDN. grown into an international user-to-user
ADSL, asymmetrical digital subscriber network for non-commercial uses. The
line, provides a 1.5 Mb/s data path in one next generation of the backbones of this
direction and a lower data rate in the network are being planned to operate at
other direction for the delivery of data. gigabit per second rates, i.e. the National
HDSL, high speed digital subscriber line, Research and Education Network. This
uses two twisted pairs, one in each network is viewed as the information
direction. For local loops in relatively superhighway with few off ramps. What
close proximity to the central office with is needed is a farm to market equivalent
short transmission distances, the data road system to connect users at home and
rates can be increased using these schools at data rates beyond today's 9600
technologies into the four bits per second (or about24,000 bits per
megabit/ second or higher range. second with next generation analog
ISDN modems.)
Of the technologies that are being ISDN offers a 2B+D connection on a
discussed, the one that has received most twisted pair. This is two channels of
attention is ISDN, or Integrated Services 64,000 bits per second plus one of 16,000
Digital Network. ISDN was a wonderful bits per second. Unfortunately, !SON's
idea many years ago when it was first terminal devices are complex and
created. However, it has become an expensive. In part, this is because the
increasingly obsolete technology as other ISDN concept is based primarily on a
options have been developed while its circuit switched philosophy. Increasingly.
implementation was delayed. ISDN was data applications require a high burst
intended to be the technology to deliver rate, with long allowable dwell times.
both data and voice telephony over a Instead, ISDN is optimized to support a
single twisted pair. There are several low steady data rate.
parts to the ISDN approach. One relates
to switching in the network while the part In the US, ISDN has not gone well. The
of most interest is the digital channel to terminal devices for ISDN remain
the home or business. expensive. At each local telephone


carrier, each separate switch to handle the capabilities and inherent architectural
ISDN had to be retrofitted with new advantages of cable-based alternatives. It
hardware and software at considerable shouldn't be much of a battle.
expense. Then came the compatibility
problems. Terminal devices made by
Northern Telecom didn't work with the
switches made by AT&T, and vice versa.
After several years of this kind of SUMMARY
impossible compatibility war going on in While the regulatory issues are being
the marketplace, a new, lowest common resolved over time, cable is contemplating
denominator standard was defined, N- entry into the telephone business along at
ISDN. Or, National ISDN. Terminal least two paths.
devices made to the N-ISDN standard
were to be able to work with all switches The first is joining with Competitive
with suitable software. Access Providers to provide fiber optic
dedicated trunks to businesses.
Last year, five RBOCs announced support
N-ISDN. This new national standard was The second path is as a PCS provider,
to overcome ISDN's past limitation of with the plum being a new monopoly to
being able to serve only islands of users be given away by the FCC, ala cellular.
near ISDN equipment switches. No
sooner than this announcement was made While these may be interesting
when US West and Southwest Bell spoke businesses, they pale alongside the
up and said in effect, 'Thank you, but we opportunities that cable faces as a
haven't been able to recover our early potential new universal two-way network
investment in ISDN, so we don't plan to providing telephone, data, and
change to N-ISDN.' multimedia telecommunications services
taking advantage of its basic superior
The momentum for National ISDN end-channel.
remains elusive. Indeed, it remains
everyone's favorite example of how not to The key will be in understanding the
deploy new technology! Even if ISDN opportunity, how to best utilize the new
does eventually become widely available, emerging advanced technologies and
it represents a high cost, low function architecture, and the will to do so.
service which will have to compete with


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