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Empowering The Nation


Vol. xV, No. 19-20, Delhi, 14-20 April 2024

Congress‘ Decreasing Numbers in Lok Sabha

1984 405,,

1989 197
1991 232
1996 140
1998 141
1999 114
2004 145
2009 206
2014 44
2019 52
Published on 13th APRIL 2024, Released on 15th APRIL 2024

Why Congress is
COVER Mass Exodus
inside 20 APRIL, 2024

The perception or reality of a lack of internal

democracy within the Congress perhaps is a sig-
nificant factor driving leaders to leave. What
internal democracy means is the healthy environ-
ment where the party members, including lead-
ers, have a meaningful say in decision-making
processes, candidate selection, policy formula- Milind Deora R.P.N. Singh

tion, and overall party direction.

PAGE- 16
Reserve Bank's DIGITA Initiative: A Step Towards
The report emphasises on the broken link between
education and employment. “A large proportion of Curbing Illegal Lending Apps in India
highly educated young men and women, including
the technically educated, are overqualified for the
job they have”. It is a reflection on the education
system and the New Education Policy (NEP) that
stress on an extended four-year-undergraduate
degree course and high qualifications of PhD.


The BJP leadership in Delhi see the P-12
admission of Congress rebels (also three
independents) as an opportunity for
growth and expansion, especially when
the congress government in the state has
been reduced to a minority. P-10 OF AI INTERFERENCE IN ELECTION BY CHINA


Maize production in India
regular Feature Challenges, opportunities and ways forward
06 right aNglE

UDAY INDIA 20 April, 2024

44 Eco-watch
50 Editor’s NotE
Published on 13th April 2024
Released on 15th April 2024
P-14 Total No. of Pages+Cover=52 P-40

Shri Hanumate Namah MAILBOX
06 APRIL, 2024
I am writing to express my concern regarding the recent developments sur-
√दुआओं में याद रखना _
rounding Arvind Kejriwal and the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) as reported in your
Editor-in-chief: Prakash Nanda
cover story. Arvind Kejriwal, a former
Editor: Deepak Kumar Rath civil servant turned social activist,
news Editor: Ashok Kumar, Anshuman Anand gained widespread recognition for his
Legal Editor: Prasanna Kumar Nanda relentless efforts against corruption
Bureau chief: Nirmal Jain and his commitment to transparency
in government. However, the recent
Editorial Advisor : Shashi Dubey
allegations of corruption and mal-

With Best Compliments

Special correspondents: Joydeep Dasgupta (Kolkata) practice against key members of the
Senior correspondent: Satish Sharma (Bhuvaneshwar), AAP, including Kejriwal himself, are
Ankush Manjhu Ridmalsar (Rajasthan) deeply troubling and warrant seri-
Graphic Designer : Ramveer Singh ous attention. The allegations of
Photographer : Subhash Kumar Sharma
corruption in the implementation of
the liquor policy in Delhi, leading to
the arrest of Deputy Chief Minister
Manish Sisodia and the involve-
ment of other AAP leaders, paint a
grim picture of the state of politics
Advisers: Dr HR Nagendra, Swadeshpal Gupta in our country. The subsequent
Manager (communications & PR ): Sangeeta Bisht arrests of prominent AAP mem-
Business Manager : Sohan Kadel (Hyderabad) bers, including Sanjay Singh and
Office : 5, Pocket D, Mayur Vihar Phase II, Patparganj, K Kavitha, further underscore the magnitude of the issue. As citizens, we
place our trust in our elected representatives to uphold the highest standards
New Delhi, Delhi 110091
of integrity and ethics. However, these allegations of corruption within the
AAP raise serious doubts about the credibility of our political leaders and the
Bengaluru Office : No. 11, Second Floor, KSV Complex, functioning of our democratic institutions.
Millers Road, Bengaluru-560052, -Bhavna Sampat, New Delhi
Ph. No.: 080-41472201-02, Fx: 080-22201704
Hyderabad Office : Kadel Marketing Pvt. Ltd, 401, Mogul ***
It is imperative that a thorough and impartial investigation be conducted to
Court, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad-500001,
uncover the truth behind the allegations of corruption. No individual or party
Ph. No: 040-23237563, +91-9849033200, +91- should be above the law, and those found guilty of wrongdoing must be held
9392233200 accountable for their actions. Furthermore, it is essential for Arvind Kejriwal
Jaipur Office: 128 Vasundhra Colony, Tonk Road, Jaipur, to step down from his position as Chief Minister of Delhi and cooperate fully
Rajasthan, Ph. No: +91-9649939888 with the investigating agencies to ensure a fair and transparent investigation.
For Subscription & Advertisement: His decision to continue running the government from custody is not only
unethical but also undermines the principles of democracy and accountabili-
011-46102482-83, +91-8800396723, +91-8800396724
ty. Moreover, the targeting of opposition parties by investigating agencies
Published, printed and edited by Deepak Kumar Rath from while turning a blind eye to corruption within the ruling party raises serious
E-256, Saraswatikunj Apartment, 25 I.P. Extension, Delhi- concerns about the impartiality and independence of these agencies. It is
92, and owned by Upali Aparajeeta Rath imperative that they carry out their duties without fear or favor, regardless of
Printed at MP Printers, B-220, Phase-II, Noida, political affiliation.
-Hemant Nayak, Pune
Dist. Ghaziabad, UP

Urgent Need for Civility in Political Discourse

I am writing to express my concern regarding the rising trend of
inappropriate language in political discourse, as highlighted in the
SURVEY NO 171/& 171/7, Antiawad, village Dabhel,
recent article published by your esteemed publication. In the run-up Nani Daman Dadra & Nagar Haveli and
to the Lok Sabha elections, the level of rhetoric and language used by
politicians has reached alarming levels. Instead of engaging in mean- Daman & DiU -396210
UDAY INDIA 20 April, 2024

ingful dialogue and presenting their electoral issues effectively,

©All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited.

politicians are resorting to derogatory remarks and inflammatory Tel. 0260 3927100
language to undermine their opponents. This not only undermines
The contents of this publication reflect the views of writers and
contributors, not necessarily those of the publisher and editor. All
the integrity of our democratic process but also sets a dangerous Website :
disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of competent precedent for future political discourse.
courts and forums in Delhi/New Delhi only -Arvind Rane, Kolhapur


Kejriwal is far ahead of others in mastering the art of As we have seen, Kejriwal is no longer
remaining in the limelight through the help of the media. I do
not think that there has been any one in independent India’s
an “Aam Admi”. He claims himself to be
mainstream politics who can come anywhere nearer to special. He must have special
Kejriwal in the game of abuses and character assassinations privileges. He must have a special
of the rivals.
Few can match Kejriwal today in the art of hugging the
residence, better than that of even the
limelight – portray yourself as a victim and target your rivals Prime Minister. For him laws of the land
on the basis of unproven and unprovable charges. Credibility
for Kejriwal is not at all a virtue. He may be a Chief Minister,
must be special. Because, getting spe-
but Kejriwal is always in the mode of agitation. And effortlessly cial treatment is his special right.
he changes his ideals and political agendas if that ensures
him good media coverage and takes him to nearer his ulti-
mate goal. trips and mind- boggling perks. In fact, a senior IAS officer,
Few people remember that in his NGO-days, in an inter- who was in Delhi government , told me the other day as the
view to a leading business daily, he had said that “India’s health Minister Jain ( he is in jail too now ) used more than
ablest Prime Minister so far has been Rajiv Gandhi”, who, in 25 official cars( both at home and office) in sharp contrast to
his opinion, understood India the best. That he respected the his predecessor Kiran Walia(health minister under Sheila
Gandhi family became all the more evident from the revelation Dixit) who used only two official cars. Kejriwal has also made
by the Congress leader Digvijay Singh subsequently that the MLAs of Delhi highest-paid elected representatives -

Kejriwal no longer an Kejriwal once had written a letter to Sonia Gandhi, requesting
her to make him a member of her National Advisory Board
during the UPA regime. That Sonia could not accommodate
him was a different matter. In any case, it is an open secret in
drawing a salary of Rs. 3.2 lakh plus various allowances.
There have been plenty of instances of the AAP ministers,
including Kejriwal, employing irregularly their relatives and
followers in the Delhi government.

Aam Admi; he is Special

Delhi that Kejriwal was one of the best friends of Sandeep Importantly, Kejriwal hardly talks of the evils of corrup-
Dikshit, the son of former Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit. tion these days, even though his entry into politics was via
But see the way he ditched the Congress and Dixit family; in the movement called India Against Corruption (IAC). In this
fact, he replaced Sheila as the Chief Minister. task, he attracted not only veteran social activist and crusad-
It is often not realised that the AAP became a phenome- er Anna Hazare but also some of the brightest young men

elhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, now in jail, is naturally Therefore, I will not be surprised if the Supreme Court non in Delhi only because people rebelled against the estab- and women of India. However, against the wishes of Anna,
in national headlines. Whether he would be under pro- sets Kejriwal free tomorrow, though going by the estab- lished political parties making politics the family fiefdoms or he formed a political party. But here too, soon after capturing
longed judicial custody remains to be seen as one has to lished legal norms, many lawyer friends of mine consider exclusivist dens where money, muscle and passions for com- power, he threw out all other famous co-founders like
keep one’s fingers crossed as our Supreme Court at that possibility highly unlikely. Imagine, if Kejriwal is set munity (be it religion and caste) play a huge role. In fact, the Prashant Bhushan and Yogendra Yadav.
present is perceived by many to be the real poll- rival of free by the apex court, tremendous impact it will have in most positive features of the AAP’s victory in 2013 was that its A self-proclaimed crusader against corruption, he has
the Modi regime in the on-going electioneering for a new favour of the opposition parties in this election-season. candidates proved that one could win elections without campaigned in Bihar for the party of Lalu Yadav, India’s first
Lok Sabha. Kejriwal will turn out to be the real big hero, courtesy our money, muscle, caste and religion. That trust of the people in major politician to have been convicted of corruption and
I am not going to enter the debates over the wisdom Supreme Court, and he may revive his long-cherished the AAP has been belied by the AAP over the last 11 years. ineligible to fight election for six years. A politician who
of our apex court in deciding to declare the electoral dream of replacing Modi as the country’s next Prime In fact, one may argue that people of Delhi did not vote claimed to be fighting the evil influences of caste and religion
bonds illegal with retrospective effect ( Minister. for the AAP to necessarily form a government. What the peo- in politics, these days Kejriwal only talks in casteist or com-
a rarest of rare judicial pronouncement Kejriwal is too talented a person not to understand ple of Delhi did was that by giving AAP respectability and the munal terms as “a secularist” – see his support for caste-
anywhere in the world), in suspending that Delhi is not a full-fledged State and that it remains hype, they gave a notice to the established political parties based reservations in government jobs and his total silence
the conviction of Rahul Gandhi that essentially a Union Territory, despite having an elected that they were not happy with them. They warned the estab- on ethnic tensions initiated by extremists among Muslims.
would have denied him to contest elec- Chief Minister, a la, Pondicherry. For him, the issue is not lished political parties that they may no longer be allowed to How many of us have tried to bother over the implemen-
tions( though poor Lalu Prasad Yadav simply bureaucratic or legalistic. It has serious political continue with business as usual by their usual politics based tation of Kejriwal’s 70-point agenda that was promised when
was denied this privilege and he spent dimensions. In fact, it is essentially political. Therefore, on money, muscle, caste and religion. he became the Chief Minister? What has been the progress
more than half a decade in jails, apart one sees a discernible pattern in what Kejriwal has been Ironically, however, the AAP, now that it has become a rul- in the fields of health, transport, roads and sanitation, the
from being denied any political office) focussing on, ever since he became the Chief Minister. ing party in Delhi and Punjab, has failed to live up to expecta- areas which clearly are under the jurisdiction of the Delhi
Prakash NaNda and in suggesting in many a case that He is simply not interested in his job as the Chief tions. And that is precisely because, AAP is neither a coherent government? Is there free Wi-Fi in market places? He has
the “executive” ( meaning the Modi Minister; he wants to use his present position in such a party; nor does it have a reasoned vision for India. Just look kept, of course, his words on the subsidies on electricity and
government) is either not doing enough way that the country starts looking at him as India’s next at the persons who are today leading AAP and supporting it. water, arguably cheapest in the whole country.
for the people or is doing things against the spirit of the Prime Minister. His ultimate aim is to rule over Delhi, not Today, the APP can hardly be distinguished from any But then, as we have seen, Kejriwal is no longer an
UDAY INDIA 20 April, 2024

UDAY INDIA 20 April, 2024

constitution ( exactly the same that almost all the opposi- as the Chief Minister but as the Prime Minister. other political party. It has resorted to the age-old practice of “Aam Admi”. He claims himself to be special. He must have
tion parties are saying). Kejriwal says that it is important that the Bharatiya identity politics on the basis of caste, community and reli- special privileges. He must have a special residence, better
In fact, Kejriwal’s biggest defence is that some of the Janata Party (BJP) loses every election and Prime gion. Like any political party, the AAP is no longer a party of than that of even the Prime Minister. For him laws of the
witnesses against him in his alleged involvement in liquor Minister Narendra Modi is demonised on every possible a common man; all of its leaders have become too fond of land must be special. Because, getting special treatment is
scam had bought electoral bonds for the BJP, though the opportunity. Kejriwal tries to reach every trouble-spot in luxuries, palatial houses ( see how Kejriwal has spent nearly his special right.
then prevailing law had guaranteed the donors’ privacy. the country to carry out his “hate politics" against Modi. 100 crores in refurbishing his official bungalow) , foreign (

06 07

market policies; and 5) bridging the knowledge deficits on labour The report emphasises on the broken link
market patterns and youth employment. The NEP does not between education and employment. “A large
answer these queries.
It flags the challenges of addressing inequalities, improving
proportion of highly educated young men and
quality of jobs and fixing asymmetries in the labour market. A women, including the technically educated,
State Bank of India study on women’s collectives brings out the are overqualified for the job they have”. It is
gains through aspiring lakhpati didis. However, on income, a reflection on the education system and the
employment and human capital there is still a distance to cover.
The ILO report calls for giving primacy to labour intensive
New Education Policy (NEP) that stress on an
manufacturing employment to absorb the unskilled labour. A extended four-year-undergraduate degree
comparison with China’s shortfall in infrastructure funding prom- course and high qualifications of PhD.
ises to SE Asia on Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) may be a lesson
for India, as per study of Syndey’s Lowy Institute. It is a pointer to
the huge gap in funding and long gestation period. Only 35 per- Even as the country goes to the one of the most interesting
cent of infra projects seen through completion. The funding is elections being held, economy needs a lot to brighten up for
falling through by $ 50 billion. The Lowy report is a caution for providing a comprehensive solution to the challenges as indi-
India for desisting from investing in infra projects. Poor quality of cated by the International Labour Organsiation and the official
constructions of bridges and other infra, including too many roads indicators showing a worsening situation regarding jobs and
in Maharashtra, Gujarat of Bihar are testimonies for the failures. 31 percent shrinkage in foreign direct investments (FDI) infra-

Market Fails in Job Creation: ILO

Women are often not preferred for jobs as these entail structure funding promises to Southeast Asia are falling short
maternity and child care benefits. About 53.3 percent of the by more than $50 billion, according to a new report, with
female workforce was self employed in 2019. It rose to 62 per- megaprojects undertaken under the Belt and Road Initiative
cent in 2022. Many of them are employed but paid low or no (BRI) stagnating or failing due to poor planning, the global


The weak consumption data in the GDP numbers indicate
that over the past decade inflation-adjusted earnings of regular
salaried and self-employed persons declined. Possibly, it is the
clean energy transition, and political lurches in recipient coun-
The report, released today by Sydney’s Lowy Institute,
found that China remains “easily” the region’s largest infra-
n SHIVAJI SARKAR post-demonetisation syndrome that devastated the small and structure funder, involved in 24 out of the region’s 34 infra-
medium entrepreneurs. structure megaprojects, which are defined as those costing $1
An issue that the reports have not discussed is the margin- billion or more. At the same time, “there is a significant gap

s the country gears up for one of its most interesting elec- the construction and real estate? It is internationally accepted alisation of the public sector companies and gradual disinvest- between China’s promises and its implementation, between
tions, the economy requires significant improvement to that about two-thirds of infra investments are frittered away in ment. A fall out is testified by the electoral bond donations. The what Beijing commits to and what it delivers.”
address the challenges, as highlighted by the International various kinds of cuts. Be it Southeast Asia or any other region, Rs 12000 plus crore donations are grim pointers that the private According to the Lowy report, this shortfall totals more than
Labour Organization and official indicators, which reveal a infra investments have resulted in severe meltdowns. sector functions on the principles of giving donations and in $50 billion, more than half of which is “allocated to projects
deteriorating situation concerning jobs and official stats of a India’s youth employment profile suggests country pass- return getting back expensive projects. that have been cancelled, downsized, or otherwise seem
31 percent decline in foreign direct investments (FDI). ing through a difficult phase. Share of youth who are not in These are dependent on the government doles at the cost of unlikely to proceed.” Currently, only 35 percent of China’s
Ambitious government projections of $ 3 to 5 trillion econ- employment, education or training has averaged 29.2 per- PSUs. A real private sector has not yet emerged in this country. infrastructure projects have been seen through to completion,
omy and other figures apparently are not in sync. A rise in the cent between 2010 and 2019, the highest in the subconti- This has been the pattern in the licence-permit raj as well and compared to 64 percent for Japan and 53 percent for the Asian
stock market is not supported by strong indicators else FDI nent. There is high proportion of unemployed educated youth continues in era of liberalisation. Why should a country foster Development Bank (ADB).
cannot fall so drastically at a critical political juncture. even as industry complains of a shortage of skilled jobs. such unethical business model? Much of the failings underlined Of the 24 megaprojects mentioned above, eight worth
The country is receiving short-term fly-by-night foreign The report emphasises on the broken link between edu- by the ILO or PLFS are grim reminders of poor consumption and about $16 billion have been completed, including high-profile
portfolio investments at stock markets. The FDI indicates the cation and employment. “A large proportion of highly educat- a failing business system. railway projects in Indonesia and Laos. Another eight, worth
investor confidence in the system. It is promised but is not ed young men and women, including the technically educat- The nation needs to ponder why it should dip into high debts $35 billion, are on track, though two have been “substantially
actually flowing in. There are UNCTAD studies that show ed, are overqualified for the job they have”. It is a reflection which has annual repayment of over Rs 10 lakh crore exponen- downsized.” Meanwhile, “five projects worth $21 billion have
interest in India but the actual flow has usually been weak. on the education system and the New Education Policy tially squeezing the actual budgetary allocation to around Rs 37 been cancelled, while another three projects worth $5 billion
India’s inequality is attracting attention of world powers. (NEP) that stress on an extended four-year-undergraduate lakh crore, far away of from $ 3 trillion target. A policy review seem unlikely to proceed.”
The Inequality Report 2022 brought out by Institute of degree course and high qualifications of PhD. This is a com- is called for the entire financial system, manufacturing, The report puts this funding gap down to three factors. The
Competitiveness on the basis of Periodic Labour Force mon phenomenon across the country as youth with such employment and New Education Policy. first is China’s “almost exclusive focus on financing ambitious
Survey (PLFS) 2019-20 finds that monthly salary of Rs unusually high qualifications pine for blue-collar public sector The country is on experimentation spree and has yet to megaprojects especially prone to problems and delays.”
25,000 puts a person among the top wages earned. It is inter- jobs in the hope of job security. About 3700 PhDs applied for stabilise its policies. The high prices are obstructions. Impressive megaprojects have always been a hallmark of
preted as a challenge to securing development with dignity to the post of a peon in UP police where class 5 was the eligi- Parliament is unnecessarily busy in making laws or redrafting Beijing’s BRI, but the greater cost and complexity of these proj-
UDAY INDIA 20 April, 2024

UDAY INDIA 20 April, 2024

all and actual growth. bility criterion, the old ones. No wonder the chief economic advisor, the high- ects means likely that they are more likely to run into political or
The ILO report is vocal about the employment challenge Its unsavoury comment on the education system and the est think tank, says the government can’t solve the problem of financial hurdles.
that cannot be left to the markets alone. Production in manu- private sector, which have thrown even the basic labour laws unemployment. Post poll all national and regional parties and (The content of this article reflects the views of writers
facturing is becoming capital intensive. Without high manu- to the wind. The ILO report stresses on 1) promoting job cre- institutions must come together to redraft the sustainable and contributors, not necessarily those of the publisher
facturing growth , employment generation might continue to ation; 2) improving employment quality; 3) addressing labour growth path and manufacturing policies, including revival of and editor. All disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdic-
disappoint. Is it for that reason the government investing in market inequalities; 4) strengthening skills and active labour PSUs for proper quality job creation, a strong ILO suggestion. tion of competent courts and forums in Delhi/New Delhi only)

08 09

Virbhadra Singh. Rajendra Rana, a two-time MLA who shot into

limelight after defeating former Chief Minister Prem Kumar
Dhumal from Sujanpur—home district of Information and broad-
casting minister Anurag Thakur.
Rana, once a close confidant of Dhumal had indeed jeopar-
dised his estranged mentor’s chances to become Chief Minister
third time in 2017—an opportunity grabbed by five-time BJP
MLA Jairam Thakur. The congress had gone into celebrations
over Dhumal’s defeat. There were also cheers in some sections
of the BJP too.
But, life has taken a full circle for Rana. First thing he did on
returning to the BJP was to meet ex-CM Prem Kumar Dhumal
and touched his feet to seek blessings for a new inning in the
party, which he had deserted in 2017 in fulfilment of his political
Other rebels entering the BJP are Inder Dutt Lakhanpal
(Barsar), Ravi Thakur (Lahaul-Spiti) , Chaitanya Sharma
BJP wants to get power in Himachal Pradesh through undemo- (Gagret) and Devinder Kumar Bhutto (Kutlehar).
cratic means.Since, it could form the government through elec- With the arrival of new members, the balance of power with-
toral process, they are trying to oust a duly elected government. in the BJP is bound to shift unevenly. The established leaders
“They (BJP) want to get power through notes (cash) as they are funding let down and wary of losing influence to the incoming

Aftershocks in BJP too

had failed to achieve via votes” he alleges accusing the opposi- Congress rebels. Tensions have simmered as egos also clashed
tion of horse trading. Till now, the BJP and congress were alter- –a sign not good for the BJP ahead of the Lok Sabha polls.
nating power after every five years but this time the BJP has Two time former BJP minister Dr Ram Lal Markanda has quit
chosen to grab it within 15 months of the Congress forming its the party and declared his plans to contest the poll from Lahaul-
government in December 2022. The opposition BJP has also Spiti. He had lost to Ravi Thakur (Congress) in the 2022 elec-
Influx of 6 congress rebels, 3 independents--- a boon or bane for saffron party? taken advantage of Sukhu's inability to take his flock together tions by a margin of 1,616 votes. Earlier in 2017, he had defeat-
and simmering discontent against his style of governance. ed Ravi by 478 votes.The total votes polled in Lahaul-Spiti were
Byelections on six assembly seats having fallen vacant due 17,121 against 18,801 in 2022.
The BJP leadership in Delhi see the admission of Congress rebels (also three independ- to their disqualification is scheduled to be held on June 1 simul- In Dharamshala, Rakesh Chaudhary, who was the official
ents) as an opportunity for growth and expansion, especially when the congress govern- taneously with Lok Sabha polls on June 1 in the seventh phase candidate in 2022 against Sudhir Sharma has resigned. Rakesh
of the general elections in the country. All six of them were elect- Kalia, a three-time Congress MLA, who had joined the BJP in
ment in the state has been reduced to a minority. If the BJP strength in the House, cur- ed to the House on the congress tickets and defeated the BJP 2022, has also tendered his resignation.
rently 25, increases after the bypoll, the party can easily destabilise the Congress govern- candidates but now they will be rubbing their shoulders with all
those leaders.
The biggest crisis for the BJP is going to be at Kutlehar
where a party senior and former minister Virender Kanwar has
ment—a real time political gain, a perceived "operation lotus". “It is a strange development. The party’s national leadership conveyed his strong resentment over Bhutto’s entry to the party.
did not think it proper to take the local cadres into confidence or Kanwar had lost to Bhutto in 2022 by 7,579. He has announced
study what impact the same will have on the psyche of the party to take a decision on consulting his workers in the constituency
n ASHUTOSH SHARMA FROM SHIMLA workers, also those who had fought them in the 2022 assembly even as state BJP president Dr Rajeev Bindal has met him to
polls to see that the BJP forms its government” said senior for- dissuade him from an apparent revolt that could mar the party’s

urmoil and internal strife in the ruling congress, which about the potential erosion of the party's organizational mer BJP MLA. chances to wrest the assembly seat—a fortress of the party for
plunged the Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu government in crisis, ethos and a perceived betrayal of party values for political The influx of the Congress rebels into the party has strong a long time.
seems to have also cast its shadows on the larger political expediency. murmurs of dissent. The High Command may have chosen to In the end, the decision to admit Congress rebels into the
landscape of the mountain state, so far, not affected by Even three independent MLAs, who had also voted for enlarge its base and increase its strength in the 68- member BJP proved to be a transformative moment, not only for the party
“Aaya Ram, Gaya Ram” politics. the BJP in Rajya Sabha, have been admitted in the party. state assembly yet the move is definitely going to push its core but for the entire political landscape of Himachal Pradesh. The
In the cool climate of Himachal Pradesh, a fresh storm They had resigned from their memberships in the assembly cadre to the corners, also creating a strong rebellion. mountains are set to witness a new phase of turmoil scripting a
has started brewing in the Bharatiya Janata Party diluting its to contest bypoll—yet to be announced for them.Their resig- It appears the BJP central leadership has not learnt from the new chapter in the state's history, marked by few bad prece-
ideological stance – a party with difference actively engaged nations are still on hold with the Speaker Kuldeep Pathania. wrong distribution of the tickets in the last assembly elections. dents.
with its grassroots base. The BJP leadership in Delhi see the admission of More than 22 rebels contested against the official BJP candi- Former Chief Minister Jairam Thakur has declared “when
There are visible, rather open signs of discontent in the Congress rebels (also three independents) as an opportuni- dates making the party to lose at least 10 to 11 winnable seats, Lok Sabha results will be out on June 4, two BJP governments
cadres over the party's decision to admit six Congress ty for growth and expansion, especially when the congress crucial in the formation of the government. will be formed in the country—one under Prime Minister
UDAY INDIA 20 April, 2024

UDAY INDIA 20 April, 2024

MLAs—who had rebelled against their party and cross- government in the state has been reduced to a minority. If Since, the BJP national president J P Nadda hails from Narendra Modi at the national level and other in Shimla. The
voted for the BJP in the Rajya Sabha poll. The party high the BJP strength in the House, currently 25, increases after Himachal Pradesh, he too seems to have overlooked the party Congress days are already numbered in the state”.
command at New Delhi rewarded all of them by not only the bypoll, the party can easily destabilise the Congress dynamics then and even now, says one of BJP rebels. (The content of this article reflects the views of writers
granting BJP memberships but also tickets to contest government—a real time political gain, a perceived "opera- Those who have been admitted in the party and given BJP and contributors, not necessarily those of the publisher
upcoming byelections. tion lotus". tickets include Sudhir Sharma (Dharamshala).He is a former and editor. All disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdic-
The resentment among BJP cadres highlights concerns Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu admits that the Congress minister and staunch loyalist of former Chief Minister tion of competent courts and forums in Delhi/New Delhi only)

10 11

Reserve Bank's DIGITA Initiative comply with regulatory guidelines and adhere to ethical
lending practices. By maintaining a public register of verified The rapid advancement of technology has
apps, DIGITA will empower consumers to make informed revolutionized the financial landscape,
A Step Towards Curbing Illegal Lending Apps in India decisions and steer clear of unscrupulous operators.
Additionally, the agency will collaborate with law enforce-
facilitating greater access to credit
ment authorities to crack down on illegal lending activities through digital lending platforms. While
n UDAY INDIA BUREAU and safeguard the interests of vulnerable borrowers. these platforms offer convenience and
The establishment of DIGITA reflects the RBI's commit-
n response to the alarming proliferation of illegal lending illegal lending apps have underscored the urgency of reg- ment to fostering a safe and inclusive digital financial flexibility, they have also paved the way
I apps in India, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is contem-
plating the establishment of a Digital India Trust Agency
(DIGITA). This proposed agency aims to tackle the men-
ace of unauthorized digital lending platforms by enabling
ulatory intervention to protect consumers from financial
The proposed establishment of DIGITA by the RBI sig-
nifies a proactive approach towards addressing the chal-
ecosystem in India. By harnessing technology and regula-
tory oversight, the agency seeks to strike a balance
between innovation and consumer protection in the digital
lending space. Furthermore, DIGITA's efforts align with the
for the emergence of unscrupulous
lenders who exploit regulatory loopholes
to engage in predatory lending practices.
verification and maintaining a public register of verified lenges posed by illegal lending apps. As a specialized broader objectives of the Digital India initiative, which aims
apps. The move comes amidst growing concerns over the agency dedicated to overseeing the digital lending to leverage technology for the socio-economic empower-
exploitation of vulnerable borrowers and the need for ecosystem, DIGITA will play a crucial role in verifying the ment of citizens while ensuring a secure digital DIGITA signifies a landmark initiative aimed at safeguard-
stringent regulatory measures to safeguard consumer authenticity of lending apps and maintaining a centralized environment. ing consumers and combating the proliferation of illegal
interests in the digital lending space. repository of verified platforms. By establishing stringent However, while the proposed establishment of DIGITA lending apps in India. By leveraging technology and regu-
The rapid advancement of technology has revolution- eligibility criteria and conducting thorough due diligence, represents a significant step towards curbing illegal lend- latory oversight, DIGITA has the potential to reshape the
ized the financial landscape, facilitating greater access to DIGITA aims to weed out illegitimate operators while pro- ing apps, it is imperative to address the root causes of digital lending landscape, promoting transparency,
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credit through digital lending platforms. While these plat- moting transparency and accountability in the digital lend- financial exclusion and promote responsible lending prac- accountability, and consumer trust. However, sustained
forms offer convenience and flexibility, they have also ing sector. tices. Initiatives such as financial literacy programs, con- efforts from all stakeholders, including regulators, financial
paved the way for the emergence of unscrupulous One of the key objectives of DIGITA is to enhance sumer awareness campaigns, and enhanced regulatory institutions, and consumer advocacy groups, are essential
lenders who exploit regulatory loopholes to engage in consumer trust and confidence in digital lending plat- oversight are essential to empower borrowers and mitigate to ensure the effectiveness and integrity of DIGITA in fulfill-
predatory lending practices. Reports of harassment, forms. Through rigorous verification processes and regu- the risks associated with digital lending. ing its mandate of fostering a safe and inclusive digital
exorbitant interest rates, and misuse of personal data by lar monitoring, the agency will ensure that verified apps In conclusion, the Reserve Bank's proposal to establish financial ecosystem.

12 13

A view of Katchatheevu island in Sri Lanka.

Moreover, Puri's remarks resonate against the backdrop

The Katchatheevu issue epitomizes the of contemporary geopolitical dynamics in the Indian Ocean
region. The strategic significance of Katchatheevu Island
complexities of managing historical cannot be understated, given its proximity to vital sea lanes
grievances within the context of evolv- and its potential implications for maritime security. The
ing diplomatic relations. While the island's transfer to Sri Lanka has implications for India's
geopolitical interests and its relationship with its southern
decision to cede the island may have neighbor.
been rooted in pragmatic considera- The Katchatheevu issue epitomizes the complexities of
managing historical grievances within the context of evolving
tions at the time, its legacy continues to diplomatic relations. While the decision to cede the island

Unraveling the Katchatheevu Island Dispute reverberate in the present. The narra-
tive of betrayal and abandonment asso-
may have been rooted in pragmatic considerations at the
time, its legacy continues to reverberate in the present. The
narrative of betrayal and abandonment associated with
ciated with Katchatheevu underscores Katchatheevu underscores the importance of fostering trust

A Historical and Political Perspective the importance of fostering trust and

transparency in interstate relations.
and transparency in interstate relations.
Moving forward, it is imperative for Indian policymakers to
engage in a constructive dialogue with all stakeholders, par-
n UDAY INDIA BUREAU ticularly the people of Tamil Nadu, to address lingering griev-
ances and chart a path towards reconciliation. The revela-
control of Katchatheevu to the latter. The agreement, signed tions brought forth by Hardeep Singh Puri serve as a catalyst

I n the tangled web of geopolitics and historical disputes lies

the enigmatic tale of Katchatheevu Island, a tiny piece of
land nestled between the shores of India and Sri Lanka.
The recent assertions by former diplomat and current
Union Minister of Urban Affairs, Hardeep Singh Puri, have
Katchatheevu Island to Sri Lanka. Furthermore, he
alleges that a clandestine agreement between Gandhi
and former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, K. Karunanidhi,
facilitated the transfer of Indian territory to a neighboring
during Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's tenure, sparked wide-
spread controversy and protests, particularly in Tamil Nadu,
where sentiments ran high against the perceived betrayal of
territorial interests.
The assertion that Indian leaders acquiesced to the ces-
for a nuanced reexamination of the Katchatheevu issue,
challenging conventional narratives and fostering a deeper
understanding of its historical and political dimensions.
In conclusion, the Katchatheevu Island dispute repre-
sents a microcosm of the complex interplay between history,
reignited discussions surrounding this contentious issue. The revelations made by Puri underscore a complex sion of Katchatheevu raises issues of accountability and politics, and diplomacy. Puri's assertions prompt a critical
UDAY INDIA 20 April, 2024

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Puri's remarks shed light on a series of decisions narrative of diplomatic maneuvering and political expedi- transparency in governance. Puri's reference to records reevaluation of past decisions and underscore the impera-
made by past Indian leadership, particularly focusing on ency. They raise pertinent questions about the motivations accessible through the Right to Information Act suggests a tive of transparency and accountability in governance. As
the pivotal roles played by Prime Minister Jawaharlal behind such decisions and the implications they carry for potential discrepancy between public perception and official India navigates its role on the global stage, confronting his-
Nehru and his successor, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. national sovereignty. narratives surrounding the island's transfer. It invites scrutiny torical legacies such as Katchatheevu with honesty and
According to Puri, historical records indicate that Nehru At the heart of the matter lies the 1974 agreement into the decision-making processes of the past and demands integrity is essential for fostering trust and cooperation in
and later Gandhi consented to relinquish the suzerainty of between India and Sri Lanka, which formally transferred a reassessment of the historical narrative. the region.

14 15

Milind Deora R.P.N. Singh Jitin Prasada Hardik-Patel

Mass Exodus
within the party are questioning its electoral strategy, cam-
The perception or reality of a lack of paign effectiveness, and ability to connect with voters,
internal democracy within the Congress especially younger demographics and those in urban
perhaps is a significant factor driving There have been criticisms about the lack of a clear
Leaders leaving Congress has now become a chain reaction, leaders to leave. What internal democracy ideological direction in the Congress party, with some per-
ceiving it as wavering on key issues and failing to offer a
which does not seem to stop anytime soon means is the healthy environment where distinct alternative vision to voters. The prominence of cer-
the party members, including leaders, tain political families within the Congress, such as the
Gandhis, has led to accusations of dynastic politics. Critics
उस गली ने ये सुन के सब्र ककया, जाने वाले dom to air their opinion. have a meaningful say in decision-mak- argue that this can stifle internal democracy and hinder the
यहाँ के थे ही नहीं - this couplet by Thanks to the absence of internal ing processes, candidate selection, policy rise of new leadership talent within the party.
famous Urdu poet Jaun Elia perhaps democracy in the Congress, the When leaders perceive that their voices are not heard,
perfectly describes the current som- grand old party is caught in a vicious formulation, and overall party direction. their contributions are undervalued, or the party lacks
bre mood in the Congress as it cycle where its prominent leaders mechanisms for meaningful participation and accountabili-
watches its loyalists leave the big old are leaving the ship even as the ty, they may choose to leave in search of a more democrat-
party one after another while the log- party gears up to put up a brave front factor driving leaders to leave. What internal democracy ic and inclusive political environment. In such cases, the
ging outs does not seem to stop any- in the Lok Sabha elections, while means is the healthy environment where the party mem- absence of internal democracy can indeed be a driving
time soon. there seems no enthusiasm left in bers, including leaders, have a meaningful say in decision- force behind their decision to seek alternatives outside the
The hand (party sign) of the intellectual class to represent the making processes, candidate selection, policy formulation, party.
Congress that once was considered Nehru-Gandhi family controlled polit- and overall party direction. The latest to be expelled or leave the bandwagon is
a support (Congress ka Haath, ical party. Though political land- The Congress has faced criticism for its leadership cri- Sanjay Nirupam, who was expelled from the Congress for
Aapke Saath), is off-late suggesting scapes are dynamic, and such shifts sis, with some arguing that the party lacks strong and deci- a period of six years after he questioned the top leadership
Alok ShArmA a different meaning - Tata Bye Bye, are not uncommon in the life cycle of sive leadership. There have been debates about the effec- over seat-sharing talks with Shiv Sena (UBT). Nirupam
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as a large number prominent and any political organisation, this tiveness of the leadership in terms of strategy, communica- attacked the state Congress leadership after the Uddhav
known faces have decided to dump process seems to have stayed with tion, and addressing internal party issues. Factionalism Thackeray-led party declared its candidates for 4 out of 6
the party citing various reasons the Congress for little too long. within the party has been a longstanding issue, with differ- Lok Sabha seats in Mumbai, including the Mumbai North
including ‘Lack of Democracy’, non- The perception or reality of a lack ent groups vying for power and influence. This internal dis- West seat, perhaps he was contemplating to fight from the
inclusive Centralised Decision mak- of internal democracy within the cord is hindering the party's cohesion and effectiveness in seat.
ing where not many have the free- Congress perhaps is a significant presenting a unified front. As it prepares for elections many Gourav Vallabh, a prominent Congress spokesperson

16 17

Jyotiraditya Scindia In another setback, the party's former Bihar

Jyotiraditya Scindia quit the Congress and joined the state president Anil Sharma quit the party,
BJP in 2020.
Jitin Prasada
claiming that it was stuck in a "disastrous"
Jitin Prasada, a former Union minister who was once partnership with the RJD. He also voiced dis-
close to Rahul Gandhi, crossed over to the BJP in 2021. gust over the recent induction, "with much
Alpesh Thakor fanfare", of controversial former MP Rajesh
Alpesh Thakor, a former Congress MLA, quit the party
in July 2019.
Ranjan alias Pappu Yadav. Sharma also
Anil Antony accused the party of double standards.
Anil Antony, son of Congress veteran AK Antony, quit the
party in January last year.
Interestingly the sentiment is not a phenomenon and questioned the leadership as the grand old party is
among senior party leaders, similar suffocation is felt by struggling with high-profile exits and crises in State units.
even lower-ranking leaders, where they feel that they have Instead of listening and paying heed to what senior
limited opportunities to participate in party activities, leaders within the party were wanting to contribute in
debates, or policy discussions, it can create a sense of strengthening the party, the G-23 members were lam-
alienation and disconnect. pooned by the party loyalists after their letter became
The country prepares for its mega political event - the public, which resulted in disintegration and resignations
Lok Sabha polls - it is expected from a matured party as of Azad and Kapil Sibal. However, Shashi Tharoor, M
Congress that the process of seat allocation and seat shar- Veerappa Moily and Mukul Wasnik made peace with the
ing be a transparent process or at least follow a standard high-command.
operating procedure. However, when the process is per- Interestingly it is not the opposition which is vocal
Jyotiraditya Scindia Shehzad Poonawalla ceived as opaque or biased, with decisions made based on about the rational thinking within the party, even its party
factors other than merit or popular support among party workers are disgruntled with the functioning of the party.
members, it leads to resentment and internal strife. Which Some of the key points that members cite are - ever
is exactly what is happening inside the boundaries of increasing disagreements within the party over leadership
known for his expertise in finance and economy, resigned is the fourth former Bihar Congress president to have quit Indian National Congress’ - Indira House. style, decision-making processes, and poor electoral per-
from the party citing its perceived lack of direction and fail- the party in nearly a decade. People in the know of things say that the party leader- formance in elections is instilling frustration among party
ure to effectively communicate its policies and manifesto. In However, these are not isolated incidents when promi- ship has consistently failed to address grievances or con- members, prompting some to seek alternative political
his resignation letter addressed to Congress chief nent leaders have decided to raise their voice following cerns raised by members in a transparent and fair man- avenues.
Mallikarjun Kharge, Vallabh highlighted concerns about the which they were either shown the door or they felt it was ner, and this attitude is now eroding trust and confidence Many insiders The Congress follows a ‘Centralised
party’s stance on issues such as caste census and its per- not worth staying back in the party they had served and in the party's internal mechanisms. The party still believes Decision Making Pattern’, where the decision-making
ceived bias against the Hindu community, stating that the seen it growing in the past. The trend, however, should in archaic dynastic politics where leadership positions are power is concentrated in the hands of a few top leaders
party seemed to be moving away from its foundational prin- not come as a surprise for Congress, which has see a dominated by individuals from a particular family or line- without extending much scope for the party members to
ciples and losing touch with the expectations of ‘New India’. series of exits including that of Milind Deora, Hardik Patel, age. Which is acting contrary to strengthen the party and share their input in key policies and decision concerning
Similar sentiments were echoed by Boxer Vijender Ashwani Kumar, Sunil Jakhar, RPN Singh, Jyotiraditya in fact creating barriers to entry for other members. the party, which has the potential to create an atmosphere
Singh, who quit Congress ahead of the Lok Sabha elec- Scindia, Jitin Prasada, Alpesh Thakor, Anil Antony among In most of the states where the party clearly dominated of authoritarianism and disenfranchisement. People criti-
tion, stated that he switched sides noting that the Congress others. state and lok sabha elections such as Uttar Pradesh, cise it for its organisational weaknesses at the grassroots
leadership is “not able to work properly and they Milind Deora Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Rajasthan level, with concerns about the party's ability to mobilise
(Congress) do not understand what the people want, and Former Union Minister Milind Deora, son of Congress and others, the party is not even at the second place and support, conduct effective ground campaigns, and main-
the message the common people want to convey.” The veteran Murli Deora, resigned from the Congress. has slipped so low that it is now struggling to build cadre tain a presence in rural and semi-urban areas.
Olympic medalist said, “We would like to do a lot of things Hardik Patel and gasping for existence. Weak party structures, dys- The party is perceived to be declining in popularity and
for the nation that we cannot do, remaining within the Gujarat Patidar leader Hardik Patel quit the Congress in functional local units, actually hinders the development of losing relevance, while some leaders feel sidelined or over-
Congress.” May 2022. grassroots democracy and accountability within the party. looked within the party hierarchy. Then there is no clear
In another setback, the party's former Bihar state pres- Ashwani Kumar The Congress does not seem to learn from its mis- ideology within the party and there are frequent shifts in
ident Anil Sharma quit the party, claiming that it was stuck Ashwani Kumar, a former Union minister, resigned from takes and continues to extend party positions or personal ideology or perception of the party's ideology.
in a "disastrous" partnership with the RJD. He also voiced the Congress in February 2022, just days before Punjab resources based on loyalty to individuals rather than merit These are just a few potential reasons, and often, a
disgust over the recent induction, "with much fanfare", of went to polls. or democratic principles, it is undermining internal cohe- combination of factors contributes to leaders' decisions to
controversial former MP Rajesh Ranjan alias Pappu Sunil Jakhar sion and incentivises sycophancy over genuine participa- leave a political party. It is yet to be seen as to when the
Yadav. Sharma also accused the party of double Sunil Jakhar, who had headed the Punjab Congress tion. Central Leadership will apply itself and invite thinkers to
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standards. unit, quit the party in 2022 after the leadership show Just after the general election in 2019, thinkers within advise them on the way forward - even as they fight for a
Sharma alleged that Congress was claiming that caused him for criticising then chief minister Charanjit the Congress got together and formed a group that was lost cause in 2024.
democracy was in danger but there was no democracy in Singh Channi. termed G23. The group wrote a letter to the central lead- (The content of this article reflects the views of writers
the party itself. “Even Congress's duly elected national RPN Singh ership asking for stronger leadership and giving responsi- and contributors, not necessarily those of the publisher and
president cannot take any decision without the consent of Former Union minister RPN Singh quit the Congress in bility to strong leaders in the party. The self-proclaimed editor. All disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of
Rahul Gandhi or his close aide KC Venugopal.” Sharma January 2022. reformists within the Congress stepped up their demands competent courts and forums in Delhi/New Delhi only)

18 19

Lal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi, Rahul It is felt by a section of political analysts
Gandhi and Mallikarjun Kharge. that Rahul Gandhi should take a break for
This 139-year-old party has its roots in India’s freedom
struggle. It has seen every change in modern India’s political
a few years and the Congressmen from
landscape and itself been through several transformations. outside this family run the show. There is
Interestingly, it also appears to be the nursery for other political no dearth of capable leaders in the party.
parties, creating no less than 70 parties since independence. The exodus of senior and seasoned
The first one was Kisan Mazdoor Party led by Jivatram
Kripalani in 1951 and the last was Democratic Progressive
politicians along with young energetic
Azad Party led by Ghulam Nabi Azad in 1922. After P V leaders must be arrested.
Narsimha Rao stepped down and was succeeded by Sitaram
Kesari as the Congress President in 1996, the following years
were difficult for the party. Kesari was removed by the joined the BJP in January 2022 and is now a Rajya Sabha
Congress Working Committee and Sonia Gandhi became the member. His father Late CPN Singh was also a Union Minister
President of the party in 1998. In 1999, Sharad Pawar, Tariq from Congress. Gujarat’s popular young Patidar Congress
Anwar and P. A. Sangma opposed the right of Italian born leader Hardik Patel switched over in 2022 and is now a sitting
Sonia Gandhi to lead the party and they formed the Nationalist BJP MLA. Anil Antony, young Congress leader and son of
Congress Party (NCP) popular mainly in Maharashtra. In 1998, Congress veteran A K Antony from Kerala left Congress in
Mamata Banerjee quit the Congress and established the 2023 and is now contesting the Lok Sabha election on BJP
Trinamool Congress (TMC). She won the West Bengal assem- ticket. Milind Deora, a young Congress leader from
bly elections and became the Chief Minister in 2011. After the Maharashtra and former Union Minister broke his family’s
death of YSR Reddy, a popular Congress leader of Andhra 55year association with the Congress in January 2024 and
Dadabhai Nauroji Gopal Krishna Gokhale Madan Mohan Malviya Annie Besant
Pradesh, his son YS Jaganmohan Reddy quit the Congress joined the Shiv Sena (Shinde). His father was also a Lok Sabha
and founded YSR Congress in 2012. The party contested the member. Ashok Chavan, a strong Congress leader and former
assembly elections and formed the government led by YS Chief Minister of Maharashtra joined the BJP in February 2024,
FROM FREEDOM FIGHTERS TO FRAGMENTATION Jaganmohan Reddy, in Andhra Pradesh. Ghulam Nabi Azad,
former Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir and former Union
and is now a Rajya Sabha member. Recently, Boxer Vijender
Singh and Gaurav Ballabh left Congress and Joined the BJP.


Minister left the Congress and established Democratic After the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi in 1991, Sonia
Progressive Azad Party in 2022. Since 2014, when BJP led Gandhi refused to be the President of the Congress and
NDA came to power at the centre, the INC has received blow Narasimha Rao became the Prime Minister with Manmohan
after blow. It has lost many states and the constituencies held Singh as the Finance Minister. They laid the foundation of the

NATIONAL CONGRESS by the Congress stalwarts for decades. The party has not just
lost elections, both general and assembly, it has more worry-
ingly seen a steady drain of its members, some of whose par-
ents and grandparents were associated with the Congress.
liberalization of the Indian Economy which proved to be a mile-
stone in the history of independent India. I understand that too
much dependence on Nehru-Gandhi family is not desirable any
more. Sonia Gandhi was the Congress President from 1998 to
They have left to join other parties, form their own parties or to 2017 and again from 2019 to 2022.Rahul took charge from
he Indian National Congress (INC) was freedom movement and he remains the join the BJP, an ideological opponent to Congress. The last 2017 to 2019. Kharge has been the President since 2022 but
T founded in 1885, by A O Hume, a retired
British civil servant, notable Ornithologist,
spiritual leader and icon of the country. In
1924, Mahatma Gandhi became the
decade has seen the party passively cede state after state
where it once reigned supreme. We have seen many Congress
the power remains with Rahul, Sonia, and Priyanka. Rahul
Gandhi has not achieved any success in politics in the last 10
and British political reformer who worked President of Congress, his Satyagraha stalwarts leaving the party in the recent past and most of them years and the party spokespersons on TV debates struggle to
in British India. He is known as ‘the art of resolution led him to the support of are with the BJP. defend him.
Father of Indian Ornithology.’ He support- popular leaders including Jawahar Lal Himanta Biswa Sarma, a popular Congress leader from It is felt by a section of political analysts that Rahul Gandhi
ed the idea of self-governance by the Nehru, Sardar Patel, Maulana Azad, C. Assam joined the BJP in 2015 and is presently heading the should take a break for a few years and the Congressmen from
Indians. The Congress was formed to Rajagopalachari, Subhash Chandra BJP government in Assam. Jyotiraditya Scindia, a popular outside this family run the show. There is no dearth of capable
create a platform for civic and political Bose, Khan Abdul Gafar Khan, Jai Congressman from MP, joined the BJP in 2020. Presently, he leaders in the party. The exodus of senior and seasoned politi-
dialogue with the British Raj. Its first Prakash Narain and many others. He led is a Rajya Sabha member and Union Minister. The royal scion cians along with young energetic leaders must be arrested.
President W C Banerjee was an Indian the freedom struggle successfully and is the son of Late Madhav Rao Scindia, a former Union The grand old party does not look grand, it just looks old. For a
Barrister. In the first two decades of it's India became independent in 1947. Minister. Capt. Amarinder Singh, former royal and Indian Army vibrant democracy strong opposition is the necessity. The
formation, the party did not express Subsequently, Congress dominated veteran who served as Chief Minister of Punjab resigned from Congress has played a historic role in India’s journey to inde-
Manoj Dubey desire for independence from the British Indian politics for several decades. the Congress in September 2021 and joined the BJP. Jitin pendence and political development. The party must undergo
PrinciPal (retD.) Empire. In 1915, Mahatma Gandhi’s The country has seen about 100 Prasad, a popular young Congress leader from UP and a for- a transformation that transcends dynastic politics and
UDAY INDIA 20 April, 2024

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Delhi Public SchoolS return from South Africa marked a pivotal Presidents of Congress since its incep- mer Union Minister, joined the BJP in June 2021. Ashwin embraces a more inclusive and dynamic leadership in the inter-
moment for the Congress. His leadership tion including W. C. Bannerjee, Dadabhai Kumar, a former Union Minister, quit the Congress in 2022. est of the party and the country.
and the philosophy of nonviolent resist- Nauroji, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Madan Sunil Jakhar, a Congress veteran, and son of Balram Jakhar (The content of this article reflects the views of writers
ance, exemplified in the Champaran Mohan Malviya, Annie Besant, Maulana former speaker of Lok Sabha, crossed over to the BJP in 2022 and contributors, not necessarily those of the publisher
Satyagraha movement against the Azad, Sarojini Naidu, Subhash Chandra and assumed the office of state BJP president. RPN Singh, and editor. All disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdic-
Britishers in 1917, galvanized the Indian Bose, Motilal Nehru, K Kamraj, Jawahar Congress leader from eastern UP and former Union Minister, tion of competent courts and forums in Delhi/New Delhi only)

20 21

Ravneet Singh Bittu Jaiveer Shergill

Rohan Gupta being inducted in BJP

ground. Others had punitive taxes imposed upon them for

years afterwards. The Indo-gangetic plain endured serious It might be essential to accept
Congressmen in states where BJP has no
Why are Congressmen
famines in which millions died in 1857-59, 1861 and 1865. To
escape these conditions, hundreds of thousands migrated. foothold but it is essential to protect culture
Many left India altogether, migrating overseas to work in colo-
nial sugar plantations as indentured labourers.
and team spirit along with the value system.
Despite all the above Indians were not ready to give up It can not happen on its own. There has to

leaving in herds? their right to freedom and a confidential British report indicated
a growing discontent against the Raj. In a period of less than
25 years the Britishers were not ready to fight another battle.
The retired ICS officer A.O Hume submitted a proposal to
be a system to educate and train these
people to adopt the existing culture swiftly.
No trust without testing should be the
ground rule.
“Acquisition, acquisition, acquisition, merger! Until there was engage the Indian elite to provide a platform to share their con-
cern and diffuse the situation. Some scholars say it was a hoax
only one business left in every field.” ― Vincent H. O'Neil created by Hume. In May 1885, As per unconfirmed report,
Hume secured the viceroy’s approval to create an "Indian to join the freedom struggle. He was killed due to head injuries
National Union", which would be affiliated with the government inflicted by police while he was protesting peacefully against

T he workers and leaders leaving

Congress are making headlines.
Media believes this is the impact of
poaching by the ruling party. Public
Congress was formed to improve the
tainted image of the British rule. The
history itself has been cruel to report
this criminal act, therefore it is impor-
and act as a platform to voice Indian public opinion. Hume and
a group of educated Indians came together on 12 October
The basic idea behind forming congress was to have a dia-
the visit of Simon commision. He was so popular among youth
that Bhagat singh avenged his death by killing British officers
who were supposedly instrumental in ordering lathi charge on
peaceful protesters.
perception is that the Congress leader- tant to share a few reports given by the logue and to diffuse the feeling of revolt. As a result whenever Tilak was already sentenced to six years imprisonment at
ship has failed to keep up pace with western media. any congress leader attempted to raise the issue of full free- Mandalay Jail in Burma. Where he developed many health
the changing environment. The rebels “Remember Cawnpore!' which dom. The person was taught a lesson or he left the organiza- issues.
blame it on lack of dialogue and listen- would become the British battle cry for tion. Let’s examine starting from the beginning. Pre-independence
ing. The Prime Minister has a dream to the remainder of the rebellion." Even Fight for freedom but do not expect it inside the Congress. Mohammad Ali Jinnah: Opposed to Gandhi's noncoopera-
have Congress mukt Bharat. To know suspicion of sympathy for rebels could Bal Gangadhar Tilak was the first to raise the issue of tion movement and his essentially Hindu approach to politics,
the truth one has to dig deeper to find mean hanging or being tied to the Swaraj, Lala Lajpat rai in Punjab along with Vipin Chandra pal Jinnah left the Congress Party in 1920. His defection cost India
out how congress came into existence mouth of a cannon and blown apart.” formed the group of three members who were not against the heavily leading to partition of the country.
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Rakesh kumaR and how it flourished in the past and -By Karl E. Meyer, May 12, 1996, use of force to achieve the goal of full freedom. Tilak was Dr Keshav Baliram Hedgewar : Hedgewar was active in the
why it is failing now. The history goes The New York Times. imprisoned many times and he was called "the father of Indian congress in the 1920s, but he became disillusioned with their
back to 1857. The matter did not end here, tens unrest" by British author Sir Valentine Chirol. He declared policies and politics. He had been an active member of the
Post revengeful slaughtering of of thousands were killed yet ; "Swaraj (self-rule) is my birthright and I shall have it." party's volunteer division - Hindustani Seva Dal. He also read
Indian rebel sepoy as well as civilians “Numerous villages that had given Lajpat Rai was elected congress president in 1920.he trav- Mazzini and other enlightened philosophers. He considered
during 1857-58 swadhinta sangram, support to the rebels were burnt to the eled west and met Sikhs settled there and encouraged them that the cultural and religious heritage of Hindus should be the

22 23

Naveen Iindal Sanjay Nirupam Vijender Singh Ashok Tanwar

basis of Indian nationhood. It is an irony that Jinnah left con- India getting fractured freedom due to division of the country. Rajendra Prasad not to stand for the post of president. He did himself has come as Vibhishan to jeopardize the cart wag-
gress for appeasement of Hindu and Headgewar left it for the Can one think of a country becoming independent yet not respect the sacrifice made by Sardar Patel in withdrawing ons.
opposite reason. The fact is congress supported the wishes of keeping the oppressor as first viceroy of India. The real reason his name despite getting elected. He wanted C Merger and acquisition rules learnt from management
the British ruler decietly. Present day Rashtriya swayamSevak to form congress in 1885 was to safeguard British interests and Rajagopalachari to be the president of India but could not work practices
Sangh has been founded by him and BJP takes inspiration it paid dividends at the time of independence. The nation paid with him despite making him home minister after the death of It might be essential to accept Congressmen in states
from its value system. a very heavy price as lord Mountbatten gave priority to British Sardar patel. C Rajagopalachari resigned within two years. where BJP has no foothold but it is essential to protect culture
Arvind Ghosh: He left congress for spiritual reasons and interests over that of India. A few incidents are worth examin- Mrs Gandhi took it forward, her manipulation of the and team spirit along with the value system. It can not happen
advised Gandhi to do the same. ing. presidential election to ensure defeat of congress candidate on its own. There has to be a system to educate and train
Subhash Chandra Bose defeated Pattabhi Seeta ● India surrendered its right to reclaim the looted wealth from Neelam Sanjeev Reddy had no match. Changing of the south- these people to adopt the existing culture swiftly. No trust with-
Rammaiya to become the congress president in 1939 . But the British government. As per Shashi Tharoor, British ern state chief ministers at the drop of a hat, decimated con- out testing should be the ground rule.
Gandhi took defeat as personal and made members of the museums are the depository of this loot. gress from the state of tamilnadu, Karnataka and Andhra Karnataka is a live example that BJP suffered on account
working committee resign using his aura in congress.Subhash ● Deciding the date of independence without creating the sys- Pradesh.Recent state elections have brought it back in two of corruption charges leveled against few leaders coming from
Chandra Bose left the congress. tems and processes. It led to anarchy and millions died in states. outside. The brand Modi is much bigger and valuable:
Post independence the violence erupted at that time. Mrs Sonia Gandhi along with her son Rahul Gandhi has "The archetype he offers is of a strong, all-knowing father
“Defections hurt parties’ reputation and can even endanger ● Advising Nehru to take the Kashmir issue to the United done the remaining work to finish congress in northern states figure who is unwavering," Santosh Desai.
their survival”. ( source unknown) Nations abruptly. Indian forces were about to clear Kashmir as well. It has already suffered with the likes of Shatrughn sinha,
The list is too long which includes Ram Manohar Lohia, Jai from invaders. It was a matter of a few days, had not gone Challenge before BJP Yashwant sinha, Babul supriyo and others. From Byju to
prkadh Narain, Kamaraj, Nijalingappa, Morarji Desai, Chandra to the United Nations voluntarily the nation would have been Most of the congressmen can not live without power. They daiiChi, many acquisitions have failed on account of failure in
Shekhar, JagJivan Ram, Indra kumar Gujral VP singh and so saved from three wars and Kargil. switch parties to enjoy power. In 1977 a similar exodus took managing cultural issues.
on. The exodus has been so forceful that congress got divided ● India continued with inefficient and corrupt law enforcement place to join the Janata party. While it helped in gaining power Alliances with Shiv Sena, Akalis and Telugu desam parties
67 times. Few of the important splits took place in 1969, 1978, agencies like police and judiciary. 76 years of freedom is not however it didn't last. These people defected and chose to have already taken a toll. The author has written in detail about
1998. Recently Gulam Nabi Azad left congress and launched able to change these public servants . Indian courts still form a government with the help of congress only. BJP claims the third home coming of Nitish Kumar in an earlier article.
his own party. The declaration of election has opened flood- enjoy winter and summer vacation making them the most to be a cadre based party wording for akhand Bharat and Conclusion
gates of defection once again. relaxed lot. Millions of pending cases don’t touch their con- sabka sath sabka vikas but inducting these power hungry con- Congress is on ‘shar shaiyya’ ( the death bed created for
The reason science. gressmen will not allow it to remain so. Bhishma in Mahabharat). It has opted for ‘ichchha mrityu’ (
From inception congress worked on My way or no way. The consequences. ● ‘Na khaunga na khane dunga’ will be under threat, Many of Bhishma himself told his secret to be killed by using Shikhandi).
Initially the reason was picking of Indians loyal to the Raj, who “In partnership disputes, most of the partners will leave the these people have come with a tinted image and they have It will be foolish to allow Dhritarashtra to give Bheema a hug of
were eager to work for small incentives to participate in gover- alliance but not their arrogance” only intention to escape investigations. The reckless inclu- death (Krishna placed a stone statue instead of Bheema whom
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nance. There was no plan to demand full freedom. As it grew ― Amit Kalantri. sion will erode the credibility. Dhritraashtra turned to pieces using his killer hug).
in size and popularity, people with ideas and dreams joined. This is the mantra congress has lived with, Nehru was the ● The incoming congress men taking over powerful political The golden rule is, “Test first then trust”.
They were shocked to see the double standards. As discussed epitome of this philosophy. He killed Indian democracy by assignments may frustrate those cadres who toiled and (The content of this article reflects the views of writers
above subverting the majority decision of the congress working com- worked hard to ensure success. and contributors, not necessarily those of the publisher and
Tilak declared freedom as his goal. It is unfortunate that mittee which elected Sardar Patel,by using the aura of Gandhi. ● It is very difficult to know who is a genuine Vibhishan who editor. All disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of
congressmen never got the freedom inside the party despite He manipulated the name of Sardar patel to persuade has come to ensure the defeat of Ravana or the Ravana competent courts and forums in Delhi/New Delhi only)

24 25

Ashok Chavhan Gourav Vallabh

Naveen Jindal Jaiveer Shergill

Exodus from Congress midst of the party's attempts to mobilise support ahead of the
Lok Sabha elections.
Anil Antony, the son of former Kerala Chief Minister A K
Antony, resigned from all party positions due to differences about
his tweet against the BBC documentary on Prime Minister
face of the country's changing political landscape.
Everyone blames Rahul Gandhi for the situation
Congress is in. Rightfully so, it seems. Rahul Gandhi is
immature. He has been nicknamed Pappu by the Indian pub-
lic and he has also proved many times that the public is right
Exploring the Ideological Crisis and Dynastic Dominance Narendra Modi, causing internal instability within the Congress. in judging him as a Pappu. Rahul has a reputation of not cor-
Congress spokesperson Jaiveer Shergill's departure from the recting behaviours for which he has been humiliated in the
party also demonstrated the party's growing disenchantment past and will continue to repeat those same mistakes time
Since 2020, a number of well-known leaders have quit Congress, including Jyotiraditya Scindia with its existing leadership and decision-making procedures. and again.
and Amarinder Singh. After former chief minister Ashok Chavan resigned and other leaders left Shergill used the "dominance of sycophancy and self-serving Rahul basically goes abroad to lower his own image in
the state organisation, the Maharashtra Congress struggled with internal discord. On January interests" within the party to emphasise the gap between its ide- the eyes of everyone. There is hardly a foreign trip where he
ology and the goals of today's young in India in a letter to Sonia went to in his entire political career in which he came back
14, former Union Minister Milind Deora also quit the Congress and became a member of the Gandhi. with his status increased. His visit to the US in 2023 US was
Shiv Sena, which is currently in power in Maharashtra. The grand old party was taken aback by Kapil Sibal's resig- no different. Rahul went there and attacked India's democra-
nation from the Congress party in May 2022 and his subsequent cy. Rahul even went and called the Muslim League a secular
choice to run for the Rajya Sabha as an Independent candidate party which along with British and Congress had effected
n recent years, the Indian National Amarinder Singh. After former chief backed by the Samajwadi Party (SP). His resignation brought to Partition of India on basis of religion. It was a big loss of face

I Congress, once the towering force

in Indian politics, has been witness-
ing a steady stream of prominent
leaders exiting its ranks. In the pres-
minister Ashok Chavan resigned
and other leaders left the state
organisation, the Maharashtra
Congress struggled with internal
light the Congress's effort to manage internal discord and bal-
ance divergent viewpoints, especially as it negotiated its place in
the Opposition against the BJP government. The political scene
was rocked by veteran Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad's
for Rahul, when the US Congress released a statement prais-
ing India's democratic values exactly within 48 hours after
Rahul had made those vile comments.
All these activities of Rahul Gandhi has left no choice for
ence of BJP General Secretary discord. On January 14, former exit from the party and his harsh criticism of its internal opera- the all the stalwarts of Congress. They have to leave the sink-
Vinod Tawde, former Congress Union Minister Milind Deora also tions. ing ship and craft their own political future and this is what
politician Gourav Vallabh recently quit the Congress and became a Azad bemoaned the breakdown of democratic procedures happening and this what we are discussing in this article.
joined the BJP in advance of the member of the Shiv Sena, which is within the party in a five-page letter to the then-president of the This phenomenon has sparked widespread debate and
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Lok Sabha elections, which are set currently in power in Maharashtra. party, Sonia Gandhi, pointing out the absence of organisa- speculation, with many attributing the departures to a combi-
to take place in seven phases start- Deora's resignation highlighted tional elections and the predominance of a select coterie of nation of ideological erosion and the entrenched influence of
NILABH KRISHNA ing on April 19. underlying conflicts inside the inexperienced group in decision-making process of the party. the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty within the party. As Congress
Since 2020, a number of well- Maharashtra Congress and sparked Internal conflicts and a perceived gap between the grapples with internal dissent and external challenges, it is
known leaders have quit Congress, concerns about the party's capacity party's leadership and grassroots were cited by sources as imperative to examine the underlying factors driving this exo-
including Jyotiraditya Scindia and to hold onto important leaders in the reasons for the difficulties the Congress was facing in the dus and assess their implications for the party's future.

28 29

Vijender Singh Ravneet Singh Bittu Ashok Tanwar Sanjay Nirupam

Historical Context grassroots workers and mobilize support at the grassroots level the masses. ships with like-minded parties while retaining its distinct identity
has eroded its electoral base and diminished its relevance in Nonetheless, the debate over dynastic dominance within and autonomy. By eschewing opportunistic alliances and priori-
To understand the current state of Congress, it is essential to many states. Congress underscores broader questions about the party's com- tizing long-term alliances based on shared values and objec-
delve into its rich historical legacy. Founded in 1885, the Indian Furthermore, ideological ambiguity and a perceived drift mitment to democratic principles and institutional renewal. As tives, Congress can enhance its credibility as a reliable political
National Congress played a pivotal role in India's struggle for towards opportunistic alliances have undermined Congress's India's political landscape evolves, Congress faces the impera- ally.
independence, spearheading movements against British colo- credibility as a principled political alternative. The absence of a tive of striking a balance between honoring its historical legacy Ultimately, the future of Congress hinges on its ability to
nial rule. Post-independence, Congress emerged as the domi- coherent ideological framework and the pursuit of short-term and embracing the imperatives of democratic governance. adapt to changing political realities, embrace internal democra-
nant political force, shaping the trajectory of the newly independ- electoral gains at the expense of long-term strategic vision have cy, and reconnect with the aspirations of the Indian electorate.
ent nation under the leadership of stalwarts like Jawaharlal alienated many party loyalists and eroded public trust. The Road Ahead While the challenges are formidable, the party's rich legacy and
Nehru, Mahatma Gandhi, and Indira Gandhi. The exodus of Congress leaders and the debate over dynas- reservoir of talent provide a solid foundation for renewal and
However, the party's fortunes began to fluctuate in the post- Dynastic Dominance vs. Democratic tic dominance represent critical challenges for the party as it resurgence in the years to come.
liberalization era, as it faced challenges from emerging political
players and ideological shifts in Indian society. Despite occasion-
Renewal seeks to reinvent itself and regain relevance in Indian politics. To
navigate these challenges effectively, Congress must undertake Conclusion
al electoral victories, Congress witnessed a gradual decline in its A recurring criticism leveled against Congress is the domi- a comprehensive process of introspection and organizational The exodus of Congress leaders and the debate over dynas-
political clout, exacerbated by internal factionalism and leader- nance of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty, which has held sway over reform. tic dominance underscore the formidable challenges facing the
ship crises. the party for generations. While the Nehru-Gandhi family enjoys First and foremost, Congress needs to foster a culture of party as it seeks to redefine its identity and regain political rele-
a storied legacy within Congress, its continued prominence has internal democracy and meritocracy, where leadership positions vance. From ideological drift to leadership vacuum, Congress
The Exodus of Congress Leaders sparked concerns about dynastic politics and the stifling of inter- are earned based on competence and commitment rather than confronts a complex array of internal and external challenges
The exodus of Congress leaders in recent years can be nal democracy. familial ties. This entails decentralizing power within the party and that demand strategic vision and organizational agility.
attributed to a myriad of factors, including disillusionment with Critics argue that the perpetuation of dynastic succession empowering grassroots workers to participate actively in deci- As Congress embarks on the path of introspection and
the party's leadership, ideological drift, and frustration with the within Congress has impeded meritocracy and hindered the sion-making processes. renewal, it must confront the uncomfortable truths about its past
lack of internal democracy. Several prominent leaders, including emergence of alternative leadership. The overreliance on a sin- Moreover, Congress must articulate a clear and compelling failures and embrace the imperatives of democratic governance
veterans with decades of experience, have chosen to part ways gle family for leadership has created a sense of entitlement and ideological vision that resonates with the aspirations of contem- and institutional reform. By fostering a culture of internal democ-
with Congress, citing various reasons for their departure. complacency within the party hierarchy, stifling internal dissent porary India. Whether it's social justice, inclusive growth, or dem- racy, articulating a coherent ideological vision, and investing in
One of the primary grievances voiced by departing leaders and innovation. ocratic pluralism, the party needs to define its core values and pri- organizational strength, Congress can reclaim its position as a
is the perception of a leadership vacuum within Congress, char- Moreover, the dynastic model of leadership succession has orities and communicate them effectively to the electorate. credible political alternative and champion of India's democratic
acterized by a lack of vision, direction, and effective communica- been criticized for promoting sycophancy and patronage politics, Additionally, Congress must invest in building robust organi- ideals. Only through bold and decisive action can Congress
tion. The centralization of power within the Nehru-Gandhi as aspiring leaders vie for favor with the ruling family rather than zational structures and leveraging technology to mobilize sup- overcome the obstacles that lie ahead and emerge stronger and
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dynasty has been cited as a significant impediment to the emer- building grassroots support and organizational strength. port and connect with voters across diverse demographics. By more resilient in the pursuit of its founding mission of serving the
gence of new leadership and the rejuvenation of the party's However, defenders of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty argue that revitalizing its grassroots machinery and embracing digital cam- people of India.
organizational structure. its leadership provides continuity and stability to Congress, serv- paigning strategies, the party can broaden its appeal and com- (The content of this article reflects the views of writers
Moreover, Congress has been accused of failing to adapt to ing as a unifying force in times of crisis. They contend that the pete more effectively in elections. and contributors, not necessarily those of the publisher
changing political dynamics and address the aspirations of dynasty's enduring appeal among party loyalists and the broader Furthermore, Congress must adopt a pragmatic approach to and editor. All disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdic-
India's diverse electorate. The party's inability to connect with electorate is a testament to its political acumen and connect with coalition politics and alliance-building, forging strategic partner- tion of competent courts and forums in Delhi/New Delhi only)

30 31

The incident in Manipur serves as a micro-

cosm of larger issues plaguing the Congress
Party. It highlights a disconnect between the
leadership and ground-level realities, as well
as a lack of cohesive decision-making and
strategic planning. If the party hopes to regain
its footing and pose a credible challenge to its
political opponents, it must address these
internal fissures and adopt a more inclusive
and effective leadership approach.

warnings were disregarded, and leaders descended upon

Manipur in a chartered plane, turning the event into what
Singh described as a 'tamasha' or spectacle. Instead of
focusing on the purpose of the yatra, it devolved into what
appeared to be a frivolous road show, resembling more of
a picnic than a serious political initiative.
Singh's criticisms shed light on deeper issues within
the Congress Party, particularly concerning its leadership
and organizational structure. The decision-making process
within the party seems to be flawed, with key voices such
as Singh's being sidelined or ignored. This raises ques-
tions about the ability of the party to effectively strategize
and execute political campaigns, as well as its overall
coherence in pursuing its goals.
Moreover, Singh's departure underscores the growing
disillusionment among party members with the leadership
of Rahul Gandhi. While Gandhi has been a prominent fig-
ure within the Congress Party, his leadership style has
often been subject to scrutiny and criticism. Singh's

Rahul The Key Factor n UDAY INDIA BUREAU

n a recent revelation that has sent shockwaves through

remarks add to a growing chorus of dissent within the
party ranks, indicating a widening rift between the leader-
ship and grassroots members.
The incident in Manipur serves as a microcosm of larg-

In My Leaving Congress
Manipur Assembly's Former Speaker's Assertion
I India's political landscape, former Manipur Assembly
Speaker Hemchandra Singh pointed a finger directly at
Rahul Gandhi, citing his dissatisfaction with the party's
leadership as a key reason for his departure from the
Congress. Talking to News Nine, Singh's departure comes
with a string of criticisms, highlighting the internal chal-
lenges within the party and raising questions about its
er issues plaguing the Congress Party. It highlights a dis-
connect between the leadership and ground-level realities,
as well as a lack of cohesive decision-making and strate-
gic planning. If the party hopes to regain its footing and
pose a credible challenge to its political opponents, it must
address these internal fissures and adopt a more inclusive
and effective leadership approach.
leadership style. In conclusion, Hemchandra Singh's departure from the
According to Singh, he advised against commencing the Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra from Singh's departure from the Congress Party was not Congress Party and his scathing criticisms of Rahul
merely a quiet resignation but rather a departure laden Gandhi's leadership underscore the pressing need for
Manipur, cautioning party leaders against trivializing such an endeavor. However, his with pointed criticisms, particularly directed towards Rahul introspection and reform within the party. The incident in
warnings were disregarded, and leaders descended upon Manipur in a chartered plane, Gandhi. He cited the initiation of the Bharat Jodo Nyay Manipur serves as a stark reminder of the challenges fac-
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turning the event into what Singh described as a 'tamasha' or spectacle. Instead of Yatra from Manipur as a pivotal moment that showcased ing the Congress Party and the urgent need for cohesive
what he deemed as the party's mismanagement and lack and visionary leadership. Whether the party can rise to the
focusing on the purpose of the yatra, it devolved into what appeared to be a frivolous of seriousness. occasion and navigate these turbulent waters remains to
road show, resembling more of a picnic than a serious political initiative. According to Singh, he advised against commencing be seen, but one thing is clear: ignoring internal dissent
the Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra from Manipur, cautioning party and mismanagement will only further erode its relevance
leaders against trivializing such an endeavor. However, his on the political stage.

32 33


F riends, the last one decade has been the most fruitful
decade for this country. In a paradigm shift, India which
was known for its brain drain, is now utilizing its own talent
pool to make the future of India glorious once again, as it
tional prototype. Calling it the "Future of Mobility," he also
posted the footage of the self-riding scooter on his X (pre-
viously Twitter) account. The Ola electric scooter is seen in
the video travelling through a closed space without a rider.
was in ancient era. In this last one decade many start-ups "Ola Solo" is a state-of-the-art addition to the electric
came up and changed the way we see the world. They scooter market, billed as "India's first autonomous electric

Catalysts of Growth
have given so much new to this world and continue to pio- scooter." According to Ola, the Solo is an entirely
neer in various technologies in this world. There are many autonomous, AI-enabled, traffic-smart electric scooter that
Indian companies which didn’t invested money in will revolutionise urban transportation. The Solo electric
Research and innovations have now started giving ample scooter's whole component, including its hardware and
focus in these areas and results are all the more better. software, was "ideated, innovated, and manufactured" in-

How Government Policies Have Fueled the In this article we will tell you an inspiring thing, through
which an Indian company is trying to change the future of
house, according to the business. As the video of Ola Solo
driving without a passenger became viral, social media

Exponential Growth of India's Tech Sector the world. You all know Ola is an Indian multinational
ridesharing company that is headquartered in Bangalore,
users expressed a wide range of opinions about it. The
technology has pleased a lot of people, who hope to see it
Karnataka. It is India's largest mobility platform and one of released shortly.
the world's largest ride-hailing companies. Ola serves In the past decade, India has witnessed a remarkable
more than 250 cities across India, Australia, New Zealand, transformation in its tech sector, evolving from a burgeon-
Recognizing the critical importance of a skilled workforce in sustaining the growth momentum of and the UK. ing industry into a global powerhouse of innovation and
the tech sector, the government has prioritized initiatives for skill development and talent acquisi- Ola Electric has made public their self-driving scooter, entrepreneurship. Central to this meteoric rise have been
known as Ola Solo, on social media and on its official the proactive policies and strategic initiatives undertaken
tion. Programs such as Skill India have focused on enhancing the employability of youth through YouTube channel. Ola Solo may be the first fully by the government, which have created an enabling envi-
vocational training and certification programs in emerging technologies. Additionally, initiatives
UDAY INDIA 20 April, 2024

UDAY INDIA 20 April, 2024

autonomous scooter in history. The video was released by ronment conducive to growth, investment, and innovation.
such as Atal Innovation Mission have fostered a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship the corporation on April 1, 2024. Because of this, a lot of Today we will delve into the pivotal role of government
among students, nurturing the next generation of tech leaders and innovators. people assumed it would be an April Fools' hoax. policies in catalyzing the exponential growth of India's
However, Bhavish Aggarwal, the CEO and co-founder of tech sector and explores the key policy measures that
the company, refuted this and stated that it is a real, func- have shaped this transformative journey.

34 35

Skill Recognizing the critical importance of a skilled workforce in sustaining the

growth momentum of the tech sector, the government has prioritized ini-

One of the fundamental pillars of India's tech sector growth has been the Development tiatives for skill development and talent acquisition. Programs such as
Skill India have focused on enhancing the employability of youth through
Policy establishment of a robust policy framework aimed at fostering innovation and
and Talent vocational training and certification programs in emerging technologies.
entrepreneurship. Initiatives such as the Startup India campaign, launched in
Framework for Additionally, initiatives such as Atal Innovation Mission have fostered a

Innovation and
2016, have provided a comprehensive ecosystem of support for startups,
including tax incentives, funding opportunities, and incubation facilities. By Acquisition culture of innovation and entrepreneurship among students, nurturing the
next generation of tech leaders and innovators.
incentivizing risk-taking and fostering a culture of innovation, these policies
Entrepreneurship have empowered aspiring entrepreneurs to pursue their ventures with confi-
dence, driving the proliferation of tech startups across the country. Promotion of Foreign Conclusion:
In conclusion, the exponential
Investment and Collaboration growth of India's tech sector over the
Digital Infrastructure Development Promotion of Research past decade stands as a testament to
the transformative power of proactive
The government's emphasis on digital infrastructure develop- and Development government policies and strategic initia-
ment has been instrumental in democratizing access to tech- tives. By fostering an enabling environ-
nology and catalyzing the growth of India's tech sector. Investments in research and development (R&D) have ment for innovation, entrepreneurship,
Initiatives such as been pivotal in
and investment, the government has
Digital India, driving innovation
propelled India to the forefront of the
launched in 2015, and technological
global tech landscape, driving economic
have focused on advancement with-
growth, job creation, and societal trans-
expanding broad- in India's tech sec-
tor. The govern- formation. As India continues on its tra-
band connectivity, jectory of technological advancement,
promoting digital lit- ment has imple-
mented policies to sustained government support, coupled
eracy, and leverag- with collaboration between the public
ing technology for incentivize R&D
activities, including and private sectors, will be essential in
service delivery
tax breaks, grants, harnessing the full potential of India's
across various sec-
and collaborations tech ecosystem and unlocking new
tors. The rollout of
between acade- To further accelerate the growth of India's tech sector, the government has frontiers of innovation and prosperity.
initiatives such as
Aadhaar, a biomet- mia, industry, and actively promoted foreign investment and collaboration through conducive (The content of this article
UDAY INDIA 20 April, 2024

UDAY INDIA 20 April, 2024

ric identification research institu- policies and regulatory reforms. Initiatives such as Make in India and Ease of reflects the views of writers and con-
system, and tions. Initiatives such as the National Innovation and Doing Business have sought to streamline regulatory processes, improve tributors, not necessarily those of the
Unified Payments Startup Policy have provided support for technology investor confidence, and attract foreign capital into the tech sector. Strategic publisher and editor. All disputes are
Interface (UPI), a real-time payment system, has facilitated the incubators, research parks, and technology transfer partnerships and collaborations with international technology firms have facil- subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of
digital transformation of India's economy, creating vast oppor- mechanisms, fostering a conducive environment for itated knowledge exchange, technology transfer, and market access, bolster- competent courts and forums in
tunities for tech-enabled solutions and services. breakthrough discoveries and inventions. ing India's position as a global hub for innovation and technology. Delhi/New Delhi only)

36 37


n recent years, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in a poignant reminder of the potential for AI to undermine
various spheres of life has brought both promises and perils. democratic processes by disseminating false information.
Among the emerging concerns is the potential for AI to be mis- India's General Elections
used in influencing political processes, as highlighted by As India gears up for its general elections, slated to
Microsoft's recent warning. This report delves into Microsoft's commence on April 19 and culminate on June 4, the vulner-
cautionary message regarding China's purported intentions to ability of electoral processes to AI manipulation becomes
disrupt upcoming elections in India, the United States, and glaring. Microsoft's assertion that China may exploit AI-gen-
South Korea using AI-generated content. erated content to further its interests during these elections
Microsoft's Warning underscores the gravity of the situation.
Microsoft has issued a stark warning concerning China's Threat to Democratic Practices
alleged plans to exploit AI-generated content to interfere with The proliferation of AI-driven political advertisements,
democratic processes across multiple nations. Citing a trial run including deepfakes and fabricated events, poses a formi-
during Taiwan's presidential election, where AI was reportedly dable threat to democratic practices. By misleading the
used to sway outcomes, Microsoft foresees similar tactics public and distorting candidates' statements and stances,
being deployed in other nations' elections, including India, the such tactics jeopardize the integrity of the electoral process
United States, and South Korea. and undermine voters' ability to make informed decisions.
The Meeting between Bill Gates and Prime China's Experimentation with AI
Minister Narendra Modi While the immediate impact of AI-generated content
may seem limited, Microsoft warns that China's ongoing
experimentation with this technology could yield increas-
ingly effective results over time. Citing China's past
attempts to influence Taiwan's election through AI-generat-
ed disinformation, Microsoft underscores the evolving
nature of the threat posed by AI-driven election interfer-
Chinese Influence Campaigns
The report sheds light on Chinese groups' continued
efforts to conduct influence campaigns in the United States,
leveraging social media platforms to sow division and gath-
er intelligence on key voting demographics. Despite these
endeavors, evidence suggesting successful manipulation
of public opinion remains scarce.
Preventive Measures
Acknowledging the gravity of the situation, the Election

A Microsoft Warning
The gravity of the situation was underscored by a recent Commission of India (ECI) has already implemented guide-
meeting between Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and Indian lines and protocols for identifying and countering false
Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Discussions revolved around information and misinformation. Additionally, collaborations
the potential applications of AI for societal benefits, including between organizations like OpenAI and electoral commis-
women-led development, healthcare innovation, and agricul- sions aim to bolster defenses against AI-driven election

Growing Threat of AI Interference in Election By China

tural advancements. Despite these constructive dialogues, interference.
the specter of AI-driven election interference looms large. Conclusion
Global Implications The specter of AI-driven election interference looms
With at least 64 countries, accounting for nearly half of large as nations prepare for crucial electoral processes.
the global population, scheduled to hold national elections, Microsoft's warning regarding China's alleged intentions to
As India gears up for its general elections, slated to commence on April the threat of AI-driven election meddling assumes global sig- exploit AI for nefarious ends underscores the urgent need
nificance. Microsoft's threat intelligence team has identified for robust preventive measures. By fortifying defenses and
19 and culminate on June 4, the vulnerability of electoral processes to AI Chinese state-backed cyber groups, possibly aided by North fostering international collaborations, stakeholders can mit-
manipulation becomes glaring. Microsoft's assertion that China may Korea, as the primary perpetrators likely to target elections igate the risks posed by AI to democratic practices and
UDAY INDIA 20 April, 2024

UDAY INDIA 20 April, 2024

exploit AI-generated content to further its interests during these elections slated for 2024. safeguard the integrity of electoral processes worldwide.
Incidents of AI Interference In conclusion, the utilization of AI in election interfer-
underscores the gravity of the situation. The report highlights a disturbing incident during the ence poses a significant threat to democratic processes
2024 New Hampshire Democratic primaries, where an AI- globally. Timely intervention and collaborative efforts are
generated phone call impersonating President Joe Biden imperative to counteract this growing menace and preserve
disseminated misleading directives. This episode serves as the integrity of electoral systems.

38 39

seeds, and mechanization. According to a report, India's maize

India's maize production has been production is expected to grow at a CAGR of 1.34 percent this
continuously increasing in the last few year, which is slower than the pace of growth in consumption,
Maize production in India years, making our country a leader in the
expected to grow at a CAGR of 1.82 percent during 2021-31.
Moreover, the share of maize used in animal feed is expected
global maize market. Maize in India is to increase from the current 51 percent to about 54 percent by

Challenges, opportunities
2031. According to a report, poultry feed prices in the market
cultivated on about 9 million hectares of currently are around Rs 40,000 per tonne, which was Rs
land across the country with Karnataka, 36,000 per tonne three months ago. Market prices of maize
have increased by 20% from Rs 22,000 per tonne to Rs
Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar, and
and ways forward Uttar Pradesh being the important
maize-producing states.
26,500 per tonne in the last three months due to increasing
demand from the poultry industry and the government's focus
on ethanol production. Given the failure in sugarcane produc-
tion, the government is pushing for more grain-based ethanol
production, especially from corn. Today, maize prices are rul-
aize, also known as corn, is one carbon efficient, also reducing its ing above the Minimum Support Price (MSP) of Rs 2090 per

M of the important crops cultivated

throughout the world. In our
country, maize is used as nutri-
footprint. Maize is a CLIMATE-
RESILIENT CROP that can be
grown easily in changing cli-
maize market. Maize in India is cultivated on about 9 million
hectares of land across the country with Karnataka, Andhra
Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar, and Uttar Pradesh being the
quintal for the current crop year (2023-24), as the poultry sec-
tor is witnessing an annual growth rate of around 8%. The pro-
duction does not match the demand. The Government of India
tious grains as well as animal mates and soils. The inclusion of important maize-producing states. Maize production in India is has set a target of blending 20% bioethanol into petrol and
and poultry feed, corn flakes, maize in mixed cropping sys- continuously increasing due to various government initiatives diesel by the year 2030. To achieve this target of blending, the
starch, glucose, biofuels such as tems can improve soil health and such as the National Food Security Mission (NFSM) and the requirement of food grains for ethanol production will be
rubber, engine oil, and other pest management. For all these Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY), as well as the use of around 165 LMT. Globally, corn is a primary feedstock for
products. More emphasis is reasons, the Government of new technologies in its cultivation. According to recent data, ethanol production because it consumes less water and is
given to crop production that India has been laying great India's maize production reached 28 million tonnes in the easier to produce.
UDAY INDIA 20 April, 2024

UDAY INDIA 20 April, 2024

Dr. MaMtaMayi requires less water; in such a sit- emphasis on maize production financial year 2021-2022, and it rose to 34.61 million tonnes in Maize production is continuously increasing in the country.
uation, maize cultivation is a for the last several years. the 2022-23 financial year (July-June). As per NITI Aayog, However, due to low demand for maize, farmers are not get-
PriyaDarshini given the increasing demand for ethanol in India, the ting a fair price for their produce. It is believed that the produc-
good option. A good feature of India's maize production has
maize is that firstly it requires been continuously increasing in Government of India aims to increase the production of maize tion of ethanol from maize will increase the demand for maize
less water as compared to other the last few years, making our from the current 3.5 MT per hectare to 6 MT per hectare and this will give better prices to the farmers. Currently, due to
crops, and secondly, it being a country a leader in the global through the adoption of improved agricultural practices, hybrid export demand, maize prices are high, but generally, the mar-

40 41

Maize production is continuously and disease-resistant, and suitable for the agro-climatic
conditions of India. India can become a world leader in
increasing in the country. However, due maize production through technology transfer via coopera-
to low demand for maize, farmers are tion between the government and private companies.
not getting a fair price for their pro- • Educating farmers about good agricultural practices (GAP)
such as proper land preparation, timely sowing, balanced
duce. It is believed that the production use of fertilizers, efficient irrigation methods, and integrated
of ethanol from maize will increase the pest management can increase maize yields.
demand for maize and this will give • To increase maize production, it is important to ensure that
farmers have access to quality seeds, fertilizers, and pesti-
better prices to the farmers. cides at affordable prices.
• To increase farmers' enthusiasm towards increasing maize
ket price of maize remains below the MSP, reducing the area production, providing market incentives such as price pre-
under cultivation for the crop. The use of corn for ethanol pro- miums or subsidies, loan facilities, and insurance cover for
duction will ensure better prices and continued demand for the cultivation of Non-GM maize can be effective.
corn will lead to more cultivation. Additionally, distilleries will • Increasing the area planted with improved single-cross
also be assured about the availability of feedstock in the mar- hybrid seeds can result in greater maize yield compared to
ket, which will not only create a win-win situation for both dis- utilizing hybrids like double crosses and triple crosses.
tillers and farmers but will also be very helpful in conserving • To enhance the Rate of Hybridization in India - Presently,
water and the environment. That is why the Ministry of the hybridization rate in India hovers around 65–70%, with
Agriculture is continuously working to promote maize produc- Bihar and Tamil Nadu achieving the highest levels at 100%.
tion by developing high-yielding varieties. • Improvements in rural infrastructure such as irrigation facil-
ities, roads, storage facilities, and market connectivity can
GM Maize vs. NON-GM Maize help farmers reduce post-harvest losses and ensure better
Due to the increasing demand for maize and the pressure India's reliance on seed companies producing BT cotton poultry industries will also become GM-based, which may prices for their produce.
of higher production, today the discussion about genetically intensified. affect human health. There is a potential risk that GM maize • Support for farmer-producer organizations (FPOs) and
modified (GM) maize is gaining momentum. GM corn varieties • It is important to remember that India has the largest num- could also impact our other exports. cooperatives can also strengthen farmers' bargaining
are engineered for insect resistance and related trait value. ber of small farmers in the world, so keeping the interests There are many hybrids of Indian maize, widely loved for their power and market access.
According to the people who support GM maize, GM maize of these farmers in mind is of paramount importance. distinct flavors and characteristics. • Governments should implement policies that promote the
can play an important role in overcoming the agricultural chal- Similar to BT cotton, after the adoption of GM maize, its • Indian maize varieties contribute to the conservation of biodi- conservation and sustainable use of non-GM maize vari-
lenges of maize. But The risks and apprehensions associated patent and technology may become limited to the hands of versity by maintaining a diverse gene pool. eties, including regulatory measures to prevent the spread
are not entirely unfounded. Cultivation of GM crops may face a few big companies, which could lead to the seed sover- • Indian maize hybrids have been adapted to local agro-climat- of GM maize.
a myriad of problems such as biosafety, environmental impact, eignty of farmers becoming dependent on multinational cor- ic conditions, making them better suited for cultivation in Conclusion:
farmer autonomy, and consumer preferences. Hence the com- porations in the future. This may have many far-reaching India. Indian maize production plays an important role in the
mercialization of GM maize continues to be debated on many consequences in the future. • Non-GM maize is often preferred for its taste, nutritional growth and economic upliftment of farmers across the coun-
platforms in India. Let us assess the concerns surrounding GM • GM corn varieties have been engineered to combat insect value, and suitability for local cuisine, thus contributing to try. Today, when the adoption of GM maize remains a subject
maize in India in more detail. infestation issues in corn grown in the United States. food security at the local level. of debate in our country, prioritizing the conservation, promo-
• Because GM corn has not been studied extensively, some However, it is not guaranteed that the same insect species • Cultivating non-GM maize can improve the economic condi- tion, and sustainable use of non-GM maize varieties is impor-
agricultural scientists believe it may have potential environ- causing infestation in US maize would pose a challenge to tions of farmers without compromising the sovereignty of tant to ensure food and nutrition security, preserve biodiversi-
mental impacts, including risks such as genetic contamina- corn crops in India. The pest species impacting corn pro- their seeds. Given the numerous industries reliant on maize ty, and build resilience in India's agricultural systems. Efforts
tion, loss of biodiversity, and ecological imbalance. duction in India may differ, necessitating the government to and the sale of maize grain and its by-products, farmers to further improve non-GM varieties and support farmers in
• Further evaluation and regulatory investigation are still develop distinct strategies for their control. can earn profits with reduced risk and lower costs, thereby adopting modern technologies and sustainable practices
needed regarding the bio-safety and potential health effects • Adequate regulatory framework and biosafety protocols are increasing their income. while protecting genetic resources are essential for the long-
of GM maize consumption. required in India to control the cultivation and commercial- • Maize-based industries include various agri-business oppor- term sustainability of maize cultivation in the country. We must
• We need to understand that GM maize does not directly ization of GM maize varieties, ensuring risk assessment, tunities including processing, storage, marketing, and distri- also ensure that modern technology will not cause any far-
increase production; instead, it addresses immediate pest monitoring, and stakeholder engagement with transparen- bution. Value-addition activities such as maize milling, reaching side effects of genetically modified maize seeds. If
problems, thereby boosting yields in the short term. cy. starch extraction, and ethanol production create employ- this were to happen, future generations would never forgive
However, GM crops tend to lose their pest resistance over • Maize production in major non-GM maize-producing coun- ment opportunities and stimulate rural economic develop- us. We have also seen that Indian farmers are having a bitter
time. tries like Ukraine and China is more than double that of ment. experience with BT cotton where we are falling prey to the
• A major concern surrounding GM maize is that it may face India. Therefore, India is still able to increase maize produc- Solution and Diagnosis dual policies of multinational companies. Efforts should be
a fate similar to that of BT cotton. BT cotton is the only GM tion even without importing GM seeds by adopting best Maize production, area, and productivity have been contin- made to support Non-GM farming practices and empower
UDAY INDIA 20 April, 2024

UDAY INDIA 20 April, 2024

cotton commercially cultivated in India. One of the primary agricultural practices. uously increasing in the last several years. The government is farmers to adopt sustainable farming methods suited to the
objectives of the government in promoting its cultivation • GM maize is grown only in 19 countries. The European coun- also laying great emphasis on maize production. Currently, Indian context.
was to enhance farmers' profitability by increasing produc- tries have banned the cultivation of GM crops. Therefore, if efforts are being made to promote the use of Non-GM maize (The content of this article reflects the views of writers
tion at a lower cost. However, contrary to expectations, it India also becomes a GM country, then the non-GM coun- varieties. For this, the following steps can be taken: and contributors, not necessarily those of the publisher
escalated upfront costs for farmers and ended up bolstering tries will stop importing from us, which can cause huge eco- • Investment in research and development is necessary and editor. All disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdic-
the prosperity of select seed companies. Furthermore, nomic losses to the farmers of our country. Besides, our today to develop maize varieties that are high-yielding, pest tion of competent courts and forums in Delhi/New Delhi only)

42 43

With Best Compliments


Manufactures of :
PVC Flexible Films/ Sheetings,
PVC Rigid Films,
Not Heat Centers... Our cities Impregnated Textile Fabrics
need to become Green Centers and Cotton Coated Fabrics

A few days ago, a shocking report

was published for all of us. The
report says that nine cities of the
country are suffering from exces-
Chennai, Delhi and Mumbai,
which have changed their heat
patterns alarmingly.
If we want to understand the
sive heat! Also, the report says seriousness of this subject, we WORKS: Survey No. 361/6,7 & 11, 362/11, 360/7
that not a single city in our country have to look at some statistics.
has green cover as per the World WHO says that it is very important Shree Ganesh Indl. Est., Kachigam, Nani Daman (U.T.) -396 210.
Health Organization (WHO) stan- to have 50 square meters of
dards! Due to this, the heat center green cover per person in cities Tel. : 7096622271 -2-3-4 Fax : (0260) 2241972
area of the big cities of our coun- for good health of people. But not
try is increasing very shockingly. a single city in the country has Email:
Also, the average temperature of such a green space of 50 square
nine cities of the country has been meters per person. If we look at
viral desai
UDAY INDIA 20 April, 2024

recorded from 42 degrees to 45 the four cities of the country, we

degrees and this increase in the will realize that Delhi has only REGD. OFFICE: 605, The Summit Business Bay,
temperature is a direct threat to 10.41 square meters of the green
the biodiversity and human life!. space per person. In Jaipur, this
Off Sir Mathuradas Vasanji Road, Behind Guru Nanak Petrol Pump.
These cities are Ahmedabad, figure is 6.67 square meters. Andheri East, Mumbai - 400 093 Ph. 022- 26827536/37/38
Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Kolkata has only 6.61 square
E-mail :

meters of green space per person, while Pune has only 1.4 We have to look at some statistics. WHO says
square meters of green space per person!
And, this lack of greenspace figures isn't just related to that it is very important to have 50 square
just heat. These statistics of Greenspace are directly related meters of green cover per person in cities for
to air pollution, the health effects of millions of people, and good health of people. But not a single city in
also linked to water scarcity. As Bangalore struggles with
acute water crises, we are also getting the news that more
the country has such a green space of 50
than fifty percent of the country's reservoirs have less water square meters per person. If we look at the
than required. So now, with the reference of this case..what four cities of the country, we will realise that
point of view should we consider for the lack of green covers?
Are we waiting for a major disaster?
Delhi has only 10.41 square meters of the
We all have to accept that less green cover has become green space per person. In Jaipur, this figure
a red alert for our multi-million population. If we do not take is 6.67 square meters. Kolkata has only 6.61
any steps in this direction now, a large population will suffer
from very big accidents or serious health related diseases. On
square meters of green space per person,
the other hand, in 'Uday India', we have seen in various while Pune has only 1.4 square meters of
columns that there is a lot of misunderstanding regarding green space per person!
green covers. I have observed that many state governments
do haphazard plantations to show green covers, in which they
give utmost importance to the non native or invasive species account. Also, some states will turn out to be those for which
of trees that grow fast. On the other hand, almost all native such a policy and implementation has no value at all, so they
trees of India take three to five years to grow! will not make any such policy! This is high time now... As we
Due to this, non-native species are planted in most of the say in Hindi, 'Abhi Nahin to Kabhi Nahin', the time has come
cities. The species that do not give us any benefit in green for all of us... That, too, when we as a country we are leading
cover but seriously damage our urban biodiversity. So what is the world in the field of climate change!
the solution to this serious problem? If the readers remember, I hope that the Central Government will work effectively in
we discussed the need of an Urban Forest Policy once in our this direction and surely bring and implement a Central Urban
article of 'Uday India' itself. There, I mentioned that all major Forest Policy. After all, this is the same government, which
cities in India need an effective urban forest policy. The policy has done the whole world proud in the field of renewable
also should have specific guidelines regarding energy. This is the same government, which has launched
plantation.Under this policy, every city should also have a what can be said to be the largest project in the world to clean
fixed budget, and they should also have an entire policy to the river Ganga. Also, this is the same government, which has
protect the urban plantations! More importantly, like the inspir- set a target of zero carbon emissions by 2070.
UDAY INDIA 20 April, 2024

ing success of the implementation of National Clean Air (The author is a known Environmentalist and the pioneer of
Program (NCAP), the Urban Forest Policy will also have to be Satyagraha Against Pollution movement, )
implemented on a national level, managed and monitored by (The content of this article reflects the views of writers and
an agency of the Central Government. contributors, not necessarily those of the publisher and editor.
Otherwise, if this entire policy planning is left to the states All disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of compe-
individually, then each state will prepare their policy on its own tent courts and forums in Delhi/New Delhi only)


There is a limited understanding of hydrological process-

es of the lakes
Lakes are dynamic systems, store water and are sensitive
indicators of changes in rainfall, surface and groundwater
inflows, and water outflows in different forms such as evapora-
tion, seepage, and surface outflows. However, studies focused
on understanding the hydrological processes in Himalayan
lakes are limited.
Water quality of the lakes is deteriorating
Himalayan freshwater lakes are important sources of
water for local communities and the quality of water plays a
major role in the health and spread of diseases in the popula-
tion. Lakes in the INWH region are largely alkaline with a pH
value of 7.2 to 8.8 while slightly acidic to slightly alkaline
waters are found in a few high-altitude lakes such as Beni Tal lake mixing regimes and a spike in evaporation leading to a
, Deoria Tal and Nachiketa Tal. drop in water levels and lake areal extent.
High-altitude lakes in INWH are in an oligotrophic state The study makes the following recommendations to deal
(Hemkund, Prashar), while the rest of the lakes exhibit either with different sustainability challenges in Himalayan lakes
eutrophic (e.g., Surinsar, Tso Moriri, Ahansar, Anchar, Sattal, • Establish a monitoring network for hydrologic and water
and Wular) or hypereutrophic (Mansar, Tso Kar, Renuka, Dal, quality parameters in important freshwater lakes.
Nainital, and Rewalsar) state. • Explore and develop a thorough understanding of hydro-
The lakes are highly prone to sedimentation ecological dynamics and their drivers in different lake sys-
Steep topography and substantially high catchment ero- tems.
sion, potentially driven by high precipitation, deforestation by • Decisive actions from the municipal authorities and water
anthropogenic activities, and highly unpredictable climatic con- managers to reduce and reroute the human waste, and
ditions make Himalayan lakes highly prone to sedimentation. enforcement of laws to prevent future encroachment and
Land use land cover (LULC) changes are illegal dumping into the lakes
shrinking the lakes • An integrated watershed management considering hydrol-
For example, intensive urbanisation in Dal Lake has result- ogy and water quality with best management practices to

Himalayan lakes ed in decreased lake area and gradual deterioration in the

water quality of the lake. In Nainital Lake, intense construction
in the geologically fragile catchment due to increasing tourist
influx is leading to shrinking forest cover, enhanced sedimen-
help strategise long-term action plans for lake water man-
• Afforestation of hill slopes and installation of sediment traps
along the main inflow channel can control sedimentation

under stress! tation rate, and lake pollution. In the Manasbal Lake catch-
ment, stone quarrying has led to land cover changes and sub-
sequent nutrient and silt load leading to death of fish and dis-
turbances in the lake ecosystem.
Population growth and tourism are damaging lakes
and nutrient loading to lakes bodies.
• District authorities need to revisit the construction laws and
by-laws to limit effluents from construction sites, especially
for densely populated lakes.
• Limiting the use of farm fertilizers and manure, and encour-
Despite the large dependence of the increasing population on Himalayan lakes, information on the Several human settlements in the INWH have undergone agement to practice agroforestry would help reduce the
lakes continues to be limited thus hindering their sustainable management. a huge spike in population over the last half century, including nutrient loading to the lakes.
settlements around freshwater lakes in the region, which are • The development of a buffer zone around the lake would
presenting multiple challenges to lakes due to increase in supplement the reduction of nutrient inputs from direct and
n STUTI SHAH n SUMIT SEN n DEBABRATA SAHOO anthropogenic activities, urbannisation, catchment alterations indirect sources to the lake
and increased stress on available water resources and the bio- • Prohibition of activities such as bathing, use of detergents,
reshwater lakes in the Indian North Western Himalayan In the eastern parts of the Lesser Himalayas, the diversity of the lakes. and washing utensils in the lake water

F region (INWH) are unique and an important source of water

for the growing population in the region. The INWH region
covers the two states of Uttarakhand and Himachal
Nainital and Renuka lakes receive rainfall during monsoon
months while those in the western parts receive most of the
annual rainfall during the winter season and those in central
Climate change is taking its toll
Global warming has resulted in rising lake water tempera-
tures leading to eutrophication, decline in oxygen levels of the
• Spread public awareness of the ecological and cultural
importance of lakes, especially among the tourists and to
Pradesh and two union territories of Jammu and Kashmir, parts remain relatively dry during the monsoon season. lakes leading to algal blooms. In addition, global warming- • Active participation of state and local governments is
and Ladakh in India. Rainfall in the monsoon season is 2–3 times higher than the induced shifts in rainfall patterns in terms of magnitude, fre- required to establish proper legislation for lake conserva-
Variable topographies expose the lakes in the region to winter rainfall and is responsible for a relatively drier climate quency, and occurrence have led to decline in water levels, tion and ensure its implementation.
UDAY INDIA 20 April, 2024

UDAY INDIA 20 April, 2024

different climatic conditions making each lake unique in western and northern parts of INWH. which combined with pollution and lower oxygen levels can be (
The topography of the Himalayas is characterised by The seasonal temperature range also varies for lakes in detrimental to lake ecosystems. n-lakes-under-stress)
multiple levels of highly elevated mountain ranges extend- different regions with warmer temperatures for lakes in the Climate change has been found to alter lake surface con- (The content of this article reflects the views of writers
ing up to a maximum elevation of 8848 m above mean sea Lesser Himalayas i.e., Renuka and Nainital Lake, and cold to ditions such as surface temperature, ice cover, water level, and contributors, not necessarily those of the publisher
level (MSL). The lakes at different elevations are exposed subfreezing temperatures for lakes at a higher elevation such and evaporation. Reduced and delayed winter ice cover and and editor. All disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdic-
to different climatic conditions. as Wular, Dal, Tso Moriri, Tso Kar, and Chandratal Lake. increased lake surface temperatures have resulted in modified tion of competent courts and forums in Delhi/New Delhi only)

48 49
Turmoil Within Congress
n recent days, there has been a whirl- rhythm of social media platforms, polit-

I wind of activity within India's oldest

political party, the Indian National
Congress. While Congress is witness-
ing a rapid exodus of leaders and
ical landscapes are not immune to its
sway. Hence, Rahul finds himself at
the centre of this whirlwind, where his
language and actions are often magni-
workers to other parties, a similar influx fied by his left-wing thinkers' agenda.
of leaders from other parties to However, amidst this virtual cacopho-
Congress has not been seen. The con- ny, a dissonance arises within the
stant departure of Congress leaders ranks of Congress's youth brigade,
has raised questions about the party's who increasingly find themselves at
ability to retain its members. Recent odds with the amplified rhetoric and
departures, such as that of Sanjay actions propagated online. Therefore,
Nirupam, Gourav Vallabh, boxer it cannot be gainsaid that the present
Vijender Singh and Rohan Gupta high- leadership of Congress fails to assess
light the growing frustration among the correct steps at the right time. The
party members. Issues ranging from trend is not limited to senior figures,
dissatisfaction with leadership deci- even lower-ranking members feel mar-
sions to concerns about the party's ginalised within the party's hierarchy.
direction have prompted these leaders Limited opportunities for meaningful
to seek alternatives outside Congress. participation and a perceived lack of
The decline of the Congress party in transparency in decision-making
India is a multifaceted phenomenon processes have alienated many grass-
rooted in a combination of internal roots workers. The opaque process of
weaknesses and external pressures. seat allocation and sharing further
Unless the party can address its lead- fuels resentment and internal strife.
ership crisis, bridge internal divisions, Allegations of favouritism and bias
reconnect with voters, and adapt to the undermine trust in the party's internal
DEEPAK KUMAR RATH changing political landscape, its mechanisms, eroding its support base.
decline is likely to continue unabated, Despite calls for reform, Congress
further diminishing its stature as the appears resistant to change, clinging
pre-eminent force in Indian politics. As to outdated practices and hierarchical
India marches forward into the 21st structures. The sidelining of dissenting
century, the fate of Congress remains voices, as seen in the treatment of the
uncertain, symbolising both the chal- G23 group, underscores the party's
lenges and opportunities that lie ahead reluctance to embrace internal critique.
for the world's largest democracy. As the 2024 elections loom over the
Against this backdrop, it is worth horizon, Congress faces an uphill bat-
mentioning that although Sonia Gandhi tle to regain relevance. Without
and later Rahul Gandhi managed to addressing its internal challenges,
balance between leftist and grounded including the lack of democracy and
thinking, Rahul has moved ahead. He ideological clarity, the party risks fur-
UDAY INDIA 20 April, 2024

seems to heed more to the advice of ther decline. It remains to be seen

his advisors. When he attacks BJP or whether the central leadership will
Prime Minister Modi, his language heed the calls for reform and chart a
often becomes erratic, and the original new course out for Congress, or
issues get lost. But in the digital age, whether it will continue to falter in the
where the pulse of society beats to the face of mounting discontent.

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