Classes Preparation - Challenge 6

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UNIT 8 – PREVIEW (Performing at your best)

Word Example Translation (IPA)

Quotient If she’d read for today’s test, she ɪf ʃid red fɔr təˈdeɪz tɛst, ʃi wʊd hæv ˈgɑtən ə ˈhaɪər
A particular degree or amount of would have gotten a higher ɪnˈtɛləʤəns ˈkwoʊʃənt.
something. intelligence quotient.

Shelter ɪf ɪt ˈhædənt bɪn fɔr ðə ˈbreɪkɪŋ nuz, aɪ ˈwʊdənt hæv riʧt

A building designed to give If it hadn’t been for the breaking ði ˈænəməl ˈʃɛltər ɑn taɪm.
protection from bad weather, news, I wouldn’t have reached
danger or attack. the animal shelter on time.

Have a way with Those nurses have a way with ðoʊz ˈnɜrsəz hæv ə weɪ wɪð ˈsinjər ˈsɪtəzənz.
To be good at dealing with or senior citizens.

Sharp They may have failed the Math ðeɪ meɪ hæv feɪld ðə mæθs ɪgˈzæm, bʌt ðɛr stɪl æz ʃɑrp
Intelligent or quick to notice exam, but they’re still as sharp æz ə tæk.
things. as a tack.
(Extra expression)
If I were presenting my speaking
Sounds like you just have a C1 exam right now, I would be ɪf aɪ wɜr prɪˈzɛntɪŋ maɪ ˈspikɪŋ si1 ɪgˈzæm raɪt naʊ,
minor case of the jitters getting a minor case of the aɪ wʊd bi ˈgɛtɪŋ ə ˈmaɪnər keɪs ʌv ðə ˈʤɪtərz.
You seem nervous/anxious.

UNIT 8 – (Lesson 1 – Discuss your talents and strengths)

Word Example Translation (IPA)

An ability or special method for I wish I had a knack for aɪ wɪʃ aɪ hæd ə næk fɔr ˌmæθəˈmætɪkəl ˌkælkjəˈleɪʃənz.
doing something easily and well. mathematical calculations.

Make a fool of yourself

To make yourself seem stupid by If I fell down the stairs, I would
behaving in a silly or make a total fool of myself. ɪf aɪ fɛl daʊn ðə stɛrz, aɪ wʊd meɪk ə ˈtoʊtəl ful ʌv
embarrassing way. ˌmaɪˈsɛlf.
Make up one’s mind I’ve had a lot of doubts about his
To make a decisión about behavior these days. Now, I can’t aɪv hæd ə lɑt ʌv daʊts əˈbaʊt hɪz bɪˈheɪvjər ðiz deɪz. naʊ
something. make up my mind between , aɪ kænt meɪk ʌp maɪ maɪnd bɪˈtwin ˈtɔkɪŋ tu hɪm ɔr fər
talking to him or forgetting him ˈgɛtɪŋ hɪm wʌns ænd fɔr ɔl.
once and for all.

To be a good fit
To be perfect or qualified (for the I’d say that working as an editor aɪd seɪ ðæt ˈwɜrkɪŋ æz ən ˈɛdətər kʊd bi ə gʊd fɪt fɔr mi.
job); to meet the requirements could be a good fit for me.
(for the job).

I’m thinking about incorporating

Down the road new skills in both my personal aɪm ˈθɪŋkɪŋ əˈbaʊt ɪnˈkɔrpəˌreɪtɪŋ nu skɪlz ɪn boʊθ
In the future. and professional life down the maɪ ˈpɜrsɪnɪl ænd prəˈfɛʃənəl laɪf daʊn ðə roʊd.

Extra Word: “Tackle” It takes a while to adapt to the

To try to deal with something or real work environment. It has ɪt teɪks ə waɪl tu əˈdæpt tu ðə riəl wɜrk ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt.
someone. been too sensitive to tackle. ɪt hæz bɪn tu ˈsɛnsətɪv tu ˈtækəl.
UNIT 8 – (Lesson 2 – Suggest ways to boost intelligence)

Word Example Translation (IPA)

Street smarts It’s estimated that 80% of ɪts ˈɛstəˌmeɪtəd ðæt 80% ʌv kəˈlʌmbiən ˈpipəl doʊnt hæv
The ability to manage or succeed Colombian people don’t have the ðə strit smɑrts tu fil seɪf ænd saʊnd
in difficult or dangerous street smarts to feel safe and wɛn ˈtɔkɪŋ baɪ ˈsɛlfoʊn ɑn ðə strit.
situations, especially in big towns sound when talking by cellphone
or cities. on the street.

Advisability If they were in the court, they ɪf ðeɪ wɜr ɪn ðə kɔrt, ðeɪ ˈwʊdənt bi dɪˈskʌsɪŋ
The fact that something should or wouldn’t be discussing the ði ˌædˌvaɪzəˈbɪlɪti ʌv ðə ˈneɪbərˌhʊd ˈkɑnsərts əp
should not be done in order to advisability of the neighborhood ˈsteɪʤ.
avoid a problem. concerts upstage.

Urge Citizens urge that electoral ˈsɪtəzənz ɜrʤ ðæt ɪˈlɛktərəl ˈwɪtnəsəz ˌgɛrənˈti
To strongly advice or try to witnesses guarantee trænˈspɛrənsi wɛn ˈvoʊtɪŋ. ˈivɪn, ðeɪ du hæv
persuade someone to do a transparency when voting. Even if ən aɪ fɔr dɪˈteɪl.
particular thing. they do have an eye for detail.

Extra expression
(Hold tight) Hold tight and try to lessen the hoʊld taɪt ænd traɪ tu ˈlɛsən ðə strɛs ʌv jʊər
Used for telling someone to wait and not
stress of your day-to-day life. deɪ-tu-deɪ laɪf ruˈtin.
to do anything or not worry.
UNIT 8 - (Lesson 3 – Explain how you produce your best work)

Word Example Translation (IPA)

On target She recommended that I stay on ʃi ˌrɛkəˈmɛndəd ðæt aɪ steɪ ɑn ˈtɑrgət. ɪts ɪˈsɛnʃəl ðæt
When you are making good target. It’s essential that I stop aɪ stɑp prəˈkræstəˌneɪtɪŋ.
progress and likely to achieve procrastinating.
what you planned.

You stop thinking about the It’s desirable that you not wander ɪts dɪˈzaɪrəbəl ðæt ju nɑt ˈwɑndər wɛˈnɛvər ju ˈprɛzənt ə
subject that you should be giving whenever you present a listening ˈlɪsənɪŋ ɪgˈzæm.
your attention to and start exam.
thinking about other matters.

Leftovers Yesterday, she made a new ˈjɛstərˌdeɪ, ʃi meɪd ə nu ˈrɛsəpi, ænd ðɪs ˈmɔrnɪŋ aɪ dɪd
Food remaining after a meal. recipe, and this morning I did try traɪ ðə ˈlɛfˌtoʊvərz. ðeɪ wɜr ˈrɪli gʊd!
the leftovers. They were really
Back to square one
When you have to start working The boss knows they gave it a ðə bɑs noʊz ðeɪ geɪv ɪt ə ʃɑt. ˌnɛvərðəˈlɛs, hi ɪnˈsɪstəd
on a plan from the beginning shot. Nevertheless, he insisted ðæt ðeɪ bæk tu skwɛr wʌn.
because your previous attempt (that) they back to square one.
failed completely.

Memo (Memorandum)
A messsage or other information The employees were informed by ði ɛmˈplɔɪiz wɜr ɪnˈfɔrmd baɪ ə ˈmɛˌmoʊ ðæt ðə nu
in writing sent by one person or a memo that the new company’s ˈkʌmpəniz rulz mʌst bi əˈkɑmplɪʃt.
department to another in the rules must be accomplished.
same business organization.

Drag on
To continue for longer than you When I find something boring to wɛn aɪ faɪnd ˈsʌmθɪŋ ˈbɔrɪŋ tu rid, aɪ fil ðæt wɪl dræg ɑn
want or think is necessary. read, I feel that will drag on fəˈrɛvər.

Dull It’s important that she be ɪts ɪmˈpɔrtənt ðæt ʃi bi ɛnˈgeɪʤɪŋ ɑn dʌl ˈʧælənʤɪz ɪf ʃi
Not interesting or exciting in any engaging on dull challenges if wɑnts tu bi ə ʃɑrp prəˈfɛʃənəl.
way. she wants to be a sharp

Make it a point He always do make it a point to

To give one's attention to (doing treat his employees fairly. hi ˈɔlˌweɪz du meɪk ɪt ə pɔɪnt tu trit hɪz ɛmˈplɔɪiz ˈfɛrli.
something) to make sure that it

UNIT 8 – (Lesson 4 – Describe what makes someone a “genius”)

Word Example Translation (IPA)

Impressive It’s critical that she be presenting

If someone is impressive, you her new undertaking because ɪts ˈkrɪtɪkəl ðæt ʃi bi prɪˈzɛntɪŋ hɜr nu ˈʌndərˌteɪkɪŋ bɪˈkɔz
admire or respect that person for she’ll get impressive ʃil gɛt ɪmˈprɛsɪv əˈʧivmənts wɪð ðæt.
their special skills or abilities. achievements with that.

Gifted I would say that he does have a aɪ wʊd seɪ ðæt hi dʌz hæv ə hɛd fɔr ˈfɪgjərz. fɔr
Having special ability in a head for figures. For this reason, ðɪs ˈrizən, hi kʊd bi noʊn æz ə ˈgɪftəd ˈpɜrsən.
particular subject or activity. he could be known as a gifted
Account If it hadn’t been for her account ɪf ɪt ˈhædənt bɪn fɔr hɜr əˈkaʊnt ʌv hɜr
A written or spoken description of of her world travel, they would wɜrld ˈtrævəl, ðeɪ wʊd hæv bɪn skæmd.
an event. have been scammed.

Groundbreaking We do have a way with people. wi du hæv ə weɪ wɪð ˈpipəl. bɪˈkɔz ʌv ðæt,
Original and important; showing a Because of that, we’ll release our wil riˈlis ˈaʊər læst ˈgraʊndˌbreɪkɪŋ ˈstʌdi əˈbaʊt
new way of doing or thinking last groundbreaking study about ɪˈmoʊʃənəl ɪnˈtɛləʤəns.
about things. emotional intelligence.

(Extra expression)
It go over like a lead balloon Elections come soon, and they
To become a complete failure could go over like a lead ɪˈlɛkʃənz kʌm sun, ænd ðeɪ kʊd goʊ ˈoʊvər laɪk ə
and/or something that causes balloon for many people. lid bəˈlun fɔr ˈmɛni ˈpipəl.
UNIT 9 – Preview

Word Example Translation (IPA)

Feasibility: The possibility that They were already saving money ðeɪ wɜr ɔlˈrɛdi ˈseɪvɪŋ ˈmʌni waɪl ðɛr ˈdɔtər wʌz
can be made, done, or achieved, while their daughter was thinking ˈθɪŋkɪŋ əˈbaʊt ðə ˌfizəˈbɪləti ʌv ˈbɪldɪŋ ə nu hoʊm
or is reasonable. about the feasibility of building a ɪn ðə ˈkʌntriˌsaɪd.
new home in the countryside.

Brittany told me that her brother

Lie ahead: To be in the future. would start studying a major in ˈbrɪtəni toʊld mi ðæt hɜr ˈbrʌðər wʊd stɑrt tu ˈstʌdi
July, and she’s sure an amazing ə ˈmeɪʤər ɪn ˌʤuˈlaɪ, ænd ʃiz ʃʊr ən əˈmeɪzɪŋ ˈfjuʧər
future lies ahead of him. laɪz əˈhɛd ʌv hɪm.

Perform: To do an action or It might be believed that in the

piece of work. future either machines or robots ɪt maɪt bi bɪˈlivd ðæt ɪn ðə ˈfjuʧər ˈiðər məˈʃinz
would perform human activities. ɔr ˈroʊˌbɑts wʊd pərˈfɔrm ˈhjumən ækˈtɪvətiz.

Chore: A job or piece of work My mom insists that I complete

that is often boring or unpleasant the household chores on maɪ mɑm ɪnˈsɪsts ðæt aɪ kəmˈplit ðə ˈhaʊsˌhoʊld ʧɔrz
but needs to be done regularly. weekends. ɑn ˈwiˌkɛndz.

Make a living: To earn the No matter how much money we noʊ ˈmætər haʊ mʌʧ ˈmʌni wi seɪv, wi ˈɔlˌweɪz hæv tu
money one needs to pay for save, we always have to make a meɪk ə ˈlɪvɪŋ!
housing, food, etc. living!

All over the place: In a lot of It’s desirable that you pick up ɪts dɪˈzaɪrəbəl ðæt ju pɪk ʌp jʊər θɪŋz frʌm ðə ˈsoʊfə.
different places or in all parts of a your things from the sofa. Your ɔl jʊər kloʊðz ɑr ɔl ˈoʊvər ðə pleɪs!
place. clothes are all over the place!
UNIT 9 (Lesson 1 – Discuss the feasibility of future technologies)

Word Example Translation (IPA)

Rocket: A cylindrical device In the 21st century, rockets have

containing material that explodes, been launched to the space. ɪn ði 21strit ˈsɛnʧəri, ˈrɑkəts hæv bɪn lɔnʧt tu ðə speɪs.
sending the device through the

Lightweight: Weighing only a The more lightweight clothes

little or less tan average. you wear, the more comfortable ðə mɔr ˈlaɪˈtweɪt kloʊðz ju wɛr, ðə mɔr ˈkʌmfərtəbəl ju fil.
you feel.

Inhabitant: A person or animal It’s estimated that in Bogota there

that lives in a particular place. are more than seven millions of ɪts ˈɛstəˌmeɪtəd ðæt ɪn ˌboʊgəˈtɑ ðɛr ɑr mɔr ðæn ˈsɛvən
inhabitants. ˈmɪljənz ʌv ɪnˈhæbətənts.

Solar wind: The continuous flow The solar wind could be harmful
of charged particles from the sun for human’s skin. ðə ˈsoʊlər wɪnd kʊd bi ˈhɑrmfəl fɔr ˈhjumənz skɪn.
which spreads the solar system.

To mine: To dig coal or another He asked if I had mined the hi æskt ɪf aɪ hæd maɪnd ðə graʊnd tu teɪk ðə goʊld aʊt.
substance out of the ground. ground to take the gold out.

Maglev: Magnetic levitation: and The more people use maglev

advanced type of transport trains, the less time they spend ðə mɔr ˈpipəl juz ˈmæˌglɛv treɪnz, ðə lɛs taɪm ðeɪ spɛnd
system in which a train travels on commuting. kəmˈjutɪŋ.
a magnetic track, often at very
high speeds.
UNIT 9 (Lesson 2 – Evaluate applications of innovative technologies)

Word Example Translation (IPA)

Be for someone or something: By 2025, most people are going

To support or be in favor of a to be for euthanasia. baɪ 2025, moʊst ˈpipəl ɑr ˈgoʊɪŋ tu bi fɔr ˌjuθəˈneɪʒə.
person, group or effort .

I’ve been said that the poverty

Toll: A high degree of suffering or toll would be increased because aɪv bɪn sɛd ðæt ðə ˈpɑvərti toʊl wʊd bi ɪnˈkrist bɪˈkɔz ʌv
damage. of the corruption that exists ðə kəˈrʌpʃən ðæt ɪgˈzɪsts bɪˈtwin ˈpɑləˌtɪks ænd rɪˈlɪʤən.
between politics and religion.

Slippery slope: A bad situation Cloning will have been

or habit that, after it has started, considered as a slippery slope ˈkloʊnɪŋ wɪl hæv bɪn kənˈsɪdərd æz ə ˈslɪpəri sloʊp
is likely to get very much worse. by many people. baɪ ˈmɛni ˈpipəl.

Designer baby: A baby whose By the year 2525, the ones who
genes have been chosen by its decide to be parents will be seen baɪ ðə jɪr 2525, ðə wʌnz hu ˌdɪˈsaɪd tu bi ˈpɛrənts wɪl bi
parents and doctors so that it has choosing specific features for sin ˈʧuzɪŋ spəˈsɪfɪk ˈfiʧərz fɔr ðɛr dɪˈzaɪnər ˈbeɪbi.
particular characteristics. their designer baby.
UNIT 9 (Lesson 3 – Discuss how to protect our future environment)

Word Example Translation (IPA)

Reverse: To change the If electric vehicles were

direction, order, position, result, developed this year, petrol ɪf ɪˈlɛktrɪk ˈvihɪkəlz wɜr dɪˈvɛləpt ðɪs jɪr, ˈpɛtroʊl ˈpɑləˌtɪks
etc. of something to its opposite. politics might be reversed. maɪt bi rɪˈvɜrst.

Old-growth: Trees that have By 2075, old growth trees might baɪ 2075, oʊld groʊθ triz maɪt bi kloʊnd baɪ ˈmɛni ˈpipəl.
been growing for a very long be cloned by many people.

Edge: The edge of something is If it weren’t for your call, I would

the place or line where it stops, or have been lost in the edges of ɪf ɪt ˈwɜrənt fɔr jʊər kɔl, aɪ wʊd hæv bɪn lɔst ɪn ði
the part of it that is furthest from the forest. ˈɛʤəz ʌv ðə ˈfɔrəst.
the middle.

Forestry: The science of planting He studied forestry at Colorado

and taking care of large areas of State University. hi ˈstʌdid ˈfɔrəstri æt ˌkɑləˈrɑdoʊ steɪt ˌjunəˈvɜrsəti.

Scare sb away off: To make Through the use of fireworks and

someone so worried about doing other loud noises, they scared θru ðə juz ʌv ˈfaɪrˌwɜrks ænd ˈʌðər laʊd ˈnɔɪzɪz, ðeɪ
something that they decide not to the elephants off. skɛrd ði ˈɛləfənts ɔf.
do it.
UNIT 9 (Lesson 4 – Examine future social and demographic trends)

Word Example Translation (IPA)

Excerpt: To take a small part By the end of this cycle, different

from a speech, book, film, etc. in excerpts will be taken for the baɪ ði ɛnd ʌv ðɪs ˈsaɪkəl, ˈdɪfərənt ˈɛksərpts wɪl bi
order to publish it separately. discussion about employment ˈteɪkən fɔr ðə dɪˈskʌʃən əˈbaʊt ɛmˈplɔɪmənt reɪts.

Stream: To send or receive Different system engineers

sound or video directly over the predicted that streaming ˈdɪfərənt ˈsɪstəm ˈɛnʤəˈnɪrz prɪˈdɪktɪd ðæt ˈstrimɪŋ
internet as a continuous flow. platforms such as Netflix, ˈplætˌfɔrmz sʌʧ æz ˈnɛtˌflɪks, ˈæməˌzɑn praɪm, ænd
Amazon Prime, and Youtube Youtube wʊd bi juzd baɪ ˈmɪljənz ʌv ˈpipəl əˈraʊnd
ðə gloʊb.
would be used by millions of
people around the globe.
Unit 10 - PREVIEW

Word Example Translation (IPA)

Import: Goods bought by one It’s critical that countries be ɪts ˈkrɪtɪkəl ðæt ˈkʌntriz bi ˈkipɪŋ ən aɪ ɑn ði ɪˈligəl
country from another. keeping an eye on the illegal ɪmˈpɔrts ʌv drʌgz.
imports of drugs.

Kid you not: Used for saying that She does have an eye for detail, I
you are telling the truth. kid you no. ʃi dʌz hæv ən aɪ fɔr dɪˈteɪl, aɪ kɪd ju noʊ.
UNIT 10 (Lesson 1 – React to news about global issues)

Word Example Translation (IPA)

Homelessness: The estate of If corruption had been wiped out

being without a home. earlier, homelessness might ɪf kəˈrʌpʃən hæd bɪn waɪpt aʊt ˈɜrliər, ˈhoʊmləsnəs
have decreased last year. maɪt hæv dɪˈkrist læst jɪr.

All up (Up all): In the future, our lives are going ɪn ðə ˈfjuʧər, ˈaʊər lɪvz ɑr ˈgoʊɪŋ tu bi ʌp ɔl ˌriˈpleɪst baɪ
At or very near an end. to be up all replaced by məˈʃinz.

Relief agency: A humanitarian If it weren’t for the relief

organization trying to bring relief agencies, the refugees would ɪf ɪt ˈwɜrənt fɔr ðə rɪˈlif ˈeɪʤənsiz, ðə ˈrɛˌfjuʤiz wʊd
to the poor and needy. have gone without food and a hæv gɔn wɪˈθaʊt fud ænd ə haʊs.

Reverse: To stop things Political decisions might be

happening in a particular way. reversed by a new younger pəˈlɪtəkəl dɪˈsɪʒənz maɪt bi rɪˈvɜrst baɪ ə
generation. nu ˈjʌŋgər ˌʤɛnəˈreɪʃən.

Settle into: To become familiar Immigrants could put up with

with a new way of life, place, or culture shock while they settle ˈɪməgrənts kʊd pʊt ʌp wɪð ˈkʌlʧər ʃɑk waɪl ðeɪ
job, or to make someone do this. into their new lives. ˈsɛtəl ˈɪntu ðɛr nu lɪvz.

Drought: A long period when In a few decades, droughts

there is little or no rain. would be spilled over the planet. ɪn ə fju dɛˈkeɪdz, draʊts wʊd bi spɪld ˈoʊvər ðə ˈplænət.
UNIT 10 (Lesson 3 – Discuss the pros and cons of globalization)

Word Example Translation (IPA)

Free trade: International buying

and selling of goods, without Some years ago, free trade
limits on the amount of goods that became a reality that put cultures sʌm jɪrz əˈgoʊ, fri treɪd bɪˈkeɪm ə ˌriˈæləˌti ðæt pʊt
one country can sell to another, and economies together around ˈkʌlʧərz ænd ɪˈkɑnəmiz təˈgɛðər əˈraʊnd ðə gloʊb.
and without special taxes on the the globe.
goods bought from a foreign

Thrive: If it weren’t for her loan, my new ɪf ɪt ˈwɜrənt fɔr hɜr loʊn, maɪ nu ˈʌndərˌteɪkɪŋ
To grow, develop, or be undertaking wouldn’t have ˈwʊdənt hæv θraɪvd æz mʌʧ æz aɪ ɪkˈspɛktəd.
successful. thrived as much as I expected.

Outsource: To get work done by If national companies decide to

making a contract with another outsource their manufacturing by ɪf ˈnæʃənəl ˈkʌmpəniz ˌdɪˈsaɪd tu ˌaʊtˈsɔrs ðɛr
company to do it, often in another this time next year, many ˌmænjəˈfækʧərɪŋ baɪ ðɪs taɪm nɛkst jɪr, ˈmɛni ɛmˈplɔɪiz
country, rather than in your own employees will lose their job wɪl luz ðɛr ʤɑb ˈizəli.
company. easily.

Flourish: To grow or develop Considering that she does have a kənˈsɪdərɪŋ ðæt ʃi dʌz hæv ə gʊd ɪnˈtuətɪv sɛns,
successfully. good intuitive sense, she will ʃi wɪl ˈflərɪʃ ɑn hɜr nu ˈprɑʤɛkts.
flourish on her new projects.

Merchant: A person whose job is

to buy and sell products in large Wine merchants have had a long
amounts, especially by trading track record in Colombia. waɪn ˈmɜrʧənts hæv hæd ə lɔŋ træk ˈrɛkərd ɪ
with other countries. n kəˈlʌmbiə.

Word Example Translation (IPA)

Homelessness: The estate of If corruption had been wiped out

being without a home. earlier, homelessness might ɪf kəˈrʌpʃən hæd bɪn waɪpt aʊt ˈɜrliər, ˈhoʊmləsnəs
have decreased last year. maɪt hæv dɪˈkrist læst jɪr.

All up (Up all): In the future, our lives are going ɪn ðə ˈfjuʧər, ˈaʊər lɪvz ɑr ˈgoʊɪŋ tu bi ʌp ɔl ˌriˈpleɪst baɪ
At or very near an end. to be up all replaced by məˈʃinz.

Relief agency: A humanitarian If it weren’t for the relief

organization trying to bring relief agencies, the refugees would ɪf ɪt ˈwɜrənt fɔr ðə rɪˈlif ˈeɪʤənsiz, ðə ˈrɛˌfjuʤiz wʊd
to the poor and needy. have gone without food and a hæv gɔn wɪˈθaʊt fud ænd ə haʊs.

Settle into: To become familiar Immigrants could put up with

with a new way of life, place, or culture shock while they settle ˈɪməgrənts kʊd pʊt ʌp wɪð ˈkʌlʧər ʃɑk waɪl ðeɪ
job, or to make someone do this. into their new lives. ˈsɛtəl ˈɪntu ðɛr nu lɪvz.

Drought: A long period when In a few decades, droughts

there is little or no rain. would be spilled over the planet. ɪn ə fju dɛˈkeɪdz, draʊts wʊd bi spɪld ˈoʊvər ðə ˈplænət.

There’s a good chance: When There’s a good chance that I’ll

you want to say that something be late after lunch, but I’ll stop my ðɛrz ə gʊd ʧæns ðæt aɪl bi leɪt ˈæftər lʌnʧ,
might happen, and the possibility mind starts to wander about it. bʌt aɪl stɑp maɪ maɪnd stɑrts tu ˈwɑndər əˈbaʊt ɪt.
is pretty high.

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