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Vocabulary about Unit 4 – Lesson 1 (How to overcome shortcomings)

Word Example Translation (IPA)

File away Recently, I’ve been filing my ˈrisəntli, aɪv bɪn ˈfaɪlɪŋ maɪ ˈθisəs dræfts əˈweɪ fɔr ˈfjuʧər
Place in a container for keeping thesis drafts away for future ˈrɛfərəns.
records. reference.

Pile up When I was a child I liked to pile wɛn aɪ wʌz ə ʧaɪld aɪ laɪkt tu paɪl ʌp ə lɑrʤ ˈnʌmbər ʌv
Cause something to increase in up a large number of pencil ˈpɛnsəl ˈkʌlərz.
quantity. colors.

Take the bull by the horns European Union and the USA
To do something difficult in a should take the bull by the ˌjʊrəˈpiən ˈjunjən ænd ðə ˈjuˈɛˈseɪ ʃʊd teɪk ðə bʊl baɪ
brave and determined way. horns and create an action plan ðə hɔrnz ænd kriˈeɪt ən ˈækʃən plæn ðæt kənˈtrɪbjuts tu
that contributes to the war’s ðə wɔrz rəˈdʌkʃən.

Pick up the pieces He decided to pick up the hi ˌdɪˈsaɪdɪd tu pɪk ʌp ðə ˈpisəz wɪð hɪz ˈkʌzən
To try to return to a satisfactory pieces with his cousin when she wɛn ʃi peɪd hɪm bæk ðə loʊn.
situation. paid him back the loan.
Vocabulary about Unit 4 – Lesson 2 (Acknowledge inconsiderate behavior)

Word Example Translation (IPA)

Bring up Whenever she gets a new job, she wɛˈnɛvər ʃi gɛts ə nu ʤɑb, ʃi stɑrts tu brɪŋ
To start to talk about a particular subject. starts to bring up the challenges she ʌp ðə ˈʧælənʤɪz ʃi hæz tu ˈoʊvərˌkʌm.
has to overcome.

Make an issue out of something

To argue about something or treat it as Your sister made an issue of your jʊər ˈsɪstər meɪd ən ˈɪʃu ʌv jʊər ˈlɪsənɪŋ
important when it is not, especially when this listening loud music at midnight. laʊd ˈmjuzɪk æt ˈmɪdˌnaɪt.
annoys other people. To exagerate or treat
a minor issue in a way that makes it seem
like a major one.

Bug When people don’t respect the wɛn ˈpipəl doʊnt rɪˈspɛkt ði ˈʌðərz pleɪs ɪn
To annoy or worry someone. others’ place in a public ə ˈpʌblɪk ˌtrænspərˈteɪʃən, aɪ gɛt əˈnɔɪd
transportation, I get annoyed because bɪˈkɔz ɪt bʌgz mi.
it bugs me.

Make up for something The employee gave money to the

To take the place of something lost or manager to make up for being late ði ɛmˈplɔɪi geɪv ˈmʌni tu ðə ˈmænəʤər tu
damaged or to compensate for something the day before. meɪk ʌp fɔr ˈbiɪŋ leɪt ðə deɪ bɪˈfɔr.
bad with something good.

Vocabulary about Unit 4 – Lesson 3 (Explain how you handle anger)

Word Example Translation (IPA)

Have a fit If I don’t receive an answer from the ɪf aɪ doʊnt rəˈsiv ən ˈænsər frʌm ðə ˈkʌmpəni
To become very angry. company soon, I could have a fit. sun, aɪ kʊd hæv ə fɪt.

Go ballistic When they realized there were wɛn ðeɪ ˈriəˌlaɪzd ðɛr wɜr ˈpɪkˌpɑkəts ˈɪntu ðə
To suddenly become very angry. pickpockets into the bus, they went bʌs, ðeɪ wɛnt bəˈlɪstɪk.

Shrug something off Mark shouldn’t shrug his mɑrk ˈʃʊdənt ʃrʌg hɪz riˌspɑnsəˈbɪləti ɔf
To treat something as if it is not responsibility off for his son. fɔr hɪz sʌn.
important or not a problem.

Let off steam When I have a dismal day, I tend to wɛn aɪ hæv ə ˈdɪzməl deɪ, aɪ tɛnd tu wɑʧ
To do or say something that helps you watch documentary films to let off ˌdɑkjəˈmɛntəri fɪlmz tu lɛt ɔf stim.
to get rid of strong feelings or energy. steam.

Cut someone off

While you are driving, someone pulls It ticked me off when the driver of that ɪt tɪkt mi ɔf wɛn ðə ˈdraɪvər ʌv ðæt trʌk kʌt mi
ɔf waɪl aɪ wʌz ˈdraɪvɪŋ.
into your lane in front of you at a closer truck cut me off while I was driving.
distance than you are comfortable

Vocabulary about Unit 5 – (Humor)

Word Example Translation (IPA)

Creepy The film “The exorcism of Emily ðə fɪlm “ði exorcism ʌv ˈɛmɪli roʊz” ɪz kaɪnd ʌv ˈkripi.
Strange or unnatural and making Rose” is kind of creepy.
you feel frightened.

What on earth What on earth is happening with wʌt ɑn ɜrθ ɪz ˈhæpənɪŋ wɪð kəˈlʌmbiəz ɪˈlɛkʃənz?
Used for showing surprise. Colombia’s elections?

Don’t quote me on that I think his mother is a lawer, but aɪ θɪŋk hɪz ˈmʌðər ɪz ə ˈlɔər, bʌt doʊnt
Is when you are close enough don’t quote me on that. kwoʊt mi ɑn ðæt.
and the outcome or speculation
isn’t that important.

Surmise Colombian people have been kəˈlʌmbiən ˈpipəl hæv bɪn sərˈmaɪzɪŋ ˈrisəntli bɪˈkɔz ʌv
To guess something, without surmising recently because of ðə ˈvoʊtɪŋ ˈpɪriəd.
having mucho or any proof, the voting period.

Thick-skinned Politicians tend to be thick- ˌpɑləˈtɪʃənz tɛnd tu bi θɪk-skɪnd wɪð ðə məˈʤɔrəti ʌv ˈsɪt
Not easily hurt by criticism. skinned with the majority of əzənz.

A type of humorous acting in Last night, my grandparents were læst naɪt, maɪ ˈgrændˌpɛrənts wɜr ˈhævɪŋ sʌm fʌn waɪl ˈ
wɑʧɪŋ ðə ˈslæpˌstɪk ˈkɑmədi.
which the actors behave in a silly having some fun while watching
way, such as by throwing things, the slapstick comedy.
falling over, etc.

Vocabulary about Unit 5 – Lesson 2 (Respond to something funny)

Word Example Translation (IPA)

Hysterical The TV show I watched yesterday ðə ˈtiˈvi ʃoʊ aɪ wɑʧt ˈjɛstərˌdeɪ wʌz soʊ
Extremely funny. was so hysterical! hɪˈstɛrɪkəl.

Extremely funny and causing a lot of Colombian memes are extremely kəˈlʌmbiən miːms ɑr ɛkˈstrimli hɪˈlɛriəs.
laughter. hilarious.

Go over someone’s head I don’t know what is the reason you aɪ doʊnt noʊ wʌt ɪz ðə ˈrizən ju ɔl wɜr ˈlæfɪ
To be too difficult for someone to all were laughing during class. To be ŋ ˈdʊrɪŋ klæs. tu bi ˈɑnəst,
understand. honest, that went over my head. ðæt wɛnt ˈoʊvər maɪ hɛd.

Tear When I was standing up from the wɛn aɪ wʌz ˈstændɪŋ ʌp frʌm ðə ʧɛr, maɪ
To pull or be pulled apart. chair, my hoodie tore on it. ˈhʊd.i tɔr ɑn ɪt.

Priceless When she got the joke Charlie told us wɛn ʃi gɑt ðə ʤoʊk ˈʧɑrli toʊld ʌs ðə deɪ bɪ
Extremely funny to see or hear. the day before her birthday, her face ˈfɔr hɜr ˈbɜrθˌdeɪ, hɜr feɪs wʌz ˌæbsəˈlutli
was absolutely priceless.
Vocabulary about Unit 5 – Lesson 3 (Analyze what makes us laugh)

Word Example Translation (IPA)

Bump into When I was a child, I bumped wɛn aɪ wʌz ə ʧaɪld, aɪ bʌmpt ˈɪntu ə wɔl waɪl ˈwɔkɪŋ
To hit something with force. into a wall while walking down daʊn ðə stɛrz.
the stairs.

Detachment When you listen to two people wɛn ju ˈlɪsən tu tu ˈpipəl ˈgɪvɪŋ ðɛr oʊn əˈpɪnjən
A feeling of not being emotionally giving their own opinion about əˈbaʊt ˈɛni ˈtɑpɪk, ju ʃʊd ʃoʊ sʌm dɪˈtæʧmənt tu
involved. any topic, you should show some əˈvɔɪd ˌmɪsəndərˈstændɪŋz.
detachment to avoid
To slide without intending to. Please, be careful you don’t slip,
the floor is wet. pliz, bi ˈkɛrfəl ju doʊnt slɪp, ðə flɔr ɪz wɛt.
To reach a decision or an We should settle this. You could wi ʃʊd ˈsɛtəl ðɪs. ju kʊd raɪt ðə rɪˈpɔrt ænd aɪ kʊd dɪˈzaɪn
agreement about something. write the report and I could ðə broʊˈʃʊr fɔr nɛkst ˈmʌndi ˌprɛzənˈteɪʃən.
design the brochure for next
Monday presentation.

Vocabulary about Unit 6 (Troubles while travelling)

Word Example Translation (IPA)

Hassles I had a hassle with my cousin aɪ hæd ə ˈhæsəl wɪð maɪ ˈkʌzən læst mʌnθ bɪˈkɔz ʌv
Situations that cause difficulty or last month because of his playing hɪz ˈpleɪɪŋ ˈmjuzɪk leɪt æt naɪt.
trouble, or an argument. music late at night.

Inedible The spaghetti they served in the

Not suitable or good enough to meeting was inedible, to be ðə spəˈgɛti ðeɪ sɜrvd ɪn ðə ˈmitɪŋ wʌz ɪˈnɛdəbəl,
eat. honest. tu bi ˈɑnəst.

Split When I split home, I forgot to

To leave a place. take my cellphone. wɛn aɪ splɪt hoʊm, aɪ fərˈgɑt tu teɪk maɪ ˈsɛlfoʊn.

Slam That got on her nerves, for that ðæt gɑt ɑn hɜr nɜrvz, fɔr ðæt ˈrizən, ʃi slæmd ðə dɔr ʌv
To cause to move against a hard reason, she slammed the door of hɜr kɑr.
surface with force and usually a her car.
loud noise.

Vocabulary about Unit 6- Lesson 1

Word Example Translation (IPA)

Installement ðə ˈreɪdiˌoʊ ˈproʊˌgræm ʤʌst ˈbrɔdˌkæst ðə fɜrst tu
One of the parts of something, The radio program just broadcast ɪnˈstɔːl.mənts.
such as a show, that is the first two installements.
experienced as part of a series
over a period of time.

In a nutshell I don’t know what to say, but in a aɪ doʊnt noʊ wʌt tu seɪ, bʌt ɪn ə ˈnʌtˌʃɛl, aɪ æm ˈtaɪərd.
Using a few words as possible. nutshell, I am tired.
To officially take private property Custom agents confiscated her
away from someone, usually by bags.
legal authority.
Check in
The area at an airport where you After check-in, please proceed to
show your ticket so that you can gate 26.
be told where you will be sitting.

Vocabulary about Unit 6- Lesson 2

Word Example Translation (IPA)

A lack of thought about how your I almost lose my internship aɪ ˈɔlˌmoʊst luz maɪ ˈɪntərnˌʃɪp bɪˈkɔz ʌv hɪz ˈθɔtləsnəs.
actions or words may upset because of his thoughtlessness.

Counter If I hadn’t been talking on the ɪf aɪ ˈhædənt bɪn ˈtɔkɪŋ ɑn ðə ˈsɛlfoʊn, aɪ wʊd hæv faʊnd
A long, flat, narrow surface or cellphone, I would have found my maɪ ˈwɔlət ɪn ðə bæŋks ˈkaʊntər.
table in a shop, bank, restaurant, wallet in the bank’s counter.
etc. at which people are served.
No sweat
You mean that it will not be If it weren’t for her help today, ɪf ɪt ˈwɜrənt fɔr hɜr hɛlp təˈdeɪ, jʊər ˈfaɪnəl rɪˈpɔrt wʊd
difficult or cause problems. your final report would have been hæv bɪn rɪˈʤɛktɪd, soʊ noʊ swɛt!
rejected, so no sweat!
(Don’t) Freak out
To become very angry or lose If my parents had realized that I ɪf maɪ ˈpɛrənts hæd ˈriəˌlaɪzd ðæt aɪ gɑt ə nu tæˈtu wɛn
control of one’s mind because of got a new tattoo when I was 15, aɪ wʌz 15, ðeɪ wʊd hæv frikt aʊt.
someone or something that has they would have freaked out.

Vocabulary about Unit 4 – Lesson 3

Word Example Translation (IPA)

Keep up with
To do whatever is necessary to He started to walk faster and the
stay level or equal with someone children had to run to keep up.
or something.

Lull /lʌl/
To cause someone to feel calm
or to feel that they want to sleep / The guard was lulled into a false
To cause to relax vigilance. sense of security (= made
us feel safe, when in fact we
Lull sb into sth were not).
To make someone feel safe in
order to trick them.

Downside The downside of living here, of

A disadvantage of a situation. course, is that it is expensive.

To make a mistake or false step. He tripped and fell down.
To attempt to deceive someone Last month a journalisth was
by pretending that you are impersonated by a scammer.
another person.

Scam When we moved to the new city,

To trick someone into giving you they scammed us.
money, usually in an ilegal way.

Beware Beware salespeople who

Used to warn someone to be very promise offers that seem too
careful about something or good to be true.

The process of changing The records were stored using
electronic information or signals protective encryption.
into a secret code that people
cannot understand or use without
special equipment.
To put things such as words or I scrambled all my passwords
letters in the wrong order so that yesterday.
they do not make sense.

A public place where you can use There are wi-fi hotspots in all our
a computer, mobile phone, etc. cafés.
with wi-fi.

To see, recognize, or understand I could just discern a figure in the
something that is not clear. darkness.

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