CH 5 Financial Forwards and Futures

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Chapter 5 Financial Forwards and Futures

Financial Forwards and Futures

• In this chapter we continue to explore these contracts and study

in detail forward and futures contracts on financial instruments,
such as stocks, indexes, currencies, and interest rates.
• Our objectives are to understand more about the use of these
contracts, how they are priced, and how market-makers hedge
• Questions to keep in mind throughout the chapter include: Who
might buy or sell specific contracts? What kinds of firms might
use the contract for risk management? Why is the contract
designed as it is?

• The purchase of a share of XYZ stock has three components:

(1) fixing the price
(2) the buyer making payment to the seller
(3) the seller transferring share ownership to the buyer.
• If we allow for the possibility that payment and physical receipt
can occur at different times, there are four logically possible
purchasing arrangements:
- payment can occur at time 0 or T
- physical receipt can occur at time 0 or T

• Four different payment and receipt timing combinations

- Outright purchase: ordinary transaction
- Fully leveraged purchase: investor borrows the full amount
- Prepaid forward contract: pay today, receive the share later
- Forward contract: agree on price now, pay/receive later
Continuously Compounded Interest Rate

• Continuously compounded interest rate r

• Denote effective annual rate R
• If you borrow 1 for 1 year, you repay er or 1 + R
• If you borrow 1 for time T, you repay erT

FV = PVerT = PV (1 + R)T
• To discount future value and compute the present value

PV = FVe−rT =
(1 + R)T

• If we know the price for the prepaid forward, then we can

calculate the price for a forward contract

• Prepaid forward contract: entails paying today to receive

stocks in the future.
• The sale of a prepaid forward contract permits the owner to sell
an asset while retaining physical possession for a period of time.
• How to price the prepaid forward?
• Assume no dividends for now
Pricing the Prepaid Forward by Analogy

• In the absence of dividends, the timing of delivery is irrelevant

1. Outright purchase: you get the stock at time 0
2. Prepaid forward: you get the stock at time T
- In either case you own the stock at time T
- it will be exactly as if you had owned the stock the whole time
• Price of the prepaid forward contract same as current stock price
P , stock
• Denote the price of prepaid forward from time 0 to T F0,T
price S0
F0,T = S0

no time value? forward no cost?

Pricing the Prepaid Forward by Arbitrage

• Classical arbitrage
- we can generate a positive cash flow either today or in the future
by simultaneously buying and selling related assets
- no net investment of funds
- no risk
• Arbitrage, in other words, is free money.
• An important pricing principle is that the price of a derivative
should be such that no arbitrage is possible
- Otherwise, someone will do it and keep doing it
- They “arbitrage away” the gap
Pricing the Prepaid Forward by Arbitrage
P =S .
• We just showed F0,T 0
P >S .
• If F0,T 0
• Can we arbitrage?
- buy low and sell high
• Which one is low? S0 . buy stock
P . sell prepaid forward
• Which one is high? F0,T

• We have earned positive profits today and offset all future risk.
Pricing the Prepaid Forward by Arbitrage
P <S .
• If F0,T 0
P . buy prepaid forward
• Which one is low? F0,T
• Which one is high? S0 . short stock
P and offset all future
• We have earned positive profits S0 − F0,T
• Arbitrage profits are traded away quickly and cannot persist
- Many people buy F0,T , F0,T will increase
- Many people short S0 , S0 will decrease
- Unitil F0,T = S0 arbitrage stops
• At equilibrium we expect

F0,T = S0
Pricing the Prepaid Forward by Arbitrage

• Throughout the course we will assume that prices are at levels

that preclude arbitrage.
• In reality, arbitrage happens from time to time
- many market makers and proprietary trading firms
• Prices are “corrected” to be the equilibrium theoretical price
• If you see the price different from the theoretical price
- the theory could be wrong
- there are practical considerations: transaction cost, taxes,
expertise, market access
- you could go ahead and arbitrage
Pricing Prepaid Forwards with Dividends

• What if there are dividends?

- the dividends are paid to the owner
• The owner of stock receives dividends
• But the owner of a prepaid forward contract does not
• So pricing by analogy breaks down
- direct purchase is better than prepaid forward because of the

F0,T = S0 − PV (dividends between t = 0 and t = T )
Discrete Dividends
• For discrete dividends
• Dti at times ti , i = 1,. . . ., n

F0,T = S0 − PV0,ti (Dti )

Example. (5.1) Suppose XYZ stock costs $100 today and is

expected to pay a $1.25 quarterly dividend, with the first coming 3
months from today and the last just prior to the delivery of the stock.
Suppose the annual continuously compounded risk-free rate is 10%.
• The quarterly continuously compounded rate is therefore 2.5%.
F0,T = 100 − 1.25e−0.025i = 95.3

= 100 − 1.25e−0.025 − 1.25e−0.05 − 1.25e−0.075 − 1.25e−0.1

Continuous Dividends

• Stocks usually pay dividends every quarter/year

• For stock indexes containing many stocks, it is common to model
the dividend as being paid continuously
- different constitutes pay dividends at different date
• Dividend yield: the annualized dividend payment divided by the
stock price.
- compare this to bond yield
Continuous Dividends

• To model a continuous dividend, suppose that the index price is

S0 and the annualized daily compounded dividend yield is δ.
- We assume the dividend yield is constant. This is an
• Then the dollar dividend over 1 day is δ
365 × S0
• We get the dividend everyday and should do something with it.
Now suppose that we reinvest dividends in the index. After 1
day, we will have more shares 1 + δ/365
• After 1 year, the number of share (1 + δ/365)365 ≈ eδ
• After T year, the number of share (1 + δ/365)365T ≈ eδT
- similar to continuously compounded interest
Continuous Dividends
• With continuous dividends
• You buy 1 share today and get eδT shares at time T
• To get 1 share at time T, you just need to buy fewer than 1 share
• You buy e−δT share today and get 1 shares at time T
- Adjusting the initial quantity in this way in order to offset the effect
of income from the asset is called tailing the position
• How to price prepaid forward
• An investment of e−δT , after reinvestment of dividends, gives us
one share at time T
• The analogy: prepaid forward should have the same price as
e−δT share of stock
F0,T = S0 e−δT
Continuous Dividends

Example. (5.2) Suppose that the index is $125 and the annualized
daily compounded dividend yield is 3%.
• The daily dollar dividend is (0.03/365) × 125 = 0.01027
• If we start by holding one unit of the index, at the end of 1 year
we will have e0.03 = 1.030455 unit
• If we wish to end the year holding one share, we must invest in
e−0.03 = 0.970446
• The prepaid forward price is
125e−0.03 = 121.306
• If we know the prepaid forward price, we can compute the
forward price.
• The difference between a prepaid forward contract and a forward
contract is the timing of the payment for the stock
• The forward price F0,T is just the future value of the prepaid
forward price F0,T
F0,T = FV (F0,T )
• This formula holds for any kind of dividend payment.
• For continuous dividend,

F0,T = FV (S0 e−δT ) = erT S0 e−δT

= S0 e(r −δ)T

• Forward price depends on the current stock price, interest rate,

and dividend yield

• The forward price is generally different from the spot price.

- could be smaller or larger
• The forward premium: the ratio of the forward price to the spot
forward premium = = e(r −δ)T
• Annualized forward premium r − δ
Does the forward price predict the future price?

• According the formula

F0,T = S0 e(r −δ)T

• the forward price conveys no additional information beyond what

S0 , r, and d provides
Does the forward price predict the future price?

• What should be the future expected stock price?

• Denote α the expected stock return
• Remind yourself of stock valuation. If we use CAPM

α − r = β(rm − r )
• α − r is the risk premium
• E0 (ST ) is the expectation at time 0 of the stock price at time T

E0 (ST ) = S0 e(α−δ)T

expect what should be future stock price

Does the forward price predict the future price?

• The forward price is NOT the expected future stock price

F0,T = S0 e(r −δ)T = S0 e(−(α−r )+(α−δ))T = E0 (ST )e−(α−r )T

• The forward price is the expected future spot price, discounted

at the risk premium.
- It underestimates the future stock price

Time Value of Money and Risk Premium

r is risk free
• When you buy a bond, you expect to earn interest as
compensation for the time value of money. r .
• When you buy a stock, you expect to earn interest as
compensation for the time value of money. r .
• You also expect an additional return as compensation for the risk
of the stock—this is the risk premium. α − r .
• When you buy a forward, there is no investment; hence, you are
not compensated for the time value of money.
• However, the forward contract retains the risk of the stock, so
you must be compensated for risk.
Time Value of Money and Risk Premium

Example. Suppose that a stock index is 100. It has an expected

return of 15%, while the risk-free rate is 5%. Risk premium is 10%.
No dividend.
• The 1 year forward is 105.
• If you have 100 and want to get the time value of money, buy the
risk-free bond and get 105.
• If you have 100 and want both time value of money and risk
premium, buy the stock and get 115 in expectation.
- Of course, you could lose money.
• If you do not have money, you can still earn the risk premium by
buying a forward. Your payoff is 10 in expectation.
Creating a Synthetic Forward Contract
• We can replicate a forward
• Payoff of a forward at expiration is ST −F0,T
• We buy a tailed stock position S0 e−δT . This gives us 1 share
and future payoff of ST
• We borrow S0 e−δT . This gives us future payoff of
−S0 e(r −δ)T = −F0,T .
• This transaction has the same cash flow at time 0 and time T as
a forward
• This is called a synthetic forward:
Creating a Synthetic Forward Contract

• We have just shown

- Forward = Stock − zero-coupon bond
• Rearrange and we get
- Stock = Forward + zero-coupon bond
- Zero-coupon bond = Stock − forward
Creating a Synthetic Forward Contract

• Creating a synthetic stock

• Stock = Forward + zero-coupon bond
• Go long a forward contract and lend the present value of the
forward price
Creating a Synthetic Forward Contract

• Creating a synthetic stock

• Comparing a Forward and Outright Purchase in Ch 2
Creating a Synthetic Forward Contract

• Creating a synthetic bond

• Zero-coupon bond = Stock − forward
• We buy the stock and short the forward
Creating a Synthetic Forward Contract

• Be familiar with these relationships

• If you forget, draw payoff diagrams
Synthetic Forwards in Market-Making and Arbitrage

• Someone want to buy a forward for some reason

• The market maker, as the counterparty, is left holding a short
forward position
• Now let’s think from the perspective of a market maker
• A market-maker must be able to offset the risk of a forward
• It is possible to do this by creating a synthetic forward contract to
offset a position in the actual forward contract.
Synthetic Forwards in Market-Making and Arbitrage

• Forward = Stock − zero-coupon bond

• − Forward + Stock − zero-coupon bond = 0
• cash-and-carry : buy the underlying asset and short the
offsetting forward contract
Synthetic Forwards in Market-Making and Arbitrage

• If the client wants to short a forward, you can do the opposite

• Forward − Stock + zero-coupon bond = 0
• reverse cash-and-carry : short-sell the underlying asset and
long the offsetting forward contract
No-Arbitrage Bounds with Transaction Costs

• We show arbitrage makes the actual price close to the

theoretical price
• We just ignore things that make arbitrage harder
- trading fees
- bid-ask spreads
- different interest rates for borrowing and lending
- the possibility that buying or selling in large quantities will cause
prices to change.
• Rather than there being a single no-arbitrage price, there will be
a no-arbitrage bound:
- a lower price F − and an upper price F + such that arbitrage will
not be profitable when the forward price is between these bounds.
No-Arbitrage Bounds with Transaction Costs

• No dividends and no time T transaction costs for simplicity

• Bid-ask spreads: for stock S b < S < S a , and for forward
Fb < F < Fa
• Cost k of transacting stock and forward
• Interest rate for borrowing and lending are r b > r > r l
• We believe forward price is too high
No-Arbitrage Bounds with Transaction Costs

• We believe forward price is too high

• We sell the forward and borrow to buy the stock
- pay the transaction cost k to short the forward
- pay S0a + k to acquire one share of stock
- Borrow S0a + 2k .
- At time T , the payoff is −(S0a + 2k )er T + F0,T
− ST + ST .
- the arbitrage profit is positive if F b > (S a0 + 2k )er T
≡ F+
• Even if SerT < F b < F + , we could not arbitrage
- Without costs, we could arbitrage as long as SerT < F
No-Arbitrage Bounds with Transaction Costs

• We believe forward price is too low

• We buy the forward and lend and short the stock
- pay the transaction cost k to buy the forward
- get S0b − k from shorting the stock
- lend S0b − 2k .
- At time T , the payoff is (S b0 − 2k )er T + S T − F0,T
− ST .
- the arbitrage profit is positive if F a < (S b0 − 2k )er T ≡ F −
• F − < SerT < F +
- If the price is between F − and F + , we cannot arbitrage
No-Arbitrage Bounds with Transaction Costs
• Other considerations
- significant amounts of trading can move prices, so that what
appears to be an arbitrage may vanish if prices change
- execution risk. If trades do not occur instantaneously, the
arbitrage can vanish before the trades are completed.
• It is likely that the no-arbitrage region will be different for different
- A large investment bank sees stock order flow from a variety of
sources and may have inventory of either long or short positions
in stocks
- The bank may be able to buy or sell shares at low cost by serving
as market-maker for a customer order
- It may be inexpensive for a bank to short if it already owns the
- It may be inexpensive buy if the bank already has a short position.
- Borrowing and lending rates can also vary
No-Arbitrage Bounds with Transaction Costs

• Arbitrage may be difficult, risky, and costly.

• Large deviations from the theoretical price may be arbitraged
• But small deviations may or may not represent genuine arbitrage

• Futures contracts are essentially exchange-traded forward

- The information are public.
- Futures trading hours are longer than stock trading hours.
Futures prices are informative when the stock market is closed.
• Because futures are exchange-traded, they are standardized
and have specified delivery dates, locations, and procedures.
• Each exchange has an associated clearinghouse
- Matches buy and sell orders
- Keeps track of members’ obligations and payments
- After matching the trades, becomes counterparty
Futures Prices

• Consider the difference between a bond and a loan(lending)

- You lend some money for 1 year. You will get them back in 1 year.
Nothing happens in between.
- You buy a 1-year bond. If you hold it for 1 year, it is the same as
the loan. Or you can sell the bond in between. The price changes
over the year.
• Forwards
- we only consider time 0 and time T
• Futures
- we need to think about the time in between
Futures Prices
• We buy a forward at time 0 that expires at time T

F0,T = S0 e(r −δ)T

• At time 1, the forward price is

forward price will change
F1,T = S1 e(r −δ)(T −1)

- the stock price S1 changes, the time to expiration decreases by 1

- r , δ might change, but we assume they do not
• At time 2, the forward price is

F2,T = S2 e(r −δ)(T −2)

• At time T, the forward price is

FT ,T = ST e(r −δ)(T −T ) = ST
Futures Prices
Example. We buy a gold miner stock futures at time 0 that expires at
time T. S0 = 100. Assume r = δ for simplicity. At time 1, the company
finds a new gold mine. The stock price S1 = 1000.

F0,T = S0 = 100

F1,T = S1 = 1000

• What’s the value of your position?

• You can sell the futures at time 1. You payoff at time T is

(ST − F0,T ) + (F1,T − ST ) = F1,T − F0,T = 900

• You can get the money PV (900) and walk away.

• This is marking-to-market.
Futures Prices
Example. We buy a restaurant stock futures at time 0 that expires at
time T. S0 = 100. Assume r = δ for simplicity. At time 1, virus starts.
The stock price S1 = 10.

F0,T = S0 = 100

F1,T = S1 = 10

• What’s the value of your position?

• You can sell the futures at time 1. You payoff at time T is

(ST − F0,T ) + (F1,T − ST ) = F1,T − F0,T = −90

• You loss money PV (−90).

• This is marking-to-market.
Futures vs Forwards
• Whereas forward contracts are settled at expiration, futures
contracts are settled daily.
- The determination of who owes what to whom is called
- Frequent marking-to-market and settlement of a futures contract
can lead to pricing differences between the futures and an
otherwise identical forward.
• As a result of daily settlement, futures contracts are liquid
- it is possible to offset an obligation on a given date by entering
into the opposite position.
- For example, if you are long the September S&P 500 futures
contract, you can cancel your obligation to buy by entering into an
offsetting obligation to sell the September S&P 500 contract. If
you use the same broker to buy and to sell, your obligation is
officially cancelled
Futures vs Forwards
• Over-the-counter forward contracts can be customized to suit
the buyer or seller, whereas futures contracts are standardized.
• Because of daily settlement, the nature of credit risk is different
with the futures contract. In fact, futures contracts are structured
so as to minimize the effects of credit risk.
• There are typically daily price limits in futures markets (and on
some stock exchanges as well). A price limit is a move in the
futures price that triggers a temporary halt in trading. For
example, there is an initial 5% limit on down moves in the S&P
500 futures contract. An offer to sell exceeding this limit can
trigger a temporary trading halt, after which time a 10% price
limit is in effect. If that is exceeded, there are subsequent 15%
and 20% limits. The rules can be complicated, but it is important
to be aware that such rules exist.
The S&P 500 Futures Contract

• The S&P 500 is an example of a cash-settled contract: the

contract calls for a cash payment that equals the profit or loss as
if the contract were settled by delivery of the underlying asset.
• A physical settlement process would call for delivery of 500
shares in the precise percentage they make up the S&P 500
index. This basket of stocks would be expensive to buy and sell.
Cash settlement is an inexpensive alternative.
Margins and Marking to Market

• Suppose the futures price is 1100 and you wish to acquire a

$2.2 million position in the S&P 500 index.
• Notional value of one contract $250 x 1100 = 275,000.
• You enter into 8 long contracts that totals 2.2 million
Margins and Marking to Market
• Margin: both buyers and sellers are required to post a
performance bond with the broker to ensure that they can cover
a specified loss on the position.
• Suppose that margin is 10% of the notional value. The margin is
• Futures price drops to 1027.99 (6.5%) in a week
• Mark to market
- if we close the position, we short 8 contracts and get $2000 x
- therefore, we lost 2000 x 72.01 = 144,020
• Our margin is 220, 000e0.06/52 −144, 020 = 76, 233.99
- Our margin drops by 76, 233.99/220, 000 = 65%.
- 10 times leverage.
Margins and Marking to Market
• The exchange has significantly less protection should we default.
• Margin call: we are required to maintain the margin at a
minimum level
• Maintenance margin: often set at 70% to 80% of the initial
margin level
t =0 t =1
price P0 P1 = (1 + x)P0
gain/loss xP0
margin 10%P0 (10% + x)P0
initial margin 10%P0
maintainance margin 7%(1 + x)P0
• If magin< maintainance margin, we get a margin call
• (10% + x)P0 < 7%(1 + x)P0 , x < −3.09%
• If we close the position, we walk away with the remaining margin
Margins and Marking to Market
Comparing Futures and Forward Prices

• Forward and futures prices are very similar

• They differ sometimes because interest is earned on the
mark-to-market proceeds in futures but not in forwards
Arbitrage in Practice: S&P 500 Index Arbitrage

• We determine the theoretical price of an S&P 500 futures

• We need three inputs: (1) the value of the cash index (S0 ), (2)
the value of dividends (δ), and (3) the interest rate (r).
• On December 16, 2010, the closing S&P 500 index price was
• S&P 500 futures contracts expiring in March 2011 and June
2011 had closing prices of 1238.50 and 1233.60.
• The dividend yield on the S&P 500 in mid-December was about
Arbitrage in Practice: S&P 500 Index Arbitrage

• What interest rate is appropriate?

• Two interest rates that we can easily observe are the yield on
U.S. Treasury bills and the London Interbank Offer Rate
(LIBOR), which is a borrowing rate for large financial institutions.
• LIBOR yields are greater than Treasury yields for two reasons.
- Banks have greater default risk than the government and thus the
interest rate on their deposits is greater.
- Treasury securities are more liquid—they are easier to buy and
sell—and consequently their price is greater (their yield is lower).
- The appropriate rate is therefore greater than the T-bill rate and
likely lower than LIBOR.
Arbitrage in Practice: S&P 500 Index Arbitrage

• Our theoretical formula works fairly well

- Future dividends on the S&P 500 stocks are uncertain
- There are transaction costs of arbitrage
Arbitrage in Practice: HSI Index

• Hang Seng Index

Arbitrage in Practice: HSI Index

• Interest rate Link

- The interest rate is different for different horizons
- Let’s use 1 month. We will talk about this in Chapter 8.

• Dividend yield Link

- 3.83%
Arbitrage in Practice: HSI Index
• Let’s compute the theoretical prices and compare them with the
actual price
• r < δ, so futures is smaller than spot. The price decreases with
Arbitrage in Practice: HSI Index

• The margin, look for the margin table Link

• maigin/notional = 125,352/23,853/50 = 11%
Quanto Index Contracts

• A dollar-based investor wishing to invest in the Nikkei 225 cash

- changing dollars to yen
- using yen to buy the index
- selling the index
- converting yen back to dollars
• There are two sources of risk in this transaction: the risk of the
index, denominated in yen, and the risk that the yen/dollar
exchange rate will change
Quanto Index Contracts

• Settlement of the contract is in a different currency (dollars) than

the currency of denomination for the index (yen).
• The contract insulates investors from currency risk, permitting
them to speculate solely on whether the index rises or falls. This
kind of contract is called a quanto.
• Quanto contracts allow investors in one country to invest in a
different country without exchange rate risk.
5.5 USES OF INDEX FUTURES: Asset Allocation

• Switching from Stocks to T-bills

• Suppose that we have an investment in the S&P 500 index and
we wish to temporarily invest in T-bills instead of the index.
• Instead of selling all 500 stocks and investing in T-bills, we can
simply keep our stock portfolio and take a short forward position
in the S&P 500 index
• This creates a synthetic T-bill
• When we wish to revert to investing in stocks, we simply offset
the forward position

• Widely used to hedge against changes in exchange rates

• Exporters and asset mangers want to hedge
Currency Prepaid Forward

• Suppose that 1 year from today you want to have ¥1.

• A prepaid forward allows you to pay dollars today to acquire ¥1
in 1 year.
• What is the prepaid forward price?
• Suppose the yen-denominated interest rate is ry and the
exchange rate today ($/¥) is x0 .
• We can work backward.
• If we want ¥1 in 1 year, we must have e−ry in yen today.
• To obtain that many yen today, we must exchange x0 e−ry dollars
into yen.
F0,T = x0 e−ry T
Currency Forward

• The prepaid forward price is the dollar cost of obtaining 1 yen in

the future.
• The forward price is the future value using the
dollar-denominated interest rate r:
F0,T = F0,T erT = x0 e(r −ry )T

• The idea is the same as stock

F0,T = S0 e(r −δ)T

- The stock price S0 , the yen price x0 .

- Be careful! Exchange rates can be denominated in both ways. x0 :
how much dollar do you need to buy 1 yen.
- The stock dividend δ, the yen interest ry
Currency Forward

Example. (5.4, 5.5) Suppose that the yen-denominated interest rate

is 2%, the dollar-denominated rate is 6%, and that the current
exchange rate is 0.009 dollars per yen. The 1-year prepaid forward
rate is

0.009e−0.02 = 0.008822

The 1-year forward rate is

0.009e0.06−0.02 = 0.009367
Covered Interest Arbitrage

• Synthetic currency forward: borrowing in one currency and

lending in another creates the same cash flow as a forward
• To have 1 yen in 1 year, we need to invest x0 e−ry T in dollars
• We obtain this amount by borrowing. The required dollar
repayment is x0 e(r −ry )T
• At time 0, no cash flow
• At time T, we have 1 yen at the dollar price x0 e(r −ry )T
• This is the same as the forward exchange rate
Currency Forward

• If the forward price is different from the synthetic forward price,

we can arbitrage
• Suppose the forward price is 0.01, how to arbitrage?
- buy low: buy a synthetic forward
- sell high: sell a forward

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