GEC 104 - Week5 - RoncalA

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Andrei G.

1BSA – 2

Mathematics in the Modern World

Activity M1

Part 1. TWEET IT. After learning something about the lesson, tweet the things you had

difficulties. This will also practice your awareness on social media. (Abide the rules in the

application – Twitter. Example of this is the limitation of 150 characters. You can attach

the screen shot of your posts.) Tweet with the #MathematicalLanguage

Part 2. BRAIN WRITING. Write down your thoughts on how you understood the lessons

that ignored your view of Math problems. You can make a combination of short essay,

bullet format or combination of it to express your answer.

At first, I don't really like solving math problems because reading is not my thing. I

prefer solving algebras or equation, not math problems involving sentences. But during the

discussion about the topic, I slowly getting the hang of solving math problems. I also learned

that it is very beneficial. Problem-solving has a special importance in the study of

mathematics. The main goal in teaching mathematical problem-solving is for the students

to develop a generic ability in solving real-life problems and to apply mathematics in real

life situations. Learning facts and contents in mathematics are important but these are not

enough. Students should learn how to use these facts to develop their thinking skills in

solving problems. Mathematical problem-solving may help students to improve and develop

the standard ability to solve real-life problems, to develop critical thinking skills and

reasoning, to gain deep understanding of concepts and to work in groups, cooperate with

and interact with each other. Specifically, it may also improve eagerness of an individual to

try to analyze mathematical problems and to improve their determination and self-concepts

with respect to the abilities to solve problems.

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