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pel programming {BBA (CA): Som. VI} 2.29 ° Activity, Intent and Layout ndroidiide"@rid/txtPassword” indroid:inputTypes"textPassword"/> ptableRow> ‘rableROW? qrextview /> checkBox. android: id="@+4d/chkRemenberPassword” jndroid: 1ayout_width="#411_parent™ android: Layout_height="wrap_content” android: text="RememberPassword"/> «/TableRow> cTableRow> res > I layout > activity_main.xml and add the below code to that file. Below is the code for the activity_main.xml file. Gaeik Kamil Khan Fig. 2.23: Constraint Layout Android Programming [BBA (CA) : Sem. VI] 234 ‘Activity Intent and Layou, FrameLayout . The FrameLayout layout is a placeholder on screen that you can use to display a single view. Views that you add to a FrameLayout are always anchored to the top left of the layout. ean + Consider the following content in main.xml: <2xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> canageview android: “@mipmap/butterfly" android: layout_width=" android: Layout_height= e/FrameLayout> rap_content" wrap_content"/> «/relativeLayout> Here, you have a FrameLayout within a RelativeLa ithi: ; yout. Within the FrameLayout, you embed an ImageView. The Ulis shown in Fig. 2.25. you Fig, 2.25: FrameLayout within RelativeLayout If you add another view (such as a Button view) within the FrameLayout, the view overlaps the previous view (See Fig. 3.26) “wrap_content" ayout_height=' android:text="Hello, Android!” android: layout_alignParentTop="true" "wrap_content™ ivity, Intent periraid Programming [BBA (CA) : Sem. VO} 2.36 Activity, Intent and Lay, leyout_glignParentStart="true"/> yout rap_content" slayout_width= ‘wrep_content” :leyout_elignStert="@+id/1b1Comments” : layout_below="@+id/1b1Comments" layout_centerHorizontal="true"> layout, android: src="@nipmap/butterfly” android: leyout_width="wrap_content” android: leyout_height="wrap_content"/> layout_width="124dp" android: leyout_height="wrap_content” android:text="PrintPictur | | | | A Fi Fig. 2.26: Overlappin, , ig Of FrameLay EEX] scrotview oat 4 i Space than tj Linearlayout ild view or Views; he physical display. The + In Scrottyi, Toup, which normally is # lew a pri + ld view, group that contains one other niold Programming [BBA (CA): Sem, vi a 2.37 Activity, Intent and Layout Scroll up to see bottorn view. is visible, i viible it you roll ony more, Fig. 2.27: absoluteLayout in Android + The following main.xml content she which is contains some Button and E

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