RTIT Assignment.1

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i ailen re is has. linning to_mare = doonaeciee -kBs can ea ey = a $Sel F-Learing} wies af kas é 2S. information. SA UEN in Aicidee litters for, oe - | Salue sacial_problems. ina ‘eller way the ———_-compuled sbased_information.sysiems— tha ffers.-significant soll \coare Produ: clivily ———-_improuement ee 5. Significaal reduces The tos) 2. lime to— St TSaualaccommpuletinedt eras a ie 29) berine ole igead sys} macs = => flovin belli entd-aystem_ cahich_ isa. ~Syno othe narod Ar,.stadies. aot ___&. machines_thal_perform_aulomalion of a nelle defined task using! siolsical¢. machine ___leauning_algorithiums_based_on_telated —_ somalia knéadledt So ee tems_have— emerged_in_ Leia Math alion chaslagy: as.a_ type of systen derived from successful applications of ——arlificial_intelligence: pe _____ Ain intelligent system _i s_a_machine_caith._ an _embedded, tnleinel ~connecked_cony outer lo gather ¢ nate —=pela_$_eommusicote edith. ofher. -syslens. 3 Gblity the slale. Spates ie) a iderms_of Slales 4 operatars thal. — Aates. AW slale space consists of : A_tepresentalian_of the slales Leystem can be ine fdr ex sina: "hace psi bear diepresents. dhe cu en} Te A.selof operators. thal can change one Sot slate indo another slate wna. boar d_gome, dhe operators «cue She legal moves from A.4y—Qi io Moke. oe Sahel J An _initiol shobec: ve ee Te Asel-of final-slates s some of these may eae oe {ise offen_tepiesented implicitly bu a _piogram thal delects PEM PTR és ae eal z iooride a Short ooderan.p Pisduclion system ah a) These. System.csas-proposed by Email — Past in 1943 eshich is also knows os inferential systems, Rul e-Based systems, 1_Simply_producticn.system- wep Ns educlion systems consisis of ____ dof riles cohich are defined by the Jerk ide right ade . System. Thal letl side “| conlains as ings_o catch Sor-frondilion)_ Te dhe tight side conlains the things to do (aclion). i Ohne _ai-more_k edge dalabase Tol con fae SRT! for Lhe given -prablem___. : ee J ee ne | one Se A ee i kagne Tn. ea “igi a ic eecblculbee saith a ——}shialegy: applies the wiles. Fie _siile E: plain. Uaicus problem. choacleishes — Se Adee ie ee eh is ee = _aal A_problem_may have differen! aa —sulef tepresentali oe ae We me doar chet istics th | Lats the problem. Aesrdompass b —-A_uey_large - compasite prablem_can_be_ bisa petaivestues ici cor th be broken inJo smaller ee blems 2 tecursion scald be Used) ba ‘ca onthe salilion sleps he ignored —— _or_un.dene- = @de_can-conuer Those_problern. inlo AT [eohich= may have the ability Lo ignonis Ee neers pate th aie iol ee £ i roperction £ mela ts the pto hlém.phiieranlly pred clable 2 eile Thase_prablem co e-can_converd_ into the AL cahich_proui des the cerlain aulcome cabich, is! globally..acceplable the: corldin:. f pioblems _ provide -guménted:. oe Ao | le specifi moult: pS. ine ! 3 ts he Solution. te , Lethe AI systenm_mayappli cable. ashenever. Ak —<— ant pis lifer jug ee vg ge caith coo fa ; i. cf : eS Bena) Peal Giorgi ——_— Slep.3 Se lah aati me aie = u ees {Trlbagaie ales up al cake SS : papi owe else ke eal fs vale Rea SST 1 — fig - ei nt ae i hte} z i‘ gléps't) Pow: auditor se Sled. ag. into. A like: Jug e peas eee all ie a= Bo kN gon oe candles ala Gang ae t ler jug include act S fable ighte-2 ler sealer oe fohal 1 is “blind Sah deskniqae eae Ltt : rch gl_algostthum > ___ of—algaiitbum, Huis tollae— oe fel cs Search: hee \h firg|-Sear ae ee Deplh= tire] fe (nis) his th eeaich, Pe era aoa wait a aa oa inded Jo athe = eee ——+-Tixed_by imposing a boundary ot_a_tim ~ jhe Kes doniertye — Pale Gmiot sooth; mbihadica-aimnal equal to Depth fire) Search. is reat on. eoil)_| iL be found bs tatinile time Acer phe d ieee Cae gee ee ea nd Hi : does no! 25 inthe a Lie Bhlhabis legis corch fechnique.F eee cae wit shordly plain abe ~rileuishe seach lechnjque i thaw. cic the— Te uae aoe olution, cae sale sdlulia ecg) Gok hen a boiy ~,accarding..lo some. specific consliaink.. 8x. Clyplardhmelic. problem, “iz Conshaini. Salistaclion.is a lcoa-s wt. ¢onshicints.core.discovered. & pispagaled [Tixplain MEA. CPleans tnd Onalysis)— State dhal_is_closer lo 1 [Dike a. shorl_noke.onconshaial. sali‘sSicalion =H Conshaind..galis tacllan. isa problem, {Solving_.melhod. cahichis.applicable o_o. Watielyof problem. “There..are..many...problern.. i0.ATin_cahichargoal slates nel specified tia Ahe problem ih srequires lo be.discouvered = Conshiaini salisfaclion. piocess. operates: in ..Spare..of conshain gels. -Aigeal. slabe-is.dny slabe thal has been —conShiained..enough... : Yep: places ~OSiforooSupessiblent toe ie Indhereisslill po sol® then: search. begins. ailh adding nec .conslrainls p The. purpose of Means tnd Analysis is Hacidenl ifgaprocedue, thal couses qi. Aransition from he cument slale loa. gool-slale_or..at. leas! 1o_an_intermediale he-goal slate b Meanaend Analysis.15 a technique LBed_4o! Solue. problems.in. AL which. car: ines. Torcdard_ & backeord shategies 1o..Solue complex..problems..,Using.. hese. i-Mixed. shalegies,..complex problems_ ean. Po SisSb, Solowed by..dmaller once yStem evalu sg _the — een \he cuuen\ eo Alta laciee aa Tages tte Hits end Goal ie ae End | [sub] [sub cub] | Aclion Goall_|Goals | | Goals i iGoal HoH Aclion . eax haat Helen I if a1 + Aclion Ti Geas FH Aclion I =

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