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At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
 Identify fiction and nonfiction story
 Demonstrate the difference of fiction and nonfiction story;
 Write a fiction and nonfiction story.


Topic: Write a short story (fiction/nonfiction) with its complete elements
Materials: Manila Paper, Cartolina, Marker, Chalk, PPT, Videos
Values Integration: Neatness, Cooperation, and Appreciation
A. Routine Activities
1. Prayer
a. The teacher will pray.
b. The students will listen and pray.
2. Greetings
a. The teacher will greet the students.
b. The students will greet the teacher.
3. Energizer
a. The teacher will play
b. The students will do what the teacher instructed
4. Classroom Management
a. The teacher will ask the pupils to pick up the trash under their
b. The Students Will do what the teacher instructed.
5. Checking of Attendance
a. The teacher will check the attendance of the pupils
b. The student will raise their hands if they are called and say present
6. Review
a. The teacher will ask the students about what they tackled last week.
b. The pupils will answer the teacher

B. Preparatory Activities

1. Motivation
a. The teacher will present pictures.
b. The students will share
their thoughts about
the pictures presented.
C. Lesson Proper

1. Presentation of the Lesson

a. The students will read a story.

“The Magic Tree”

A long, long time ago a little boy was walking through a park. In the middle of the
park there was a tree with a sign on it. The sign said "I am a magic tree. Say the magic
words and you will see."

The boy tried to guess the magic words. He tried abracadabra,

supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, tan-ta-ra, and many more... but none of them

Exhausted, he threw himself on the floor, saying: "Please, dear tree!" and suddenly, a
big door opened in the trunk. Inside everything was dark, except for a sign which said
"Carry on with your magic." Then the boy said "Thank you, dear tree!" With this, the
inside of the tree lit up brightly and revealed a pathway leading to a great big pile of
toys and chocolate.

The little boy brought all his friends to the magic tree, and they had the best party
ever. This is why people always say that "please" and "thank you" are the magic

2. Discussion
a. What is a fiction story?
b. What is a nonfiction story?
c. What is the difference between fiction and nonfiction story?

3. Application
A. Group Activity:
Direction: Divide the class into 3 groups.
 Each representative of the group will pick a word from the box.
 Each group will create their own story base on the word they picked.
 The students will present their story in front of the class and will identify if it is
a fiction or nonfiction story.

B. Individual Activity:
Direction: Insert in the venn diagram the difference of a fiction and nonfiction story.

4. Generalization
a. What is a fiction story?
b. What is a nonfiction story?

Direction: Write F if the statement is Fiction and write NF if the statement is Non Fiction.
_____1. Spiders have eight legs
_____2. The dog and pig flew a kite in the sky
_____3. The princess drank the magic potion
_____4. Apples can be red, green or yellow
_____5. The alien from mars came to earth and had dinner at my house.
_____6. A dinosaur live next to me
_____7. I baked cookies with mom
_____8. My brother has a talking toothbrush.
_____9. Summer is a season
_____10. I flew my rocket ship to Mars

Direction: Write a short story 1 fiction and 1 nonfiction

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